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  • Hello friends I'm Tash and I welcome you to a new lesson. ‘Emotions’, a very big word,

  • we use it so often, right? Emotion, he is emotional, she is emotional, why do you get

  • so emotional? But what does emotional mean? Or what do emotions mean? Okay now, emotions

  • not only means you are being sad or you are being upset, it also means that you're happy,

  • you're very excited, you are, you know, you're overexcited, you were just so happy about

  • everything that's around you and sometimes you're sad, sometimes you don't know how to

  • react that also is a part of being emotional, okay? So don't always associate emotions with

  • being sad but you can also associate it with being happy, excited and so onokay? So

  • let's have a look at the first, it sayscheer up’, okay? Cheer up, what does it mean and

  • when do you use cheer up? Cheer up is usually told to a person who is in a very upset mood

  • or who does not wanna do anything else apart from being sitting there in one place. So

  • you tell the person or maybe he's lost a competition or he's not done as good as he was supposed

  • to do. So you tell the person, cheer up buddy, it's okay, you will do better next time. So

  • cheer up is usually encouraging someone, right? You are encouraging somebody. So encourage,

  • okay? It is a verb, you are cheering up someone. However, when you know, you're telling a person

  • that cheer up, cheer up, cheer upso youre telling the person that please get up and

  • move on, right? Don't just sit down there. So when a person is sad, he usually needs

  • to cheer up. The next one says, ‘lash out’. Okay a friend of mine, who is a very good

  • friend of mine, she cannot control her emotion when she is very angry, do you know what she

  • does is, sheanybody and anybody who comes there in front of her at that point, she just

  • lashes them out, she just ask them to get out, okay? So when you are very agitated or

  • very angry, that's what this emotion talks about. You actually lash out everybody who

  • comes your way. Okay so you basically tell the person to move away or get out, okay?

  • To move awayThat's about lashing out. When you use it in a phrase you could say,

  • my friend lashes out everybody who comes in front of her when she's angryokay?

  • So, lash out. ‘Calm down’, I'm sure we're all aware of what is calming down, now what

  • is calm down? It's a process which is you know, bringing you from an agitated or an

  • angry mood to a relaxed mood, okay? You know, you tend to tell people to calm down, when

  • they're very angry, when they just get hyperactive and they start throwing things or they start

  • shouting around the people, so you tell them listen, ‘you need to calm down right now’,

  • okay? Or when you, maybe when your boss is very angry and you don't want to go in front

  • of him you say okay, ‘I'm not gonna go in front of my boss till he calms down, right?

  • So calming down basically means relaxing, okay so relax. ‘Choke up’. Okay this happens

  • with me also. I get choked up when I see a very nice movie or a you know a romantic comedy

  • but I usually love watching, so you know what happens in a romantic comedy all the emotions

  • just get piled up so much, you know, in a moment there is happiness in a moment somebody's

  • just crying or somebody's just sorrowful and you know, it builds onto you and you get choked

  • up, by the end of it you don't know how to let it out, you just, it's just there, you

  • know, you can talk, especially it happens and when you know when you get choked up you

  • just can't talk, okay? I'm sure you've experienced this also and you will relate to it. So chalk

  • up is you know when you can't really talk, okay? So it’s, can’t talk, you just can't

  • talk when youre choked up. You know what phrase you can use over there, you could say,

  • that the last time orSam spoke to me about how he choked up when he met his mom last

  • time’. Choking up is usually happens when you have mixed emotions, okay? Yeah, ‘letting

  • someone down’. What is the letting someone down mean? It means that you disappoint somebody,

  • okay? You disappoint your parents many times, your parents are not accepting or not expecting

  • you to do a certain thing and you actually end up doing that, right? And then by the

  • end of it you actually tell them that, ‘Oh mom, I'm really sorry, I let you down.’

  • Okay so, letting somebody down is, disappointing somebody, okay? Disappointing someone, which

  • I'm sure you hate to do, Okay so you can, you know why it’s written here someone,

  • because we usually let people down, okay so these are people that were talking about.

  • Bottle up’. Okay, what is bottle up? Bottled up is when you are a person who is

  • very strong from inside, who knows how to hide his or her emotions, okay? But which

  • is very, very unhealthy. Trust me people as human beings we should always let our emotions

  • out, you know you should never keep them inside. So you know bottling up is very unhealthy

  • or you could say, ‘my friend always bottles up her emotions which I don't think is very

  • healthy’, okay? So bottling up or bottled up is, to keep your emotions, keep emotions

  • or you could say not expressing, yeah? You're not expressing your emotions, okay? So not

  • expressingyou could either use any of them. The next one says, ‘lighten up

  • orloosen up’. So what is this lighten up means what? Light up the room? No. Many

  • people are especially people who are in a very serious job have a problem, you know

  • I call that a problem. They don't want to take things lightly, they want to take everything

  • so seriously under the earth, I mean on earth and under the Sun, they want to take everything

  • so seriously. I don't know why to do that, but probably it's just an emotion which is

  • within them. So at times if you come across people like this, you would you know maybe

  • you want to suggest them that, ‘Mary you should lighten up things or it's not gonna

  • be good for you’, you know because the more you take things seriously the more you become

  • a very serious kind of person and then that emotion grows on you, and it gets very, very

  • strong. So lighten up or loosen up is to take things easily or say lightly, things lightly,

  • okay? Lightly. And the last one here is, ‘grow on’… okay grow on, what are we talking

  • about? Something is growing? No. We're talking about let's say the best example is a cousin

  • of mine who lives in the States, does not like Oprah, okay? But her friends are very

  • fond of Oprah and just last week she told me that, ‘how Oprah grew on to her’, what

  • does that mean? It means that now she started loving Oprah, she didn't like it initially,

  • however gradually and eventually it has started growing on to her and she has started liking

  • it herself. Okay so the emotion which was there in her which shethe motion of not

  • liking something has grown on to liking something, okay? So grow on is to build, it's basically

  • building on, building on, okay? It just eventually and slowly and gradually it's building onto

  • you, you've not liked it something, I mean you've not liked something before but now

  • that you've been seeing it quite often and you know this happens in an arranged marriage,

  • I have noticed this, a friend of mine who went to see a guy for the first time and she

  • was so upset she was like okay I'm not getting into this marriage, not getting into an arranged

  • marriage at all, however she started meeting the guy, dating the guy and eventually you

  • could say he grew on to her, okay? She started liking him it just builds on. So friends that

  • was about phrasal verbs with emotions okay, and I am so sure that you have come across

  • all of these at one point or the other but then we don't know how to put our emotions

  • together, we don't know how to use our emotions, we don't know how to speak about our emotions,

  • okay? So I hope this lesson is gonna help you, talking about your emotions, the next

  • time that you meet your friends, go on and discuss about your emotions, okaySo that's

  • all for me for now, thanks for watching, keep learning, keep watching, take care, I shall

  • see you next time.

Hello friends I'm Tash and I welcome you to a new lesson. ‘Emotions’, a very big word,

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情感英語學習|英語初學者的高級詞彙|自信地說出流利的英語。 (Learn English For Emotions | Advanced Words For English Beginners | Speak Fluent English Confidently)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary