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  • Good morning.

  • It is no morning with its 2 22 So happy to 20 to make a wish.

  • I don't know if that's something.

  • Uh, welcome back.

  • It's been a while as freaky.

  • Unusual.

  • Today is a special special day, like, Oh, special.

  • I'm really excited.

  • Uh, this is probably gonna look like a gentle marbles.

  • Repose like definitely.

  • And for that, I'm sorry.

  • 100 K celebration.

  • This is what this is also an excuse to get a hamster that I wanted for.

  • I always talked about wanting a fish.

  • Oh, those I want to go.

  • We should go fish.

  • And then the whole goldfish thing kind of messed up.

  • Ah, pretty much to get a goldfish.

  • I would need a lot of space and a lot of water, and they keep getting bigger and bigger, like, suit their space, so I would never fully be able to give it the Cabinet needs.

  • So goldfish questions?

  • No, heaven in, uh and then I was like, Okay, I'm gonna get a Siamese fighting fish or like a beta fish.

  • Have you said And I looked at them and I like to take care of them.

  • Okay, Maybe I can do this.

  • And then I thought maybe I could just get have, huh?

  • I can't have a goldfish.

  • I can't hold the goldfish, the goldfish.

  • I mean, it's not gonna look at me with love.

  • It's not gonna be like you mean something to me.

  • It's gonna be like I'm efficient.

  • I'm only concerned with water things, sir.

  • I really just I feel that a hamster would benefit me more as a human being.

  • I've had pet my since I was a very young child.

  • I like I grew up with them and we bred them and always took care of my, uh, until about the second year of University.

  • Sir, I know, like basic care when it comes to this kind of stuff.

  • But I like hamsters illegal in Australia, so we can't have them stones.

  • And I always wanted one.

  • So I was like, I wish there himself, but, you know, we had mice instead.

  • But now times have changed and I want to be in Japan for a long time, and I feel definite.

  • This is a good decision.

  • I'm so excited getting a hamster.

  • Oh, also first off, let me show you.

  • This is my zucchini from Tel Aviv.

  • This 11 does not so happy, but he's getting better.

  • And here's beefy, actually went to the home center close to me and got beefy new pot.

  • So he's actually feeling so much.

  • But he was struggling for a bit, as you can see by the ends of its leaves.

  • But his pop was really small and his roots were really tightly bunched in there.

  • And for some reason, the water didn't drain broccoli in the old soil like it stayed moist for about two weeks and no more than that for ages.

  • And he was just not doing so well.

  • But now we've got really good soil, Really good part.

  • He's got so much space end, he is thriving.

  • What a cool dude.

  • I love him.

  • I wish I could hug him, but I can't give him a pat instead.

  • Well, so these guys doing pretty good just living life, my friend.

  • She lives in college boy.

  • And she contacted me and she was like, Hey, you wanna get hamster?

  • I have a spare hamster cage.

  • Please take my hands.

  • So let me show you the head security she gave me because a lot of the hamster cages and the pet stores were actually really small and not big enough.

  • So this is what was starting with.

  • It was like an upstairs area with a lot of ventilation and bars, and then it's connected by this little cheap right here.

  • Still have to create some kinda step business or boxes as the toilet over there.

  • And here's this guy, which is super convenient, because I can just, like, pull him out like that refill Oh, and then right back in it so good.

  • This is what we're working with.

  • And I think that will be a good size, especially if I'll take him out quite a lot and play with him also.

  • This is my house right now.

  • It's a little bit messy, but that's because I got friendship happening.

  • No, now, unfortunately would like hamster rules.

  • I'm not allowed to play with them for a while, so it's gonna be about four days.

  • What?

  • I just have to let him.

  • We'll have play around the cage and live their life and discover the new surroundings make themselves at home, and I'm just slowly gonna introduce myself into their life.

  • Kids, I don't really want to freak him out and I read all about it, So it should be fine if I just give it some time to chill and yeah, ho, I'm so excited.

  • Harms Someone joined that party.

  • Teyla, be remember so excited Ho here.

  • So we're gonna head in.

  • I'm not sure if I'll be allowed to film.

  • And now just film until they tell me not to On dhe.

  • Yeah.

  • If I can't film in there, then I'll see you in a second with enhanced.

  • Hopefully this all goes to plan.

  • So excited.

  • Oh, my God were born in the same month.

  • I got her.

  • I didn't expect to get a girl, but I gotta go.

  • I gotta have a roommate.

  • A female roommate.

  • Who?

  • But I'm taking it home.

  • Okay.

  • I gotta stop filming so I can hold it tightly.

  • Going home.

  • Okay, Now it's time to set up the cage door quickly, cause I won't hurt her.

  • Get out of the box and into any harm.

  • Oh, great.

  • I love you.

  • Sweet thing.

  • You're doing so well.

  • Okay.

  • Your other que dest thing in my life.

  • I can't believe we're gonna be friends.

  • Oh, that with adorable.

  • Only a month old high.

  • I shouldn't interact.

  • I went interact, concealed a feel.

  • Did you go?

  • You coming in achieving?

  • Okay.

  • Said the downstairs area is pretty much done for now.

  • I will tweak it and make it a little bit easier for her to get up.

  • Yes, he has inside built like a little flimsy set of stairs.

  • But she can also maybe climb upon this.

  • We'll keep an eye on her tonight and see how she goes.

  • But there's food there.

  • And I could supply some mortar as well, just in case she can't make it up to the second level tonight.

  • Told it over there.

  • So she's already in her little house.

  • Yeah.

  • I haven't really figured out the top it yet, but we'll figure it out.

  • But that makes it nice and dark in there.

  • And this, like cardboard Chief, if she makes it up here, she knows a couple cheap and then come up here to get toward.

  • But I'll supply more water tonight.

  • Yeah, decided on a name.

  • It's gonna be Moss.

  • Before I was saying Bumble, I really wanted it to be Bumble.

  • But she just doesn't feel like a bubble.

  • She's she's a little moss so Yeah, I'm so excited.

  • She seems so alert and happy and so cute.

  • Oh, my God.

  • So I'm gonna leave her for about four days on gradually introduce myself to her and just be like, Hey, what's up?

  • Hi, mom.

  • Here.

  • But she's really friendly with people.

  • She was looking up and everything.

  • So I think I think we're gonna have a good relationship.

  • I hope we'll see.

  • Huh?

  • Let's drink these business legs.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Hi, guys.

  • And it seems like I'm sitting like, high working to my channel, but I'm usually like I really like my wife likes Taylor's gonna go.

  • Hi.

  • Bye.

  • But almost perfect clothes.

  • Neil, Thanks for coming.

  • I think having me You're welcome.

  • I love you.

  • Yeah, boy ee.

  • Okay, so gonna tail sensation and we're gonna go.

  • So it also had to be and I'm a little bit buzz, but only a little bit.

  • Uh, but yeah, I'm gonna end of okay.

  • Thanks so much for watching.

  • This is a really casual video, and I feel weird doing it after, But if you try this video, please come in some sort of code.

  • Emily, is this guy going to the movies like this.

  • Not like this, but they'll be a little more about my little hips, baby.

  • We get they still charge you guys.

  • I'll see you next sub Who trunk?

  • Oh, Lord John.

Good morning.

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我在日本的第一隻寵物!! (My First Pet in Japan!!!)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary