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  • Hello there, my name is Richard McMunn from the interview training company

  • And in this tutorial, I will teach you how to pass a supermarket interview. Now, this

  • training tutorial is suitable for all supermarkets, including Tesco, Morrisons, Aldi, Lidl and

  • Sainsbury's and also others. So, if you do have a supermarket interview coming up, please

  • do watch this tutorial from beginning to end. I promise to help you pass and I will try

  • to make you the standout candidate. And this is what I will cover to achieve that during

  • this tutorial. I will give you example supermarket interview questions for Tesco, Morrisons,

  • Aldi, Lidl and Sainsbury's sample answers to help you prepare for and pass your supermarket

  • interview. The qualities that you must demonstrate during the interview. I'll give you 3 questions

  • to ask at the end of your supermarket interview to make you the standout candidate. And I

  • will also give you further resources to help you pass this type of interview. So, let's

  • get straight into the content. The first interview question we need to prepare for is, tell me

  • about yourself? Now, my tip for answering this question is, in your answer make sure

  • you include your ability to provide brilliant customer service and also mention your availability

  • to work the required hours. Those are the two most important things when answering this

  • first question. Here we go. “I am hard working, conscientious, customer focused and a great

  • team worker. I am also flexible and adaptable and I can work the hours needed. I will always

  • be positive when representing your brand, and I will make sure I provide excellent customer

  • service. I have read the job description and I feel I have the necessary experience and

  • interpersonal skills to excel in the position. I am looking for long-term, stable employment

  • within my local community, and your supermarket is the only one I want to work for, mainly

  • due to the positive reputation you have within the local community and your customers.”

  • That is a brilliant answer That is positive, it puts you across in the right manner, and

  • from the interviewers perspective, you are the type of person they will want to hire.

  • The next supermarket interview question is, why do you want to work for our supermarket?

  • My tip for answering this is, visit the website of the supermarket that you are applying to

  • join and just take a quick look at the ABOUT US page. Within your answer, mention their

  • mission or their customer service statement. They will sometimes have something which is

  • called a ‘commitment to great customer service’. Just mention those in your answer. Here is

  • my suggested response to the interview question, why do you want to work for our supermarket?

  • “I want to work for your supermarket because, having looked into your history, and your

  • commitment to provide outstanding customer service, it is a place I will be able to learn,

  • thrive and also feel proud to be a part of. I enjoy being around people, helping and advising

  • them, and also feeling a part of the local community. I have spoken to other people who

  • work here, and there appears to be a real sense of comradery and teamwork amongst the

  • staff. I feel this, coupled with the fact you have a strong reputation as a good employer,

  • will give me great job satisfaction and a long-term career within the supermarket industry.”

  • Again, that is a very positive response that will resonate in a positive manner with the

  • interviewer. Next question: when have you provided excellent customer service? Now,

  • my tip for answering this difficult question is try and give a previous situation you've

  • been in where you've provided brilliant customer service. My advice is to also use a STAR technique

  • to structure your answer, and that is start off and explain the SITUATION you were in.

  • Then tell them the TASK that needed to be done. Then detail the ACTION that you took,

  • and then finally, the RESULT. Now, just quickly, if you are somebody who has no prior experience

  • whatsoever of dealing with customers, give them an example of when you WITNESSED really

  • good customer service. That's a great way to answer this, if you have no previous experience.

  • But let's tackle this question based on someone who has got previous customer service experience.

  • SITUATION: I can remember speaking to a customer on the telephone in a previous job role, and

  • they were finding it really difficult to choose the right product from our website. TASK:

  • It was my job to spend time asking them questions to find out what they needed, and also how

  • quickly they wanted to have the product delivered. ACTION: I asked the customer what they needed

  • the product for, whether price was important to them, the quality of the product and also

  • the delivery requirements. After approximately 5 minutes of discussion, I managed to find

  • them the most suitable product, which they were very pleased with. I then suggested our

  • rapid delivery service, which they were willing pay a bit extra for. RESULT: The end result

  • was, the customer got the product they needed within the required timeframe, and since that

  • call, they became a valued and regular customer of the company. You will notice there how

  • using the STAR technique of situation, task, action and result makes you provide a brilliant

  • answer to that question. So as I say, if you have no prior experience, give a response

  • where you have seen somebody else give brilliant customer service. I still have quite a few

  • supermarket interview questions to run through. But when you are ready, if you want to CLICK

  • THAT LINK in the top right hand corner of the screen, it will take you through to my

  • website,, and I have a guide available where you can download my

  • full set of Supermarket Interview Questions that's suitable for all supermarkets! Tesco,

  • Aldi, Lidl, Morrisons and Sainsbury's, and others. So, you can download that when you're

  • ready. But the next question is, how would you deal with a customer complaint? My tip

  • for answering this question is, say you would follow a 5-step process when dealing with

  • any form of customer complaint, but always remember to LISTEN to the customer, be CONFIDENT

  • and always focus on achieving a positive outcome. Here is my answer. “I would follow a 5-step

  • plan when dealing with any customer complaint and above all, I would always remember to

  • follow my training. I would LISTEN to the customer carefully and ASK CLARIFYING QUESTIONS

  • to get to the bottom of the issue. I would SYMPATHISE and APOLOGISE if applicable and

  • then PROVIDE A SOLUTION to their complaint. I would then CONFIRM with the customer that

  • they were happy with the resolution I had put forward. If, at any time I was unsure

  • of what to do, I would speak to my supervisor or my team leader for guidance.” That’s

  • a very concise response that shows even though you haven't had any training yet, you understand

  • the correct process for dealing with customer complaints. The next question is, what can

  • you bring to the company? There are essentially 10 things a person can bring to a supermarket

  • chain to help them be successful. Out of the answer that's about to follow, pick which

  • ones are applicable to you and then use them in your answer to this supermarket interview

  • question. “I can bring a POSITIVE attitude, which means I will always PROVIDE GREAT CUSTOMER

  • SERVICE. I can also bring an ability to work well AS PART OF A TEAM and SUPPORT other people

  • in their roles. I am SELF-MOTIVATED, and I can be relied upon to WORK UNSUPERVISED TO


  • FLEXIBLE in my work and be AVAILABLE TO WORK the required hours that you need.” That’s

  • a brilliant answer. Next question, what are your strengths? My tip for answering this

  • question is, give the interviewer 4 great strengths that will be of benefit to them

  • and their supermarket. Now, by giving them positive strengths, you'll be far more likely

  • to get hired in this supermarket role. Here we go. “My core strengths include an ability

  • to learn new things quickly, which means I can them start contributing effectively to

  • the team goals. Another strength is the fact I am a people-person, which means I will always

  • go out of my way to provide great customer service. I am also someone who has strong

  • attention to detail skills, so I won’t make any mistakes. Finally, one of my strengths

  • is the fact I am a loyal and supportive employee, which means I will be able to work at short

  • notice if required to help out the team when they are short staffed.” That's a great

  • response! I'm going to give you some more questions in a second or how you can get them.

  • But at some stage during your supermarket interview, they'll say, do you have any questions

  • for us? I would ask questions. You can pick either one, two or all three of the ones that

  • are about to follow. But the aim of us asking questions is you want to show that you are

  • an enthusiastic and motivated employee. We want them to think… ‘Wow, we would like

  • to employ this person, because they really do care about our supermarketYou could

  • say, if I'm successful, how would I go about familiarizing myself with all of the different

  • product ranges and their location in the supermarket, so I can then advise customers in the store?

  • That's quite a good question, because you always wonder, how do people in supermarkets

  • get to know where everything is? And there is probably a process that they follow. Or

  • they might say to you, it is just a fact that you would have to learn all of the different

  • location of the products and our ranges. Next question: how long does the initial training

  • take to complete and what does it consist of? So that shows your thinking ahead. You

  • are keen to start the training. And then another really good supermarket question to ask is,

  • just out of interest, does the supermarket provide different foods and goods for people

  • based on the needs within the local community? That’s a brilliant question, because a lot

  • of supermarkets pride themselves on being customer and community-focused. So, that's

  • a really good question to ask at the end of your interview. Don't forget, check this out.

  • Download my supermarket interview questions - I've got all the answers to questions like,

  • what makes you the standout candidate? What's your biggest weakness? Do go through to that

  • link where you can download the full set of supermarket interview questions

  • in PDF format. You can have it in your inbox within two minutes from now, and it's applicable

  • for all supermarkets. Tesco's Aldi, Lidl, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, Iceland. It does not

  • matter which one you're applying for, it is suitable for that. I hope you've enjoyed it.

  • Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the channel please by clicking the red button below the

  • video and to give the video a LIKE, I would appreciate your support. Thank you for watching

  • and have a brilliant day.

Hello there, my name is Richard McMunn from the interview training company

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超級市場面試問題及答案!(Tesco, Aldi, Lidl, Morrisons and Sainsbury's) (SUPERMARKET INTERVIEW Questions & Answers! (Tesco, Aldi, Lidl, Morrisons and Sainsbury's))

  • 8 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary