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  • There's so many questions about testing in the U.

  • S.

  • News that private labs are joining the fight tonight.

  • We're going to take you inside one.

  • But how many kids are available on?

  • How quickly will they now get this done?

  • Here's A B C's Mac up.

  • Have you been feeling?

  • Has been hurting, But that's all I've been.

  • Pretty good decides it's become an all too familiar story.

  • Eight year old Adele Tyson of Westchester, New York, came down with Corona virus like symptoms last week, So her mother, Vita, called the health department hotline to get tested.

  • I call a different numbers, and I spoke with eight different people and, um, they meant well, um, on.

  • Then they referred me back to the original number.

  • Vita gave up, but then she fell ill.

  • Herself and the locally are tested her on Tuesday, six days later.

  • Still no results.

  • I don't know what I'm gonna be able to leave my house.

  • I don't know if I've infected a lot of people.

  • I can't tell anyone anything, because I don't know.

  • Testing numbers nationwide are still lagging.

  • New York has conducted roughly 7000 tests since the outbreak.

  • North Carolina's public labs have only done about 300 however.

  • In South Korea, where the number of cases have now flattened, over 275,000 tests have been conducted.

  • They've even now created phone booth type testing sites.

  • But back home health workers need to be in full protective gear to administer the tests.

  • In some cases, they're proving scarce.

  • The current test that's been available up to this point has been very manual or labor intensive, so that has hindered how quickly we can turn results around and the volume of tests that can be done.

  • But this weekend we may have turned a corner.

  • The FDA approved a new test for the virus.

  • We did this within hours after receiving the application from Roche, Roche Molecular Solutions and another private biotech company, Thermo Fisher, received emergency FDA authorization for new tests.

  • Breakthroughs Because of the speed, patients no longer have to wait for days for results, now just three and 1/2 hours.

  • What we can now expect is that we're gonna provide 400,000 tests in the coming days, so that will mean that we will make available about one and 1/2 1,000,000 tests every month.

  • How did Rose pull it off?

  • The challenge was the timeline.

  • Could we do it?

  • In 6 to 7 weeks, As we were being asked to do, we did something that usually takes trails to 18 months.

  • So we had to reinvent how he did things with the potential to be a covert 19 game changer.

  • The Roche factory went into overdrive with thumbs up from the FDA around midnight on Friday.

  • The tests rolled out over the weekend, this New Jersey shipping team loading trucks heading out over 30 labs across the country.

  • And today in Chicago, Kathleen Beavis of the University of Chicago put the new test through one of its first runs this afternoon, so they're literally dropping in as we speak.

  • You're getting specimens as we yes, we are.

  • The results.

  • Five positives out of 43 again, this all goes to helping us track where the existing cases are and where we might have higher pockets of illness in the Chicago area.

  • Many of these experts have skin in the game.

  • Dr Valle, so Max's husband, he's already suffering from heart trouble.

  • He's in the highest risk category group of people to die from this infection.

  • This is personal.

  • I want to protect him.

  • So many questions about testing coming into the team.

  • So let's get back to Dr Jen.

  • And someone wrote, Actually, was Courtney.

  • She is, she said, Please ask Dr Ashton.

  • First of Law.

  • How long can one be a carrier of covert 19 before actually showing symptoms?

  • Do we even know the answer?

  • Don't know, David.

  • We know The average incubation, based on a published study that just came out last week, was 5.2 days.

  • By 11 days, 97 97% of people will convert to positive.

  • But we really don't know what that ranges.

  • We still need to test more people.

  • And that's just a question.

  • Before showing symptoms, there are still many who are asymptomatic.

  • We heard that from Donovan Mitchell, the N B.

  • A player for the Utah Jazz who said he tested positive not feeling any symptoms.

  • And there's a question from Tim, who wrote in If asymptomatic or no symptoms, shouldn't we still be tested if we're contagious?

  • Toe others?

  • Well, the long term answer is yes.

  • We need to test a lot of asymptomatic people, but we're not there yet.

  • So right now it's what's considered a tier three level, an asymptomatic person in the community who maybe was just exposed to a confirmed case.

  • Right now, the real answer is self quarantine, because the ability to test asymptomatic people just is not there because there would be a crush of people than trying to get tested.

  • And we already have seen what's happening century with the testing process so far.

  • So again, if you have symptoms that that fever of 100.4 or above call your doctor in some cases, absolutely if you have a medical condition.

  • But remember, some people don't have a high fever with this.

  • So again, that's why we need to test a lot more people.

  • And if you don't have the fever, but you have some of the other symptoms, what are they to look out for?

  • Body aches, extreme fatigue, severe headache and dry cough.

  • If you have a health care provider, you want to call that person.

  • If not as we heard, try calling the Department of Health, but it might take a while to get take a while, so call your healthcare provider.

  • Don't just show up because otherwise you risk if you don't have it.

  • Perhaps coming into contact or somebody who does a lot more to come.

  • Jen, thank you very much.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos Here.

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There's so many questions about testing in the U.

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