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  • all right.

  • As going guys, Welcome back.

  • Everything is already now seem minds are gone and everything's all washed and dust free Ready for painting.

  • So I've been really toiling over the color scheme though I've been going back and forth between a couple different ideas and I finally have decided on what I want to do for the color scheme.

  • So I decided I'm gonna go all nasca for this.

  • At first I was thinking just all just gotta in general.

  • And I was like in that I was picking up some cool colors.

  • I was picking out a couple of virtue alone, different shades of blue and stuff like that and mentioned our episode of gunplay talk that I was thinking about going blue with this.

  • And I am still going blue in a way.

  • But I'm gonna keep it on Lee.

  • NASCAR paints these air.

  • Still guy A pains, technically, but just Nazca No keys.

  • Line of paints.

  • First up, we have a Nasca super heavy primer.

  • This is good because it acts as a primer and just a paint color as well.

  • So you use this as your primary don't actually need to spray any paint over it.

  • You could if you wanted to change it, But you could just use this just as your color as well.

  • So that is gonna be for the frame over there.

  • We're gonna be using Nasca 001 steal white.

  • It's gonna be for all the thruster bells for accent kind of color part that originally in red there, these are now going to be in blue and it's kind of a slightly purplish blue.

  • Here it's a 1,000,000 blue from Nazca and see a 004 You got 005 of warm light gray.

  • This is just gonna be for a couple of little off great parts that just like a little accent parts up there for the extend arms.

  • Add on parts these air going to be the main color is gonna be the dark color.

  • The frost matte black, which is a really dark gray, almost black color.

  • And then accent on those is gonna be in joint grace is a light or a great color for those remain cool.

  • Here is gonna be blue fog white, which is a slightly bluish kind of medium gray color years not to someone this similar from the main color, but the armor already is.

  • But gonna be a living a little bit darker and a little bit bluer there for the main color.

  • That really just leaves us only with the weapon, which is probably just gonna be in some shade of gray.

  • Haven't quite decided yet.

  • Nothing special, Really.

  • Necessarily for that.

  • It might not even might not even use NASCAR paints for that.

  • But we'll see I haven't decided yet on and then the yellow parts for the events on the extend arms.

  • I'm not too sure about those.

  • I would been thinking about doing those and yellow truth be told, the only other NASCAR colors that I have are bright blue, bright orange and bright red.

  • And I didn't want to use any of those, Uh, I have other kind of warm yellow colors, of course, or I could make something, but I've been wondering if I won't even make those in bright yellow at all.

  • I like that.

  • They're in bright yellow, and I have been thinking of keeping them in bright yellow kind of yellowish orange anyway.

  • But I've been thinking since I'm doing this all in Nazca colors.

  • What would now be d'oh!

  • And I've really been kind of hung up on the idea of just doing those few event details in silver.

  • So I'm gonna break with everything being mascot for just those six parts.

  • They're basically for the vents on the extend arms and those are gonna be in Mr Color was gonna use straight up Mr Color Silver here for these.

  • Now, this is what I actually did on my custom build of the bigness shiki, the Big Medina, too.

  • I used silver for a couple events on that, and I really liked the look of it.

  • So I think that will work really well with this because the rest of the color scheme has this kind of cold color scheme of just graze, which are just kind of neutral.

  • But the grays that do have color in them are a little bit of blue, a little bit cool in color, and then our only kind of real main bright color on there is 1,000,000 blue, which is obviously bluish purple kind of color.

  • So has this kind of cold close game overall, Gray's blues.

  • And so I think just a couple of silver accents will pop Really nice.

  • They'll still pop because they'll be kind of bright, shiny, but they don't need to be in a bright, actual color like yellow or something.

  • I bet yellowish orange something.

  • So I think that worked really well.

  • And then I can also add a little bits of color and just with the decals as well.

  • So I haven't decided on which decals I'm gonna use.

  • I usually don't even like to look at decals market until I'm actually done painting.

  • So once we get to that point, I would pick out exactly what details on what he calls I'm gonna use.

  • But I'll probably use some like orange decals for this.

  • So the decals will have some color.

  • They'll add some more color to this.

  • Some like orange accents just in the little bits here and there for the decals.

  • So that's what we'll do for that.

  • So in the meantime, I mean to prime first.

  • So, like I said, the frame, it's just gonna use the super heavy primer, and that is going to act as a primer and paint for that.

  • So that'll be said and then the warm light gray, the 1,000,000 blue and the steel white.

  • Those parts that are in blue or white will be primed and white.

  • Everything else is primed and just regular kind of Mr Color gray primer.

  • Nothing special about that.

  • So let's go get to work.

  • All right, guys, here we have it.

  • All the main colors are all painted.

  • And then I went ahead and did some assembly.

  • And this is actually, to be honest, a little bit more assembly than I usually do at this stage.

  • Uh, just these parts all seemed like they could go to the other without causing me much issues.

  • So and did some assembly and then gave these a coat of gloss coat just to get him ready for doing our panel lining on here so glossy and now as well.

  • But I just show you guys a couple of sections here, so I'm gonna look at how just the color scheme is looking pretty happy with the colors.

  • The main color is a little bit more blue actually than I was expecting.

  • And also the 1,000,000 blue is a lot more purple than I was expecting.

  • I know if used to these colors before, but I just kind of forgot about the being exactly the clothes that they were.

  • But anyway, and you should also keep in mind.

  • This is also we're seeing this glossy.

  • Once I've sprayed the final flack over this, it's going to de saturate.

  • The color's a little bit, so I think ultimately, once these are in their final state, color is is going to I'll be a little bit different then, kind of what you're seeing as it is now, anyway.

  • I mean, everything is still looking pretty good.

  • I like that.

  • The frame is nice, dark like that.

  • It's looking pretty cool, shiny as it is now, but definitely definitely.

  • It's going to look a lot better once we've got this all detailed up and detailed up and with the Black Hood on there.

  • So let's get to work on our panel lining first.

  • Not a huge amount of Pendleton to be done in this case is step shouldn't take too long.

  • I'm just gonna use line accent color black for this because, yeah, it's not really a whole lot.

  • So just a little bit of black on some of these parts here.

  • Don't really think I need to use gray on anything even on the white parts, which is pretty much just the thruster bells.

  • There's only a tiny little bit of detail in those.

  • I'm just gonna go and you black for that as well, rather than normally on this that light color, like white like that, I would use Gray.

  • That'd be like for armor.

  • Something for something, Just like just a little bit of detail on these little white thruster bells.

  • I'm just gonna go ahead and use black on that in this case as well.

  • All right.

  • So I got all the candle lighting down and just working on detail painting.

  • Now, for example, we got already painted in here inside of a thrust.

  • A belt there like that, and just a couple little things got going already.

  • The full details that we added in here onto the side of the leg, like painting the heads of that.

  • Uh, so there's not, like a ton of details going and painting on this.

  • I could, like, go really super crazy with it, but I'm just kind of picking out little bit here and there that I want to highlight.

  • So, for example, this piece here for the front of the crowd.

  • You have this little detail up here on the purple Part.

  • I painted that little first part parts in there and some metallic grace.

  • This, when it goes on, is like, really shiny.

  • But then when it dries, it gets It's like white matte finish, actually.

  • But the other four were little square a little bit there.

  • I'm gonna paint in white and then red over the top of that for just, like a little red.

  • So it looks like a little red light or something there on the front of this.

  • So this process really shouldn't take all that long, I think just going in and finishing Cem Little details on this actually on.

  • You guys haven't seen this yet.

  • I did go ahead and change the design of the rifle a little bit.

  • And here's where.

  • I'm gonna probably do a lot of detail things picking on a lot of those details here on the rifle.

  • But I had this part here which was like the two sides of that on both sides, but didn't like it.

  • It's perfectly like so naturally, I wanted to make this a little bit asymmetrical.

  • So actually combined the two m o pack season this one on this side, which we're now using us like a camera and this one over here on this side, which sort of looks more like a set of like batteries or something on their end and then made the connection to the hose, which will go to the tank here, on out the back of that.

  • So this is missing the part of the front.

  • They're completely go ahead and attach this.

  • Now I have painted them separately to paint them in slightly different color gray.

  • So it's not super obvious.

  • You can see the front after guys in a little bit darker color, just to add a little bit color telling difference.

  • But we'll pain in a bunch of little details in here as well.

  • Okay, so then the final step for this now is just going to be water slides.

  • I've picked out my water sides here for this, and they're all h i Q waterside.

  • So I'm thinking I'm pretty much gonna stick to white and orange for the colors.

  • For this I was on the fence about using pastel purple.

  • I have some pastel purple waterslides also from a check you, but I thought No, I don't wanna go like I want.

  • It's like pretty stylistic, of course, but I don't want to go that route of stylistic.

  • Want to stick to a pretty standard white and orange thing for those for this.

  • So I got some of these laid out here gonna work on the That's pretty much gonna be it for this video.

  • In the next meal will be the reveal of the final product.

  • Once the water side, they're on, I'll give it a coat of just some matte finish on it, and then I'll show you guys the final results here.

  • Very Sim.

  • So thanks.

  • Brought you guys.

  • I'll see it soon.

  • Bye bye.

all right.

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車架臂Cutlass定製WIP:3 (Frame Arms Cutlass Custom WIP:3)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary