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Hi. I'm Marisa Peer
and I've been a therapist for a long time.
But I realize very early on with all my clients and patients,
they all had the same problem, which is they didn't ever think
they're enough.
Whether they came in with a drug addiction, a shopping addiction,
a food addiction, a hoarding addiction, it all went back
to the same thing, "I'm not enough."
And some of my clients were movie stars, an Olympic athlete,
and others maybe was school teachers but "I'm not
enough" is a universal problem that we pick up very early
in our life because we start to compare ourselves
to other people.
And parents and teachers do it too without meaning to,
"Why can't you be like your sister or your brother?"
So we start to buy into this belief, "I'm not enough."
And it is the biggest problem I see in the western world.
But there's good news.
It's incredibly easy to fix "I'm not enough."
If you think you're not smart enough, attractive enough,
interesting enough, intelligent enough, lovable enough,
if you have issues with shopping, eating, hoarding,
drinking, even bingeing out on Netflix to hide from the feeling
of not being enough, I promise you,
it is so easy to fix.
And here's the best way to fix it.
Write it on your mirror, in lipstick or eyeliner
or marker pen.
Put in on your fridge in fridge magnets,
put it all over your house.
What I'd love you to do is write it, take a photo of it,
and hashtag that to Mindvalley, join the I Am Enough Movement.
Not just for you.
You may have children or brothers or sisters or people
you work with and everyone in the world can benefit massively
from knowing they are enough.
When you know you're enough, you know what's so amazing?
You give the whole world permission to also know
that you're enough.
When you think you're not enough, people pick up what you
believe about you.
You are what you believe.
You make your beliefs, then your beliefs make you.
So if you make your belief "I'm enough," I promise you,
I guarantee you, it would change your entire life.
So please, join the I Am Enough Movement today.
Write it everywhere.
Write it in your language, hashtag Mindvalley.
I want to see where you're writing it.
People write it in the dust of cars.
They write it on the sand.
They plant flowers that come up and say "I'm enough."
They write it everywhere,
in every language you can think of.
And I'm passionate about spreading the word.
So help me out.
Write "I'm enough" on your fridge, on your mirror,
anywhere you like, tattoo it, write it on your skin,
send it to me, hashtag Mindvalley, join the movement.
Know you're enough because when you know you're enough,
the whole world is going to believe you.
Thanks for listening.
See you soon.