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Hi there, everybody.
My name is Richard, but one from the career guidance company.
How to become dot com on in this next video, we are going to cover abstract reasoning, test questions and answers.
I've bean inundated with requests for more of these.
I've already done a few videos of these, but you're asking for more questions.
So here they are.
Let's get straight into it with the first question.
So I'm gonna teach you how to want to do is give you some tips and then I'm going to get you to trial so we'll work through a number of different abstract reasoning test questions to help you pass your test question number one which answer option A, B, C or D completes the grip.
So with regards to completing the grid, we need to go.
What do we need to know?
What goes there where the question mark is on were given four options here, so it's multiple choice A, B, C or D.
So what we're looking for is sequences and patterns, and we could only see some straight away.
So if you look at this column here, you'll notice that it's got white out of shape on all the ones in the center of black.
Then it alternates in the middle.
So you've got outer black shape and inside of the white one and then on the left, it's all white, so it makes it quite easy to answer when you look for those sequences.
So if we look at this area here across the top, you will see there that we have also have five sided out to shape.
So 12345 and then inside, we have tribals, which are three sided internal shapes.
Then also, if we look to the left, there is already mentioned.
The shapes in the left hand column are all white, both outer and internal, so we can quickly look across here and see there's only one of them that it can be simply, and that is, answer a so it can't be anything else.
When you practise loads of these, you become really, really fast at them.
On Dhe.
Let's have a go another one, So I'd like you guys to try one.
Now it's your turn.
Please put your answer to abstract reasoning.
Question number two in the comments section below the video for marking okay, and I'll call money on here each day and answer them for you.
So the question is, which answer Option A, B, C or D completes the grid.
So there's the answer.
Sorry, there's the grid, and you have to decide what goes there, where the question mark is and your answer options at A B, C or D.
I've got time here, so I'm gonna set the timer off, and you got about 12 seconds to work through this.
If that's not enough time, and I do admit that's very short time to work through it, you will get longer than that.
The real test?
Probably about 20 seconds.
But put yourself under pressure.
But if you do need more time, please do pause the video.
It's important to get the question right.
So a couple of tips here what to look out for clues if you look across here across that row in that role in that road there is in each one and black squares top left bottom right.
There's two black on the top row there and two on the right road going down, so that gives you a clue of what to look out for.
So you got 12 seconds to wants that.
Put your answer to question to a B, C or D in the comments section below the video.
Off you go.
Okay, Well done.
So hopefully you got the right answer like a cell.
Come on the market each day.
That's question to question number three.
Have another go at this, right?
Let's work through this one together.
So this is a different kind of abstract reasoning test question.
We can see here that we've got four squares and says they're in the top left that that shape is, too, that the one on the right as that shape is to what we have to work out, what goes there.
So there are the answer options, ABC or deep.
So how do we calculate this?
Well again, we need to to simply look for sequences or changes in the shapes, patterns or even the colors.
Okay, so you will notice.
The moon shaped image, which is there is flipped horizontally to the right, and the colors are inverted.
So if we look at that moon shape there, you'll notice on the right inside that it's it's flipped horizontally and the colors are inverted.
So it goes from a white moon to a black moon and its inverted like that.
They're so then, if we look at the bottom row, all we have to do is apply the same principle from the top to the bottom, which is relatively simple, so to find the correct time, so we simply repeat the process below.
So if you look at this arrow, it's white and it's pointing to the left, and it's got a black circle while all we need is a white circle with a black arrow pointing to the right.
And the only answer option that it can be is safe.
Okay, so again, it's just looking for a sequence or change in the shapes, patterns or collards.
Okay, so now it's your turn.
Please put your answer to question for in the comments section below the video for market on.
By the way, I hope you do enjoy these videos are great for you.
Please give it a thumbs up.
If you do like it below the video very much.
Appreciate that.
Very much so.
Question for you.
Got the timer again.
So we got this.
So it says this shape option here is to this, as that is to that question mark.
Okay, They're all the answer options.
So just look at this here with the black dots at the bottom, the black shapes.
And then you got the three outer ones and the three other ones.
So what is happening to that shape?
It's staying the same virtually.
But those colors are changing their being inverted.
So do the same on that one.
And put your answer of what would go there.
A, B, C or D.
And here's your timer.
Okay, Well done.
So I could say the important thing is just a practice loads of these.
It's really important just to work through them.
And if you need to pause the video because I'm not giving you that long, then please feel free to do so.
Have another got one of those.
Okay, good practice for you.
Please put your arms twisted.
Five in the comments section below the video for market.
Here we go.
So a similar thing here.
So this shape here, this is a harder one.
This shape here with the color is too.
That one, as that is to what you have those four options A, B, C or D.
So I'll give you a little clue.
If you look at the shape there, it's the same as that one on the right.
But it's turned upside down.
Okay, It's turned upside down on that side.
You have one black element on that side.
You have two elements.
Okay, so you got the time.
It takes the time to go down to put your arms to question five in the comments section block.
This is a tough one, by the way.
So if you get this right within the time limit, you do really well.
Here we go.
OK, brilliant stuff.
World on question Number six.
Here we go.
Something different now This is about cubes and nets.
I'll tell you what a net is, So that's the net there.
And we're looking down on that.
And the idea is, if you make that up into a three d shape, you will get a cute, which looks like that, so you'll notice on each corresponding side each square.
You have different patterns, and the question is which cube from a, B, C or D can be made from this net here on the left hand side.
So how do we work this out?
This is the best way to do it.
Step one, Choose two sides of the net any too.
And look for them on the Q on each of these cubes and the chances are you might start a day and you might get the right answer so you don't have to work through the rest of them.
Step to use a process of elimination until you get the correct answer.
So let's do this with this one.
So if we choose two sides, we're gonna choose the one with the white arrow pointing downwards.
We're gonna choose the one with these black dots top left bottom.
And then what would do is let's start off and look at a because if you look there has got the white arrow, the top of the two dots, their top left top and bottom right, which is there straight away, so you can see those two dots which are there.
So we know they're there and the white arrow is behind it.
Then if we look at the shape to the right, that is actually that exact shape.
There on the right hand side.
So therefore, the correct answer to question on the six is simply a and it's the 1st 1 that we've come to.
And that can happen.
Sometimes, you know, you might have to work for the rest of them.
You get there near.
That's the right answer.
Let's move on.
Okay, so these are quite tough.
But now it's your turn again.
Please put your answer to question seven in the comments section below the video for marking which Cuba could be made from the Nets.
So there's your net.
So if you look, you've got a gray circle in the middle middle.
Then you got four black out two circles on one white one there.
So there's your answer.
Options A, B, C or D, which cube A B, C or D coming made from that net.
And you got the time It takes the time to run down to put your answer in the comments section Black.
Thank you.
Here we go.
Well done.
Have another go.
Please put your answer to question eight in the comments section below the video for Mark.
And this is a little bit tougher this one, so you can get it right.
Which cube A, B, C or D can be made from the net.
So you've got one large circle there, and then you've got different different square sides with different numbered black, small circle dots on there.
Okay, so you got the time.
It takes the time to go down to put your hands to question a comments section below.
Here we go.
Okay, question.
I'm not moving on to a different kind of abstract reason.
Test question.
Which figure comes next in the cereal?
So you've got one there.
234 And then what?
We need to work out what comes next in that Siri's in the sequence, OK, and we have these options A, B, C or D.
Now, when you look at this on the screen, it looks confusing because he's all these different barrels, but it's relatively simple to answer.
So what we need to do is to do a process of elimination.
You get really quickly.
So if we take that element there, you can see that there is a black arrow that shape they're in the bottom and they also have repeat themselves and I could see a pattern straight away.
So if we look at that black arrow pointing up, it then moves down one place, then moves down another place.
So we're actually looking for that shape to be there at the top.
Needs to be there at the top, so it's not be straight away.
We can eliminate the straightaway.
So then what we do, we do.
We move on to the next part, which is that part there.
We look for a pattern there, and immediately I can see that we've got that and White Arrow pointing down, and then it's moving to the right and then it will go up.
So we're actually looking for it to be there in that position.
Okay, so therefore, the correct answer can only be a because you've got that black one there at the top and the white one moving down.
The correct answer is a So it's easy for me to say.
All this is easy, but when you practice these, you'll get really good at that.
Okay, so now it's your turn.
Please put your arms to question 10 in the comments section below the video for Market, which figure comes next in the series.
So you got the options A, B, C and D.
Just do what I just showed you in Question nine.
I bet you get this.
Here's the time.
Okay, well done.
Question number 11.
Have another go.
Please put your answer to question 11.
In the comments section below a similar one.
Which figure comes next in the Siri's out of a, B, C or D.
Don't get to look for patterns and sequences.
Work through it.
Let's see if you get it.
Correcting the time and off you go.
Well done.
If you would like more of these, I hope you did enjoy that video.
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Also, if you have a look in the description below the video, I've put links to three more abstract reasoning test videos with different question on there.
You can try also, if you'd like free access to psychometric tests, please go to a website.
My psychometric tests dot com or click the link below the video.
Don't get give it thumbs up Very much Appreciate her.
And I wish you all the very best for passing your psychometric test.