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  • All right, guys, say we're back.

  • Welcome back, everyone.

  • Ah, let me the media.

  • Ah.

  • Mmm.

  • You just throw up a post here perhaps.

  • Ah.

  • Ah.

  • Just want to say two.

  • Let's see Samurai Adler asking you, Please show me the goof all around.

  • So, uh, yes, I'll have the revue up for you soon where you'll be able to get a good look around the goof.

  • But just I guess in case you wanted to I'm gonna look around that.

  • There's fronts and this side back off the roof Custom.

  • Uh huh.

  • I still don't have that looking quite right.

  • Let's do that.

  • And this, Like that.

  • Oof!

  • Ah!

  • Let's see.

  • Say if the if the high new and new Gundam for the look Ah, course.

  • The main complaint of the MG New is the funnel series.

  • There was tape that won't have Heck.

  • Ah!

  • Okay.

  • Ah, yeah.

  • If you worry about the steam lines on the goof custom, let me stay here.

  • See?

  • Mine's seem pretty good.

  • You got a seam line on the back of the leg here.

  • The steam is just made up as a panel line there.

  • So you're all good there.

  • But on the lower leg.

  • You do have a little bit of a seam just at the back of the bell bottom there.

  • So the seam line there.

  • But that should be really easy to get rid of.

  • And the way the lower leg goes together, it doesn't lock in any of the joints or anything that you need.

  • Thio modify that in any way.

  • So it was putting those parts together, getting hurt.

  • A little steam line there on the back of the leg.

  • It's easy enough.

  • The thighs, the seam line.

  • There is also a panel line, and I'm wondering if I have that put together correctly because that part this thigh part is like, Oh, I guess if I didn't push that dealer, it's right.

  • But it seems like it's not quite right in there.

  • It's a no seam line there, the four arms and upper arms, no seam lines there at all.

  • You have a C might on the shoulder parts, eyes kind of to be expected, but it doesn't run through the main spike.

  • The main spike's a separate peace.

  • So that's good on.

  • That's kind of it.

  • You ever seen my No, no, no, not on the torso, either.

  • So yeah, pretty much Just a little bit there on the back of the leg and a little bit on the shoulder.

  • And that's it.

  • So pretty easy peasy, I'd say, Uh, no.

  • The destiny on the compared to the elder or Dr Skin is a little bit more complex of a building, so we'll take a little bit longer on the El Door.

  • Dotrice was just fine because, like I said, I think this afternoon working on the news video shouldn't take all that long, So I think we'll be okay for taking a little extra for that longer time than I had planned for live streaming today.

  • I think is okay.

  • DT warrior has gone, man.

  • You're late.

  • Yes, you missed the good custom.

  • But you're here for destiny.

  • Condom.

  • So that's okay.

  • All right.

  • So, yeah, I skipped this kid when it first came out, but, uh, for two reasons, number one, the first reason why wasn't really too interested in building interviewing this kid when it first came out was because I'm not really that big of a fan of the destiny Gundam in general.

  • So I'm not really super into the design.

  • The other reason.

  • Ah, the other reason is that I just don't really feel like I really needed to, because you like the point of reviews is to helping help to inform you guys about the kid.

  • But I'm sure this is a great kit.

  • I'm sure you guys don't need me to tell you that it's a great kit because if it's anything like like the HD revive like the updated HD versions we got of the freedom and the Strike freedom and the impulse Gundam, which are also fantastic h tickets.

  • I'm sure it's just like that.

  • And so I'm sure it looks.

  • I'm sure it's gonna be a good kid, and I don't expect to have any major issues with it.

  • So I didn't really think that you guys really needed my input on on this gift, and I wasn't really too interested in being it, so I I skipped it at the time.

  • But the reason now have you guys I haven't heard you mention this before.

  • And sorry if you have Ah, I hear it again.

  • But the reason why I decided now to finally pick it up is because I wanted to do a kid bash project with this and the single coup destiny Esti Sango could an SD kit And I think that'll be a pretty cool project.

  • So I'm looking forward to working on that, actually.

  • So that'll be something that I hopefully built to work on sometime next couple months.

  • It's kind of a lot of stuff going on, but Ah, the destiny with the effect parts.

  • Yes.

  • Sorry I missed that.

  • Who?

  • Who said that?

  • Kayla?

  • Yes, Yes, We've got the effect parts.

  • Yes, for this, uh, here also in a moment.

  • And this should be like this.

  • Uh, I want to see your single cookie.

  • Yes, I will.

  • I and busy at the moment to check your link.

  • But summer, if you want a message me that either on Instagram if you just send it as a message to me on Mr Graham, I'll check it out a little later.

  • Yes, Uh not this thing.

  • Go, Castro.

  • I mean, the, uh the single could and SD Destiny kit was the destiny.

  • I forget the name of it.

  • It's around here somewhere.

  • Um, or over here.

  • Where'd I put that?

  • Actually, um yeah, that the you know, the SD single could and destiny kit that I reviewed a couple months ago.

  • That one you guys saw in my review.

  • I talked about my idea in that review that would be cool to Kit Bash that with this.

  • Do like an S d h d get bash with this kid and that kid.

  • So it's, uh, still got, like, all like the style, the flare of the single could and style for that but with the little bit different proportions and articulation provided from this kid.

  • So that's the plan.

  • It's just going to be a matter of getting around to that.

  • So, Varun, thank you for all the hearts.

  • I appreciate that.

  • Um Let's, uh uh All right, So what do you say now?

  • Sure, I have the heinie custom.

  • Yeah, I wanted to get the heinie custom version of this.

  • And if you're gonna be painting the kit really doesn't matter.

  • But the cool thing is that the effect parts is a different color.

  • I wanted the different color effect parts, but I couldn't find one, so I just I just got this one.

  • It'll be okay.

  • Oops.

  • Shouldn't have connected that part yet.

  • I'm kind of just like plowing ahead without really being attended the manual.

  • I guess I should pay attention to what I'm doing here.

  • Hey, Zuk earliest.

  • Do you have any video showing what you do to get rid of Spruce marks?

  • Um, not really.

  • I need to do that.

  • Yes.

  • Ah, not really.

  • I don't because, like, I have my old Gumpel building Siri's of videos, I think I showed like how I do it.

  • But I need to do an updated video because I know it's something that probably a lot of you guys gonna be seen those videos, but they're just not good and need to be redone.

  • And I need to do like, an update of video just about, like to clean.

  • They get rid of the Mars because that has got to be one of the most common questions, like in regarding building.

  • One of the most common questions that I have seen people asking and to me or just in general, is about numb marks and especially like the white numbers, the stress marks that you get from a moving nerves.

  • I see that question all the time.

  • And so, yeah, I feel like I really should make some sort of video addressing that just to help all the people who are wondering about that?

  • Uh, yeah, it's It's something I've been meaning to.

  • D'oh!

  • All right, let's see the face.

  • The color separation on this kid is really great.

  • You here for the face, actually, have this separated part that would give you, like, the kind of red, like scars under the eyes.

  • Sort of look, They have actual green peace here for the eyes and head camera as well.

  • But we have a sticker for the eyes as well.

  • So I'm gonna use that just to cover it up.

  • You just have a little bit of black paint, Just cover up, outline around the eyes, and you could just use the included piece.

  • But the green is the same green that is used for, like, the weapons parts in the backpack.

  • So it's not really, quite necessarily the right kind of looking green for a Gundam eyes necessarily.

  • So I think this full sticker is still gonna be a good option for this one for the time being.

  • Anyway.

  • So that is in there.

  • They need to put this into the front of the head.

  • A lot of times in HD kits like the face part.

  • You'll put that attached onto the back of the head first, but it actually goes into the front first.

  • It's a good thing I check the manual briefly there and then I know you know that other sticker here for the cameras.

  • Well, I forgot to put on just pop that on there.

  • Uh, the sticker skills, Yes.

  • It's one of those things that what do they say?

  • Like, you do something 10,000 times and you become a master of it Was that I'm sure I've probably put on 10,000 stickers in my life at this point all to ultimately just take them off again.

  • But it's okay.

  • The thing I also didn't cut the thin didn't cut the safety flags on the beef in yet, But yeah, the color separation there on the face very nice in the detail had very cool as well.

  • So it's looking good.

  • They're for that hat.

  • Looks good.

  • Once the safety flags were cut on the head of the look even better.

  • But for now, it's fine.

  • All right, get out of the way.

  • Get this arm arms buildup, then as well.

  • Uh, Kale as How do you like the beef?

  • And I like to be thin on the destiny.

  • Yeah, Like I said before, the destiny is not really one of my favorite design, But there are certainly aspects of the design that I do like.

  • I do like the head design.

  • Quite a bit like the torso design.

  • I like like the gauntlet kind of things on the arm I'm not super into and really super long shoulders, the bits coming out of the shoulders, which I know like, are like throwing weapons, right, but not really super into their shoulders.

  • Being that long, pointy.

  • Uh, I want to h g gonna storm bringer.

  • That'd be pretty awesome, for sure.

  • An HD storming would be cool and see, I use metallic green Gonna marker and black for the eyes.

  • Yeah, that that works.

  • Just ask this.

  • Not a cz, Sharpe, is this.

  • It will be sharp later.

  • And has this not sure because I didn't call off the flags.

  • Yeah, uh, I should maybe do a dedicated video about that as well.

  • Ah, I'm sure I've covered how I remove the flags on the fins in different videos in the past before.

  • It's a work in progress, but just doing as its own sort of stand alone video, which has helped people find that if you're looking for on YouTube how to improve the look of H G Gundam defense, whatever, as it's a separate standalone video, something people can easily find and watch it, that's what they're particularly looking for.

  • Ah, and let's see jet maxims that I ordered the Marco c'est using your code it use a condom store.

  • Thank you for using you as a gun store using my code.

  • Uh, Marco, c'est I wanted to mention this to you guys to thank you for bringing it up.

  • Uh, I also have talked about in the past couple months leading up to the release of that kid.

  • I was saying that I wasn't planning on getting it, but I've seen now that it's out and I've seen a couple of Japanese builders working on it on Twitter.

  • I did decide to get it because I think there's it looks like a pretty easy kid.

  • Well, I don't like the look of the Marcoses as it is.

  • It looks like a pretty easy kid to modify it.

  • Just a little bit to make it look so much better s so that's what my plan is to.

  • So with that one, I'm planning to kind of like a ah different kind of review where I'm gonna have ah, very quick and simple on boxing and review as like the first half of the video in the second half of the video about modifying the kit and showing you guys the completed bill.

  • So it'll be like a video.

  • Were expected to be a little bit longer then, just by nature of probably Maura in, like, 30 minutes, 35 minutes, probably in length.

  • But it'll be a video covering the whole thing.

  • Unboxing Building Review.

  • Also modifying, painting and showing the finished product.

  • Hold on one thing.

  • So something.

  • I've never done a video quite like that before.

  • But I want to try.

  • And with the kit like that, I think I should be able to do it.

  • It will obviously take a little bit longer and be a little more of a process to make a video like that.

  • But I think it would be a cool video.

  • I think I like videos like that.

  • Other people have done There's other builders on people on YouTube, but do do videos like that.

  • I like it, but I just never do it because it's usually kind of hard for me, too.

  • Paint and do a hole like that.

  • Get all in one thing like that.

  • But what the Marcos?

  • Yes, what I have planned for, I think I can do it.

  • So I'm gonna try doing a deal like that with that kid.

  • Ah, I would order for us.

  • They're gonna storm or if they actually stopped at a reasonable time.

  • Uh, yeah.

  • Eclipse about the U s.

  • Gonna store stock.

  • I can.

  • All I can tell you guys is that us again of store gets a lot of stocks and even like compared to other stores, they they get a lot of stock.

  • The problem is, that is that they also sell a lot of other stuff.

  • Uh, their sales also is quite well.

  • I mean, the business is a good business.

  • I mean, successful business.

  • So I mean, the problem is that they sell stuff very well, which is not exactly a probably mean.

  • You want your business to succeed, right?

  • So it's not a problem for the business, But it's understandably a problem for the customers who want you to get your hands on stuff.

  • So, uh, if there's ever something coming out that you know, you're gonna want it.

  • So it's, you know, pre order if you can from us, they're gonna store just because the reason why they often don't have stock of stuff is just because they sell out everything really quickly.

  • So, uh, that's the issue.

  • I know.

  • That's probably one of the most common complaints that I've seen from people about U S.

  • A gun store in generals.

  • Just I have often seen people bring up the point that well, they don't have the stock of whatever X I wanna get.

  • But, uh, yeah, just, ah, help you guys to realize that point as to why that is.

  • And also I mean, like there they're limited.

  • Oh, what is the deal?

  • Okay.

  • Putting that part in backwards.

  • That's why it's not going in.

  • They're limited in what they can get.

  • They could only get so much from bend.

  • I mean, Ben dies.

  • Only able to sell only ableto shit, you know so much.

  • So, um, let's see.

  • Um, Sorry.

  • Kill.

  • Also hear another super chat.

  • Thank you.

  • Have you ever thought of a barber toast custom with wings?

  • I've never really thought about that.

  • I do have.

  • Actually, I haven't HD barba toast that I customized, and I have it all.

  • I think as I can remember, it was, like, all ready for paint.

  • But I haven't gotten around to painting it yet.

  • It's, uh, here.

  • Here?

  • Yeah.

  • Uh, this Varvatos if the barbecue fourth form sixth form HD kit that I did a little bit of customization on that and got it all like, sanded and prepped for painting.

  • But I haven't gotten around to painting yet, so yeah, that's in my I have a couple of kids over there that are in that state.

  • I have the star wars que tu es oh, kits.

  • And also, the Oshima Libertine kit also is there and all.

  • It's all sanded and prepped, ready for painting.

  • But I just need to actually get around to painting it, so Yeah, so, uh, one of things that now that I've decided to not work on G w C this year and just work on other smaller projects, I could get around to painting some of those kids that are in the queue.

  • Ah, technically will asked a good question here.

  • What do you think is a good kid to start learning custom painting on?

  • I would say one of the simpler HD kits like the Greys is a really great kid because it's very simple.

  • Ah, the Leo as well.

  • But the Leo, I don't know.

  • It's not really maybe one of the best for custom painting.

  • Just for practicing, painting and general.

  • Yes, but custom painting this based on the design of the Leo I don't know, uh, if that's really the best for, like, practicing, doing custom painting and stuff.

  • But the grays, definitely I think is a cool one.

  • So that's a good one that I usually like to recommend people.

  • Um, that favorite barber toast is the Lupus.

  • Huh Uh, do you have the HD double A straight type F?

  • Yes, I have.

  • And I believe I reviewed to that a long time ago.

  • So if you search on YouTube, you should be able to find that pretty sure that was like a really old review that I did.

  • Or at least I did on boxing of it.

  • I'm pretty sure Yeah, I've had the that the h G uh, Astro Type F and also the regular H gs draw as well.

  • Was that what?

  • What is that like that?

  • Why is that like that?

  • What does this have?

  • A little no bone.

  • There is.

  • It's supposed to be bent like that.

  • So it's not supposed to go straight or what?

  • Ok, that's weird.

  • Ah, 30 minute missions gets air.

  • Good to practice on your 31 mission.

  • That's a good point.

  • Not Gumpel.

  • About 30 minute missions would also be good to practice on.

  • Yes, also good Gets to get bash, Of course, being very being designed it to be kit bashed basically.

  • Ah, actual first kit was the blitz.

  • Gundam.

  • That was a mistake.

  • Oh, hi.

  • Yeah, yeah, I've got a I've got a handful of 30 in admissions.

  • Kids, I need to get around Thio working on reviewing, So want to do that as, like, a kind of project as well?

  • So that's probably something I work on next month.

  • I've been putting that off for a little while, but 12 work on that.

  • Probably next month we'll have kind of focus on some different 30 admission stuff.

  • And, ah, feeling a bit worried about this arm goes here, uh, can see there's two parts of the forearm here.

  • I like the elbow joint.

  • Then you have the part, like the front of the forum.

  • And they plugged together just with this pulley captain here, which is just in the center of this forum part.

  • And it seems like that could when you push that together, it pushes out the holy cap a little bit.

  • Kind of push that back in there.

  • So it just seems like a weak point.

  • As you're moving this around step, that's probably gonna come apart in your every time you push it back on.

  • It's also pushing out the Poly Kappa little bit.

  • So, yes, just a little bit worried about that part at the moment.

  • Hopefully won't be to be going this year.

  • We'll see.

  • Mmm.

  • And this part here for the hand.

  • Ah h g our exit need to revive.

  • Yes, there'll be another good one.

  • A stark 78 revived it also good.

  • A good choice for just practicing custom painting.

  • There is the open hand on and you'll be able to attach the effect part into that and then the closed are not the closed fist, but just the regular holding hand.

  • Unfortunately, no closed fists with this kid, So that's it?

  • Um, that's a good connection.

  • The upper arm plague into the shoulder part is the good, like snapping connection.

  • There it snaps into place, and it seems pretty strong.

  • But this lower arm forearm does seem like that's gonna be kind of ah, could be a sort of problematic area for this kid.

  • But we'll see for the time being it's okay.

  • All right.

  • Ah, have you ever done a review of a mega size give?

  • Always wanted to know how big they're actually, yes, I've reviewed.

  • Um I think both versions of the mega size Aku Shaara's custom and just the regular standard Goku.

  • I built and painted both of them.

  • I'm pretty sure I've reviewed both of them as well.

  • There's not much difference.

  • Slight difference in them.

  • Oh, and also I have reviewed the man size unicorn and also the mega size are 72 Gundam.

  • I just reviewed recently because I reviewed the Ark 78 to Master of the are 72 mega size kids originally reviewed just the clear color version of that a while ago.

  • But then I wanted to review just the regular version as well.

  • So when I picked that up, See, this is weird, this part here for the elbow and like it has these two little nubs on there, which are, like, not numbers.

  • But those seem like they're just, like meant to be there to, like, stop the movement of this, like at this certain point.

  • But I'm not sure why.

  • Seems weird, because if you just keep it like that and the elbow like shouldn't be able to go straight and even in the it doesn't doesn't show anything in the manual about that's it's very strange.

  • Um, yes, I've done a bunch of I've done reviews, I think of, like all the mega size kits except for the mega size age kids.

  • I've never gotten any of those.

  • Yeah, I enjoyed the mega sized kids quite a lot.

  • They're big, obviously on.

  • They take a long time to paint, but they're fun to work on.

  • I typically don't see a lot of people, maybe, especially in the West, like a lot of Americans and my people in Europe, Canada, that area don't see.

  • A lot of people often were usually working on mega size kits.

  • I think if I had to guess, I would say it's probably because of the price of them because they're big and kind of expensive.

  • I think for most people, if they're gonna want to be spending, you know, spending a big chunk of money on a big kit, most people are probably gonna want to spring for, like, a bigger master grade or Ah, perfect, great kid.

  • They maybe don't see the point buying something like a mega sized kit.

  • It is understandable.

  • Honestly, they're cheaper, easier to get over here.

  • Uh, but I do like to encourage people to give them a try, if you can, because I quite enjoy them.

  • They don't have, like, all the gimmicks and complexity of a PG, of course, but just the sheer size of them and just they have a lot of really nice detail in them is Well, they're fun to work on.

  • And really nicely detailed.

  • They don't really do a lot.

  • But if that doesn't bother you, then, uh, I really recommend you guys to try one out if you can.

  • I'm looking forward to working on the the missing gherkin.

  • I said, Me and boxing.

  • I've never been really been into a zinger.

  • Never watched the enemy or anything like that at all.

  • But the kid is so huge, it's crazy, All right.

  • Uh, that's the I want to get, Lama said.

  • I want to get a frame worms or aria record.

  • Get Yeah, Frame was Well, they think I'm only built just the one Armored Corps get so far really nice.

  • Really nice detail on them and then three moms as well.

  • Also really fun and very customizable, of course, with different frame on stuff.

  • Could've Okay, kids, though, do tend to be a little bit more steam line heavy on enough.

  • So it's just something that you have to worry about a little more with coke.

  • It's typically compared to Ben ducats.

  • Ah, yes, yes.

  • I am, in fact, married.

  • And has I have two kids, not just one.

  • I have a son and a daughter.

  • Uh, I named my first custom build gumpawa royal general.

  • Gonna not about name there, huh?

  • Ah, Dr Hassoun says is the missing Rick it the same as a smaller one ous far as I know it's not.

  • It's quite different.

  • Ah, generally the detail is and like the general look and detail and like proportions of the 1 44 scale and the 1 60 skill missing.

  • Her kids are the same.

  • But the 1/6 scale has a ton more detail.

  • Just because it has, like a lot of, like, smaller, finer detail that you can fit onto a kit that's two gigantic on a tiny cot, you can't really get that really super tiny detail bend.

  • I does do pretty good about fitting in a lot of detail, even into the smaller kids.

  • But there's more detail in the larger missing her kit.

  • Um uh, but on the other side, you have very different construction in as well, just with these massive pieces and less articulations.

  • So there's a kind of a little bit less they can do with it in terms of the articulation of it.

  • But it has more detail under this time.

  • That's kind of the same thing with all the mega size kids.

  • So that's why I keep pointing out that the amazing work it is, although it doesn't have the mega sized name label on it, it is basically a mega sized.

  • It uses the same Polly cap runners, and the construction is basically, like exactly the same as a mega sized kit as well.

  • So, uh, Henry ask, have you build your mechanic or Ziegler?

  • No, I certainly have not.

  • Yeah, the mechanic work.

  • It's those air going to be a bit of an issue to see about what I'm gonna ultimately gonna wanna end up doing with those when it comes time to move.

  • Yeah, I don't know.

  • I certainly don't expect to get around to building all or even any of those before it's time to move.

  • I don't know, but, uh, we'll have to figure something out.

  • I built this kid and feel the plastic is a bit thin, by the way.

  • Leverage.

  • Jack Chan, Uh, haven't really noticed or felt myself that the plastic was thinner or anything different, but, uh, I'll keep that in mind to see if I noticed that at all during the construction so far.

  • Haven't noticed it, but if you say so, I'll keep my eyes out.

  • Ah, is that the revive?

  • Destiny s David.

  • It's the revived destiny.

  • Revive as in Yes, Not technically.

  • But for whatever reason.

  • Bend, I stopped using the revive label and I said, I think they should have kept using that.

  • So yeah, um, as long as they were going to keep making kids like this that are remakes of older M Jeez.

  • So they are a revived version.

  • Might as well.

  • Just kept harder to say, like consists of h G.

  • Revive is much easier than just saying h g Gumpel Evolution Project version like it's just too long.

  • Ah, it's fine.

  • Like as like a labeling for some kits were like They are doing some, like, special thing with it, Like the unicorn RG was the Gumpel evolution projects.

  • Okay.

  • And that made sense because it was like a feet of model engineering.

  • Right?

  • Thio make the fully transforming.

  • Are you a unicorn over something like this?

  • It's not necessarily Or I guess this wasn't but the Zeta, for example.

  • Ah, just have h d c.

  • Zeta revived version is finding anything to make that zeta couple evolution product version.

  • Uh, Kale, any tips on the Shin Matsunaga, Saku or Gundam?

  • Narrative CPAC's I'm getting tomorrow.

  • Uh, I'm assuming you mean h g version of both of those.

  • There's no narrative mg, of course, but for the sake you don't know if you're talking mg or or what, but no, not necessarily.

  • I've never built this ship.

  • Matson, Aga h tickets.

  • So I couldn't really say on that one, but I'm assuming there shouldn't really be anything to bigger issue for that.

  • So, uh, no.

  • Nothing, really.

  • Just say the narrative gonna cpac's um Also nothing really that you need to look out for with that kid, necessarily.

  • So no, not really.

  • Both pretty straightforward builds, I imagine should be good and yeah, I've never gotten one of those HD Zach ooze, but I should have always kind of thought about it.

  • But I like the mg to point out gets so much that I've just never gotten to getting one of the h g.

  • C like how ability types Oculus.

  • So there's the leg.

  • Also, One thing I don't really particularly like about the destinies design is the legs.

  • I like the kind of shape and overall design of leg in general, but it's the feet are very long, and the legs so thin here then get it.

  • If it was just a little bit bulkier, like it more.

  • Uh, Kurt asked, Do you make a living making gum Gundam YouTube videos full time?

  • Yes, I do.

  • But, uh, I am technically an employee of us again in stores.

  • So, like, I get paid from us again in store as an employee, but I kind of my job is basically just making YouTube videos and making content and building stuff.

  • Right?

  • So, uh, no, I don't survive doing this full time.

  • Just based off of YouTube ad revenue, it would not be possible.

  • I was living by myself.

  • I didn't have a family.

  • Maybe, but with a family No, is no.

  • So, uh, um, you know, mostly supported based on my income from us again, in store, being an employee of there.

  • So So that's why you guys, if you can said shop there and support them, because, Oh, where is this?

  • Hang on.

  • Sorry to the lake.

  • And I miss the numbers here on this one.

  • Apparently, Yes.

  • Uh, because I and able to do this full time, thanks to us, they're gonna store thanks to Adam.

  • I mean, yes, a gun store is his business, but he and being the bus, it's thanks to him.

  • So uh, he's a great guy to work for a great business.

  • I think you know any any business, anything.

  • People are gonna have their complaints, which is fine.

  • The important thing is that, uh, in a in this type of business, I think the important thing is that the businesses actually, you know, general genuinely interested in supporting the community and, you know, um, in different ways.

  • But obviously, in their main way is supplying products making products available and a fair price for people in the community.

  • That's like the main way.

  • But other ways, just like supporting different events.

  • You know, like us.

  • They got no stores, always, uh, supporting the different contests and things that I'm doing.

  • And, uh, not even for me is supporting other people's contests and different things going on in the community as well.

  • Adam is always willing to help out with stuff like that by providing prizes and other different things.

  • So yes, huh, that there's one thing that I particularly liked when choosing, Like which store?

  • Because previously, years ago now, I was working with the A company there in Australia, I was sponsored by business their mind Phoenix.

  • But then when that was going away and I was looking Thio work with a sponsor company located in America because based on my YouTube analytics, I knew that most of my audiences in America so it would be much more beneficial to have a sponsor located in America who is, actually, you know, catering to most how YouTube audience.

  • So when I was taking a look at different stores and thinking about who I wanted to reach out to to to work together for some sponsorship, Uh, actually, the first thing I did was to ask you guys I asked around on YouTube what stores people like, Uh, and why?

  • What stores people typically use.

  • Uh, and a lot of people said you had a gun in the store and I, you know, heard about them as well.

  • And so just looking into it and comparing between different stores, So I just I felt that us I gotta stories seemed the best.

  • And Adam seemed like the best trace for someone I would like to work with just because he seemed like someone who was, ah, more genuinely interested in the hubby, more so than just as a business.

  • So yeah, I won't dwell on that too much.

  • That's all I'll say about that.

  • But, uh, I've been very happy working with Adam.

  • And, uh, yeah, if you guys do choose to shop there, then hope you guys have a good experience with it as well, huh?

  • Yeah.

  • Yes.

  • Mmm Mmm.

  • Mmm.

  • Mmm.

  • Mmm.

  • Mmm.

  • All right.

  • For some reason, uh, like the way the side skirts move on.

  • This is quite interesting.

  • I don't really think that they would really necessarily need to move in the way that they do.

  • I'll show you he wants to get this.

  • This part put together, the way the side skirts move is kind of similar to like the strike freedom.

  • Where has the cannons that need to kind of move around from the back?

  • These will also have this gimmick word.

  • The side skirts can move out to the side with it, and it's kind of like locked.

  • But if you could see that, that would be the front.

  • This is the back.

  • I don't have the front armor piece on yet, but the side skirts gonna move out to the back a little bit.

  • Like that's pretty interesting gimmick.

  • I think not really necessarily needed for this.

  • Get well, I guess it just maybe helps to get the side skirts out of the way for different posing and stuff.

  • So that's cool.

  • Okay, But why is the chest and carpet different, huh?

  • Are you talking about that origin?

  • Gonna?

  • Yeah.

  • Um I ordered my HD origin.

  • Gundam is currently in the mail, so hopefully that will be here soon.

  • We re looking for to that build as well, and I think, see, Bingo, mister.

  • Couple of stickers I was supposed to put on the arms.

  • Did I or didn't die?

  • Let's just get this part on here first, and then we'll see.

  • It's got those couples stickers.

  • There are No Maybe those go on the weapons and step on the back, actually.

  • On the shield.

  • Yes.

  • All those other stickers go on the weapons and shielding stuff.

  • So Okay, so we're good on that.

  • And then there is the body all done, and he's pretty cool.

  • Yeah, the shoulders are just too big and too big and too long for this design.

  • So the overall design of this kind of my like in parts, but ah, yeah, it just needs proportion adjustments to.

  • I think just the design is cool, but the proportions air It's not quite right for me, for my for my personal taste.

  • All right, so we got hold of weapons and everything.

  • Here is the clear part for the shield.

  • A weapons and background build all at once.

  • Here.

  • So gonna be messy for a moment here we have a lot of parts for this.

  • Didn't separate the weapons.

  • Anything more so than just like that.

  • Oh, but well, kind of deal Thio separate these a little bit here.

  • Ah, the wings, even in.

  • Yeah, I think the wings do even out the design a little bit.

  • Yeah.

  • Ah, that's probably true.

  • That's kind of there.

  • Mention the shoulder boom brings.

  • Yes.

  • Look, I think just without the shoulder boomerangs on there the proportions Mustafa, awaiting really proportions already looked better in my opinion, without the shoulder boomerangs on there.

  • I know the videos kind of blown out.

  • The other problem having to is that with the lighting is that it's getting brighter outside.

  • And even though I have a curtain look, will I still get some light in here?

  • So all these little bits out here?

  • Yeah, go.

  • That should be everything.

  • All right?

  • All right.

  • Good.

  • All right.

  • Uh, Edward, what's with the no super chats?

  • You Are you encouraging people not to use super chatter?

  • Or you just wondering why there is no super chat?

  • Ah, DC warrior ask, Are you gonna paint this kit?

  • Yes, Eventually.

  • I know you're late to the stream.

  • Sell this recap once again.

  • What might play this for?

  • This kid basically plans to kit bash this with the SD Sango Could and Destiny.

  • And what was the name of the book?

  • Okay, I can remember the name so I better check.

  • That's the was it?

  • Um Something Something.

  • Something.

  • Something's and look within.

  • Just ignore him so good and destiny.

  • Ah, this one.

  • Sorry, It's not single kid in the son Goku San Sengoku!

  • Soak it!

  • Sit in Seem I'II destiny Gundam this on you remember?

  • I know it's too bright.

  • You can't see anything.

  • This one?

  • Yes.

  • To get bash making sth g kit Bash with that.

  • And with this.

  • So you see my you destiny.

  • Thank you.

  • Ah, that's the plan.

  • But it's a little ways off is not something that I'm gonna be starting working on straight away.

  • Uh, I got some other stuff to finish up first.

  • All right.

  • Uh, you gotta build up the center part of the backpack.

  • You're first, which fortunately, um oops.

  • Let's upside down.

  • Uh, let me.

  • That whole part is upside down.

  • Is it?

  • Yes, I did put that upside down, didn't I?

  • Oops.

  • Okay, sorry about that.

  • There we go, which, fortunately on this kit, this part of the backpack doesn't have any seam line on it.

  • But on the RG has a steam line straight down the middle of this center part of the backpack.

  • There's a little bit of sea mine here on the underside of that.

  • But on the RG, it's a big sea mine here, which is pretty unfortunate or an RG kid.

  • So I'm just gonna go a lot that on his back right now, And let's say you just want we're here.

  • Get this part of the way for the rifle.

  • Also not a fan of the rifle design for the destiny, I got to say, but there is that.

  • Yes, that's a kind of goofy looking rifle design.

  • Let go.

  • Stop much in the cartoon.

  • Can you watch?

  • Come.

  • You can watch in the building from cigarillos yet, uh, any tips when building the new ver ca?

  • No, I've not built it.

  • And as far as I know, there's an early in problematic areas except for the funnels on the back being a little bit kind of loosey goosey.

  • But just be careful with those that's about it.

  • RG is just playing worse than H g C.

  • Yeah, I would assume, you know, I have built the RG version of this, but I I got rid of, like, ah, ages ago, so I don't have it here anymore.

  • Had the tiny version of the RG I I don't really like it, and this version does seem better.

  • Do you write down D.

  • C?

  • Where has do you write down all your ideas?

  • Projects?

  • Ah, I used to have, like, a memo, a note in my phone with a bunch of ideas listed down in there.

  • But other than that recently, not really.

  • I just kind of have it in my mind.

  • I probably would probably be a good idea to, like, write some of that stuff down more because although, like although I'm not constantly thinking about it, just having like stuff just like keeping stuff in your head probably is not good.

  • I don't know, to be sure, but just if I had to guess, Yeah, it's probably not good.

  • Uh, just for you or not Not mental health, but just, like just like mental capacity, just to kind of keep keep a bunch of stuff in your head all the time to write stuff down.

  • And so, like, you know, you have it written down somewhere you don't have to, like, keep remembering it.

  • It's probably good for your mind.

  • I would imagine so it would probably be a good idea to write that stuff down.

  • Just gonna less stress on your mind.

  • It's kind of like sort of put yourself at ease by knowing that it's one thing you don't necessarily have to keep remembering since you've already written it down.

  • I've never looked into the science on that one, but if I had to guess, that probably would be a good idea.

  • Ah, years.

  • They're making some suggestions there, it looks like, so keep on keeping on there.

  • So anything to help with, like mental capacity, especially memory related stuff, would probably be good for me because my memories is not good.

  • And I don't know, uh, I think probably my main problem is just not getting enough sleep as I should, so that's probably what I should look into first, I'm sure you guys will probably also may be seen the thing about, like, the difference between just like constantly working on stuff to try to stay productive and or uh, like, not staying constantly working but also making time to, like, actually sleep well and also exercise and eat like, well, eat healthy and stuff.

  • And Ieave I pretty well, I don't eat a lot of junk food or anything.

  • It's like I'm pretty all right with that.

  • My diet's pretty Okay.

  • Uh, but like, I do wonder if, like, I took more time two exercise more and sleep more.

  • If I would feel like, noticeably that much better, I'm sure like I would feel better.

  • Like generally healthy, healthy.

  • I'm not sure if I would actually necessarily feel more productive and like, the stuff that I do because the reason that I don't sleep and exercise more is because I've always feel like that.

  • I have so much stuff to do, Like in here basically working, and it's not a bad thing because I love doing this.

  • Obviously gun.

  • Plus, like what?

  • I love to do what I love to spend my time doing.

  • So it's not like I feel bad about that.

  • But, uh, taking more time to sleep and exercise more would take takeaway from time here.

  • So I feel like with the benefits of that really make up for the time lost here, I don't know, probably the correct answer would be Just try it and see.

  • And so that's pretty much where I'm at now.

  • It's just I should try it.

  • Try working less sleeping, more exercising and seeing if it ends up being beneficial to me or not, I don't know.

  • From what I hear people say, the answer should be Yes, I just don't know because I feel like it's also probably depending on what you're actually doing for this particular hobby.

  • It's not like I could be more.

  • I feel like it's just time.

  • It's that I need to be productive because this, like stuff just takes time.

  • Buildings takes time.

  • It's not like it takes a ton of mental capacity to snapped together a model kit it's not that complicated a thing.

  • I'm not like writing a book or something that takes a lot of mental capacity just snapping stuff together, building stuff, painting stuff, editing videos, stuff that's relatively light on the mind.

  • So I feel like it's just a matter of time.

  • And it was just a matter of time, then using time to do other things.

  • Maybe not that beneficial.

  • I don't know.

  • What do you guys think?

  • Uh, these days I don't really exercise too much at all.

  • Unfortunately, aside from just like going on walks and stuff sometimes, like with my kids.

  • So but how I would like to exercise more is getting back into cycling.

  • I used to cycle quite a bit, but just these days I don't see you like that.

  • Ah, video games.

  • It's the most expensive hobby.

  • Accomplice Nisman's?

  • Yeah, Gump le Ah.

  • Um, but, uh, wait a minute.

  • What the heck?

  • Huh?

  • Okay, That's right.

  • Yeah.

  • Gump blood doesn't.

  • Ah.

  • I, uh, can be expensive.

  • It can be not.

  • I mean, it depends.

  • I'm sure it's probably like with any hobby in moderation.

  • It's not necessarily that expensive.

  • Uh, yeah.

  • Oaktree gun play can be very expensive if you start building towers if you start building towers instead of building them.

  • Yeah, right.

  • But it was defense.

  • Sword parts.

  • Let's build a sword years.

  • So we get a son like this.

  • That goes, uh, here.

  • Unlike the PG strike, the little white tip at end of this seems like, is not going to have the We'll extend o gimmick, unfortunately, but we do have a couple of stickers here.

  • Uh, sticker six on this side and seven five on the other side.

  • Mmm.

  • Anyway, uh, then let's see.

  • Going to hear on DDE.

  • Mmm.

  • This one here.

  • Here.

  • Like that on.

  • Close that up.

  • All right.

  • Uh, what's a good beginner PG kit?

  • Ah, beginning RPG kits.

  • Um, I don't know how people may agree with this or not, but I would say a good beginner HD good beginner PG kit would maybe I would say, even like the Xia people probably won't agree with that because it's relatively complex.

  • And because you have the led gimmick and everything if you get the led version of the PG Xia.

  • But the reason why I would say a good beginner, friendly PG kit ah is because it is because it's the most recent kind of, uh, aside from the strike, which the strike will be good to is actually, uh, the strike will be a good beginning.

  • PG kit.

  • But the xia of being a recent PJ kid means that it's incorporating a lot of like the most recent of Ben Dies technology.

  • So, uh, just like I think it would be easy in that sense for a beginner because it's using, like, all the construction that all goes together, you know, fairly foolproof is not necessarily, uh, too much that could really tripped up trip up beginner builder.

  • I think that makes sense.

  • It was like with an older PG Kate.

  • You may run into areas where it's kind of like a weird part of the construction that is coming like a strange and unfamiliar like a beginner may not like be able to get what kind of going on in the manual, because it's something odd they've never experienced before.

  • You like that could be a thing.

  • No,

All right, guys, say we're back.

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HGCE命運高達直播BUILD! (HGCE Destiny Gundam LIVE BUILD!)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary