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  • R: So today we're here with Victor and Tomoko

  • T: Hiiii! R: from Gimmeaflakeman.

  • R: And we're gonna explain the rules of daifugo. Victor's never played before.

  • V: I've never played! Can you believe it? R: So we're gonna teach him how to play.

  • V: It's my pocket of ignorance. T: We'll teach you!

  • R: It's our favorite Japanese card game! I love this game.

  • V: There's no drinking involved?

  • R: You can add drinking if you want.

  • J: I'll go bring the alcohol. Umeshuu.

  • R: Oh, okay! V: Oh, did you actually bring alcohol?

  • J: Yes. V: I love this man! I love this man. Can I kiss him later?

  • R: Go ahead.

  • T: "Go ahead"... lol V: What is that?

  • T: Great! V: Oh wow.

  • J: Umeshuu (Japanese plum wine). V: So we need glasses, huh?

  • J: We don't actually have to drink; it's a souvenir. V: Oh, okay.

  • V: So the winner gets it, okay. R: Omiyage!

  • J: It's just a souvenir. V: Souvenir, really? That's great. Thank you very much.

  • J: Do you hold your licquor? V: I love licquor.

  • J: Okay, cool.

  • V: Can you believe that question? He's obviously never seen any of my videos.

  • V: I'll give you this later [the go pro footage].

  • J: So, daifugo is... R: Can we see the cards now?

  • J: Not really.

  • J: Where should I begin?

  • R: The number one rule is you want to get rid of your cards as fast as possible.

  • R: And there's a whole chain of winners and losers.

  • R: So it's not like someone wins and then the game is over.

  • R: You keep going for 2nd place, 3rd place, and 4th place.

  • J: And so there's a card heirarchy: The weakest card is 3.

  • V: It's not 2? R: Yeah.

  • J: It's 3. Then 4, 5, etc-- queen, king, ace, and then 2 is the strongest.

  • R: The heirarchy is 3 is the lowest. And then it goes up until ace, and then 2 is the highest card.

  • R: Although, there are special cards: two jokers,

  • R: which you can play on top of the 2. Or, jokers can be any card, so it's like a wild.

  • R: If you play a single joker on top of a 2, the only way to beat that joker is the 3 of spades.

  • R: This is-- J: We'll go over the special rules later.

  • R: Okay, should I wait? We'll do special rules later! J: Yes.

  • V: So there are many different ways to play this game, huh?

  • R: There are a lot of special rules, yeah. And you have to decide

  • R: with people which rules you're gonna use before you start playing.

  • J: So, if someone lays down a single card, the next person must also play a single card.

  • R: You have to go up. V: Right. Only up.

  • R: Yeah, and it can't be the same. If someone places a 3 you can't play 3 on top of it.

  • J: It has to be higher. R: At least one higher.

  • V: At least one. So it could be five? R: Yeah, you can play whatever you want

  • R: as long as it's higher. V: Oh, okay.

  • J: And then, if someone plays two cards, the next person also has to play two cards.

  • R: If you're going to play more than one card, they have to be the same card as well.

  • R: Unless... J: Hang on.

  • R: Okay. J: And then, if someone plays three cards, the next person plays three.

  • V: Same with four? R: Yes.

  • J: I'll explain four cards later. V: Okay, so it's different.

  • J: And for--how do you call this, suit? R: Mmhmm. Suits.

  • J: For example, if I play two 3's and Rachel plays two 7's, and the suits are the same,

  • J: See how the suits are the same? V: Yeah.

  • J: If she does that, then you have to play the same suits.

  • J: You have to play those same suits for the rest of the round.

  • V: That's hard! R: Yeah, so this is one of the rules:

  • If someone plays the same suit on top of another card, you have

  • to continue playing that same suit for the rest of the hand.

  • V: So these are both same suit. R: Yeah, and this works even if it's just a single card.

  • R: If you played a 3 and then you played a 7, and it's the same

  • suit, all the other cards after that have to be the same suit.

  • V: But only if they're the same suit on the first card? R: Any card, and it's always the top card.

  • R: So if someone played the 3, and then someone played the 7 here, and then

  • someone else played the 10 of clubs, then you continue from the clubs after that.

  • R: So it's always off of the top card. V: Okay.

  • J: So here's another rule. For example, if I played a 3, Rachel plays a 7, and then Victor plays an 8,

  • you call that "Hachigiri" (8-cut) and get rid of the card pile, and then Victor starts the next round.

  • V: What's "hachigiri"? R: So, 8 is a special card.

  • R: When you play 8 it ends the hand (round). V: Oh, every time you play 8.

  • R: Every time you play an 8. But you can only play an 8 on a lower card.

  • R: So you can't play an 8 on a queen or a jack. I've seen some people try to do that.

  • V: Bastards. J: And if you can't put down any cards you can just pass.

  • V: Okay. So what do you do in the beginning? You pass out all the cards one time?

  • R: Yeah, everyone will be dealt an equal amount of cards.

  • V: How many people can play this game? J&R: As many as you want.

  • R: You can add more decks. T: It's more interesting with more people.

  • V: Oh really? You can play like 2 decks, 3 decks? R: Yeah!

  • T: School girls play like that. V: Oh really?

  • J: Now I'll explain 3 special rules. The 1st is called "Stairs/Kaidan."

  • J: For example, these cards are kind of high, but the jack, queen, and king of

  • the same suit, as long as you have at least three cards, you can lay them down.

  • J: The next person has to play three cards higher than this(K).

  • V: It's a little bit like Uno, but instead of the same card... R: Yeah, so-

  • V: THAT'S WHY!! When I teach kids Uno they always say, "Can we do stairs, too?"

  • V: "What?! What are you talking about?? No! It's Uno!"

  • V: They mean this! They're taking the rule from a different game. T: Stairs.

  • R: So, yeah, they have to be the same suits, and typically you would start out with lower ones.

  • R: And the stairs after this one don't have to be the same suit as the first stairs.

  • R: They can be any suit. As long as the lowest card is higher than the highest card here.

  • V: The lowest card... is highest? R: Is higher than... um, okay-

  • V: But in this case it's impossible. R: Yeah, in this case it's impossible.

  • J: The next rule is- V: Where did you learn this game? In college?

  • R: No, when I studied abroad all of the foreign exchange students were playing it.

  • R: Probably Jun taught them. J: I taught them all.

  • V: And you gambled, right?

  • J: Secretly.

  • V: Secretly... We're playing strip poker today, Tomoko.

  • J: If you play four cards, you call it "kakumei" (Revolution). And the card heirarchy reverses.

  • V: If you play four cards. Only the 7's? Or anything? R: Anything. Any four cards.

  • V: So if you play four cards, it changes the direction. J: So 2 becomes the weakest, and 3 becomes the strongest.

  • R: And it's after this hand. If someone can play another four on top of this, then-

  • V: It'll go back. J: Yeah, it'll go back to normal again.

  • V: That must be really rare. R: It happens sometimes.

  • V: This would be a good drinking game.

  • J: And then the joker is a very useful card. It's basically the strongest card.

  • J: It can play on top of the 2.

  • R: It's the only card you can put on a 2. J: But if it's just a single joker,

  • J: you can beat it with the 3 of spades. R: And you can't play anything on top of this 3.

  • R: This 3 ends it, period. V: So the joker's the strongest.

  • R: Yes. V: But, the 3 kills the joker.

  • R: Just the 3 of spades. V: Only the 3 of spades?

  • J: However, this is the lowest card, 3. V: Oh, right! Of course. Yes, yes, yes.

  • J: So it's kind of a gamble if you want to keep it or not.

  • R: And it only works on a single joker. Because sometimes people have 2.

  • V: So your weakness becomes your strength! Just like life.

  • J: But, for example, if you play two jokers, you can't use the 3 of spades.

  • V: If you play 2... oh, right. Of course, of course.

  • J: So these are the basic rules.

  • J: And then, out of four people, the person who wins first is called "Daifugo." [大富豪]

  • J: Daifugo means what--super rich man? R: Yeah.

  • V: Big rich man. J: Next is fugo--relatively rich man.

  • V: What's the kanji? Dai is big? T: Yes. [大]

  • J: Fugo uses the kanji from "tomi." V: Okay, tomi. [富]

  • J: Go uses... [豪] T: Australia's go. [豪州/Gōshū]

  • V: All right. Just the big go. Okay, I got it. T: Fugo.

  • J: And then, with three people the 3rd is hinmin. [貧民] It means poor person.

  • J: And then the person in 4th is daihinmin. [大貧民] T: Daihinmin.

  • J: And so daihinmin has to give their two strongest cards to daifugo in the next game.

  • V: That sucks! The rich get richer! And the poor get poorer!

  • R: And daifugo can give any two cards back to daihinmin. But they get to choose which cards to give back.

  • V: This is a real capitalist game. J: It is. It really is.

  • V: Cut throat. Okay, cool. J: If daihinmin has a joker, they have to give that up.

  • J: After that it would be 2, ace, king, etc.

  • V: Are you hiding the cards? R: Yeah, yeah.

  • R: Hinmin and fugo exchange one card. J: Just one.

  • J: Since there are a lot of rules, let's try to remember them as we play.

  • T: I only played in elementary school! Those rules were a lot simpler!

  • R: There's a lot of luck involved in what hand you're dealt. Once you get the rules down, then-

  • V: Is this okay? Calories 55% off! J: Do you like umeshuu?

  • V: Oh yeah, I love umeshuu! R&J: Great!

  • V: Should I get some glasses? T: You might drink it all!

  • V: Who starts? J: Let's do janken (rock-paper-scissors).

  • V: I'm bad at janken. J&T: Janken PON!

  • R: I-I don't know how it goes!

  • [janken happening]

  • J: Now you two do it.

  • [more janken]

  • V: You're it. T: So, 2st, 2nd 3rd, 4th.

  • R: Oh, okay! V: She's first?

  • R: That went way too fast for me. I didn't know what was happening.

  • V: Yeah, I'm not good at that. So I guess I should order these in some sort of order.

  • J: Yeah.

  • V: So, ace... 2 is the highest, then ace, right? J: Yeah.

  • J: Rachel put down two fives.

  • R: Oh, we forgot to do the rule where if it's one higher than this, and

  • R: it's the same suit, then it has to continue up with just one higher.

  • R: So like if someone did the 6 of hearts and the 6 of diamonds after this,

  • R: then the next set would HAVE to be the 7 of hearts and the 7 of diamonds.

  • R: So only if it's the same suit and one number higher.

  • J: Which rarely happens. R: It makes it interesting, though. And it does happen.

  • V: Have you had breakfast? You've had breakfast. R: Mmhmm!

  • V: I have't, so this is gonna be great. I can feel it.

  • T: Do the next cards have to be a diamond and heart?

  • J: Any of them are fine. T: So just two cards.

  • R: I can see your cards, but I can help you.

  • V: So I can do this, right? R: Yes!

  • T: Wow!! J: If that had been a diamond,

  • J: The next card would have to be the diamond and heart 7's.

  • T: Right. J: But now anything is fine.

  • T: Right, but I don't have anything. Pass. J: Pass.

  • T: How many times can you pass? J: As many as you want.

  • R: It's whenever you want, and you don't have to play something.

  • R: Even if you can play something you can refuse and just pass.

  • V: But from now on everyone is stuck to just two cards, right?

  • R: Yeah, for just this hand here.

  • V: What do you mean? Oh, this is just one hand and then you throw them away?

  • R: Yeah, so once everyone passes- V: So it isn't like Uno where you have the same pile forever.

  • R: Pass. V: My turn?

  • R: Once you pass you can't go again for this hand. V: Oh really?

  • R: Yeah. So, since I passed if it comes back to me I can't go anymore.

  • T: Pass, pass. J: Pass.

  • R: So since everyone else passed and you were the last person you get to lay down the next cards first.

  • V: Oh, I get to lay it down. And it would be a good thing to start with a low card, right?

  • J: Yes. V: Generally speaking.

  • R: Generally, yep. Unless you're trying to reverse it.

  • V: Oh, damn! I shouldn't have put that down. That's the one that can kill the joker.

  • J: You don't know yet- R: -if someone's ever going to lay down a single joker.

  • V: But it would potentially be a good card to have. T: I can put these cards down, right?

  • J: Yeah.

  • J: That's hachigiri. V&T: Oh, right!

  • V: I was like, how did you do that?!

  • V: So now I've gotta put down two cards, or... T: Rachel has a lot of doubles!

  • T: Two, huh... Pass.

  • J: Pass.

  • V: That means you're up, right? R: I am up.

  • R: Pass.

  • R: You just laid it down so you already won. V: Oh, I didn't have to do that?

  • R: No. Since everyone else passed, then... V: Oh, I see.

  • R: It's already over. V: Okay. So I actually couldn't put these down?

  • R: No. No, it's over immediately once everyone else passes. V: Okay.

  • V: But now you see I have two aces. Aces up my sleeves R: I'm not looking.

  • T: 7? Okay. V: So it's a thinking game.

  • R: It is! It's so fun; I love this game.

  • V: It's a lot more fun than Uno, I gotta say.

  • R: Pass.

  • V: You see the way he did that? He was like, "Look what I got."

  • V: Okay, then I have to pass.

  • T: Okay, pass. J: Yes!

  • V: So then he starts, I see. J: Yep.

  • V: Okay. T: He laid down two cards.

  • V: Uh oh! R: WHAAAA

  • T: So now the next person has to put down a diamond and club. R: HA HA

  • J: The same suit? R: Yeah, so they have to be the same suit after this.

  • V: So you have 3 of diamonds and what is that, clover, club?

  • R: Clubs. V: Clubs. 9 of diamonds, 9 of clubs.

  • V: So I... can't do anything. Oh, hold on! Oh, wait. Hm?

  • R: If you have a joker you can use that, too. V: Oh, look at this!

  • T: No one's played a joker yet. R: EEEEEEH?!

  • V: Ace of diamonds, ace of clubs. J: Sweet.

  • R: Eeeeehh (|||д|||) T: But...

  • V: Uh oh! Bum ba da baa!

  • V: Woooah, nice play. R: Waaaaa

  • V: Two. T: Twos haven't been played yet, either.

  • R: Amazing. J: Pass.

  • R: Everyone's passing, right? T: Okay.

  • V: Pass. T: Okay, next is...

  • V: So who won that? She won. OH wow. 4, 4, 4. J: Three 4s. Pass.

  • R: Pass. V: The three deaths. SHI SHI SHI [how you pronounce death & 4].

  • V: Okay, pass. Ohhh. Dammit! R: Oh, here it goes.

  • R: We're on death row now. V: 8, 9, 10.

  • J&R: Pass. V: She's gonna win!

  • T: I should have played this earlier.

  • V: Nobody can beat that except for a joker. T: Tomoko only have two cards left.

  • V: So 3, 2... got a bunch there. J: Pass.

  • R: Pass. V: I thought... okay, pass.

  • V: No one's played a joker yet. I really wanted a joker.

  • V: Now wait, I don't get it. Isn't there a joker in there somewhere? No? Right?

  • R: Someone could play it but maybe they don't want to.

  • V: Ohhh. I thought you should play it. J: Oh, sorry, you don't have to.

  • V: You don't have to, okay.

  • R: There's a little bit of plannign involved. V: I see.

  • V: So holding onto the joker's a good idea. J: It's pretty much all about tactics.

  • R: Combining your cards in the best way. V: So even though you have lots of cards

  • V: you can still win. J: Might be able to, yeah.

  • R: Probably not, now. V: But if she wins again then she's going to take it.

  • V: Because all she has to do is put down one card. R: Yeah.

  • V: So if you've got a joker you have to play. R: Well, unless we- that could ruin us

  • R: if we were trying to go for 2nd place. Like maybe we needed that to lay down something else.

  • V: Ohh, so this is a game that you play for a long time, not just one round.

  • R: Yeah. V: So becoming the winner the first time

  • V: is not the ultimate goal.

  • R: Yeah, your place matters so you just don't want to be last two.

  • V: Oh, I see. So it's your turn, right? J: Yeah, I'm thinking.

  • V: And you're thinking. J&R: Pass.

  • V: So, pass. I have to pass. T: So I'm daifugo!

  • R: Congratulations! J: Great!

  • J: Tomoko is daifugo! T: ~~Daifugo~~

  • V: She's daifugo. T: Super rich!

  • V: Okay, you're super rich. J: 5.

  • V: Queen. R: Queen of spades.

  • V: And I've got king of spades! R: AAAH

  • T: Oh, he does! R: That was perfect.

  • V: So you can beat it, but you're debating, huh?

  • R: Maybe that's just what he wants you to think.

  • J: Joker. V: And he takes it. So you can relax, you're the king.

  • T: Yeah. V: The richest.

  • J: 8. R: Uwaaa...

  • V: Oh, you can just do that? R: Yeah.

  • T: That's hachigiri. V: Oh, interesting.

  • R: Here it comes.

  • V: Oh, pass.

  • T: Victor's turn? V: I already passed so I can't.

  • J: Queen and king. V: So he must have a 2 or a joker.

  • R: It has to be the ace after this, though. V: Oh, it has to be an ace? Why can't it be a 2?

  • V: Oh- R: Because it's the queen and the king, so...

  • J: Pass. V: So on the last three, jack, queen, king, it has to...

  • R: Oh, just because this was the queen and then the king, and they're the same suit...

  • R: And they're one apart, the next one has the be the same suit and one up.

  • V: Okay.

  • J: Pass.

  • T: Oh, here's the joker. V: I don't understand.

  • R: So, joker can be any card, so... V: So I have to pass.

  • T: Right, the four, then five... J: Pass.

  • V: I'm gonna be fourth.

  • R: I win! T: This is how you play at the end.

  • V: And I pass again.

  • R: So it's two losers playing for- V: Two losers, thanks a lot!

  • R: Playing for- V: Two losers playing!

  • V: So wait a minute, what did you just do? This last, the top card-

  • R: That was what I played, so unless someone wants to play off of it now, then you just slide it apart.

  • V: I can't play. J: So Victor, you pass?

  • V: I pass. I have to pass, right?

  • T: Two cards, so you can't put anything down. V: Sorry, I can't put anything.

  • V: So I become the biggest loser. R: But you go first next time because

  • R: You're daihinmin. V: Oh really? Pity.

  • J: This is just a practice, right?

  • R: Oh yeah. Yeah. V: Well, that's okay.

  • T: Hey! R: Oh, daifugo!

  • T: My hand was good, though. V: So now we'll play for real, right?

  • T: Yep! V: One more?

  • R: Yeah, sure! V: Tomoko why don't you sit here

  • V: so you can be in the camera a little bit?

  • J: So the last one was practice, right? R: Start over, or do you want to exchange cards?

  • T: Starting over is fine! V: Sure!

  • V: It's an interesting game. I think I can turn it into a lesson for English, too.

  • V: For kids, for kids. T: You could.

  • V: I teach Uno to kids. T: There are some winning moves.

  • T: Like "how to win." Elementary school students are really good at them.

  • V: So they'll probably beat me.

  • J: Yeah, they know this game. T: Yeah, they know it really well!

  • J: I used to play when I was an elementary school student.

  • T: Right? They can even win against adults.

  • V: Little capitalists.

  • J: For order how about the winners go first? Tomoko, then Rachel, me, and then Victor.

  • T: Oh, me? V: You're first!

  • T: Okay. V: So she's first, and then who's next?

  • J: Rachel, then me. R: Oh, okay.

  • V: Because I'm last, right? R: Oh, okay!

  • V: I lost. I'm the big loser. R: All right, so instead of exchanging cards,

  • R: that's what we're doing.

  • V: The practice round put me in the qualifying last position.

  • J: Jack? Pass! T: So suddenly?!

  • V: Why would you do that...?

  • V: So you go next. R: Oh! That's right.

  • J: Can you call out your card, too? R: Okay, sorry!

  • R: Queen of clubs. T: What? Another big card!

  • V: Is that normal, do you think? T: They're big cards...

  • V: You're looking at her very suspiciously.

  • J: This isn't really normal. T: It's no good. Pass!

  • J: It's your turn. V: Uhh pass.

  • V: Hmm, get rid of high cards quick...

  • R: King of diamonds.

  • T: This is difficult. J: She's trying to do a revolution.

  • T: What should I do...? V: Revolution?

  • T: Pass, pass, pass! J: Where you flip the hierarchy.

  • V: Reversing the direction. J: Pass.

  • V& T: Pass.

  • R: Okay.

  • R: Or maybe she's just way too strong. V: So two 2's.

  • R: Two 2's. T: It's impossible to go after that, right?

  • J&T: Pass. V: Hold on!

  • J: You need to have two jokers to beat this. V: Oh, right! That's the highest.

  • V: 3's are the lowest. V&T: OOoooo~

  • V: So what does that mean? Everyone's gotta go four 4. There's like three 4's, I mean four 3's... [wat]

  • V: So you've gotta put... I see.

  • R: Someone would either have to do four of another card on top of it to reverse it,

  • R: or after this everything is reversed UNTIL I'm out. And after that it goes back to normal.

  • V: Everything's reversed until you're out. Okay. But no one can do it? Can you take care of the 3's?

  • V: AH! He's got something! J: Pass.

  • V: But he thought about it! So maybe he has four cards.

  • V: I gotta pass. T: Pass.

  • V: So now the direction has been reversed? R: It has been reversed.

  • V: So that is low. The next card has to be 8. Or 7 or 6. That's a 9? So we gotta go below 9.

  • J: Hachigiri. T: You lay down 8's on high cards? Just not on two cards?

  • J: Right now you can, because the hierarchy is reversed.

  • T: Oh, right!

  • R: The thing you have to worry about now is since it'll go back to normal after I'm out,

  • R: you have to think about whether I'll go out before you.

  • R: So do you want to get rid of all of your high cards now?

  • T: That's right. The cards are reversed now.

  • R: Or not. Because if you get rid of your high cards and [the cards] go back, you're stuck.

  • J: You have to use your head.

  • V: This does not go well.

  • V: Okay, so your turn. T: Wait, I'm lost!

  • J: Right now 2 is the weakest and 3 is the strongest. But Rachel just used all the 3s so those are gone.

  • V: Right. So 2 is high now. 2 is powerful. R: 3 is the most powerful.

  • V: I mean 3, I'm sorry. 3 is powerful, 4 is powerful. R: But all four or those are out, so...

  • R: Four is the most powerful. J: But it'll go back to normal after she's out.

  • V: And she has five cards left.

  • J: I kind of want to challenge you, Rachel. R: Go ahead.

  • V: So now it's my turn. R: Oh, which way are we going? This way.

  • R: Okay, sorry. V: Now hold on, so that's a high card.

  • R: Yes. J: But it's the weakest right now.

  • T: For now. R: Yeah.

  • V: Oh, it used to be- I'm sorry. That's right. So the next card has to be a king or ace or something like that.

  • J: Or more than 2, yeah. V: Okay! Well, how about that?

  • V: An ace. An ace of diamonds.

  • R: It has to be the king now. Pass. T&J: Pass.

  • R: So now it's you. V: No, that's a high... [talking to self]

  • V: 2... 2 is high... [still talking to self] R: Do you want to get rid of your high cards now?

  • V: Okay, so... yeeeeah. I'm gonna get rid of my cards... like that.

  • T: So two cards... V: So it's gotta be lower, right?

  • V: So two jacks or queens, that would be okay. R: Yep!

  • T: Take this. R: Pass.

  • V: Oh, two tens! Okay... All right! Two 6's.

  • T: Pass. R: I already passed before so...

  • J: Pass. V: So then... I won! Yaaay!

  • V: This is tricky. The highest card ever is joker, right? And then 2. But now we're going backwards, so

  • V: the joker is low. R: The joker is still best.

  • V: It's still best. R: Because it's a wild card.

  • R: Yeah, it's always wild. V: Okay, let's try this.

  • V: Queen of hearts! T: Then I'll lay down like normal.

  • V: Seven.

  • R: It has to be the five. V: I see. When the suits match, the next card

  • V: has to be the same. So I have to pass. T: Pass.

  • V: So I'm out.

  • V: So if he has the four of clovers then he can take it.

  • R: Now he's thinking about whether he wants to piss off his wife.

  • V: That's rough. T: He's thinking.

  • V: Just play it! She's not going to hold a grudge... Maybe. Maybe? Hopefully?

  • J: She... well...

  • J: Pass.

  • V: She will!? J: Pass.

  • V: So you win! R: No, I still have...

  • V: Oh, that round, right? T: Two aces.

  • J: Pass. T: No one's played their jokers yet.

  • V: Okay... I don't think I know what I'm doing, but...

  • R: Oh, good! Yeah! Now it's out. Now you get to go. It's two 8's.

  • V: Two 8's take two aces. So now... 10! T: 10... okay! 9!

  • V: 5 of spades... So you win! R: YES.

  • V: You're the daifugo. R: Daifugo.

  • R: And this is still low, but after this the order goes back to normal.

  • V: So... hold on. R: After this.

  • T: Oh, it's scary now that it's only us three!

  • V: Pass. Oh, if you have a 4 you can go. T: That's right.

  • T: But... I can't. Pass. J: So then it's me.

  • V&T: 4! T: Oh, that's right, now that it's the three of us...

  • T: First, 8.

  • T: And then, king, ace, and 2.

  • V: WHOOOA! Damn. You're good at this!

  • T: And... 4, 4, 4.

  • V: This is like genetic or something.

  • V: I don't even see those moves coming.

  • T: Jun's turn! J: There's no way I can win after this...

  • T: Thank you! J: 7.

  • T: Yay! V: Oh, so...

  • R: It has to be diamonds now. Because this is the 7 of diamonds and then-

  • V: Or a joker. R: Or a joker!

  • R: He only has two cards left. V: It makes sense to play the higher card.

  • V: Which is not that great. T: But... if it's just one card...

  • V: Okay, so it's... yeah... so... pass.

  • V: Oh, I should have done it the other way around, should've played the low card.

  • J: You only have one card left? V: Yep.

  • J: Okay... T: He can play two cards.

  • T: Ahh!! [clapping]

  • V: Okay. I'm the big loser! T: Daihinmin!

  • V: Again. All right. Well, that was educational! T: Daifugo!

  • V: And now I feel much smaller than I did before, so...

  • R: No!! V: You actually won that.

  • V: You're the big rich person? What'd you call it?

  • R: The super rich person. V: Semi-rich person.

  • J: And we're loser 1, loser 2. V: You're the poor person, and I'm super poor.

  • V: That was good! J: Thank you for playing daifugo!

  • T: Thank you! [more clapping]

  • V: Right, shall we go do outside video? R: Yeah!

  • V: So I can walk around back there, you think? R: Sure!

  • R: We'll do a... around... like a [panorama] V: Sure.

  • R: That's adorable!

R: So today we're here with Victor and Tomoko

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