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Professor Paul Bloom: Okay.
The last class we talked about the brain.
Now we're going to talk a little bit about some
foundations. So today and Monday we're going
to talk about two very big ideas and these ideas are associated
with Sigmund Freud and B. F.
Skinner and are psychoanalysis and behaviorism.
And I want to talk about psychoanalysis today and
behaviorism next week. Now, one of these things--One
of the things that makes these theories so interesting is their
scope. Most of the work we're going to
talk about in this class--Most of the ideas are narrow.
So, we're going to talk about somebody's idea about racial
prejudice but that's not a theory of language acquisition.
We'll talk about theories of schizophrenia but they're not
explanations of sexual attractiveness.
Most theories are specialized theories but these two views are
grand theories. They're theories of everything,
encompassing just about everything that matters,
day-to-day life, child development,
mental illness, religion, war,
love. Freud and Skinner had
explanations of all of these. Now, this is not a history
course. I have zero interest in
describing historical figures in psychology just for the sake of
telling you about the history of the field.
What I want to tell you about though is--I want to talk about
these ideas because so much rests on them and,
even more importantly, a lot of these ideas have
critical influence on how we think about the present.
And that's there. Now, for better or worse,
we live in a world profoundly affected by Sigmund Freud.
If I had to ask you to choose a--no, name a famous
psychologist, the answer of most of you would
be Freud. He's the most famous
psychologist ever and he's had a profound influence on the
twentieth and twenty-first century.
Some biographical information: He was born in the 1850s.
He spent most of his life in Vienna, Austria,
but he died in London and he escaped to London soon after
retreating there at the beginning of World War II as the
Nazis began to occupy where he lived.
He's one of the most famous scholars ever but he's not known
for any single discovery. Instead, he's known for the
development of an encompassing theory of mind,
one that he developed over the span of many decades.
He was in his time extremely well known, a celebrity
recognized on the street, and throughout his life.
He was a man of extraordinary energy and productivity,
in part because he was a very serious cocaine addict,
but also just in general. He was just a high-energy sort
of person. He was up for the Nobel Prize
in medicine and in literature; didn't get either one of them;
didn't get the prize in medicine because Albert
Einstein--Everybody loves Albert Einstein.
Well, Albert Einstein really wrote a letter because they
asked for opinions of other Nobel Prizes.
He wrote a letter saying, "Don't give the prize to Freud.
He doesn't deserve a Nobel Prize.
He's just a psychologist." Well, yeah.
Okay. While he's almost universally
acclaimed as a profoundly important intellectual figure,
he's also the object of considerable dislike.
This is in part because of his character.
He was not a very nice man in many ways.
He was deeply ambitious to the cause of promoting
psychoanalysis, to the cause of presenting his
view and defending it, and he was often dishonest,
extremely brutal to his friends, and terrible to his
enemies. He was an interesting character.
My favorite Freud story was as he was leaving Europe during the
rise of the Nazis, as he was ready to go to
England from, I think, either Germany or
Austria, he had to sign a letter from the Gestapo.
Gestapo agents intercepted him and demanded he sign a letter
saying that at no point had he been threatened or harassed by
the Gestapo. So he signs the letter and then
he writes underneath it, "The Gestapo has not harmed me
in any way. In fact, I highly recommend the
Gestapo to everybody." It's--He had a certain
aggression to him. He was also--He's also
disliked, often hated, because of his views.
He was seen as a sexual renegade out to destroy the
conception of people as good and rational and pure beings.
And when the Nazis rose to power in the 1930s he was
identified as a Jew who was devoted to destroying the most
sacred notions of Christianity and to many,
to some extent, many people see him this way.
And to some extent, this accusation has some truth
to it. Freud made claims about people
that many of us, maybe most of us,
would rather not know. Well, okay.
What did he say? Well, if you ask somebody who
doesn't like Freud what he said, they'll describe some of the
stupider things he said and, in fact, Freud said a lot of
things, some of which were not very rational.
For instance, he's well known for his account
of phallic symbols, arguing certain architectural
monuments are subconsciously developed as penile
representations. And related to this,
he developed the notorious theory of penis envy.
And penis envy is an account of a developmental state that every
one of you who is female has gone through,
according to Freud. And the idea is that you
discovered at some point in your development that you lacked a
penis. This is not--This is a
catastrophe. And so, each of you inferred at
that point that you had been castrated.
You had once had a penis but somebody had taken it from you.
You then turn to your father and love your father because
your father has a penis, so he's a sort of penis
substitute. You reject your mother,
who's equally unworthy due to her penis lack,
and that shapes your psychosexual development.
Now, if that's the sort of thing you know about Freud,
you are not going to have a very high opinion of him or of
his work, but at the core of Freud's
declamation, the more interesting ideas,
is a set of claims of a man's intellectual importance.
And the two main ones are this. The two main ones involve the
existence of an unconscious, unconscious motivation,
and the notion of unconscious dynamics or unconscious conflict
which lead to mental illnesses, dreams, slips of the tongue and
so on. The first idea – the idea of
unconscious motivation – involves rejecting the claim
that you know what you're doing. So, suppose you fall in love
with somebody and you decide you want to marry them and then
somebody was asked to ask you why and you'd say something
like, "Well, I'm ready to get married
this stage of my life; I really love the person;
the person is smart and attractive;
I want to have kids" whatever. And maybe this is true.
But a Freudian might say that even if this is your honest
answer – you're not lying to anybody else –still,
there are desires and motivations that govern your
behavior that you may not be aware of.
So, in fact, you might want to marry John
because he reminds you of your father or because you want to
get back at somebody for betraying you.
If somebody was to tell you this, you'd say,
"That's total nonsense," but that wouldn't deter a Freudian.
The Freudian would say that these processes are unconscious
so of course you just don't know what's happening.
So, the radical idea here is you might not know what--why you
do what you do and this is something we accept for things
like visual perception. We accept that you look around
the world and you get sensations and you figure out there is a
car, there is a tree, there is a person.
And you're just unconscious of how this happens but it's
unpleasant and kind of frightening that this could
happen, that this could apply to things
like why you're now studying at Yale, why you feel the way you
do towards your friends, towards your family.
Now, the marriage case is extreme but Freud gives a lot of
simpler examples where this sort of unconscious motivation might
play a role. So, have you ever liked
somebody or disliked them and not known why?
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you're doing
something or you're arguing for something or making a decision
for reasons that you can't fully articulate?
Have you ever forgotten somebody's name at exactly the
wrong time? Have you ever called out the
wrong name in the throes of passion?
This is all the Freudian unconscious.
The idea is that we do these things--these things are
explained in terms of cognitive systems that we're not aware of.
Now, all of this would be fine if your unconscious was a
reasonable, rational computer, if your unconscious was really
smart and looking out for your best interest.
But, according to Freud, that's not the way it works.
According to Freud, there are three distinct
processes going on in your head and these are in violent
internal conflict. And the way you act and the way
you think are products, not of a singular rational
being, but of a set of conflicting creatures.
And these three parts are the id, the ego, and the superego
and they emerge developmentally. The id, according to Freud,
is present at birth. It's the animal part of the
self. It wants to eat,
drink, pee, poop, get warm, and have sexual
satisfaction. It is outrageously stupid.
It works on what Freud called, "The Pleasure Principle."
It wants pleasure and it wants it now.
And that's, according to Freud, how a human begins – pure id.
Freud had this wonderful phrase, "polymorphous
perversity," this pure desire for pleasure.
Now, unfortunately, life doesn't work like that.
What you want isn't always what you get and this leads to a set
of reactions to cope with the fact that pleasure isn't always
there when you want it either by planning how to satisfy your
desires or planning how to suppress them.
And this system is known as the ego, or the self.
And it works on the "Reality Principle."
And it works on the principle of trying to figure out how to
make your way through the world, how to satisfy your pleasures
or, in some cases, how to give up on them.
And the ego – the emergence of the ego for Freud--symbolizes
the origin of consciousness. Finally, if this was all there
it might be a simpler world, but Freud had a third
component, that of the superego. And the superego is the
internalized rules of parents in society.
So, what happens in the course of development is,
you're just trying to make your way through the world and
satisfy your desires, but sometimes you're punished
for them. Some desires are inappropriate,
some actions are wrong, and you're punished for it.
The idea is that you come out; you get in your head a
superego, a conscience. In these movies,
there'd be a little angel above your head that tells you when
things are wrong. And basically your self,
the ego, is in between the id and the superego.
One thing to realize, I told you the id is
outrageously stupid. It just says,
"Oh, hungry, food, sex, oh,
let's get warm, oh."
The superego is also stupid. The superego,
point to point, is not some brilliant moral
philosopher telling you about right and wrong.
The superego would say, "You should be ashamed of
yourself. That's disgusting.
Stop doing that. Oh."
And in between these two screaming creatures,
one of you; one of them telling you to seek
out your desires, the other one telling you,
"you should be ashamed of yourself," is you,
is the ego. Now, according to Freud,
most of this is unconscious. So, we see bubbling up to the
top, we feel, we experience ourselves.
And the driving of the id, the forces of the id and the
forces of the superego, are unconscious in that we
cannot access them. We don't know what--It's like
the workings of our kidneys or our stomachs.
You can't introspect and find them.
Rather, they do their work without conscious knowledge.
Now, Freud developed this. This is the Freudian theory in
broad outline. He extended it and developed it
into a theory of psychosexual development.
And so, Freud's theory is, as I said before,
a theory of everyday life, of decisions,
of errors, of falling in love, but it's also a theory of child
development. So, Freud believed there were
five stages of personality development, and each is
associated with a particular erogenous zone.
And Freud believed, as well, that if you have a
problem at a certain stage, if something goes wrong,
you'll be stuck there. So, according to Freud,
there are people in this room who are what they are because
they got stuck in the oral stage or the anal stage.
And that's not good. So, the oral stage is when you
start off. The mouth is associated with
pleasure. Everything is sucking and
chewing and so on. And the problem for Freud is
premature weaning of a child. Depriving him of the breast,
could lead to serious problems in his personality development.
It could make him, as the phrase goes,
into an oral person. And his orality could be
described literally. Freud uses it as an explanation
for why somebody might eat too much or chew gum or smoke.
They're trying to achieve satisfaction through their mouth
of a sort they didn't get in this very early stage of
development. But it can also be more
abstract. If your roommate is dependent
and needy, you could then go to your roommate and say,
"You are an oral person. The first year of your life did
not go well." A phrase even more popular is
the anal stage and that happens after the oral stage.
And problems can emerge if toilet training is not handled
correctly. If you have problems during
those years of life, you could become an anal
personality, according to Freud,
and your roommate could say, "Your problem is you're too
anal." And, according to Freud,
literally, it meant you are unwilling to part with your own
It's written down here. I know it's true.
And the way it manifests itself, as you know from just
how people talk, is you're compulsive,
you're clean, you're stingy.
This is the anal personality. Then it gets a little bit more
complicated. The next stage is the phallic
stage. Actually, this is not much more
complicated. The focus of pleasure shifts to
the genitals and fixation can lead to excessive masculinity in
females or in males or if you're female a need for attention or
domination. Now, at this point something
really interesting happens called the "Oedipus Complex."
And this is based on the story, the mythical story of a king
who killed his father and married his mother.
And, according to Freud, this happens to all of us in
this way. Well, all of us.
By "all of us," Freud meant "men."
So, here's the idea. You're three or four years old.
You're in the phallic stage. So, what are you interested in?
Well, you're interested in your penis and then you seek an
external object. Freud's sort of vague about
this, but you seek some sort of satisfaction.
But who is out there who'd be sweet and kind and loving and
wonderful? Well, Mom.
So the child infers, "Mom is nice,
I love Mom." So far so--And so this is not
crazy; a little boy falling in love
with his mother. Problem: Dad's in the way.
Now, this is going to get progressively weirder but I will
have to say, as the father of two sons,
both sons went through a phase where they explicitly said they
wanted to marry Mommy. And me – if something bad
happened to me that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
So, there's this. But now it gets a little bit
aggressive. So, the idea is the child
determines that he's going to kill his father.
Every three- and four-year-old boy thinks this.
But then because children, according to Freud,
don't have a good sense of the boundary between their mind and
the world, which is a problem – the
problem is they don't – they think their father can tell that
they're plotting to kill him and they figure their father is now
angry at them. And then they ask themselves,
"What's the worst thing Dad could do to me?"
And the answer is castration. So, they come to the conclusion
that their father is going to castrate them because of their
illicit love for their Mom. And then they say,
"Dad wins" and then they don't think about sex for several
years and that's the latency stage.
The latency stage is they've gone through this huge thing
with Mom and Dad, "fell in love with Mom,
wanted to kill my father, Dad was going to castrate me,
fell out of love with Mom, out of the sex business."
And then, sex is repressed until you get to the genital
stage. And the genital stage is the
stage we are all in – the healthy adult stage.
Now that you're adults and you've gone through all the
developmental stages, where do you stand?
You're not out of the woods yet because unconscious mechanisms
are still--Even if you haven't got fixated on anything,
there's still this dynamic going on all the time with your
id, your ego and your superego. And the idea is your
superego--Remember, your superego is stupid.
So, your superego isn't only telling you not to do bad
things, it's telling you not to think bad things.
So, what's happening is your id is sending up all of this weird,
sick stuff, all of these crazy sexual and violent desires,
"Oh, I'll kill him. I'll have sex with that.
I'll have extra helpings on my dessert."
And your superego is saying, "No, no, no."
And this stuff is repressed. It doesn't even make it to
consciousness. The problem is Freud had a very
sort of hydraulic theory of what goes on and some of this stuff
slips out and it shows up in dreams and it shows up in slips
of the tongue. And in exceptional cases,
it shows up in certain clinical symptoms.
So what happens is, Freud described a lot of normal
life in terms of different ways we use to keep that horrible
stuff from the id making its way to consciousness.
And he called these "defense mechanisms."
You're defending yourself against the horrible parts of
yourself and some of these make a little bit of sense.
One way to describe this in a non-technical,
non-Freudian way is, there are certain things about
ourselves we'd rather not know. There are certain desires we'd
rather not know and we have ways to hide them.
So, for instance, there's sublimation.
Sublimation is you might have a lot of energy,
maybe sexual energy or aggressive energy,
but instead of turning it to a sexual or aggressive target what
you do is you focus it in some other way.
So, you can imagine a great artist like Picasso turning the
sexual energy into his artwork. There is displacement.
Displacement is you have certain shameful thoughts or
desires and you refocus them more appropriately.
A boy who's bullied by his father may hate his father and
want to hurt him but since this would--this is very shameful and
difficult. The boy might instead kick the
dog and think he hates the dog because that's a more acceptable
There is projection. Projection is,
I have certain impulses I am uncomfortable with,
so rather than own them myself, I project them to somebody
else. A classic example for Freud is
homosexual desires. The idea is that I feel this
tremendous lust towards you, for instance,
and--any of you, all of you, you three,
and I'm ashamed of this lust so what I say is,
"Hey. Are you guys looking at me in a
sexual manner? Are you lusting after me?
How disgusting," because what I do is I take my own desires and
I project it to others. And Freud suggested,
perhaps not implausibly, that men who believe other
men--who are obsessed with the sexuality of other men,
are themselves projecting away their own sexual desires.
There is rationalization, which is that when you do
something or think something bad you rationalize it and you give
it a more socially acceptable explanation.
A parent who enjoys smacking his child will typically not
say, "I enjoy smacking my child."
Rather he'll say, "It's for the child's own good.
I'm being a good parent by doing this."
And finally, there is regression,
which is returning to an earlier stage of development.
And you actually see this in children.
In times of stress and trauma, they'll become younger,
they will act younger. They might cry.
They might suck their thumb, seek out a blanket or so on.
Now, these are all mechanisms that for Freud are not the
slightest bit pathological. They are part of normal life.
Normally, we do these things to keep an equilibrium among the
different systems of the unconscious, but sometimes it
doesn't work. Sometimes things go awry and
what happens is a phrase that's not currently used in psychology
but was popular during Freud's time: hysteria.
Hysteria includes phenomena like hysterical blindness and
hysterical deafness, which is when you cannot see
and cannot hear even though there's nothing physiologically
wrong with you – paralysis, trembling, panic attacks,
gaps of memory including amnesia and so on.
And the idea is that these are actually symptoms.
These are symptoms of mechanisms going on to keep
things unconscious. It's a common enough idea in
movies. Often in movies what happens is
that somebody goes to an analyst.
They have some horrible problem. They can't remember something
or they have some sort of blackouts and so on.
And the analyst tells them something and at one point they
get this insight and they realize what--why they've
blinded themselves, why they can't remember,
and for Freud this is what happens.
Freud originally attempted to get these memories out through
hypnosis but then moved to the mechanism of free association
and, according to Freud,
the idea is patients offer resistance to this and then the
idea of a psychoanalyst is to get over the resistance and help
patients get insight. The key notion of
psychoanalysis is your problems are--actually reflect deeper
phenomena. You're hiding something from
yourself, and once you know what's going on to deeper
phenomena your problems will go away.
I'm going to give you an example of a therapy session.
Now, this is not a Freudian analysis.
We'll discuss later on in the course what a Freudian analysis
is, but this is not a pure Freudian analysis.
A Freudian analysis, of course, is lying on a couch;
does not see their therapist; their therapist is very
nondirective. But I'm going to present this
as an example here because it illustrates so many of the
Freudian themes, particularly themes about
dreams, the importance of dreams, about repression and
about hidden meaning. So, this is from a television
episode and the character's--Many--Some of you
may have seen this. Many of you will not have.
The character is suffering from panic attacks.
Freud's contributions extend beyond the study of individual
psychology and individual pathology.
Freud had a lot to say about dreams as you could see in this
illustration. He believed that dreams had a
manifest content, meaning;
"manifest" meaning what you experience in your dream.
But dreams always had a latent content as well,
meaning the hidden implication of the dream.
He viewed all dreams as wish fulfillment.
Every dream you have is a certain wish you have even
though it might be a forbidden wish that you wouldn't wish to
have, you wouldn't want to have. And dreams had--and this is an
idea that long predated Freud. Dreams had symbolism.
Things in dreams were often not what they seemed to be but
rather symbols for other things. Freud believed that literature
and fairy tales and stories to children and the like carried
certain universal themes, certain aspects of unconscious
struggles, and certain preoccupations of our
unconscious mind. And Freud had a lot to say
about religion. For instance,
he viewed a large part of our--of the idea of finding a
singular, all-powerful god as seeking out
a father figure that some of us never had during development.
What I want to spend the rest of the class on is the
scientific assessment of Freud. So, what I did so far is I've
told you what Freud had to say in broad outline.
I then want to take the time to consider whether or not we
should believe this and how well it fits with our modern science.
But before doing so, I'll take questions for a few
minutes. Do people have any questions
about Freud or Freud's theories?
Yes. Student:
[inaudible] Professor Paul Bloom:
So, that's some question. The question is:
The conflicts in psychosexual development that Freud describes
is--always assumes that a child has a mother and a father,
one of each, in a certain sort of familial
structure. And the question then is,
"What if a child was raised by a single parent,
for example?" What if a child was never
breast fed, but fed from the bottle from the start?
And Freudians have had problems with this.
Freud's--Freud was very focused on the family life of the people
he interacted with, which is rather upper class
Europeans, and these sort of questions would have been
difficult for Freud to answer. I imagine that what a Freudian
would have to say is, you would expect systematic
differences. So, you would expect a child
who just grew up with a mother or just grew up to be a
father--with a father to be in some sense psychologically
damaged by that, failing to go through the
normal psychosexual stages. Yes.
Student: [inaudible]
Professor Paul Bloom: The issue--The question is,
"Do modern psychoanalysts still believe that women do not have
superegos?" Freud was--As you're pointing
out, Freud was notorious for pointing, for suggesting that
women were morally immature relative to men.
I think Freud would say that women have superegos,
they're just not the sort of sturdy ones that men have.
I think psychoanalysts and psychoanalytic scholars right
now would be mixed. Some would maintain that there
really are deep sex differences. Others would want to jettison
that aspect of Freudian theory.
Yes. Student:
Do you define sublimation as being displacement?
Does that make it sort of a subgroup of displacement?
Professor Paul Bloom: Well, what sublimation is--A
lot of these--It's a good question.
The question is sort of, what is sublimation?
How does it relate to the other defense mechanisms?
A lot of defense mechanisms involve taking a desire and
turning it. Now, what displacement does is
it takes it from you to her. I'm angry at you but maybe
that's forbidden for some reason, so I'll be angry at her.
What projection does is takes a desire from me and then puts it
on somebody else heading outwards.
And what sublimation does is it just gives up the details and
keeps the energy. So, you stay up--Your roommate
stays up all night working and you say to your roommate,
for instance, "That's just because you
haven't had sex in a long time and you want to have sex so you
devote all your energy to your math exam."
And then you say, "That's sublimation.
I learned that in Intro Psych." And your roommate would be very
pleased. One more question.
Yes. Student:
What kind of evidence is there for cross-cultural variation?
Professor Paul Bloom: The question is,
which is related to the issue--extending the issue of
the two-parent versus one-parent family is,
"To what extent are these notions validated
cross-culturally?" And that's such a good question
I'm going to defer it. I'm going to talk about it in a
few minutes because that's actually--That speaks to the
issue of the scientific assessment of Freud so I'm going
to try to get to your question in a little bit.
Freudian theory is now, at this point of time,
extremely controversial and there is a lot of well-known
criticisms and attacks on Freud. This is just actually an
excellent book on The Memory Wars by Frederick Crews,
which--and Frederick Crews is one of the strongest and most
passionate critics of Freud. And the problems with Freud go
like this. There are two ways you could
reject a theory. There are two problems with the
scientific theory. One way you could reject a
theory is that it could be wrong.
So, suppose I have a theory that the reason why some
children have autism, a profound developmental
disorder, is because their mothers don't
love them enough. This was a popular theory for
many years. It's a possible theory.
It just turns out to be wrong but another way--And so one way
to attack and address a scientific theory is to view it
as just to see whether or not it works.
But there's a different problem a theory could have.
A theory could be so vague and all encompassing that it can't
even be tested. And this is one of the main
critiques of Freud. The idea could be summed up by
a quotation from the physicist Wolfgang Pauli.
And Pauli was asked his opinion about another physicist.
And Pauli said this: "That guy's work is crap.
He's not right. He's not even wrong."
And the criticism about Freud is that he's not even wrong.
The issue of vagueness is summarized in a more technical
way by the philosopher Karl Popper who described--who
introduced the term of falsifiability.
The idea of falsifiability is that what distinguishes science
from non science is that scientific predictions make
strong claims about the world and these claims are of a sort
that they could be proven wrong. If they couldn't be proven
wrong, they're not interesting enough to be science.
So, for example, within psychology the sort of
claims we'll be entertaining throughout the course include
claims like, damage to the hippocampus
causes failures of certain sorts of memory, or everywhere in the
world men on average want to have more sexual partners than
women, or exposure to violent
television tends to make children themselves more
violent. Now, are they true or are they
false? Well, we'll talk about that,
but the point here is they can be false.
They're interesting enough that they can be tested and as such
they go to--they might be wrong but they graduate to the level
of a scientific theory. This should be contrasted with
nonscientific programs and the best example of a nonscientific
program is astrology. So, the problem with
astrological predictions is not that they're wrong.
It's that they can't be wrong. They're not even wrong.
I did my--I got my horoscope for today on the web.
"A couple of negative aspects could make you a little finicky
for the next few days." Okay.
I'm going to watch for that. "The presence of both Mars and
Venus suggests you want to box everything into a neat,
ordered, structured way but keeping a piece of jade or
carnelian close will help you keep in touch with your fun
side." And starting this morning I got
from my wife a little piece of jade and I have been sort of in
touch with my fun side. The problem is,
a few days aren't going to go by and say, "God.
That was wrong." It can't be wrong.
It's just so vague. I got a better horoscope from
The Onion actually: "Riding in a golf cart with
snow cone in hand, you'll be tackled by two police
officers this week after matching a composite caricature
of a suspected murderer." Now, that's a good prediction
because "wow." If it turns out to be true,
I'm going to say, "Those guys really know
something." It's falsifiable.
Arguably, Freud fails the test because Freudian theory is often
so vague and flexible that it can't really be tested in any
reliable way. A big problem with this is a
lot of Freudian theory is claimed to be validated in the
course of psychoanalysis. So, when you ask people,
"Why do you believe in Freud?" they won't say,
"Oh, because of this experiment, that experiment,
this data set and that data set."
What they'll say is, "It's--The Freudian theory
proves itself in the course of psychoanalysis – the success
of psychoanalysis." But it's unreliable.
The problem is, say, Freud says to a patient,
"You hate your mother." The patient says, "Wow.
That makes sense." Freud says, "I'm right."
The patient--Freud says, "You hate your mother," and the
patient says, "No, I don't.
That's titillating. That's disgusting."
Freud says, "Your anger shows this idea is painful to you.
You have repressed it from consciousness.
I am right." And the problem is the same
sort of dynamic plays itself out even in the scientific debate
back and forth. So Freud--Freudian
psychologists--I'm putting Freud here but what I mean is
well-known defenders of Freud will make some claims like:
adult personality traits are shaped by the course of
psychosexual development; all dreams are disguised wish
fulfillment; psychoanalysis is the best
treatment for mental disorders. Scientists will respond,
"I disagree. There's little or no evidence
supporting those claims." And the Freudian response is,
"Your rejection of my ideas shows that they are distressing
to you. This is because I am right."
And this is often followed up, seriously enough.
"You have deep psychological problems."
And now, I don't want to caricature Freudians.
A lot of Freudians have tried and made a research program of
extending their ideas scientifically,
bringing them to robust scientific tests.
But the problem is, when you make specific
falsifiable predictions they don't always do that well.
So, for instance, there's no evidence that oral
and anal characteristics, the personality characteristics
I talked about – about being needy versus being stingy –
relate in any interesting way to weaning or toilet training.
And there's been some efforts cross-culturally,
to go back to the question this young man asked before –
looking at cross-cultural differences in toilet training
and weaning, which are really big
differences, to see if they correspond in any interesting
way to personality differences. And there's been no good
evidence supporting that. Similarly, Freud had some
strong claims about sexuality, for why some people are
straight and others are gay. These have met with very little
empirical support. And the claim that
psychoanalysis proves itself by being--by its tremendous success
in curing mental illness is also almost certainly not true.
For most--Maybe not all, but for most psychological
disorders, there are quicker and more reliable treatments than
psychoanalysis. And there's considerable
controversy as to whether the Tony Soprano method of insight,
where you get this insight and there's discovery,
"Oh, now I know," makes any real difference in alleviating
symptoms such as anxiety disorders or depression.
This is why there's sort of--often sort of a sticker
shock when people go to a university psychology department
where they say, "Look.
Hey. Where is--So I'm in Psych.
How could I take classes on Freud?
Who's your expert on Freud?" And the truth is Freudian
psychoanalysis is almost never studied inside psychology
departments. Not the cognitive or
developmental side, not the clinical side.
There are some exceptions but, for the most part,
even the people who do study Freud within psychology
departments do so critically. Very few of them would see
themselves as a psychoanalytic practitioner or as a Freudian
psychologist. Freud lives on both in a
clinical setting and in the university but Freud at Yale,
for instance, is much more likely to be found
in the history department or the literature department than in
the psychology department. And this is typical enough but,
despite all of the, sort of, sour things I just
said about Freud, the big idea,
the importance of the dynamic unconscious, remains intact.
We will go over and over and over again different case
studies where some really interesting aspects of mental
life prove to be unconscious. Now, there's one question.
I'm actually going to skip over this for reasons of time and
just go to some examples of the unconscious in modern
psychology. So, here's a simple example of
the unconscious in modern psychology: Language
understanding. So, when you hear a sentence
like, "John thinks that Bill likes him," in a fraction of a
second you realize that this means that John thinks that Bill
likes John. If you heard the
sentence--Oops--"John thinks that Bill likes himself," in a
fraction of a second you would think that it means "John thinks
that Bill likes Bill." And as we will get to when we
get to the lecture on language, this is not conscious.
You don't know how you do this. You don't even know that you
are doing this but you do it quickly and instinctively.
So much of our day-to-day life can be done unconsciously.
There are different activities you can do – driving,
chewing gum, shoelace tying – where if
you're good enough at them, if you're expert enough at
them, you don't know you're doing them.
I was at a party a few years ago for a friend of mine and we
ran out of food so he said, "I'll just go pick up some
food." An hour later he was
gone--still gone and it was around the corner.
And we called him up on his cell phone and he said,
"Oh. I got on the highway and I
drove to work." Yeah.
He works an hour away but he got on the highway "drive drive
drive." And these--some version of
these things happen all of the time.
Maybe more surprising, Freud's insight that our likes
and dislikes are due to factors that we're not necessarily
conscious of has a lot of empirical support--a lot of
empirical support from research into social psychology,
for example. So, here's one finding from
social psychology. If somebody goes through a
terrible initiation to get into a club, they'll like the club
more. You might think they'd like it
less because people do terrible things to them.
But actually, hazing is illegal but a
remarkably successful tool. The more you pay for something
the more you like it and the more pain you go through to get
something the more you like it. From the standpoint of politics
for instance, if you want loyal people in a
political campaign, do not pay them.
If you pay them, they'll like you less.
If they volunteer, they'll like you more.
And we'll talk about why. There's different theories
about why, but my point right now is simply that people don't
necessarily know this but still they're subject to this.
Another example is some weird studies done in a discipline of
social psychology known as terror management which involves
subliminal death primes. The idea of subliminal death
primes is this. You sign up for your human
subjects requirement and then you--they put you in front of a
computer screen and then they tell you,
"Oh, just sit in front of the computer screen and then we'll
ask you some questions." And then the questions come out
and they're questions like, "How much do you love your
country?" "What do you think of Asians?"
"What do you think of Jews?" "What do you think of blacks?"
"What do you think of vegetarians?"
"What do you think of people's political views different from
yours?" Here's the gimmick.
What you don't know is on that computer screen words are being
flashed like that but they're being flashed so fast it looks
like that--You don't see anything--words like "corpse,"
"dead," "dying." The flashing of these
subliminal words, "subliminal" meaning – a
fancy term meaning below the level of consciousness,
you don't know you're seeing them – has dramatic effects on
how you answer those questions. People exposed to death primes
become more nationalistic, more patriotic,
less forgiving of other people, less liking of other races and
people from other countries. Again the claim--the
explanation for why this is so is something which we'll get to
in another class. The point now is simply to
illustrate that these sort of things can have--that things you
aren't aware of can have an effect on how you think.
The final example I'll give of this is a short demonstration.
To do this, I'm going to cut the class in half at this point
so you'll be on this side of the class,
the right side, my right, and this will be on
the left side, and I simply want everybody to
think about somebody you love. So, think about somebody you
love, your girlfriend, your boyfriend,
your mom, your dad. Think about somebody you love.
Just think. Okay.
Now, on this screen is going to be instructions but I want to
give the instructions to this half of the class .
I'm going to ask everybody in this half of the class please
either turn your head or shut your eyes.
Okay? Teaching fellows too.
Okay. And everybody on this half obey
. Okay.
Has everybody read that? Okay.
Now, turn your head, this group. Now this group:
Look at this and take a moment. You don't have to do it on
paper but take a moment to do it in your head.
You--Each group had instructions.
Some people might have seen both instructions.
Follow the instructions you got for you.
Now, this was research done by Norbert Schwarz and here's the
question I want you to ask yourself, "How much do you like
this person?" And here's the effect:
Half of you were asked to list three features of the person.
Half of you were asked to list ten.
The finding, which is not a subtle finding,
is that liking goes up in the three group and liking goes down
in the ten group. And here is why.
I have to think about three positive features of somebody so
I think about my girlfriend. I have a girlfriend.
I think about my girlfriend, "but oh, she's smart,
she's beautiful and she's kind. Good.
How much do--What do I think of her?
"Pretty, good, smart, beautiful,
kind, smart, beautiful, oh,
yeah." But the problem--;Now,
Schwarz is clever though. He says, "List--" The other
group gets ten positive features, "smart,
beautiful, kind… really nice… good
cook… punctual, smart… No,
I mentioned that." The problem is nobody has ten
positive features! And the effect of being asked
to do ten positive features is people find this hard.
And then those people, when asked, "How much do you
like this person?" say, "Couldn't really make it
that ten. I guess I don't like them very
much." Now, the point of this
illustration, again, is that it shows that
you don't know this. Subjects who were asked to do
ten positive features and then later ranked the person lower
and then asked, "Why did you rank the person
lower?" Don't say, "'Cause you told me
to list ten." Typically, we are oblivious to
these factors that change our points – what we like and what
we dislike – and this is, in fact, a substantial and an
important part of the study of psychology, and particularly,
for instance, the study of racial and sexual
prejudice. Where--One of the big findings
from social psychology, and we'll devote almost an
entire lecture to this, is that people have strong
views about other races that they don't know about and that
they don't know how to control their actions.
So, to some extent, this rounds out Freud because
to some extent the particulars of Freud are--for the most part
have been rejected. But the general idea of Freud's
actually been so successful both in the study of scientific
psychology and in our interpretation of everyday life
that, to some extent,
Freud's been a victim of his own success.
We tend to underestimate the importance of Freudian thought
in everyday life because he's transformed our world view to
such an extent that it's difficult for us to remember if
there's any other way to think about it.
So, to some extent, he's been the victim of his own
success. We have time for some further
questions about Freud and about scientific implications of
I took a class once on how to teach when I was a graduate
student. And I just remember two things
from this class. One thing is never grade in red
pen. Those--People don't like that.
The second thing is never ask any questions,
because presumably it is very frightening to ask,
"Any questions?" and people find it's
intimidating. I'm supposed to ask,
"What are your questions?" So, what are your questions?
Yes, in back. Sorry.
Student: Did Freud believe in
[inaudible] Professor Paul Bloom:
Did Freud believe in [inaudible]
Student: Medication Professor Paul
Bloom: Medication. Freud had an--It's a good
question. The question was,
"Does--did Freud believe in medication?"
Medication, of course, being a major theme of how we
deal with certain disorders now, particularly depression and
anxiety disorders. On the one hand,
Freud made his start as a neuroscientist.
Freud studied the mind and the brain and was intensely
interested in the neural basis of thought and behavior.
But the answer to your question in the end is,
"no." Although Freud was very
sensitive to the brain basis of behavior, Freud was totally
convinced that the method through which to cure disorders
like depression and anxiety would not be medication but
rather through the sort of talk therapy and insight.
Moreover, modern therapists, including some people who
aren't psychoanalytically defined, will say,
"Look. These drugs are all well and
good but what they do is they mask the symptoms."
So, if you have panic attacks, say, it's true that drugs might
make the panic attacks go away, but the panic attacks are
actually not your real problem. And by making them go away you
don't get to the root of your problem.
So, the answer is both Freud and modern day psychoanalysts
would think that medications are substantially overused in the
treatment of mental disorders. Yes.
Student: Are there any [inaudible]
Professor Paul Bloom: The question is,
"What about research on dreams?"
"Dreams" is such a fun topic that I'm going to devote half a
class to sleeping and dreams. So, for instance,
I will answer the question "What is the most common dream?"
I will also answer the question "Who thinks about sex more in
dreams, men or women, and what proportion of--" Oh.
There's so many great questions I will answer.
Dreams from a Freudian standpoint.
There's been some evidence that dreams do, and some often do,
have some relationship to what you're thinking about and
worrying about through the day. But the strong Freudian view
about symbolism and wish fulfillment has not been
supported by the study of dreams.
What are your other questions? Yes, whoever Erik is pointing
to. Professor Paul Bloom:
Purple shirt. Yes.
Student: [inaudible]--Electra complex?
Professor Paul Bloom: The Electra complex?
The Electra complex is the penis envy story.
Freud developed--This is a crude summary,
but Freud developed the Oedipal complex, "Mom,
I love Mommy, Dad."
And then it's as if somebody reminded him,
"Sigmund, there are also women."
"Oh, yeah." And that story I told you with
the penises and the penis envy and the replacement is sort of a
very shortened version of the Electra complex.
I think it's fair to say that the Electra complex was a sort
of add-on to the main interest of Freud's Oedipal complex.
One more, please. Yes.
Student: [inaudible]
Professor Paul Bloom: According to Freud,
the--there's not a fixation in the stage, in the same sense as
an oral or anal stage, but yes.
The claim that Freud would make is that the woman's discovery
that she lacks the penis plays a fundamental role later on
determining her allegiances in life and in fact her own sexual
preferences and interests. So, it's not the sort of thing
that affects her just for a short period.