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  • e.

  • I think James was shot on a list or escape from the beach.

  • Siri's, too, could be about listens.

  • Parts.

  • So what if she's never aged and just keeps changing her identity?

  • You know, joining different families for hundreds of years but constantly flee in her life to avoid suspicion.

  • That's why she ran away, went on the road trip in Season one with James.

  • So my theory is that Syria's one ended with James getting shot listeners captured by Terry in units.

  • By the way, I think aliens dragger onboard the mother ship kicking and fighting James are refused to believe he just died.

  • So I reckon he wakes up from the dead with some crazy abilities.

  • While this is being tested on, James burst through the ship using his new powers fartsy aliens so they could escape.

  • I think it was James.

  • The show's going, and that's what we hear the end of season one.

  • But didn't you with the police?

  • James is attacked by something in son like a massive sunward that jumps up and swallows him.

  • Whole Elissa be in the bar.

  • Ashes runs the rescuers sword.

  • She'll jump on the sun.

  • Women bam!

  • She'll hold onto the beast is it zooms through the sand until eventually James's spow in the middle of the desert, but maybe surrounded by even more some worms.

  • Siri's one.

  • I can't wait to see how they continue from that.

  • Something weird needs to happen.

  • That may be changing.

  • Running to the water.

  • Listen, panics should trust.

  • To get away from James would appear as a giant seater, so lifting her into the air, then they'll fly to Mexico and change identities.

  • Remember one.

  • Rob.

  • I'm not convinced that was a gunshot.

  • The end of series one.

  • James had just turned 18 so I think the sound was actually a party popper thing.

  • Whole thing was a prank by Elissa to James off the scent of a surprise birthday party.

  • Both Eliza and James is Dad's will appear out of nowhere with an amazing cake.

  • Then they all sit and have a birthday picnic on the beach that was never a gunshot.

  • The end Siri's one way.

  • I believe it was much, much bigger than that clue for Siri's to is actually in the name of the show.

  • But it's not just the end of the world.

  • It's the end of the Universe way will know how serious one ended, which I'm pretty sure means James got shot.

  • But in serious, too.

  • I think we'll see that he's not really human American.

  • Maybe he's a robot.

  • Perhaps there are millions of James clones in a vault underneath the Irish Embassy like a top secret government experiment, and they will invade the world seeking revenge at the end of Series one we saw James, analysts are trying to escape from the police in Series two.

  • I reckon that's when we'll see that James is actually Elissa, and Alyssa is actually James.

  • The police will probably be so confused that they'll just let them go see what really happens wth e End of the World Series two premieres, Fourth of November on Channel four.

  • Also stream on awful.


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澳門大三巴娛樂官網 ******* 世界粉絲論--第一輯結尾發生了什麼? (The End of the ******* World Fan Theories - What Happened at the End of Series 1??)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary