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if you have Children or you plan on having Children and you want to raise them in the most loving, authentic and empowering way.
What you're about to discover in this video will transform the way you think about parenting.
And it all starts with this one question.
Are you raising your Children?
Who are you raising the child inside you?
These are the words of Dr Shefali Sabari.
She's one of the world's foremost experts in the field of conscious parenting.
She's been on Oprah seven times.
I put her on stage a mind Val University, and she has wowed the audience, and she has had a truly powerful impact on my style of parenting and thus on the lives of my Children.
You kind of popularized the term conscious parenting.
But what is that?
What does it mean to be a conscious parent?
Do you realize that to every moment in your life, but mostly to your parenting?
You are bringing your own healed wounds from your childhood, so the raising of the child becomes the eternal question with child.
Are we raising?
I'll be raising the rial child or the child within each one of us because all of us sitting here today and all watching are just Children just at more adult more, ready to pay a bill or two.
But really, we're tantrum ing, screaming, crying, desperate in her Children.
One of the cornerstones of Polly's teachings is that our style of parenting actually comes from the unique set off beliefs, challenges and ideologies that we take on s parents from our childhood.
And we pass this on to our kids.
We fail to see how the subconscious ideas that we took on how the beliefs of the world that we started to believe we were true from our mothers, fathers, teachers, preachers, educators infect our mind.
And then we pass these to our kids without bothering toe analyze.
Are these beliefs really necessary?
Really, And true in today's world, we fail to see how very often we passed down dysfunctional ideas, believes morality and concepts to our Children.
And we do this because we are unconscious off what is really going on in the background of our lives.
When I became a parent, I laid down all of these rules.
My Children were going to be well behaved.
My Children were goingto love school.
My Children are gonna be the kids that brought home the ace that would hopefully get into an Ivy League University.
They would learn the value of money.
That would be the kids that I would be proud of, that that other parents would say they wanted.
And I realize all of that was dysfunctional.
Yet don't we all do this?
Most of us approach parenting fully unconscious.
We think we know it all.
We think it's genetic.
We think it's a natural instinct, but we're simply taking on the ideas that we got from our parents, who got it from their parents, who got it from the our parents, who got it from a world 100 years ago, for example.
I used to believe his apparent that my job was to keep my Children happy.
The problem here, according to Shefali, is that if we teach kids to avoid pain, we actually slow down the rate of growth, nature and life is filled with challenges and obstacles.
They are gonna be ups and downs instead.
Don't teach a child to avoid pain, teach them to find their inner strength.
This is a better way.
This is just one tiny piece of what I learned from Shefali, and when you take a closer look, you'll start to see that all hell lessons connect.
But ultimately it comes toe one thing.
Are you raising your Children or are you attempting to raise the little child inside you?
The big realization is that if you want to raise a truly conscious, empowered, sufficient incredible child, you first have to fully develop the child within.
It means dealing with your drama, dealing with your subconscious programming, dealing with your dysfunctional beliefs.
This is the core of conscious parenting.
It is liberating.
I cannot express to you how this has completely changed my relationship with my Children.
And if you like these ideas and you want to go deeper uncovered you to enroll in this master class completely free with me and Dr Shapley Sabari, you're gonna learn some off the core ideas of conscious parenting.
And in the course of one hour, you will gain transformative insights that you can immediately bring back to your life as parents and to elevate the live in the possibilities of your Children.