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Hey guys! I have some exciting things to show you.
你可能已經知道 我是個多麼挑食的人。
You probably know by now how much of a picky eater I am.
And the thing I love second best about Japan (after Jun) is Japanese food!
所以今天我有一些我最喜歡的 日本當地的食材給你看。
So today I have some of my favorite foods from Japan to show you.
而我真的超愛它們的; 希望你們也會喜歡他們。
So I'm super excited about it; I hope you guys will like them, too.
And all of these are things that are really super easy and
因為你們這些人 知道我多麼討厭做飯。
quick to make because you guys know how much I hate cooking.
So these are perfect meals for me!
所以我要展示的第一樣 是一個叫做香鬆(?)的東西。
So the first thing I want to show you is something called furikake.
香鬆就像調味品一樣 可以加入米飯的調味料。
Now furikake is like seasoning, like flavored seasoning that you can put on rice.
Because if you're someone like me and you're not used to eating rice every day eventually
after a while you're just like NOOO! NO MORE RICE, PLEASE!!
那麼你需要一點額外的東西 使它的味道更好一點。
So you need a little something extra to make it taste a little bit better.
就香鬆而言 這個相當健康。
And as far as furikake goes this one is fairly healthy.
這是12 shurui no yasai,所以有12 這裡有不同類型的蔬菜。
It's 12 shurui no yasai, so there's 12 different types of vegetables in here.
Okay, so I'm going to show you what the furikake looks like on some rice.
對不起,如果這碗飯看起來不是很好 因為我這裡沒有電鍋
Sorry if this rice doesn't look very good because I don't have my rice cooker here.
所以你可以看到它只是 小點綴
So as you can see it's just little flavoring that you
加到你的飯上 就會讓味道好一點。
add to your rice so it tastes a little bit better.
我不知道我用筷子夾起來 容不容易 -
I don't know how easily I can pick this up with chopsticks—
我可能應該使用像 叉子或湯匙什麼的。
I probably should have used like a fork or a spoon or something.
Let's see!
It tastes so good!
它的味道根本不像蔬菜, 即使它看起來像蔬菜。
It doesn't taste like vegetables at all, even though it looks like vegetables.
這有點甜。 我會說有點像...
It's a little sweet.
有一點點鹹味,而且 帶有一點甜味。
I would say there's like...
我最喜歡的日本料理之一是 karashi(芥末) mentaiko(海苔)意大利麵醬。
there's a little bit of a salty kick, and there's also a little bit of a sweet flavor.
這是什麼 - -明太子 就像小魚蛋
One of my favorite Japanese foods is karashi mentaiko for pasta sauce.
這聽起來很奇怪(對老外來講) 但他們真好吃!
And what it is is—mentaiko are like little fish eggs
這實際上這個 是我最喜歡的種類。
and it sounds kind of weird but they're so good!
And this is actually my favorite type.
I've probably had mentaiko in about like... at least five different restaurants in Japan.
So I've had like five different versions of restaurant mentaiko
價格是1-2美元 絕對是我的最愛!
plates anywhere between like maybe $7-13 and these little packets that you can get at the
它比餐館便宜得多 它的味道也好多了。
store for like $1-2 are absolutely my favorite!
所以這個,芥末明太子, 它有一點點辣
It's so much cheaper than the restaurants and it tastes so much better.
它的味道很香 讓它吃起來味道真的很好。
So this one, karashi mentaiko, it has a little bit of a
好的,所以裡面有兩個包裝 醬汁和海苔,或海藻。
spice flavor to it so it makes it taste really good.
我其實沒有意大利麵(條型),但你可以 任何類型的意大利麵(通心管型或捲型)都可以吃這個。
Okay, so inside here there's two packets of sauce and nori, or seaweed.
而且我已經撕了包裝但是你 可以看到這裡有兩個步驟:
I actually don't have spaghetti but you can eat this with any type of pasta at all.
煮麵條後倒入 一小包在意大利麵上的。
And I already tore the package but you can see there are two steps here:
boil noodles and pour the packets on the pasta.
但我喜歡先加熱後再淋上這些 這樣溫度才夠。
So, so easy to make!
但我所做的方式是 在我洒完水的時候就灑上
But I like heating the sauce up first so that the sauce is warm, too.
But all I do is I just put it under the water when I'm draining
my boiled water for pasta so you don't even have to put it in the microwave or anything.
如果我放大 你可以看到顆粒有多小
It smells so good!
明太子蛋就是這樣,所以不是 件容易讓人感到驚訝的事情 -
And if I zoom in you can see just how small
the little mentaiko eggs are so this isn't something that will gross you out easily—
like you can't really even see them if you're looking at it normally.
So it's really easy to eat as far as fish eggs go!
Sorry, I'm not a plating expert like Jun.
This doesn't look as good as it would if he had made it.
It's been so long!!
Oh, it's so good!
卡路里良伴是什麼,是嗎? 一種日本營養棒。
And then we have Calorie Mate!
這些對我來說很完美,因為它夠小, 你可以隨身攜帶
And what Calorie Mate is, is it's a type of Japanese nutrition bar.
這裡頭可以看到有很多 不同的維生素和礦物質。
And these are perfect for me because they're so small and you can take them with
對我來說,有時早上當我醒來的時候 我的胃不太能吃東西!
you anywhere and there's a ton of different vitamins and minerals in them.
所以我不能一起來就馬上吃東西, 或我如果必須邊出門邊吃
And for me, sometimes when I wake up in the morning my stomach just does NOT want food!
So I can't eat right away and if I have to go somewhere I need to
所以卡路里良伴 對我而言就非常適合。
take breakfast with me or something when I can finally eat it later.
有很多不同的口味:有 巧克力,這是我最喜歡的。
So Calorie Mate is perfect for me for that.
有楓糖,奶酪...... 讓我們看看,馬鈴薯和水果!
There's a ton of different flavors: there's chocolate, which is my absolute favorite.
實際上我之前沒有 吃過這些。
There's maple, cheese... let's see, potato, and fruits!
所以有時我會喜歡 為了你們做嘗試。
And actually I haven't tried these before.
So sometime I'll do like a taste test comparison for you guys.
只有一點點, 我讓你們瞧瞧。
They come in little packets like this.
它們有點...... [乾]。 它看起來像一個小餅乾。
And they're just little sticks, and I'll show you.
這真是好吃! 這味道很好。
They're a little... [dry]. It kind of looks like a little biscuit.
它不像真的 超強的味道。
This is so good! This tastes so good.
這只是一點點 有點巧克力味。
It's not like a really super strong flavor.
我第一次到日本的時 JUN為我準備了所有的餐點
It's just a little bit chocolatey.
而他有一次帶這綠色的東西給我喝 我就說,“這是什麼?!"
When I first went to Japan Jun made all of
my meals for me and he brought me out this green drink one time and I was like, "What
is this?!" But it was so good!
從那以後我就盧他 幫我一直做抹茶歐蕾。
And it was Matcha au lait.
And ever since then I ask him to make me matcha au lait all the time.
--其中最貴的 綠茶的種類。
Matcha is a finely ground green tea powder—it's
而且有很多東西 在日本都是抹茶味。
one of the most expensive types of green tea.
就像有大量的抹茶甜點 ,抹茶冰淇淋,
And there are so many things that are matcha flavored in Japan.
有抹茶年糕 ......
Like there's tons of matcha desserts, there's matcha ice cream,
還有一些,像是抹茶它 本身真的很苦,所以我
there's matcha mochi...
And some of them, like matcha itself is really bitter, so I
don't like matcha ice cream at all.
But this one is really sweet.
好的,所以我們這裡有我們的混合棒, 正如你所看到的,有兩個步驟:
I love this drink!
倒入杯中然後倒入 熱水倒入杯中並混合。
All right, so here we have our blendy stick, and as you can see there are two steps:
pour it into the cup and then pour hot water into the cup and mix.
我是逆骨 - 我要反過來做。
So, very easy.
And I'm a rebel—I'm doing it backwards.
I already have my hot water.
這絕對是 你該試試的玩意!
我從樂天全球市場獲得了所有這些傷品, 這是樂天的國際版。
This is definitely something you have to try!
如果你不知道樂天是什麼,那就是 日本最大的線上“購物中心”。
I got all of these off of Rakuten Global Market, which is the international version of Rakuten.
我們這裡沒有真正的比較 因為他們不僅有個人商店
And if you don't know what Rakuten is, it's the biggest online "shopping mall" in Japan.
你可以在這找到 日本的各種商品
We don't really have a comparison for it here because not only do they have individual stores
(就像一般產品而言還沒去找到 我還沒有看到
where you can find pretty much everything in Japan
(like as far as normal products go I have yet to see
他們也有 拍賣網站
something I haven't been able to find selling on Rakuten),
(之前我買了一堆連衣裙 ,我晚點會讓你們瞧瞧
they also have an auction website
但我時間用完了 所以可能之後吧),
(which I've bought a bunch of dresses off of before, and I was going to show you those
他們也是一家銀行,擁有相同的信用卡和 其它服務,像JUN就有使用。
the last time I was in Japan but I ran out of time so look forward to that later),
and they're also a bank, with like credit cards and everything, which Jun uses.
現在他們有了國際網站 所以如果就算你不在日本,
So Jun and I have used all of the different parts of Rakuten and it's huge, it's really
great, and now they have an international website so if you're not in Japan you can
buy pretty much anything from Japan that you want to look for.
在下面的描述中,如果你是 現在正在觀看這個影片
So I put all of these links
明天他們有一個國際活動, 像是免費運送,他們也有
down in the description below, and if you're watching this video right now actually starting
tomorrow they have an international campaign for like free shipping and they also have
like a contest where you can win I think like plane tickets or something, so I put that
謝謝你們的觀看! 我下次見!
link down in the description, too.
Thanks for watching guys! I'll see you next time!