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  • I have to say, if I was on death row and I had to decide one meal, this meal that we just had would probably be it

  • Good afternoon guys, welcome back to Journey Across Japan; Never-ending adventure of... Wander

  • Today we're in the vibrant port town of Kobe (神戸市), before I get back on my bike and carry on cycling across Japan to Kagoshima (鹿児島市)

  • We thought we'd come here, hang out and enjoy some rather delicious food

  • Which you could probably know what it is, because you've seen the title of the video but joining me as we eat this delicious food

  • Is my third guest of the trip and it's his last day joining us is Pete Donaldson

  • Hello, everyone, welcome to the part of Kobe (神戸市) opened to foreign visitors and foreign trade in 1858

  • How do you know that?

  • It was on the wall in Starbucks

  • Is that how you get all your knowledge? Off the walls of Starbucks

  • Yep

  • So Pete and I do a podcast, the Abroad In Japan Podcast, it's the original name

  • Subscribe, download!

  • Subscribe, this is great, it is in the link below

  • And back in March, Pete was interviewing Bryan Cranston on his radio show and I said to Pete; 'If you can get Bryan Cranston

  • to shout out the Abroad In Japan Podcast, I will literally buy you Kobe beef very expensive meal

  • I didn't think it was gonna happen but he pulled it off look

  • Hi, I am Bryan Cranston and you're listening to Abroad In Japan

  • And now we've got to do it, now I've actually gotta get him Kobe beef, so it's about 4 pm, we're about to drop into a restaurant

  • We're about to eat the most decadent juiciest beef in the whole world

  • You said I was the juiciest beef in the whole wide world

  • The moment you set foot in a teppanyaki grill restaurant serving Kobe beef

  • You're struck by the rich, sweet scent of the marbled fat streaking through the meat

  • That makes wagyu so iconic, whilst Wagyu simply means Japanese beef, within Japan, many regions have their own cuts

  • Such as Matsusakagyu, which is typically the most expensive and Miyazakigyu, which has won the most awards domestically in recent years

  • But it's Kobe beef that remains the most famous internationally, often confused with the word Wagyu itself

  • All Kobe beef is sourced from Tajima cattle, born raised and slaughtered in Hyōgo Prefecture (兵庫県) of which there are only a few thousand

  • And even then, only the finest cuts are graded and sold as A5 Kobe beef

  • Just asked how much that piece of meat would cost and he says; 'Basically same as a car'

  • Car priced beef chunk

  • You can probably run a car on the oil that's in there, to be fair

  • I love how quietly you're talking, as if we're in a library

  • I'm giving the beef the respect it deserves

  • Good beef deserves whispering, it's like a library of me

  • O, cheers to Bryan Cranston

  • What does they A5 mean?

  • A5 is the highest rank of Wagyu beef, you often see A5 wagyu beef right, wherever you go

  • So it's not the size of it, like printer paper?

  • It's not like printer paper no, it's better than printer paper, to be A5, the beef is ranked on four criteria

  • There's the marveling intensity, so how much fat is streaking throughout beef?

  • Yeah

  • The color of the fat as well, the color of the muscle tissue itself

  • Aka the meat, the little bit of meat that's in between the fat and the shape of the muscle

  • As well, aahh

  • I definitely didn't read that off my phone

  • I'm a expert

  • When cooking Kobe beef, some of the fat is trimmed and used to lubricate the grill

  • So no butter or oils necessary, which could intrude on the pure flavor of the beef

  • The aim is to sear the steak, just warming and melting the fats within

  • But not truly cooking them, a delicate process given the low melting point of the fat at just 26 degrees Celsius

  • In fact, if you cut off a slice of the fat and touch it, you can feel it start to melt, with the texture more reminiscent of ice cream

  • Next it's seasoned with salt and pepper

  • And periodically rested for typically twice the length of time that it's been cooked, giving it the perfect medium to rare finish

  • Watching this culinary art form unfold before you is tantamount to torture, but the reward is certainly worth the wait

  • I think the chef must have the weakest hands in the entirety of the cheffing world, yeah, cause if you don't need to

  • The weakest hands?

  • Yeah, 'cause you don't need to cut that using any kind of pressure on

  • You could talk that meat apart, that's how soft it looks, there's no pressure there, it's wonderful

  • There's a variety of ways you can enjoy the beef

  • There's salt, there's pepper and mustard and soy sauce and there's ponzu (ポン酢) which is like soy sauce with vinegar

  • They recommend that you have to beef with salt, so you just dab into the salt

  • And it's actually quite a thick chunk of beef, surprisingly thick

  • Oh my god, the moment you put it in your mouth, you can feel your tongue saliva

  • You can feel your whole mouth erupted, the moment this goes on your tongue

  • You feel your mouth started to water.

  • If you don't like watching TV programs, where like fat westerners eat like amazing food and go; 'O, it's heaven'

  • But I think I may have gone blind, 'cause that's how good this is

  • It is so good

  • A sort of spice goes straight through, even if you just flavour it slightly with a bit of salt, maybe a little bit of mustard

  • It's incredible, thanks, Chris and thanks, Bryan Cranston

  • I have to say, if I was on death row and I had to decide one meal, this meal that we just had would probably be it

  • Thing with wagyu, thing with kobe beef is for 250 grams

  • It's kind of just the perfect amount, because it is very buttery, it's very rich

  • I think if you have more, it might be a little bit overwhelming on your stomach

  • Yeah, you'd be slamming antacid until next Tuesday to be honest

  • Slamming antacids, another potential name for your indie rock band

  • Another thing I really like about going out for steak, Teppanyaki

  • There's a sort of theatrical quality to it, I'm watching the chef cook the meal

  • He's half the fun of coming out for teppanyaki, it's half the fun of coming out for Wagyu beef so

  • I don't even want to eat my beef, because I just don't want it to end, you know unlike Call of Duty

  • You have your last hand grenade, I'm gonna hold it back, you want to keep it in reserved

  • That's how I feel about this beef, I don't want to use it, I want to look at it

  • I want to admire it, I want to know that I'm gonna eat it, but not eat it, I don't want it to end

  • Imagine if you're like minted, I presume like an emperor or something

  • Minted like an emperor

  • When you came down here in your big

  • Emperor's car and have this everyday?

  • Everyday

  • Dead within a week

  • You would be dead within a week, the cholesterol would be off the charts

  • Yeah, but at the mortuary everyone be like that looks like a happy corpse

  • Well Pete the heavenly dinner is almost over

  • How do you feel?

  • Uhm

  • It just kept coming, Chris, it was relentless, it was a beef assault, but it was just incredible some of the best food

  • I think I've ever eaten in my entire life

  • It also goes really well with red wine, doesn't it?

  • Yeah, that's classic beef stabilizer, a bit of red wine, a little bit tart, a little bit brackish

  • What are these other words I've never heard of brackish, what is brackish? Is that even a word?

  • I traveled with three guests on this trip so far, I've had

  • Joey from Australia, Sharla from Canada and Pete from the UK, interesting fact

  • I've understood Sharla and Joey more than I have Pete, he's from North northern UK

  • North northern UK

  • North northen UK, but I don't, I don't know what he's saying most of the time

  • I just sort of nodding along and go, Yeah

  • Yeah, that word you said

  • But if you could summarize this meal, this decadent meal in two words, Mr. Donaldson

  • What would those two words be?

  • If you plan to visit a teppanyaki restaurant for Kobe beef, it's very important to do your homework

  • As there have been instances of restaurants taking advantage of tourists, some restaurants claim to sell Kobe beef

  • When actually they're just selling beef in Kobe (神戸市)

  • Other restaurants sell low-quality cuts of Kobe beef that don't make A5 grade

  • If you are gonna try Kobe beef don't walk into a restaurant on a whim off the street

  • Do you research carefully online or ask around to make sure you enjoy the real thing, after all there's no doubt

  • It is one of the most incredible dining experiences you're likely to have in Japan

  • If you're wondering how much this meal cost, guys

  • It's 250 grams of Kobe beef and it came in about ¥15,000 or $150

  • So it is pricey, it is a once in a year annual meal

  • At best, but fortunately this time, though I did say I was paying for Pete for the Bryan Cranston shoutout

  • It's actually Tokyo Creative, my agency who have been supporting me through this cycle, so big thank you to Tokyo Creative for

  • Buying us a wonderful meal and making it look like I paid for it, but I didn't

  • Well, Chris treated me to a $300 meal, so I thought I'd treat him to a ¥100, $1 coolish ice cream

  • It's quite good, I'm not gonna lie

  • It's not a bad finish, it really just put the icing on the cake, so to speak

  • Well we've had a lot of fun together, we've seen the monkeys of Kyoto (京都市)

  • We've explored the neon-lit streets of Osaka (大阪市) and now we've eaten a mountain of beef, but for now, that's all

  • That's it

  • Alright, I'm off

  • Goodbye Mr. Pete Donaldson, safe travels back to the UK

  • I don't know how I get home

  • You'll find out, Google Maps, mate, Google Maps, right?

  • We'll be back tomorrow, guys

  • Where I'll be carrying on the journey to Himeji Castle (姫路城) and ultimately on to Kagoshima (鹿児島市) for the next leg of our Journey Across Japan

  • But for now, no matter where you might be watching from, out there in the big wide world

  • Thanks for being a part of Journey Across Japan today, guys

  • And I will see you right back here tomorrow, to do it all over again

  • There is a storm coming

  • But when he gets here

  • There is no escaping him

  • Well at least for two or three days

  • Good morning, everyone and now I'm joining the tour

I have to say, if I was on death row and I had to decide one meal, this meal that we just had would probably be it

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我第一次嚐到了神戶牛肉|A5日本和牛。 (I Tried Kobe Beef for the First Time | A5 Japanese Wagyu)

  • 9 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary