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  • The greatest work of fiction in the world today is probably 'Star Wars'.

  • Now, bear with me for a moment, but no other movie has captured

  • the imagination of billions of people, and pretty much created 40 years

  • of incredible fictional characters and ideas and mythology.

  • But what's really fascinating about 'Star Wars', and the reason why I think

  • so many people are captivated by it, is the idea of Jedi training,

  • the idea that there's these abilities within human beings that can be unlocked

  • when we learn from great teachers.

  • I've always been fascinated by Yoda.

  • In fact, as I'm filming this, there's a little statue of Yoda

  • here on the set.

  • This is one of the many superhero sculptures we have

  • across the Mindvalley office.

  • But I've always asked myself, in the modern world,

  • what is the equivalent of Jedi training?

  • Most of us are attracted to the idea of leveling up consciousness,

  • but let's go back a second.

  • What does that mean?

  • Changing the way we see and interact with the world requires a series of tiny

  • adjustments that lead to long-term shifts in how we view everything about our lives.

  • I like to measure these adjustments through a process I call R.O.S.E.,

  • which stands for Rate Of Self Evolution.

  • It is that backbone of transformational education and what we do at Mindvalley

  • where we teach you how to harness the power and elevate consciousness

  • to transform the way you experience reality.

  • We've joined forces with many of the greatest teachers in the world,

  • in every aspect of being human.

  • We think of these as our modern-day Yoda.

  • Each teacher at Mindvalley tackles a different component of self-evolution

  • that has led them to outstanding shifts in their own experience of life itself.

  • So what exactly does it mean to be a modern-day Yoda

  • or master or optimal human being?

  • Well, there are seven things that I want you to pay attention to in your life.

  • School doesn't teach you these.

  • But if you pay attention to these seven things, you have a reference point

  • and a framework to truly elevate and move through your personal growth

  • in really powerful steps.

  • First thing you want to pay attention to is the idea of bending reality.

  • Now, this isn't as out there as it sounds.

  • Most of us are focused on our outer world, what's happening around us and how we are

  • reacting to it that we forgot how much our inner world plays a role in creating

  • and shaping the outer world.

  • Bending reality is about accessing the tools of the inner world to increase our

  • rate of luck and synchronicity in the outer world.

  • Imagine if the right people, the right opportunities,

  • the right circumstances gravitated to you.

  • This is what bending reality is all about.

  • And it's the first concept that we use in this framework.

  • Now the second thing that you want to pay attention to is intuition.

  • Intuition is the idea that we can access information outside our physical being.

  • So many of us are looking outside ourselves, trying to figure out what it is

  • we're here to do.

  • We're working at our jobs that make our partners or parents proud.

  • We are choosing lifestyles that boost our financial success but might deplete our

  • mental health with every passing day.

  • And the reason we stay stuck in these cycles of self-sabotage is because we are

  • out of touch with our intuition, that inner guiding voice.

  • At your core, you already know who you are and what you are here on Earth to do.

  • That part of you that knows has just got to be accessed so that you can make

  • the best decisions for yourself.

  • So when you learn to tap into your intuition, what you learn is how to gain

  • access to an unlimited source of creativity and genius,

  • the part of you that can project your awareness across time and space

  • to retrieve new ideas and information, the part of you that is limitless in its

  • ability to channel inspiration and wisdom.

  • And the brilliant part about this is that it's not about building a new skill,

  • it's about clearing space to access what is already there.

  • When you are able to tap into this, you notice a couple of things in your life.

  • You have unlimited creativity.

  • You are able to flow, whether it's on stage or writing a book

  • or ideating at a meeting.

  • And it's a really powerful skill for anyone to have.

  • Now, the third thing is purposeful living.

  • There is nothing more attractive than a man or a woman who is working

  • on their purpose.

  • Purposeful living means you're connected to your core, you're tapped in,

  • you know why you're here, you're pursuing that purpose or multiple purposes.

  • And what often happens when you're able to tap into this is it feels as if

  • the universe has your back.

  • Life seems to flow effortlessly as you move towards your purpose.

  • All of us, I believe, are here for a unique reason,

  • and it's up to us in this life to discover what that reason or that multitude

  • of reasons might be.

  • Now, number four is unity consciousness.

  • And what this means is recognizing that the age of individuality is over,

  • that we are now cells in an 8-billion-cellular being that is

  • the human experiment, and that all of us as cells have a role to play.

  • And we are also here to look after each other.

  • So when you get to this level of consciousness, what happens is all

  • relationships become win-win.

  • There is no fight or struggle.

  • There is no form of negotiation where you want to get more than the other person.

  • There is no ending of a relationship, where there is bad blood between people.

  • Everything is win-win.

  • And you live your life recognizing that you and the other are really one,

  • and that separation is an illusion.

  • This brings us to number five, stepping beyond the culturescape.

  • The culturescape is a word I coined in my book, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind,

  • to describe the tangled web of human beliefs, ideas, and dogma that perpetuate

  • the world and create this thing that we call life.

  • But so much of life exists only in our minds and what implanted them

  • from generations past.

  • And in a world that is changing so rapidly, it's increasingly important that

  • we escape the culturescape, that we question what we've been passed

  • down as the rules of life, the rules of business,

  • the rules of Catholicism, the rules of marriage,

  • the rules of parenting, the rules of what it means to be a man or

  • a woman in today's world.

  • The more you step out of the culturescapte, the more you have freedom

  • to truly be a visionary and invent new, better systems

  • for the leading edge of humanity.

  • So don't accept the dogma of generations past.

  • Now, all of these so far are tying to each other.

  • Intuition, knowing your purpose, seeing that you are part of

  • a larger whole, being able to bend reality and stepping beyond the culturescape.

  • But there are two more.

  • Number six is being able to access altered states of consciousness on command

  • so you can do what you need to do.

  • These altered states include words like flow, mojo, samadhi, unity consciousness.

  • And when you're able to access these altered states on command,

  • you're able to function not just in a more basic level of consciousness like most

  • human beings, but in polyphasic levels of consciousness.

  • You're able to access different levels of consciousness depending on what you're

  • trying to do, whether it's flow ideas or shift the world, or connect with people

  • or really focus on that code that you're meant to write.

  • A catchall phrase for this experience is often the word "flow."

  • And it really means being able to be so productive that it's as if you can

  • slow down time.

  • Imagine time dilating around you.

  • Imagine the disappointments of the past and the anxieties of the future

  • simultaneously vanishing as you align yourself entirely with the present moment.

  • This is knows as being in the flow state,

  • and it is entirely possible to enter it at will.

  • When you are working in a state of flow, your productivity increases up to 500%.

  • That can translate into a week's worth of work being done in one day.

  • Imagine the amount of time and energy saved when one learns to do this.

  • Imagine the stress and overwhelm that disappears.

  • In fact, when you're able to do this, two things start happening in your life.

  • You become immune to overwhelm, and you can multitask like a master.

  • You can run multiple companies, multiple projects without feeling that

  • life is crushing you.

  • And now, we come to the seventh, and the seventh aspect is about

  • magnifying health, vitality and longevity.

  • All of these tools together may sound incredible, but none of these are

  • achievable or sustainable without our physical human bodies.

  • So at Mindvalley, we borrow ideas from world-class experts

  • on health optimization, on boosting brain power, on recovery,

  • on increasing your lifetime.

  • And the body is such an incredible vehicle to doing everything else

  • that your soul is here to do.

  • So back to Yoda.

  • Yoda said, "Luminous beings we are, not this crude matter."

  • But this crude matter is so important for channeling all of these powers

  • in our physical world.

  • So when you look at life from those seven things, or at least I do,

  • I know how to measure my rate of self-evolution.

  • Am I growing my intuitive ability?

  • Am I growing my sense of connection with other people?

  • Am I creating win-win relationships?

  • Am I more resilient to stress?

  • Am I able to access flow?

  • Am I seeing an increase in my rate of serendipity?

  • And almost all of personal growth we train people is about developing this.

  • So in Mindvalley, every time you do a Mindvalley Quest,

  • whether it's Lisa Nichols' Speak & Inspire or Steven Kotler's Habit of Ferocity

  • or Robin Sharma's Hero Genius Legend, all of these layer on.

  • And eventually, these seven things become your new state of beingness in the world.

  • So if you found these ideas interesting, I'd love to invite you to attend a special

  • Masterclass I'm doing.

  • It's just me teaching the key ideas and principles I've learned

  • over the last one year.

  • And it's about elevating your rate of self-evolution.

  • I'm going to lay down three important rules and philosophies I found that I now

  • live my life with.

  • And it's allowed me to accelerate how fast I'm growing.

  • I think you'll find this interesting.

  • Go ahead and click the button to enroll in the Masterclass and I will see you there.

The greatest work of fiction in the world today is probably 'Star Wars'.

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解鎖這7種能力,成為現代的JEDI|Vishen Lakhiani (Unlock These 7 Abilities To Become a Modern Day JEDI | Vishen Lakhiani)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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