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Can we help you?
RICK: So it's a lot of corkscrews.
You collect corkscrews?
SELLER: That I do.
I have 2,300 corkscrews.
A little screwy if you ask me.
Where would you keep 2,300 corkscrews?
I have a house full of corkscrews.
CHUMLEE: So your wife wants you to get rid of some?
Yes, she's had enough of my collection.
RICK: I recently opened up a bar next door,
and I can always use corkscrews over there.
So how much would you want for these three right there?
It would be about $950.
I'll give you $600.
[dramatic music]
No, we gotta be looking at $750-ish.
The only reason I'm going this high
is because I really want to display these on my bar.
So this is a business transaction where
I'm not really making business.
I'm decorating.
So you have to cut me a little slack here.
We could be looking at $675.
We got $650.
RICK: All right.
You want to go write him up?
CHUMLEE: Yeah, come on.
Let's go write up some paperwork and get you paid.
CHUMLEE: Maybe I can come check out this collection
you're talking about.
Ah, it'll be worth your while.
If the guys like these, they're going
to love my entire collection.
It goes back four centuries.
CHUMLEE: A little while ago, we had a customer
come into the shop with a collection
of corkscrews that Rick really, really, really liked.
Rick mentioned that he would like
to display some of these in his bar,
and this guy has thousands of corkscrews.
So I'm bringing Corey down to his house
to take a look at some of them, and maybe we
can find a few more for Rick.
Hey, how you doing?
SELLER: I'm doing wonderful, Chumlee.
Good seeing you again.
CHUMLEE: Yeah, my pleasure.
Here's my associate, Big Hoss.
Pleasure meeting you.
So my dad was really into this or something?
CHUMLEE: You know your dad.
He likes weird things.
I mean, look at this one here.
Like, this is a duck.
SELLER: Maybe.
CHUMLEE: It's a rabbit.
SELLER: Right.
CHUMLEE: No, it's a duck.
SELLER: That's about right.
It's a ducking rabbit.
CHUMLEE: So you ready to make a deal?
I could be talked into it.
Can we break a few out maybe and just buy a few of them?
That's fine.
We got the big mistake eraser.
I'd say about $15.
We got this cork.
I'd say another $20.
Bear jaw.
Bear jaw-- $45.
CHUMLEE: And this.
SELLER: And $85.
I like this.
What's up with that one right there?
Oh, man.
That's $135 apiece easy.
$200 flat.
Two and a quarter.
$200 and we got a deal.
All right, old buddy, old pal.
CHUMLEE: I appreciate it.
What's up with you and my dad always buying each other gifts?
Put a cork in it.
You said something about wanting
to do something for Rick.
What do you want to do?
You know me, the generous guy I am.
Yeah, you are.
CHUMLEE: Rick liked the corkscrews,
and he kept talking about his bar the whole time--
my bar this, my bar that.
And there's nothing Rick loves more than talking.
So I figure this will give him plenty more stuff to talk about
if he has this hanging up on the wall somewhere.
So when you were telling me about the corkscrew thing,
it's sort of funny because when you're in a bar,
you don't want to know what time it is, right?
But I was thinking about maybe a clock.
I mean, the cooler, the better, Rick.
I trust your judgment.
A clock, it does sound pretty cool to me.
And everybody's going to ask about it, right?
RICK DALE: Well, then, he can talk
about his different corkscrews that he's got.
CHUMLEE: Yeah, I think that'll be good.
Well, here's what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna take them home.
And I'll get it set up.
I'll figure something out.
And I'll let you know. - All right.
Sounds good. You got my number.
- And please, don't call Rick-- - OK.
CHUMLEE: --because this is a surprise.
And don't call Corey either, because no one blows
a surprise faster than him.
He can't keep his mouth shut.
- All right, brother. - All right.
- Awesome. - Thank you.
Awesome. Awesome.
Awesome. CHUMLEE: All right.
Well, I'm really excited to show it to him.
I mean, you're going to love it.
It looks awesome.
I'm back.
What's up, old timer?
COREY: Pops, Chum got you a present.
Oh, he did?
So you bought a couple corkscrews, and then Corey
and I went to that guy's house.
And he had, like, a million corkscrews.
We picked out a few more, and I wanted to make you
something special for the bar.
And well, I'm mean, I'll let Rick Dale tell you the rest.
Yeah, so what he did is he showed me these corkscrews.
And we wanted to display them for you.
It'd be sort of a conversation piece.
All right, well, let's take a look at it.
1, 2, 3.
RICK: Wine o'clock.
RICK DALE: Right, wine o'clock, right?
[laughing] That is really, really cool.
RICK DALE: This is an old '40s clock off
of one of the old drugstores.
I eliminated the hands, and then I just
put each one of these corkscrews around
like it would be the time.
Does it plug in?
Yeah, it plugs in, lights up.
It's awesome.
Let's put it on the wall.
Let's check it out. - All right.
OK. So--
All right, put it right there on that screw, boys.
All right now, step back before I plug it in.
3, 2, 1-- ta-da!
RICK DALE: You see them pretty good now, right?
RICK: That is absolutely great.
I love that.
That, Rick, is my gift to you.
Well, thanks, Chum.
I really, really appreciate it.
I mean, I picked out a couple corkscrews for the shop.
No, no, no.
Corey was there.
It was-- I got to give Rick some credit where credit's due.
I absolutely love it.
Thanks a lot, man.
It's great. - You bet.
RICK: I'm impressed.
We can talk about that raise now, right?
[laughing] We'll talk about it later.