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One of the most common complaints parents have about their kids is that they're bad.
Kids are constantly being labeled bad when they don't get good grades.
They don't listen to us.
They don't finish their chores.
List is endless.
We believe that it's our job as parents to fix sockets as if they are toys or puppets that are broken and need fixing.
What if I told you that your kids are not bad, but something else?
Some bad kids are just screaming for attention, bleeding for us to understand them.
This saying to us, Help me, I'm struggling here.
And some kids, they're not being bad.
They're just being kids, forgetful or tired, Disorganized, stressed.
And some kids are being bad because they just don't know any other way.
It's time for us parents to wake up to our own bad behavior.
Maybe it's not our kid's fault at all.
Maybe it's us.
The parent who is so fearful, so controlling, so anxious that the kid has no choice but to follow our bad behavior thistles what I teach in conscious parenting that it's almost never the kid who's being bad.
On almost always a parent who's cooled creating the kid's behavior.
No parent likes to hear this, of course, but in order to raise our Children consciously way need to make a shift in how we look at them.
I really believe that it's only went way.
Parents stop focusing on our kids bad behavior and instead focus on our own inner Brokenness that we would start understanding them better.
Instead of expecting our kids to be perfect way, understand them for their humanity, reconnected them for who they are and not for who it is we think they should be.
Work begins and ends with US parents understanding and healing our own inner Brokenness.
Remember, your child is not broken, their whole they're complete.
They are worthy when you stop looking at them through the lens of your own inner Brokenness.
It's only then that you will see them for their glory.
Suddenly, your Children will appear before you, as they always were, holds complete and word.
It is only when we parents give our Children unconditional loves and work that we allow them to be the authentic sells and free them to live their own destiny.
I am Dr Shefali.
If you want to learn how to be a more conscious parent than I invite you to join me on this upcoming masterclass with Mind Valley.
I hope to see you there.