Waydrove a littlebitfurthersouthandourshe'llcookiebook.
Usually I trytowaituntiltheGPSturnsonsothat I canfindthings.
No, dude, thatwassuperfun.
Butso I got a littlebitaggressive, and I justwent a littlebitaroundthecornerandkindofjust a littletinybitlostlineofsightjustfor a second.
Andthenthesignalkindof a littlebitlost, andthatwaskindof a panicmode, but I justrantothepoint, andthenyougotthesignalagainbecauseitwasn't thatbad, butthatwas a bitscary.
Havetobuy a newbatterybecause, youknow, just 11 chargeisn't enoughforyoutoreally, reallyget a hangofthisthing.
Wejustfound a spottoflythedrugs.
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