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Hey, what's up, guys?
I don't know what today's date is gonna be like.
I don't know if it's gonna be scary or just stupid or and with me dead.
And that's because today I'm gonna be joining Not.
Well, I'm explain.
So I've been getting e mails from the Manati for like a year now.
And I never opened them because I was like an actual spam.
But then my friends started getting them.
Ryland got one, Drew about one.
Gary got one.
And then I felt less special.
But I also was intrigued.
So I finally opened one of them.
And here's what It's Shane.
Do you desire to be a leader or are you merely a seeker of the power and privilege?
Is the leaders command?
If power or wealth is your goal?
Are you prepared?
Continue reading.
So when I clicked, continue reading.
It took me to like a full Illuminati website and I was like, I gotta film this now before I start.
No, this is not sponsored.
I just found your butt.
Thank you so much.
Taylor needs a lot.
I know there's not sponsored.
I have no idea what this is.
I'm actually kind of scared.
It's like a hacker.
But you guys are here with me.
So let's do this.
Oh, my God.
Okay, I'm already uncomfortable.
An official website of the Illuminati.
Oh, my God.
There's a video.
All right, let's do this.
You're not for your war stricken, poverty ridden planet.
Okay, I feel weird.
You are safe.
I don't believe that.
Help is on the way.
Fear, Nothing way.
Are always watching out for you, I and triggered.
So is the Illuminati a youtuber?
I have a lot of questions.
Let's go to their YouTube channel.
Oh, my God.
When their banner is better than mine, what do they have?
More than one of the new way?
Always watching.
That actually scared me a little bit.
So that was, uh, chilling.
Read the testament.
There's a book.
She has a YouTube channel.
She's a book wishing me aluminum tm the first testament of the Illuminati.
Yes, I ordering that this will be here in one day.
So we'll read that tomorrow about us.
I'd love to hear this.
The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists and other influential members of this planet.
I mean, thank you are correlation unites influencers of all political, religious and geographical backgrounds to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole.
They must have seen my giant cake that he has.
What is this?
People of a little naughty?
Um Oh, my God.
Are these real people that are in the Illuminati now?
I mean, when I send the Illuminati itself, I learned about the aluminum.
He's there for you and welcomes you to the bright side.
What iss Oh, my God.
Hold on.
I didn't even notice.
They do have social media, okay?
They have march.
Why is there much better than they're giving away a treasure chest?
For only when the Illuminati is more reasonable than James Charles?
Marge, who had a love that Sure we need to stop.
It's good to something else.
Do they have a Twitter?
Is just a bunch of self promo.
Who is this?
Tyler Oakley Instagram?
Oh, when the Illuminati is inclusive, we looking on the comments Gay equality Is this really?
I am so confused.
It s so this is not like a scam.
It's not a joke.
People are actually like joining this.
Oh, my God.
It's right there.
Join the luminosity way.
I'm scared.
Uh, what does this mean?
Oh, my God, No, we're gonna do We're gonna do it.
That's all the point.
That's the title of this video.
We're doing it.
And your information has been submitted.
Almost finished.
To complete the process, visit your email inbox and click the confirmation week.
Okay, so I didn't get an email yet.
Maybe it'll come later.
I'm so confused.
It's there, like videos of people talking about it.
Okay, here's a testimonial here.
The first testament.
Okay, who can I just zoom in on what she's watching?
Like guys in red hooded capes with cables.
What did I join?
I read this book about seven times to be exact, and I will never get tired of eating it.
That's the kind of fan I need.
I read Shane's book seven.
Yes, I consider myself and delighted one on luminosity, princess.
Okay, so I could be a queen.
You don't want to be ableto reach the top.
The goal is to light.
Is this really What did I just signed up for him?
I don't have to hang out with her.
No offense.
She seems great, but she's watching Ah, sacrifice on her apple TV like it's nothing holding.
You got hurt.
Okay, you know what?
I changed my mind.
I want to be her friend.
This'll was Illuminati submission date.
She's like, uh, this is what I could bring Thio.
Okay, No offense to bet that that was amazing.
I'm just confused, because now I don't know if it's a joke or if it's really okay.
So I am going, Teoh, go to sleep.
And I guess when I wake up tomorrow, I'll see if they send me an email and hopefully the book and, uh, I'll get a start My new Illuminati life.
Can we get nightmares, but okay, it's the next day.
I have not checked my email.
I'm hoping that we got some kind of like, Hey, Shane, welcome to the party.
Your favorite cookie will send you a gift basket?
Or maybe they even sent me like a list of people that I need to kill.
I don't wait.
Oh, wow.
I got to e mails.
Okay, so it says Shane, the Illuminati welcomes you.
That was easy.
We hold you a citizen of our shared planet in the highest esteem.
Oh, God.
Okay, for your protection, our ranking members do not maintain personal social media profiles.
Verify the authenticity of any profile.
Going to illuminati dot am a slash verified.
May me when I'm in the Illuminati in Oh, my God.
Oh, and there's the book.
Okay, the book.
I ordered it.
It should be here by tonight.
Okay, Let's see what the other email says.
I can't miss that feeling.
Don't worry.
It was chipotle.
We're fine.
Back to the email.
So they sent me in both.
Yeah, OK, this looks like a contract upon this eternal oath and freely pledge.
My God, there's a place to sign it at the bottom.
You feel weird?
Okay, you know what?
Later tonight, I'm going to put some of these out.
I'm gonna force my friends to sign them with me, using our blood, and then maybe we'll read some passages from the book and I don't know, just have, like, a Illuminati party.
And then, uh, hopefully nobody in a road comes to kill me while I'm sleeping.
Okay, guess what I'm printing.
What contracts for the Illuminati.
Are you trying to kill us?
I'm trying to make us rich and famous and powerful.
And no so much shit comes with being a part of the Illuminati.
I mean, we do have the sign in our blood.
No, I'm not doing.
Don't you want to hang out with Beyonce?
Don't you want an advance copy and reputation?
Okay, Sonya, No coffee.
Oh, what?
Well, guess what?
We might get endless whatever you want, because it where we're going way we're not going to Chipotle.
We will own Chipotle because tonight we are joining the criminality.
That's impossible.
No, it's not.
I found a web site.
I click join website.
What is it called?
Aluminum dot com.
What is that?
I'm getting the nose Torto.
They're not just emailed the lifestyle, so I ordered a book.
It's supposed to be here right now.
It is exactly nine PM So I thought Go outside, see if it came.
Oh, my God!
What if there's a guy in a robe who delivers it?
I just saw myself after I joined the Illuminati.
You don't look that cool.
Do you hire someone in a robe?
I hope so.
Usually the packages get delivered.
You have the creepiest mailman ever.
Where usually dangles them from a jury?
Why is this here?
Literally open it literally.
Somebody stabbed through it.
All right, Ricky Dylan, come on out.
You know, I swear to God, I can't.
This is so small.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
It matches your aesthetic.
What is not even a signature methods of mind control.
Know about this, Ryan.
Let's take another way.
This was a setup.
You guys come here that I'm very big.
Just anything.
And look how much is literally the room.
Not just what I was too afraid.
Second use of the Illuminati, my e mail.
Just little away discover that should do.
It Feels like a hack time.
First thing big.
All right.
Will you join the Illuminati?
And I have a surprise for you guys.
All right.
Are you guys ready for the ceremony?
Do we really have to bleed for this?
The first time I had butt sex, Okay?
I had my first.
I have some of these really cute scared can no luminosity language.
You guys yet then of course we have Shame contract signing that.
So I brought a pen, but we're actually probably not gonna use it to refuse our blood, so we'll have no shame.
But we need to cut ourselves to initiate the Illuminati on.
Of course, we have our amazon dot com.
Okay, I'll be right back.
A spider crawls.
You know what just happened to our rituals?
Join the Logan, Not weigh all Say they are guy.
Hey, what's going on with Brittney?
Amanda Bynes Way.
Leave Kesha.
Liza Koshi wise the coaches in the Illuminati?
So now we must all read over the secret oath together.
I don't know why so many I forgot I didn't have that many friends.
So it says a palm this eternal off and really pledged to dedicate my mind to the discovery of knowledge to dedicate myself to the pursuit of light, to dedicate my efforts to the progress of abundance, to dedicate my existence to bringing all people in all places into unification, unification and to dedicate my life days on this planet.
Big words of the Illuminati human species.
And then we put on the news.
Okay, so it's time to sign this, but obviously we're not gonna be using the pen.
Wants to go first.
What are you about To cut yourself or video?
No, for the Illuminati.
I want to be in the Illuminati.
No, you can't shoot.
What diseases?
They don't have a disease.
We don't know that.
Actually, you should know that.
Okay, fine.
We won't do blood.
We have, like, pimples gonna just pop him who?
I have a good moment to.
All right, let me see your good board.
George France?
No, that's the craziest thing.
No, we're not taking a knife to my eyes.
It I'm just saying this could really change the game.
Oh, fine, E.
I guess I'll sign it with your blood.
Is that company?
Oh, we are in relationships.
The oh, so gross.
What is on the contract?
It's official.
Where am I gonna get my memory?
I'm sure I could find something in my nipples.
Don't look at this, okay?
I'm sure I can pick something.
Find something.
I hate having clear skin.
I really can't find any kind of blemish.
Hold on.
Let me get my God.
What are you doing Why is this starting into the grossest video on the planet Ryland patting his wounds?
You have your fingers in your ass.
Just sign our names.
Years isn't blood.
So you're you okay?
What are you doing?
Oh, use the wax.
Know that fire burning?
It is gonna seal it forever.
Okay, worse.
I can smell your pimple.
Blood leading.
That's kind of cute.
Okay, now it's time to read a passage from the Illuminati book, huh?
Wow, That's a Snapchat code.
Oh, yeah.
Chain this'll one's called the White Room.
This'll one's called Life's journey begins at the bottom where many resigned a few rise above.
All right, let's exactly how this book starts.
Welcome to the aluminum.
The Illuminati holds you a citizen of our shared planet in the highest esteem.
Wait, This is the same shit that's on the website.
Wait, I think they just printed the website into a book.
Oh, you think it's not really uh no.
Adi is an elite collective of political years.
This is off the website.
Yeah, this is the about section waiting like this for every person is a human and every human makes mistakes.
This is a Hannah Montana Hannah Montana eyes in the Illuminati.
Six sixes.
She would take off her wig and put on under the wig.
A different identity.
A reptile person.
It's all part of the plan.
Good luck, Charlie.
Look, Huh?
Eight letters, 85 letters.
54 letters.
4311 Hell on a calculator also, you could spell boobs on a calculator.
You ever do that back?
T o me?
If I was a preacher?
Gay people there.
All right, Kiss me, Kenny.
I grew up gambling.
All right, let's let their Facebook and Twitter thing Ricky dealings.
Book ends.
There's no author way.
Do with this book and I feel stupid.
Burn it.
Okay, well, not.
I think we should go over together.
Everybody grab a side of the book.
This has been a fun little party, but the party's over.
I like reading while it's burning.
Okay, writhe.
We are die animals and cat serve our This did freely write this.
Oh, you guys go.
We tried to join the Illuminati.
I think it worked.
You know, in all honesty, that was fun.
I like that.
Even if it's not really which I still think it is.
It was fun to just have a night with my friends.
And I just burned my house too.
Yeah, I love a good book burning.
I'm really sad room.
Miss this.
He was busy tonight, but I feel like the amount of knives and fire would have given him a panic attack anyways.
Gino, do you love me?
Even though I'm not in the Illuminati?
Oh, I remember he never loved me to begin with before you.
Can you tell them like, don't be Illuminati?
Like like a sign off, like aluminum.
Okay, I'll go.
That really hurt.
Oh, my God!