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  • Today, I got the magical bowling ball.

  • RICK: The magical bowling ball.

  • It's an old bowling ball.

  • Yeah, it is.

  • CHUMLEE: So how come it only has two holes?

  • Is that a left-handed ball?

  • Well, why would two holes make it a left-handed ball?


  • JESSE: I'm here at the shop today

  • to bring my bowling ball from the 1800s.

  • The bowling ball's made out of wood.

  • I had never seen a bowling ball made out of wood,

  • so soon as I seen the bowling ball,

  • I said, man, this has to be the jackpot.

  • This has to be old.

  • And it has to be worth some money.

  • The name of the wood is Lignum Vitae

  • or Vita or something like that.

  • CHUMLEE: What is that, French?

  • No, it's Latin.

  • Literally, I mean, it is the strongest wood there is.

  • I mean, it's, like, three or four times stronger than oak.

  • This is one of the few woods in the world that will sink.

  • It's heavier than water.

  • It does not float.

  • I know in the early 1800s, a lot of places,

  • it was illegal to do bowling.

  • Illegal to bowl?

  • RICK: Because, you see, back then,

  • it was just straight-up gambling.

  • Oh?

  • You didn't play for points, you played for money.

  • People have loved bowling since the time

  • of the ancient Egyptians.

  • They didn't have fancy shirts, but it's

  • always been really popular.

  • And this would be a great item for any guy who loves bowling.

  • How much did you want for the ball?

  • I was thinking it's two holes--

  • $100 a hole.

  • $200.

  • They go for, like, $150.

  • They're rare, but they're not that rare.

  • I'll give you $75 bucks for it.

  • $75 bucks?

  • Yeah.

  • $80?

  • I'll do $80 bucks.

  • I'll do $80 bucks. - You're a good guy.

  • All right. All right.

  • All right, write him up, Chum. - All right, come on.

  • Let's go up here to the front

  • Chum, take the ball.

  • It's cool.

  • Come on.

  • You know what?

  • I'll probably come back again.

  • I've got a couple more tricks up my sleeve.

  • Hey, I'm a baller.

  • I'm not a bowler.

Today, I got the magical bowling ball.

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典當之星。賣家希望用19世紀的保齡球換取多餘的錢財 (第九季) | 歷史 (Pawn Stars: A Seller Hopes for a Spare on His 1800s Bowling Ball (Season 9) | History)

  • 4 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary