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Lassie's out there.
Welcome back to a little bit.
A bit.
Life we're back into.
Patty fits Patrick's life.
We are.
His parents were growing him like a small potato stuck in the ground all the way up.
Jackie boy tell whatever.
It's fine.
We're going to grow up our little lad.
He's at age 14 years old.
Last time, the last episode, our parents divorce because we were too.
Our teacher didn't like him because we were too.
Okay, Board.
We did kiss.
The girl told me after saying we wanted and it tastes like hot dogs.
So I see.
This is an absolute win record along nicely right now was the last thing we did on Michael Jordan.
Rookie Carrot has come into my possession.
That was the area of my golf in the longest game.
I don't know what that means.
All right, we got a job.
We have a newspaper delivery job.
We're going to go around with the Shining Times or something.
That's not a real newspaper.
No one cares about that.
Put in some extra effort.
Oh, yeah.
I put in some extra effort.
Work where?
Where, Where I work, you may need some extra effort for the Shannon Times.
It's all gonna pay off.
You see that bank violence in the top, right?
See where it's zero euro?
That's going to turn into 100 million euro at the end of this or you guys will be very impressed.
Relationships doing?
Um, Faye Marie, Half sister Jackson Medog.
Do you have a girlfriend yet?
What's going on with her?
Let's go down.
And Eva, can I talk to you again?
What's going on with her?
Uh, totally Junior executives go.
Ava, Uh, you know, here I am in a completely different school.
Now I will turn into secondary school.
Mommy, primary school friends are all gone.
Evo Tool May 1st Girlfriend is gone.
Dog Most herself.
She's not here anymore.
Probably because I assaulted her.
So where we gonna go with this time?
Erin e fa carry Charlie?
LF a right, we're going to go away for Thompson.
We're gonna try air.
We're gonna chance around Eva.
She's gonna like it, though.
What's this gonna compliment?
You told your tyres, MacGyver?
That she's more of it.
I told her that she was class a taller.
She was deadly.
She called you sparkling me, spirit.
You're damn right, Eva Putty.
Spare it.
He's like a brand new potato that you found out in the wild second school.
You're starting second school school.
Emily Roberts.
Secondary school type public.
Okay, whatever.
Okay, I have 4000 euro.
Holy shite.
Or your half sister started Primary school fair Play to your faith.
Good luck to you know.
Um, cool.
I have a lot of stress.
What's going on?
My schedule?
I don't know.
Quest, more hours.
Should ask for more hours.
I don't know.
I'm all stretched out as from one hours yet, you know, what I mean is I worked myself into an early grave.
I might be dead, but at least I'll be rich.
Request for more hours has been rejected.
Well, fact it.
Anyway, it's fine.
My looks have gone up about 21% of the face.
That's how good I look, right?
Or things air protocol off.
All right, Evil.
What's going on?
If I want a firm with you, You sure you want 1/3 body?
Does a poor shape in the woods shooting my shirt.
You wink Company Anti caste.
May Eva flashing baby blues while the teacher was discussing dream holes.
I don't know what a dream hole is like.
Good, though, that I do.
Well, I think I did.
I could do some freelance gigs now they want to be a tutor alone more.
The dog walker.
Baby sitters.
I'm great with kids.
I've never looked at for a kid in how to die on me yet.
Quick cash.
A cross dresser named Callum hired you as a baby sitter for 29 hours.
Praise him.
Lorded shite.
One of money.
All right.
Eva is gonna be fierce.
Impressed by me?
You're doing women pincher.
Jackson is trying to hump your leg.
What would you do?
You know, I'm kind of into it.
You're awarded your Doberman Jackson with a couple of large, meaty breasts hot.
You gotta go for the large, meaty breast for humping on the leg.
If that's not the dream, I don't know what is.
I'm What else can we do?
Uh, class.
All right.
Eva's Eva's going good.
I haven't told a compliment if again you called your classmate tifa Andi your beaver.
I wanted to call her an angry beaver.
Got looks down to 20%.
What am I doing?
Day today Isn't my hair.
Should he do something different with it?
Should I stay in it differently?
Going to school, looking like a Badger's airs.
All right.
What else could we do in school?
Uh, we're going to click brainy kids bring his buddy kids.
Oh, gamer, gamer gamer.
Hell, yeah.
I'm gonna be a gamer in fragments of gamers of your second Schools Day, you must be obsessed with gaming and gamer culture to join this click.
Let's re recording the game right now.
Literally my job to play video games.
It's actually really cool.
Um, ask permission to join them, start hanging out with, um, compliment their leader.
I don't ask for permission to join.
You asked neither of the gamers introspective school information during look like she rejected you.
It's all over legs, Jack.
It's all over If I don't have games.
If I don't have games, what the way have just in Egypt in a room with a bunch of hard work with hopes of myself?
Look, they're kissing each other, lads.
This is not home.
Just go back and try again.
Let's ask him again.
She rejected you Okay.
I'm just gonna keep asking until you let me in.
She rejected.
For the love of God, I have a game or a suite here.
I've a videogame tattoos.
Start hanging out with they ignored you.
What does it take?
All right.
Am I supposed to get winds and fourth night first?
I'm not supposed to be dander dragon or something soon.
I'll be a game or suit.
Happiness is at 0% because it kept getting rejected.
Let this be a lesson.
All right?
You're ignoring off people.
You're You're rejecting of people.
You're ill.
Acceptance of human beings makes them unhappy.
If you don't let a gamer into your life, the game is not gonna have a happy life.
At least I've almost nine grand.
What could I buy or the bison's off?
Oh, my God.
I posted something on social media and they love it.
Your first post got four likes.
That's more than real life.
When I posted my first thing, my first tweet was like just brushing up on my drumming and no one liked it.
Behave My motor liked it.
Shouldn't even over Twitter why she high had a disease trade again.
Everyone post 121 followers.
Your posting you posted on social media till over there got three legs.
Jesus, lads.
According to Social Media, it's only have 100 21 followers, but Scrat find someone to love.
Should I go after myself?
Only person worth loving right now at this age is myself.
If I learned to love myself, it's easier to love everyone else after that.
That's why today, anyway, ive Popkin, you're not my type.
Cara Jones.
No Naive Morgan grocery shopping, you medical named Eve.
That's not bad.
Leaves the grand old girl.
She's 16 years old.
She's secretary, school student.
She's decent looks.
What's better to me?
I look like someone threw a buying cats against the wall and then tried to paint it onto my face.
She's pretty smart.
She's got some money and she's got a little bit craziness in her.
Ask her in the date you are now going out with need, Morgan.
Hell, yeah.
Tick that.
Eva Thompson.
You rejected me.
Take that, Gamers.
Maybe that's why I wasn't allowed in game reserves.
Supposed to have girlfriends.
Can I do stuff with need?
Ask for money.
immediately like, baby, I love you.
Can I have a $400 in debt?
Break over their birth control.
Make love in 16?
Why not?
No, I did not like that.
Uh, you and your girlfriend, Eve made love your enjoyment.
Her a job of it.
Oh, it was good in bed.
As I look in a mirror made love for the first time.
She's is the best game ever.
Should ask her for money.
Now, that would just make me a prostitute.
Um, proposed to her at age 16.
Why not?
Your girlfriend needs rejected your marriage proposal.
Oh, that's gotta sting.
I mean, that was the right call.
You don't want to get married.
That young has sex one time.
Wants to get married immediately.
My face went all right.
We're gonna have to talk about birth control.
I shouldn't be asking her to go on.
And you should just ask to have a conversation about it.
See records.
If we're sexually active, we have to be careful.
Your girlfriend Eve agreed to go on birth.
Leave fair.
Play it, Hear me?
Happiness is going up.
He looks or not the whole Let's see what happens after years.
Your girlfriend knee wants to break up with you.
What will you do?
Leave, baby, please don't go.
You know, I know we had sex at a young age and I proposed to you immediately afterwards and then told you to go on birth control.
But I promise I can change.
Beg her to say back to her.
Everything in my life go wrong.
You attacked your girlfriend.
Pushy Dodge to you.
Oh, my God.
What is this game?
Holy See, Maybe this is why my parents divorced when I was three years old and it was only a sin.
It looked like a bag of turf.
Mo Jesus Christ.
All right, let's take the driver's test.
What does this road sign say?
Uh uh.
No peeing in the pool.
No parking.
You passed her driving.
It was that easy in real life, I go do it right now.
Jesus Christ, May dogs have gone down because they tried to beat the shite out of my girlfriend and missed.
I must see putty Fitzpatrick not doing well.
He's not doing the best with people, mainly because they keep Tell them to pick the worst options imaginable, but that's what makes it fun.
All right, let's find love again.
I can talk to my ex.
Oh, no.
What should I do?
Should I send her a text?
Yeah, I'm not gonna call her at 8 17 I wasn't calling anybody.
Send her a text booty call.
No T triple X texture.
Are we going to sex to my ex?
I can't even get a text back.
You message your ex girlfriend Eve with a pic of your freshly waxed testicles Shaded right back?
Of course not.
No one's gonna write back to that pic of your freshly waxed testicles.
This is so good.
Oh, my God is the best game I've ever played.
My happiness is down 16%.
My happiness and my looks are just right there together, aren't they?
Oh, man.
Can I get a new girlfriend?
Sent her pictures of my testicles.
Here we go.
Akira Hughes.
While working through the cemetery, you meet a girl named Kira who's a girl that digs up bodies.
Which is a girl.
Doesn't say what your for a while.
Ask her on a date.
You're know going out with Kira Hughes immediately make you know we're going to take it nice and slow this time.
Let's spend some time with you.
Took your door Frank era to a coloring book to call her a book.
Koehler Koehler.
A coloring book should have taken her to English lessons for myself.
All right, great happy.
This is that 36%.
We're back up again.
I feel like my character has a few crippling emotional issues that he's afraid to deal with on his own.
Probably cause his parents divorced.
The young age, in this matter is awful.
War step that doesn't like him.
He's 1/2 sister, and I drove men to keep hoping his leg.
He proposed to her on 16 years old after making love to her once, and he got rejected.
He's not even that would be in Pirated games.
You know what?
We're gonna turn his life around.
You tried to have a car conversation with your classmate Adam, about which animal you would like to be.
He called you a moron.
Is not doing good for my self esteem.
Happiness is down to 6%.
This is awful Leads.
My God, I can sell my heirloom if I sell my heirloom.
I could get 55 grand.
Yeah, you managed to get 57,000 euro.
I'm 17 years old and I have 70 grand in the bank.
What is happening?
What is my happiness?
At 6%.
This is a good analogy for life.
Money does not buy happiness.
It doesn't buy.
Good luck, Cedar.
Hurley gonna work on self improvement.
I'm gonna sit down.
I'm gonna meditate.
I'm going to get the happiness back.
You know, Cam the body, get the anxiety and the nerves out here.
You know, peaceful meditation.
You practice meditation.
You achieved a deeper awareness of yourself, my happiness and up to 26.
Ok, just keep doing that.
Keep meditating.
No, it doesn't work.
All right.
It all starts now.
We're going to Shannon Fitness, and we're gonna get swole.
We're going to get myself.
If I can't change this, I'm gonna change.
The rest of you worked out in the gym jacked Maalox 23%.
This is it.
I'm going to the big leagues.
My mother just died.
Your mother passed away at the age of 44.
She died in a terrorist bomb explosion.
Where was my mother?
going that she was around.
Terrorists were get a terrorist attack.
Well, of course I'm going to go to the funeral.
Oh, God.
Now I just have somebody Step dad know?
Mutter, you graduated from secondary school.
This is so sad.
So much money in the bank.
I had a car friend.
Life finally seemed like it was going right.
I worked on myself.
I meditated.
I went to the gym to get swole.
Then my motor died right before I graduated.
Now you have to go to college without her.
Life really comes at your hair.
Doesn't going to go to university for dance.
I'm gonna let out my emotions through the act of interpretive dance.
Maybe people will finally see me as a handsome young bucko and not a quasi moto.
Uh, listen to military Here we go off and fight.
My dad supplies university.
A girl at 16.
Two years later.
Finally decided to turn my life around.
Mother died rejected from school.
Where do we go from here?
Community college.
I'm gonna get a job instead.
Porn cameramen.
I feel like that's where my life is going.
Right now.
That's it.
Lights on becoming a farmer.
Gonna go out onto the fields every day, mainly because I want to grow plants and give them the life and love that they deserve.
The life and love that I didn't have grown up.
I'm going to give that to the sports being interviewed for the farmer position at Denali Valley.
Acres your ass.
The following question.
Which of these cookies do you like best?
So, uh, how you respond away for speed of order cookies?
I'm gonna be fine of sweets.
I can't choose just one.
Oh, shite.
Bay furs.
Peanut butter cookies were good, but I'm trying to figure out what a farmer would like firm would like in a way for bringing home the back.
And welcome to Denali Volley Acres.
That's all it takes to become a farmer in life in Ireland.
If you want to get the wrong question, if you go up to the Lake Quist you prefer Do you like Barry's tea or lanes?
Gore blend.
Now you better be ready to say the right answer.
Which, of course, is 3 to 1.
Lions gold.
Thank you.
All of your Barry's T factors.
Get out.
You're not going to become farmers today.
You're not gonna look after the tubers into sports.
This is great.
My happiness is up to 12%.
But you know what?
I'ma bring my girlfriend out on a date.
We're gonna You know what?
We have made love yet either.
Oh, you and your girlfriend Kira made off and look at that.
Perfectly symmetrical.
That's how you know it's a good time.
Something happened in the bedroom at the same time together.
And that's when pure ecstasy on fireworks go off when the little potato inside of you beat harder.
That's good.
That's good.
You know what?
Back to the gym we go.
Karen listed in the Navy.
Does everybody I love either die reject me or go off to the Army?
I don't like this coming in here, so make love way can.
She didn't like that as much anymore, mainly because we had to have it across four continents.
All right, it's time to give up in the part time job, Anita anymore.
We have more time now for our fireman.
You don't Page Jackson died at the age of 11.
It's everything I I'm tired of tired.
Everything dying on me.
Don't leave me.
You'll never leave me that will.
You know?
No, never.
You'll never leave me.
You're here forever.
You'll never leave me either.
Don't know.
Don't go.
No, no, it's not the end of the video.
I'm sad and ugly.