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Hey guys!
Valentine's Day in Japan is a day where women make chocolate and give it to men.
So this is a holiday for the men.
Congratulations men!
And it's not like a traditional Japanese holiday,
this is something that's just pretty much started in the last few decades
because companies were really good at advertising
and getting people hooked onto the idea of Valentine's Day.
Now it's pretty common.
And while you're technically supposed to give chocolate to the guy you like,
you're kind of supposed to give chocolate to other guys, too,
just as like a sign of friendship and stuff.
This is called "giri choco" which means "obligation chocolate."
So, chocolate that you're obligated to give to someone.
This is more common in the work place than it is in school.
You can do it, but you don't exactly have to if you don't want to.
And these days it's kind of common for women to make chocolate and then just give it to all of their friends,
so they might give it to their female friends as well.
So like when Yuka was in high school, she was really popular so she got lots of chocolate
on Valentine's Day even though she was a girl.
And she probably got more chocolate than some guys got
which is a little sad for the guys, but go Yuka!!
Today I'm going to make chocolate for Jun.
I really like baking, but I've actually never made chocolate before
so I have no idea how this is going to turn out!
I know technically you can just melt pre-made chocolate,
but I kind of wanted to make chocolate myself so it was a little more special.
Although I don't have cocoa beans so I'm just using cocoa powder.
And I found a recipe online but my ingredients are different.
We'll just see how this goes. I have no idea.
Let's get to it!
So this was actually a lot harder than I was expecting it to be!
Especially the little icing sticks.
I was supposed to make them warmer than I did,
which I guess is why I had such a hard time with them.
Some of them don't really look amazing... But they taste good!
The chocolate actually tastes really good, so I'm glad I made it myself
because I like the way this tastes.
And hopefully Jun will like it, too!
Now I just have to put them in a box!
Did I make too many chocolates?
Some might say yes.
Others might say you can never have too many chocolates.
R: Welcome back!! J: I'm home.
R: I made this!
J: For Valentine's Day?
R: Yes!
J: It's a little early. Thank you.
J: Wow, it's handmade? R: Yes!
J: Wow
J: Woah, really?
J: Can I show them?
J: There are so many.
J: Is this a cat?
J: What's this? It's a cat!
J: I'll try it.
J: Oh, it's good!
J: This is really good chocolate.
J: It's great!
R: This is the first time I've ever made chocolate!
J: It's really good. I don't usually like chocolate, but this is good.
R: I didn't melt chocolate. I actually made chocolate.
R: With ingredients!
J: It's really good.
J: I like it a lot. Thank you.
R: One month from now is White Day where Jun has to return the favor!
J: I will.
R: Thanks for watching, guys! Bye! J: Byeee!
J: Thank you.