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Hey, guys, today we're going to be playing Minecraft butts.
There's a caveat.
Every 30 seconds this game is gonna try and kill me.
So basically, it's like my mind crossed hard, Cool Siri's But we don't die forever.
It's already started 290 seconds of prep, so we need to get going.
This is made by the legend, that is I j.
So this is a simple little data pack, and every 30 seconds Minecraft is gonna try and kill me.
It gives you a little bit of time to prep 300 seconds.
Can't do the mask that quick to find out how many minutes that is.
I don't even know what it's gonna do.
The only thing I know it does as one of its little punishments is fireballs from the sky.
So obviously that's not gonna be that fun Fact see burning today, right?
I don't even know what to make, I guess.
Let's just make tools.
I'm gonna make a sword just in case something comes down to kill me.
What's gonna make a pick ax?
Should we try and get on the ground?
I feel like we should try and get on the grounds.
Oh, geez, I'm already messing up.
I'm panicking!
234 seconds and then Minecraft tries to kill me.
Let's take This is well, let Steve the tree hovering.
Because that's what new Minecraft this do, actually, let's see.
We have find a cave real quick.
I feel that that would be a bit nicer.
Here we go on.
We got some.
Ianto, let's grab some stone.
I feel like this.
300 seconds is gonna go.
Super quick.
Have already reached the Stone Age.
We've progressed.
I feel like I'm like speed running Minecraft right now.
She's an evening.
This stick.
Come on, you You knew we got that.
Now we needs Furnace and Cole.
Okay, Um, I don't see any calls, so I might try and find another cave real quick.
Oh, man, stressing out.
I'm almost down.
I could do the maths on 120 seconds, which is almost that.
That's two minutes.
So I think we're doing okay.
We should probably grab some food as well.
Maybe make a stone sword.
It depends what happens if that could be any X P.
Come on, piggies.
I need all the help I can get for real.
Come here, Dick XB.
Oh, I can't kill a baby pig.
I can kill your parent, though.
Oh, look.
Look, I need this.
I need this more than you're gonna need your parent.
We found another tunnel not to kill both of you.
I'm sorry.
It's a wooden sword.
Otherwise it would be doing this quicker, so I need coal.
And now we're almost on the two minute mark.
This is scaring me slightly.
Minecraft is gonna try and kill me any second every 30 seconds.
I probably should have been near my spawn point, actually.
This should be enough.
Now he's going for it.
Iron Man.
These caves, sock.
Let's see if we can find a good cave.
The only problem is, if I do die, it's no hard course we'd all bogus.
That's a village on the desert temple in one.
This is a great start for a normal Minecraft.
Let's play one that tries to kill you.
I'm not so sure, because every time we die, we're gonna go back to the sport point.
Oh, no.
Someone thought.
I think that's a horse.
That's a dying horse.
Oh, no, It's dying!
Golden Weiner!
Save it.
We must save it.
I'm here to save you.
Don't hit the golden Don't hit the golden Don't hit the golden I had the column.
I'm out of it.
You're gonna have to go, I'm afraid.
Oh, jeez.
No, that's sad.
That's really Saturday.
Oh, well, that's Ryan.
I've taken that.
Let's go already.
Have 28 seconds left.
I need to put down this.
That is not a crafting table.
Let's put down this.
Let's make an iron pickaxe.
Rest in peace.
I Angolan.
I in Gollum's always die around me, huh?
Why does that happen?
I need stone.
I'm in the wrong place for Stone.
I'm panicking.
Like legit.
Let's go in here.
What is this?
What is this?
OK, so it's 30 seconds until something tries to kill me.
I need some bread.
I'm gonna see if I can grab some other guys.
How's it going?
I've got a craft in tape.
Oh, my goodness.
This is actually a great place to be.
10 seconds into a Minecraft tries to kill me and maybe these villages as well.
Um, at least just eat some breads real fast, please.
What's it gonna be?
Person gods.
Okay, this is no nice.
That is not nice.
With 25 seconds of cool down.
Oh, dude, this is nasty.
Ali, cycle Mika wooden sword.
Ah, this sucks is gonna do something else again in 30 seconds in two seconds when he's got another 30.
Okay, right.
I'm gonna need your stuff, please, sir.
You drop what you're holding.
Come here.
I need to kill you guys about 20 seconds to try and kill you.
I don't think it's gonna go.
Well, why have you got such crazy armor?
Why am I in person so I can hear?
I can hear villages.
Okay, Something drops don't drop anything.
What's gonna happen next way?
Are so angry.
I had good stuff, and now I'm back here and now we got 30 more seconds till it tries to kill us again.
That was mean.
That was so mean.
Guys, guys, Not nice food.
I think we were over here.
Yeah, we were.
I don't know where it spawned me, though.
Slime Tower.
Is that what we're doing now?
I wasn't even looking at the countdown.
That's fine.
you guys just chill over there.
That's okay.
I'm gonna try and get my stuff back.
I should have slept, right.
Let me see where you sleep in the bed.
Reset my spawn point, and then I should be good.
I'm not even gonna make it back here in time until the next one hits.
Where was I even placed?
My stuff is under the ground.
Oh, jeez.
Three, two, one.
Do it.
Oh, Okay.
Um, should I do this?
Should I press the lever?
I really shouldn't.
But I also really want to remember is gonna try and kill me again.
Ah, we're in there.
Are they destroyed?
This village is house.
Or that's so mean.
Quick move, Cactus move!
I need to sleep in here.
Point set.
Okay, that's beautiful.
I'm gonna do I'm gonna do the lever thing in a second.
But first, let's see what it brings me next.
321 slime extravaganza.
Ok, that wasn't too bad pulling the lever.
I'm doing it.
It's definitely support something underneath.
Here we go.
Oh, that's a DNC noise.
Oh, jeez.
What exit?
Always stuff will actually be fine.
Check this out.
I think we're good Ah, wait.
It blew up the actual thing, and then it blew up.
Even Maur.
Oh, man, I need to get through here.
But I don't have a pick axe.
I'm just gonna punch it on.
There's gonna be zombies on the other side.
We're in trouble, you guys.
And I think it's slime.
This time is gonna kill me.
I haven't even built cropped anything.
I've got nine seconds until something else happens.
This is awful.
I don't this slime to kill me either.
Get out of here.
Come on.
Go back to your mother's.
That's you, Card.
I just killed you.
Very deadly poison.
Okay, great.
That's fine.
I could deal with that.
As long as the slime doesn't touch me, I should be okay.
The cool down is getting less a swell.
This isn't.
This is me.
I'm not sure if I like this is hoping.
The other side.
My cool.
Ah, my stuff is gone.
Most stuff is going right.
Guys, we need to start again.
This is frankly, just terrible.
I want to go into sleep.
He needs to not be nighttime.
This can't happen.
It's not looking too good, is it?
Guys, That'll Oh, jeez.
Just woken up at two.
A slime!
Trees over here!
Nice try.
I survived this one.
Why, you guys so mean to me?
Sorry about your village.
By the way.
Friends, That was not my choice.
Don't blame me.
I have been cursed by the gods.
I can't even run.
Caught half our three hunger points.
This isn't going well, is it?
Can you help me?
I've got 10 seconds to something bad happens to me.
You say?
He said no walked away.
TNT trail.
That's mean.
That's ready.
Mean I'm just one of my friends.
Survived another one, though.
Bring me the wood, please.
Cool down is getting less and less each time.
I'm just gonna I'm just gonna die again.
Would you have survived two in a row so far?
What's gonna happen to me next?
Three thio one.
Oh, now that was mean.
You got to admit that was mean.
Okay, at least we have a house.
Now we need to make a chest.
But we also need to make sure that we are not near that chest.
Every time the counter reaches zero to none of you guys store things, this Children down dark alleyways.
Oh, was that zero?
I mean about not being near anything.
This has happened.
This has happened.
I thought I was gonna survive that.
That one was called going.
Oh, my.
No, I did this.
Oh, man.
Okay, this is actually good.
I've got Cem.
Cem was here.
We gotta wait.
This competes.
Could be a positive.
Let's think positive.
We're gonna get some wood or die trying.
Okay, 10 seconds until our next thing I wonder how many there are.
This is awful.
32 one and out.
Okay, fine.
That one was nice and simple.
I'm trying to get a simple piece of wood, and none of you guys have any chests to help me with this.
I can't even kill.
Why did I have to do this to myself?
But I also need to be careful.
No worth keeping.
I'm gonna put all this in here and run away from you because 3211 TNT.
Okay, that's not so bad either.
I'm out here.
This village is going to hate me if it doesn't already.
Grab some words, then we can make progress so I could make a sword.
Here we go.
We've got 10 seconds to grab.
Some wouldn't get out of here.
I kinda want to put it in the chest so I don't get back here fast enough.
My stuff is good.
You kidding me?
I guess I wasn't even paying attention to the timer.
We have that thing right now.
This isn't funny.
I was just getting some word that wasn't too bad.
Is that iron?
Or I think that's iron or I'm too quickly grab this.
I wonder how far we can get in Minecraft with this happening.
30 seconds isn't long, Atal.
This is horrible and also very entertaining.
There we go.
What's gonna happen next?
Frankenstein's monster?
I'm just running.
L kill it with fire.
I think it's okay.
I think they're fighting each other.
So it's fast.
It's really fast and it's ugly.
I'm out.
I'm gonna try and put this in the chest.
Who has a chest like a borrow?
This man is stuck.
Oh, chest beautiful.
Everything is going in here for five seconds to run away as quickly as possible.
Silverfish trio.
That's not so bad.
And it's going to reset my spawn point in that house.
This is my humble abode.
From now on, it's born point set.
Okay, let's close the door.
This is gonna be my house.
We can make a sword to kill things.
About 10 seconds.
I'm going to be quick.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
I have been quick.
I'm in.
Quick, quick!
Evacuate Our I just escaped.
Out of pure luck, I just escaped.
Keep the gang of the countdown.
Starts every single time.
Do not go into the pressure plates.
I'm not touching those.
I feel like they could be something good in there.
But then I remember this whole thing is designed to kill me.
I guess we should make a gold for ourselves.
Right on.
The goal should be its get diamonds.
I think that's what it should be.
So we need iron.
I did have some Mayan.
What's gonna happen to me now?
Oh, they hit the square.
I was like, Wait, are with the skeletons enough?
No, we spoiled me.
He spoiled me.
But my stuff, my stuff.
Where is my sword?
I don't have a sword.
Of all the things for it, not to drop.
My sword is one of Oh, great.
Now I'm dead.
I'm dead.
Okay, fine.
Kill me.
See if I care.
Okay, so we're down to two cobblestone.
Ah, I need some more couples.
They're going pick up.
This stuff is so large.
Give me a local.
Was you can to make a furnace.
Then I need to get Cole.
And in that time, I need to not die and not blow up my own house.
It's so hard on theirs with the skeletons about to come on serving the next thing just a withered Skelly.
No pad.
But why does he have to have a helmet on?
Is it not bad enough that there's a weather skeleton there?
I don't like this, right.
We need to make us.
We got so much.
This is perfect.
That's gonna go there.
I need to get out of here.
Everything away.
But zombie.
Okay, zombies, fine.
Zombie spine.
Get down there, you punk!
Off, right.
Well, story needs What?
Stone pickaxe.
I pretty much got infinite pick axes.
Now I need coal on the need iron or let's do this.
I've really been better at this now.
Iron or Let's go near a zombie behind your back off, Son, This is not about you.
Why did you take so long to die?
We're about to meet my fate in here.
321 Great.
Right yet.
Just what?
We need it.
I'm gonna die.
I'm gonna die!
Oh, no Stuff start to spawn.
Oh, no, no, no, no!
29 seconds.
No, don't kill me.
Please don't come in here.
Please don't kill me.
Don't even knock me off.
We just need coal.
And then we're good to go and find diamonds.
I might even just sleep somewhere else where I would have to accept my fate and then go to sleep.
3 to 1 inferno.
I'm in a desert.
There's no water here.
Are so mean.
There's not many of these things that I have survived.
But this is one of them.
There's water here.
Hello, sir.
How are you?
Just need to sleep in your bed.
Thank you.
So my goal is to get diamonds.
I think I can get myself a diamond pick.
I just need to be able to get the coal for it without anything terrible happening to me in the cold disappearing.
Let's accept our fate together, Mr Villager.
We accept our fate.
Don't run away from me Poison.
Okay to shake.
Never mind.
He's like, walks away.
Oh, great.
A creeper low.
Actually, I need you to blow up real fast.
Do it the day you No.
There is cold out here, so if I make a pathway, I should be able to get here.
Let's go and get some ball.
What if I just mine it and leave it here and come and collect the next time?
That could be big fog.
I can't see a thing.
What's gonna happen?
What's gonna happen?
That suffocation.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
It didn't happen.
We just survived.
Yes, the Lord is watching over us from, so please write your cold eyes.
Let's go about 30 seconds to put this back in.
That's what I'm talking about.
Okay, so we got some cold to make an iron pickaxe.
We just need to try and find diamonds.
Now look above Ah, OK, that's bad.
That's gonna go everywhere.
Why is it away from the hole that I've been using?
Ah, Why?
Why you do this to me?
What have I done to deserve this?
Oh, we go on writing quickly.
Craft these moms go.
I am pick axe.
Let's go.
I need to remember to turn right.
321 Liable, Right.
Oh, this is the one I saw.
No, this is why we need to run away.
It's so awful.
Well, it's still happening.
It's still happening.
All Thank goodness my house survived.
Quick, quick.
Patch it up.
I didn't think I was happening.
I should just waited.
What I need to do now is yeah, I think I could just use these to go and find some diamonds, right?
I'm digging down on breaking the rules.
I'm digging down in search of diamonds.
That's my end goal.
Here I find a cave, we get TNT tro Noe.
Oh, this is bad.
Let's see if we can find a cave real fast, cause ideally, I would just run down with a pick axe and see if we could just get as low as possible.
Just get a lucky few roles and we should be good enough.
That's gonna happen, though.
On and there's nothing nearby.
What's this?
I'm running it.
I'm going.
This'd everybody.
It's a terrible idea that's going Oh, come on.
Is it that ends?
Oh, hello, friends.
What I need is like a decent cave that I can run down.
That's not a dead end.
And hopefully I can take and I am pick.
Risk it and try and get diamonds.
Diamonds anywhere.
Something bad is about to happen to you.
Oh, I say that's not too bad.
That's that's no good.
Just need.
Caves are playing Minecraft on.
There's no caves just take down.
They say That's what they say, right to stick down.
Well, I want to do is find diamonds.
That's hard enough.
Playing normal Minecraft when it's trying to kill you every 30 seconds or can hear lover.
Actually, that's not funny.
That's not funny.
Let me try and beat it.
Oh, come on.
I could be This could be this.
I read it.
I just speak the game.
That's what I'm talking about.
Wait a second.
I need to punch this with my fists.
There's no diamonds down here.
Come on.
I'm punching Stone with my bare hands.
Nothing, huh?
Lap is great, love.
No, no, no, no, no.
Okay, let's raid this village.
Potentially destroy it.
But not for our own doing.
What is this?
I've never seen a house that has that it interesting deck or my friends?
This village is pretty, uh, pretty developed, I think balconies and stuff.
Amber wave all that coming for me.
Still coming for me.
Not cool down.
That was scary.
Idea was a good, though.
They're expensive, but I don't think I'm gonna get any use all those anytime soon.
At this point, I'm just running around trying to find diamonds.
It's a sad time to be me right now.
If there's a diamond that's game completed, what's gonna happen to me?
Hold up.
I've changed the mission.
I've changed the mission.
The mission is toe.
Get to the end.
I'm going.
No way.
I actually did it.
That's the area's really ed alone.
I don't know what to do.
I think I'm underneath.
Now completed the mission.
I actually did Ah, harder thing than just finding diamonds.
And now something bad is gonna happen to me.
I can feel it at you.
I know in 10 seconds it's gonna happen.
What are the odds.
That was great.
And the dragon?
What's good?
Big speed, Big speed.
This is a good thing.
It's a real good thing fast.
I am, boy.
Uh, this is a problem To fend for myself.
I have a narrow.
I don't think that's quite good.
Work against the end of Dragon who just want to die.
What dying is no killing me, Please.
You okay?
The end, Um, in their mess around here, I get up.
Excuse me, guys, but what if I do?
There's the end, Schilling.
Here it is.
Here it is.
Here it is.
No diamonds.
Be a diamond.
Uh, so many skeletons.
Skeletons of the worst.
I can dodge everything else, but not the skeletons are dead.
So do it.
Do it!
Do it!
I'm not gonna have you Kill me.
I don't want this to happen anywhere.
I'm dying is by something killing me in here.
Even the spider can't.
Maybe you can.
Let's go and find ourselves a ship wreck.
I'm going to the ocean.
Change intact.
Legend has it.
If you grab a diamond, the curse will lift right.
All streams lead to the ocean.
That's what I was taught, so hopefully will eventually find our way to the ocean.
Whether that's actually tree and Minecraft or not, I'm not sure I just need a shipwreck.
But then we need buried treasure.
Then we need to keep the map.
Oh, no, This is This is a floor plan also.
Oh, great.
Oh, that's what you get for trying to trap me in water and my boat back.
The police.
Okay, that's fine.
I didn't want I didn't want the boat anyway, right?
This better be it.
I would've punched my weight down without trying Thio without hitting the TNT.
That's the only way I could do this.
And I also need to survive whatever comes at me.
The ST card time.
Nothing's born in here actually called Take our time until we got 30 seconds.
I'm gonna have to fall down without hitting the pressure plate.
Who said it couldn't be done?
Who said it could be done?
Go to that pool.
Are you kidding?
That was so dire.
Ah, I just want to see a diamonds.
That's what I wanted.
No way!
No inferno.
Not now.
Ah, I just found a mine shaft Okay, New plan.
Get to the mineshaft.
Run through it.
Find the diamonds.
Delete this world real fast.
So this is where the inferno waas.
Okay, we go.
Going for it.
Splash away.
There's actually a chest here.
Now what?
There we go.
I'm gonna take a bed.
The spawn point are almost their own.
Lose faith yet, guys, we're almost there.
OK, here we go.
I just need one of these chests.
I don't care that I'm in pitch darkness.
I just want a chest with a diamond in.
What do you guys up to?
Oh, man, I'm coming through.
Oh, What?
No, I think I actually think there's a dungeon in there.
It's gonna be something down here just for me.
But I've been so good this year Have been so good.
Santa is one thing you give me.
Give me a diamond row, please.
Which leads get lucky.
They're no chests.
This is usually the best place to find stuff.
It is a Gaussian now as well.
The screams, It's dead.
It's dead.
There's literally nothing here.
This is the worst dungeon I have ever.
Bean in mine shaft mine shaft just kill me.
I'm done with this challenge.
I'm done.
It's over.
I can't do it.
You know what?
I took on the challenge and I tried it to the best of my ability.
I tried.
Guys, I just can't.
Where are the other?
00 we're doing that.
Are we?
Just vote for the entire world.
I feel like I just have a feeling there's diamonds nearby.
Bowman's down here.
Question Mark.
Let's see if we can do this.
This little trick.
You ready?
Oh, okay.
Never mind.
I was never here.
You never saw me.
Ah, tyrants here.
This actual diamond said way found him.
I don't even care if you kill me, boy.
You would kill me if you want.
I just felt what I wanted.
I wanna have them in my sweet hands, though.
I need to remember where those diamonds were as well.
No cobblestone for a furnace, That me to smell three iron and then we're done.
That's literally it.
That's all we need.
So very quickly.
Make a furnace.
We're going on here, grab the iron and we smelt the iron sticks.
Iron bam!
Okay, here we go.
We're going for it.
No, it's down this way Down here, Zig guys, it's happening way with the diamonds.
Slime, Potsie A We did it!
Whatever is gonna happen happens.
But you seem a minds.
We found diamonds in a Minecraft world where tries to kill us every 30 seconds.
What's gonna happen now?
I'm so pleased.
So pleased.
Bye, guys.
In front of diamonds, we did it candle campus for four Rubber band.