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any ladies and you got your nails done? Nice..
me my sister we go over uhm it's a place called "beautiful nail"
Kinda confuse when I read this sign though
Beautiful nail, just one.. just one nail
know these ladies are so nice you know they make you feel it's all about you and
customer service, you know. whatever you like we do for you
really nice yeah As soon as I walked in they greet me right away
hi honey what u need doday(today)?
Oh Uhhmm Can I get my nails done?
okay honey do you like Pedicure too?
Er no no just my nails
honey why you don't like? pedicure in may look nice
is so sexy it bedder(better) for u
Oh oh alright sure then I'll get the pedicure too thanks
Ok hunnii sit down number 6 Mai-Ling she do for u good job only 20 dollars more that's okay sit down
so mailing starts doing my nails right away. you have boyfriend?
no no I don't have a boyfriend. honey why you don have?
U look so pretty like model
Cheer leader something pretty
You like long or short nail?
uhhmm short nails please thanks Oh hunii that's why you don't have boyfriend
I do for u, long better alright fine I'll have longnails thanks
that's okay honey only 4dollars more that's okay
do you like Quitogel (Kit or Gel)?
do you like Quitogel (Kit or Gel)?
Uhmm uhmm I'm sorry uhmm whattt??!
honey do you like Quitogel (Kit or Gel) for your nail is the best thing you could have
for your nail make look nice it spark like
diamond in da sky do you like Quitogel (Kit or Gel)
Oh uhhmm...
no I don't want Quit quito that .. things
honey you say to me to have boyfriend I do want to help you
Oh okay fine I'll have some thank you
That's okay is better only 6 dollars more open it go wash your hand
Alright thanks Tammy
oh wait hold on this is a little bit cricked see that
no honey that your finger do like that
that's funny cuz my fingers didn't do like that before I came in here
it's okay honey don't worry I fix it for you don't worry
dsfsghdfhgkxcnvdsjgrgfkjnvcvkndfhgsdihgkjdbvsdgfhuiwefioewuioudiojvoxcn njcnbv jhdihdivhjfdvjkbcjvbjfhvgdhgihifgdhdhkhjkcnbv cbvjvhgggfg
Oh she say u look so pretty