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Hey guys, welcome back to Let's Talk, this is me Meera, your trainer for the day. What
do I have for you today? I have got something that a lot of people face problems with and
that is how to start or how to begin a conversation. Usually people end up with dead end questions.
You know what dead end questions are? Oh so you like this music. Yeah. What's after that?
It’s a dead end. There is no conversation and that is why people have so much trouble
actually conversing with someone or having a nice and a healthy conversation with anybody
and I'm going to help you figure out how to begin a conversation and it will naturally
flow into a long set of sentences, conversation in short, okay?
Now to begin with really, quickly, 'how do you know...?’ The reason why this is here
is because, imagine yourself at a party or at a, in any gathering or even a formal socializing
event and then you are invited by a common person. Only one person is hosting a party
or the event and that person has invited all of you so you can always go up to someone
and you can ask that person, ;Hey how do you know, Sam' Or 'How do you know Kim', right?
Now what will happen is eventually that person will tell you that 'Oh1 I know Kim from school
and that's why I am here" and they will ask you in return, oh how do you know Kim?' So
you, Oh she was my colleague last year, but she shifted to another company, but we are
still friends and that's why I'm here and that's how you can build up on that base,
that you have met together and you've met there at that event by just one single person
knowing the both of you so that's a great conversation starter you guys
Moving on from there, "what wheels you drive?" Now this conversation is a very, very common
conversation between two men, or two guys or two boys, of course above eighteen that
is when you are eligible to drive, that is. Okay you can always start your conversation
with, "Hey, what you like driving?" or what wheels do you drive?" That means you are asking
someone do you like this particular car or do you like a Jeep or a Volvo or a Mercedes
Benz, what is it that you enjoy driving? And that is how you can build conversation then
I will tell you what I usually end up driving. May be I have two cars one is for highway
or probably travelling from one city to another and slowly and surely you guys would have
met at a common point and then you would speak about it and then start your conversation
accordingly. Well now let's say that the person doesn't drive okay? Usually this is for a
car but what if that person doesn't drive? Then that person will tell you that "Um, actually
I don’t like driving so much but I love cycling or I love riding a bike and then again
you can start a conversation. What you need to make sure is that there is no dead end
question at any point of time, okay?
Let's move on, okay so let me just write here quickly, you can drive or ride, any option
is fine for a nice conversation. "You look familiar..." Hmm now this is something that
you can start a conversation with, there are lot of times when you feel that, "I have met
this person or I have seen this person somewhere, I've spoken to this person but I just cannot
recollect where exactly. Well don't you worry, if you have a good faith or if you have, if
you don't have anything wrong in your mind or incorrect in your mind, you can go there
with a very pleasant smile and ask that person, "You look familiar, you look like someone
I've met in my college, is your name Courtney? And probably that person will tell you that,
"Um no sorry this is not Courtney but Hi my name is Johnathan, and then you can, that’s
how you can start a conversation, okay? So you can say you look familiar, have we met
before? Okay?
Where do you come from? I personally think that this is a great question to begin any
conversation, why? Because usually it's a place or a city or even a country that really
excites the other person, Once you've said that Hey where do you come from? I'm from
Goa, okay? and then you can start saying Oh I love the beaches I've heard so much about
it or I've seen the images on Google and I think it's really awesome, what a great place,
How come you are here? I'm here for work I'm going to go back to Goa, would you like to
join me? See how the conversation is rolling into a nice and healthy talk with one another
you get to know new people and that is how you can make new friends. That is how things
move on in a conversation.
Moving on from there, Oh like I said before I miss out on anything, obviously when you
talk from when you talk about City prospective you can talk about food, music and so much
more and there is so much depth to this conversation Especially when you start with "where do you
come from?", okay? Now moving on, "Your Tee made me laugh." that means your T-shirt, Do
you know why I've put this here because these days T-shirts come with great one liner phrases
or really, really intelligent one liners or jokes or probably even images that’s difficult
to solve and once you get it, you are like "oh my god that is funny" Because of these
funny T-shirts you can always go like oh that was really funny let me go and compliment
this person so you can approach that person and say, "Hey, you know what, your T-shirt
made me laugh. I had come and talk to you." Okay? And that person will say thank you or
probably say something that you can start a conversation, Okay?
What a small world. Okay, you have met someone for the second time, this is for someone whom
you are going to meet again, what a small world, remember we had met at Kim's party?"
That is how you can put things together, alright? That is when you say, "oh, that's such a nice,
it's pleasure meeting you, what a small world." It's good to see you again, what a small world.
You are basically trying to say that here we go, here we meet again and I had thought
I would never meet you, okay?
Again next up we have, "what are you into?" Now this is usually about getting to know
people, what are their likes, dislikes, whether it's what you into what music are you into,
okay? Or what food are you into? What parties you usually attend? Or adventure sports, of
course. So sports and various activities and that is how you can then tell what do you
like doing, what do you like, do you like food, or do you like sports more and then
with this base you can continue your conversation.
Hey, Amazon or EBay. Now usually, you are someone who scrolls on Amazon or EBay quite
a lot and then you go out probably you see someone's phone or a T-shirt or a particular
bag and then you go like, hey is that Amazon or EBay? And there you go, that's a nice click,
they say that these days since all of us spend so much of time online, why not start a conversation
that is, when it comes to social media, or online, then the person will tell you whether
I actually got it on Amazon. You can always say that I remember seeing this on EBay I
was just about to buy it but then I forgot about. And that's how you can start yet again.
Moving from there we have, Looks like a great thing." Now instead of thing you can always
replace it with different things such as, looks like a great drink", okay? Looks like
a great Tie, maybe, Okay Tie, alright? Um and that is how you can complement someone
and yet start a conversation that Hey that's a great drink? What is it called? Oh maybe
even I will order one. Do you usually order this? And then you can continue.
Okay guys moving from here we have actually reached our last destination of the conversation
Phrases, What are you, what are your thoughts on?" Okay? What does this mean?, Now um you
probably have met someone and you have recently um there's some incident, there's some major
thing that has happened, it could be about literally about anything, about new phone
about new technology, about politics, about anything absolutely that you find is common
between the both of you. And then you can say, Hey, what’s your thoughts about that
phone?' or what do you think? Do you think we would actually end up going into space
all of us? Or what are your thoughts on... And you can add on whatever you feel is common
between you two, Well I would always talk to people about, Hey what are your thoughts
on long distance running or What are your thoughts on sports, or that do you like gym,
cycling, running, trekking? What's your choice? And that's how I start a conversation. Well
I welcome all of you in the comment section to stat a conversation and let's see where
it goes, let's see if all of have understood this lesson pretty well. You guys keep practicing
make sure that you write in comments, I will be back with another interesting topic for
you guys right here, until then keep smiling, spread lot of love this is me Meera signing
off for the day guys, ciao