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so I know a lot of you can't wait to get started.
What I'd love to do right now is to maybe ask some common questions that prospective students have este n roll.
Okay, Sure.
You guys ready?
So the first question is, what if I don't have enough time for this?
How much time does it actually take?
A week.
It takes if you're gonna do it right, I would say it takes about three hours to 3 to 4.
I repeat videos themselves or just a little bit over an hour, and then you want to go back in after you've done your initial work and really clean up that chapter.
One of the beautiful things about life book is every life book is different because every person is different.
This is an empty system that you fill up with your own content, right?
So an artist is going to make their life book more artistic and more visual, more beautiful.
Where someone who's looked more left brain is gonna look a little bit different.
So it really varies person to person.
But I'd say 3 to 4 hours.
Yeah, and it really depends on how much contemplation time you get yourself and that is the key contemplating your thes questions deeply Contemplating these questions is where you will find the deepest answers.
That's correct inside.
So take a look.
I mean, I would take as much time as you can.
So it's two classes a week.
And how long is each class?
About two hours, about two hours.
And so, like Missy said, the more you put into it, the more you're gonna get out.
All right, so you really want to give it a CZ much as you can.
This is you doing work on you, so you have to tune in twice a week between 90 minutes to two hours each section.
It's like watching two movies.
That's nothing much now for those of you who think you don't have enough time.
Bull Theo, average person alive who uses social media today, and I know that's a lot of you watching.
Spends two hours a day on social media.
Don't tell me you don't have enough time.
That's now.
If you really don't have enough time cause I understand, maybe you just had a baby born or something.
Maybe you're remodeling your house.
Take time away from your work.
Trust me on this 3 to 4 hours a week is roughly happen hour a day.
Take time away from your work.
Ask your boss if you can show up half an hour late for work every day.
What you will find is that this will actually help you increase your productivity because all forms of destruction will disappear.
You will find that within your job, within your career, you will soar.
You will elevate because you are no longer operating from the old rules.
Every single person who joins my company, we have around 300 employees.
We at all costs send them four days into a mountain retreat to do lifeboat.
They're doing the seminar version, but we're taking them away from work for four days because when they come back into the company, they're fully transformed him.
You're gonna experience the same thing 3 to 4 hours a week is nothing relative to the benefits you are about to experience.
So find whatever else from your life you need to sacrifice for these six weeks.
Look, even if it's your gym, sacrifice that for six weeks because what you will find is that light book will teach you how to get a healthier body for life.
And what you'll find is that many of the stuff that you're doing in a gym is actually useless.
It is just unbelievable how much light and wisdom and clarity you will get from this process don't make the mistake of being one of those people who decide to stay locked in a mediocre, boring life because they think they're too busy to invest in themselves.
Don't do that.
I'm really gonna be mad at you because I've seen what this does to people.
So time should never be a question way pretty taken away the money.
Now let's go on to the second big question.
How easy is it to apply for the rebate?
It's super easy to get a rebate.
All you have to do is do the work.
You have to answer the questions in each category.
That's all you need to do.
And the more you can put into it.
Like I said earlier, the more contemplated imagination dream that you could put into it the better.
But you just have to answer in order to get your refund.
You have to answer the four questions in each category.
Gotta finish the program.
And the reason that so important to us is because it's not gonna do you any good for us any good or the world any good if you start this program and don't finish it, so that's what the whole rebate offer is.
And then, if you do, finish the program super simple.
If you want your money back, all you got to do is fill out The form couldn't be easier, and it's for how you finish the program.
It's just the honest system.
If you tell us you did.
You did right.
We trust you with that one at Mine Valley.
We want to make our programs because we believe the quality about programs speak for themselves.
So we make rebates.
Super easy.
Go to mind daddy dot com forward slash refund and all the information is there.
You can literally process your own refund and people do, and that's absolutely fine.
And what happens?
This even the people who get a refund, their lives change.
So if you really can't afford it, give yourself a refund that we want to make sure this gets into the hands of a 1,000,000 people.
And what we care about is that you actually do the work and you change your life.
The next question guys, this.
How do I know if this is for me?
Who is this program?
Actually, for I think it's for anyone that is really wanting to take control of their life.
I mean, we have people in our program right now that are in their eighties, and we've seen many teenagers so and everyone in between.
So it's for anyone that really is interested in taking control of their life.
Or we're just feeling like they, their life is theirs and not belonging to someone else and want to be self directed exactly, or even somebody who's interested in just discovering who they are.
Deeper level expanding their consciousness.
Life book is a super great course to take.
Any time you're in a transition, you're graduating.
You're getting married, you're getting divorced.
Any time you're moving from, you're retiring, moving from one area of your life to the next.
For you really should be thinking down.
What's this next chapter of my life gonna be about, You know, what do we want to create in this next phase of my life.
It's a really good, especially when you're in one of those transitions.
Everything's already torn up anyway, or things are new and you're getting ready to put some new foundations in.
That is a really good time to for some deep thinking, deep contemplation.
And the final question is, how is this different from, say, gold setting programs?
Here are the main things that make life look different.
The first thing is the comprehensive nature of the program.
Most programs look at one or two areas of your life.
Life book looks at every important area of your life.
We look at the whole pie, not just one or two slices, and that's profound because as you're working through those 12 categories, there's this stacking effect that happens where one breakthrough leads to another leads to another.
So that's the first thing, and you also when you do that comprehensive approach, you confined the contradictions that you wouldn't have necessarily seen before.
Like in one category, it might be undermining another category, and those beliefs can really come to the surface.
Those disempowering beliefs come to the surface when you're doing that deep discovery.
Worse, you'll discover amazing things about yourself in this process.
The second thing that makes life book different is how personal it is to you.
This program is an empty system that you fill up with your own stuff.
In other words, the valuable information that comes from the life, of course, comes from you, Not at you like every other personal development program.
This isn't a guru telling you what you should believe or what you think or what you should want.
This is you thinking for yourself inside of an empty system.
So every life book is different because every person is different.
The course is absolutely personalized to you.
The third thing that makes life book different is that there is a tangible deliver ble at the end of this program.
Most seminars you go to most courses you take, you know, you leave with maybe a pad full of notes and some good intentions.
With wife book, you leave with something tangible.
You've just created basically 100 page book about the person you want to become on the life you want to live and you've got it and you can hold in your hands, and it is amazing.
It's your game plan.
It's your business plan.
It's your life vision plan, and then you never stop modifying.
This is a dynamic process.
You'll work on it over time, but you've got your first draft.
It's an incredible thing to have.
And then, lastly, we have a tracking and measurement system, and this is so incredibly important to make sure that you're making measurable progress to your life vision every week, every month and every year.
Because what happens when you create a plan is you know that it's gonna go sideways as soon as you put it out into the world.
Things don't always go according to plan, so you need a way to measure to make sure you're getting closer and not farther away from your goal.
So we have our assessment.
We have our habit tracker.
We have our goal tracker.
We have tools that you can use to measure that you're making good progress.
And like I said earlier, if you do those things, if you get clear on your life vision, if you align your goals and habits with that life vision, and if you wrap measurement and accountability around it.
You cannot fail to make meaningful progress toward the vision that you created for your life.
And, of course, what I like to say is that Western gold setting is fundamentally flawed because you're not setting goals that come from your soul.
You're setting goes to fit into a predetermined definition of success from society.
Life book breaks that mold so I don't believe in traditional Western gold setting.
But I've broken believe in Life book.
I want to share one final quote and this is actually a quote that is shed in the last book program.
Do not let your fire go out Spark by irreplaceable spark Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved but have never been able to reach the world you've dreamt off can be won.
It exists.
It is really it.
It's possible it is yours and ran.
I really want to emphasize how close you are right now to making so many off the greatest, most beautiful dreams that you've ever had in life come true.
You are unlocking that genie from the bottle and you should be so proud of yourself for completing this master class in for committing toe Life book.
We'll see you when we stopped the class.
Missy, Any closing words?
Thank you so much.
Mission has been a real pleasure to spend this time with you, as always.
I just like to say that we're so incredibly grateful.
We're incredibly grateful to mine Valley into you for bringing helping us bring this to the world.
I would just say to you, if you're considering doing this, just do it.
You can't lose, do it for yourself and see what happens.
What happened to Missy and I is because we were able to create an extraordinary life for ourselves.
We are now able to help others do that.
And that could be your path to.
So join us is a beautiful thing that we're doing.
Our mission is a 1,000,000 people with a lifeboat because we think that's gonna change the world.