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Anna: OK let's go! Nate: What are you girls working on this morning?
Minecraft? What about it? What are you doing? Girls: We're making our house.
Nate: You're building our house?!
Girls: yeah.
So you girls are working together to build our house in minecraft world.
Anna: Yeah
["Life in Japan" Music]
Oh my goodness guys, look at how black the sky is!
Girls: We need to go pick up Mommy!
Sarah: It's raining! It's sprinkling! Nate: We better go, huh? Go get her?
Look how dark it is! That is crazy!
[Thunder rumbles, rain pours]
Sarah: It's raining so much!
Whoa it's raining hard! Oh my goodness!
It is pouring rain!
Anna: Oh my goodness' sakes! Nate: Oh my goodness' sakes!
Let's go upstairs and look.
Girls: Oh! Poor lady! Nate: Oh, those poor people!
Nate: Stuck out in the rain! Anna: No, poor LADY!
Oh! Taihen! (That's difficult)
Anna: With her purse! NO!!! NO!!
[Rain pours]
Something about living in Japan: people always think about the earthquakes...
But they don't always think about the typhoons.
There's quite a nasty typhoon out there today.
Ruth: It's so muggy out here.
That's a bummer because I was looking forward to having that...
Nate: That is a bummer. Boy, that just blew right off.
Ruth: I'm going to lift it back up
So girls did you hear anything last night?
Becca: A typhoon. I heard it...
Did you hear it? Anna: No, I didn't.
You slept right through it. Good job.
Did you hear it, Becca?
Becca: I heard the thing shaking
And I couldn't sleep so I covered up with my stuffed animals.
Do you girls have school today?
Becca: No Nate: No?!
Sarah: Yes! Nate: Oh?! You do?
Ruth: Nope, Sarah, no school!
Sarah: What?! Becca: I know because of the Typhoon! Yeah yeah yeah.
Yeah yeah yeah boo boo!
Yeah yeah yeah boo boo!
Well, how did your garden survive here?
Ruth: It survived great! Nate: Great!
Ruth: Got a little extra water.
My girlfriend's a gardener at heart.
Ruth: I am. Nate: Among other things.
Look at my green peppers!
I need to put them in a bigger pot!
Nate: Ah yes! Ruth: And my Rosemary needs help.
We could have some chili or something.
All these benches were knocked over here.
The traffic is backed up like never before!
The train lines are all closed this morning so if people want to get to work they have to drive.
Trees broken down.
These trees are just full of snapped twigs...
This path is just littered with branches.
I'm going to go head down to the river and see what it looks like down there.
The river's gotta be full and about overflowing I would think.
This is usually a large slope down to the river.
And (today) the river comes all the way up to this embankment!
A little bit more and it will be up into this whole area here.
This is all wet here which means the river has already gone down a little bit.
because it was all up into here
it went all the way up under here
The highest I saw the river was two years ago
We had one typhoon come in and the river got big, kind of like this.
And right afterwards another typhoon came in.
One right after the other.
And when that happened the water came all the way up to these pillars here.
It went above the pillars. It was just crazy.
It's a backup in every direction.
Well the hurricane (typhoon) stopped school today, huh?
But it did not stop jyuku (cram school), did it?
(Nate laughs) That was some good acting there, huh?
You wanna see? See see see!
Anna: I wanna see see see! Nate: Whoa, careful!
Will you be genki (energetic)?
Anna: Um, Ok.
Nate: Somebody's very excited and waiting.
[Joshua giggles]
Ruth: Ahhh!!! I found you!
OK, count!
Joshua: One, two, three...
...nineteen, twenty.
Ruth: Whew who!
[both scream]
You found me!
Joshua: You gotta count to twenty!
Look what my girlfriend made for me! Oh my goodness!
Ruth is an absolutely amazing wife, amazing mother.
She works so incredibly hard and she has a rare opportunity where she's out with the ladies
And while she's out I'm going to try to be a little bit better of a husband and clean up.
So, here's the challenge:
You're going to take your phone
And you're going to take pictures of you doing things like
the dishes... cleaning the toilet...
cleaning up... sweeping...
helping with the kids...
Take pictures of yourself doing that, and then send them to your wife.
She'll love it!
What'cha working on, Anna?
[Anna sings] English!
[Nate sings] English!
[Becca bellows] ENGLISH!
Wow, that was very operatic!
Ruth: Tell Daddy what you wrote today.
What? You wrote something?!
Show him your homework.
Oh! You're practicing your letters?
Sarah: Yeah.
What did you spell right here? What word is that?
A horse.
Horse! You're right!
How about this?
Sarah: I forgot. I don't know.
This guy kind of has a bad attitude, huh?
Sarah: Grumpy! Nate: Grumpy, that's right!
Ruth: Rid, Ride.
"Ton, toop, tope" Ruth: No. No.
Ruth: Ton... Becca: Tone.
Anna: Tube. Ruth: "Tube" but what's it...
Anna: Tub!
Nate: One thing for sure, typhoons come through everyone's lives.
One thing that helps Ruth and me weather the storm is our commitment to each other...
... to be faithful to one another, to love one another.
We have a commitment to raise our kids in a loving environment.
And most importantly, we have a commitment to God...
...the God who made us, who loves us.
And we have a commitment to the principles in the Bible, His Word.
They give hope, they give direction to life...
they give purpose to life and they fill it out with meaning.
Everything becomes more beautiful when lived that way.
Nate: OK, ready?
Oh no! Get him, get him, get him! He's in the lava!
Get him, get him! Did you get him?
And down to the finish line!
Ruth: Who's playing with you? Joshua: Daddy.
Daddy is?!
Ruth: Who played with you earlier today?
Um, Becca and Anna.
Ruth: What about me? Joshua: And Sarah.
Ruth: I played with you at the Coffee Shop!
I hope you've enjoyed this video. Give it a thumbs up if you have.
Subscribe to our channel if you haven't done so already. And we'll see you again on "Life in Japan." Bye bye!
("Life in Japan" Music)
Nate: What does it say right there by your puppy? Sarah: T, I don't know what this "R". . .
Nate: "Fur Real"
Sarah: What? Nate: "Fur" — like it's fur, and real — "Fur Real"
(Sarah giggles) Pretend it's real!
Nate: It's kind of real — OK, eat the rest of your thing, OK?
[Dog barks]