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Hey guys! Welcome to our ~mysterious~ vacation destination.
I'm going to give you guys some hints;
let's play a little game and see if you can guess where we are.
'Kay, hint number one! It is VERY cold here
Well, I consider it very cold. It's a lot colder than Japan.
It's about -10C (14F) and there's some snow on the ground which is exciting!
Hint number 2, which I'm very thankful for: the floors in the place we are staying are heated
and that's a very common thing in this country, to have heated floors in your home.
Hint number 3; they drive on the RIGHT side of the road here, which is the opposite to Japan.
Not sure if you guys noticed in my vlogs but they do drive on the left side of the road in Japan.
And hint number 4! Here is what we had for lunch today.
Can you recognize where these foods are from?
Did you guess it? :D
I'm guessing most of you can figure out where we are, but if you didn't, we are in Seoul, Korea!
We're spending ten days in Korea with Keyboard-San's family, actually
Yes, he's Korean! Lots of you guys probably assumed he's Japanese
because we speak Japanese to each other in my vlogs
He doesn't speak very much but when you do hear him it's usually in Japanese or probably always.
And we speak in Japanese because he doesn't speak English and I don't speak Korean
So, Japanese is actually our only common language.
Which makes things interesting, I guess! (laughs)
It's a good excuse for both of us to keep up our Japanese, so in that way it's really good.
In the future we both plan on learning each other's languages
we're slowly working on it, both of us, keyword being "slowly"
I do really want to be fluent in Korean, sometime hopefully in the near future.
And he currently is learning English right now
But anyways, yeah! So we're spending 10 days in Seoul with his family
I'm so excited, cuz I really love Korea, I love Korean food, I love exploring Korea, because lots of it's still really new to me.
I have been here, uh quite a few times. I do come here quite often just because it's so close to Japan
it's really quite cheap and easy to fly over here and spend like a week here
So I have done that several times, but there's still SO much I haven't seen here
So I'm really excited to film some vlogs with you guys this week
and I've got some really good friends here as well, so I'm going to be visiting them
and I think it's going to be a really exciting ten days, so I hope you guys enjoy these videos!
Please give me some feedback down below if you enjoy my travel videos
where I'm outside Japan. I hope you do because it's a lot of fun for me
It's nice to like kind of change it up a bit and not just be sitting at home doing the usual every day routine
I love being out and exploring and like finding new things along with you guys
it's really cool to experience things for the first time and I get to share that with you guys on camera
So, I really hope you do enjoy these vlogs.
Today we're going to Yongsan which is the Korean "Akihabara" I guess you could call it.
It's Seoul's electronic town; they've got like computers, computer parts,
all the electronics you could think of, like household appliances.
And most importantly, or at least in my opinion, video games!
They sell video games, and there is a certain video game that I'm on the hunt for
I found it online a couple weeks ago and I've just been drooling over it like
the game play videos on Youtube
And I cannot wait to get my hands on this game.
It's several years old and I'm kind of worried I'm not going to be able to find a copy
But pray for me! Because I really want this (laughs)
and I think it would just be a lot of fun to have.
So we're going to head out the door now and hope that I find my game!
As you can see the weather has not warmed up here.
Its really really really cold! And the ground is covered in ice (laughs)
We just got out of this huge building behind us that had like
must have had at least like 400 different computer shops selling computer parts
and accessories. So it was pretty cool.
Now we're looking for the game store!
(Keyboard-san speaks first)
(loud kpop over speakers in shop lol)
(background shop noise and music over shop speakers)
(Sharla) Found it!
So we've been at this video game shop for like an hour
bargaining with the guy trying to get a cheap price
I'm going to get a Wii, like an old school Wii, not a WiiU
And they're going to put Final Fantasy stickers on it for me
And I'm going to get the KPop games and some other dance games that I wanted
So do I want the Mario stickers or do I want the Final Fantasy stickers?
(Sharla laughing)
We're waiting for a taxi now and we're going to go to a bakery that I saw on Instagram
So I'm dying to go there now I'm finally in Seoul
So we're going to go there and grab some sweets to eat
and then I think we're going to go back home for a little bit and drop off the Wii and stuff
since it's pretty heavy; I don't want to carry it around with me all day shopping
(Keyboard-san just telling the driver where to go and stuffs)
(Taxi driver asking Keyboard-san questions and he's saying 'yeah' etc)
(no dialogue)
(no dialogue)
We found a bunch of UFO catchers (Sharla laughs)
This like tiny game center on the side of the road and it's all Pokemon!
(Sharla) VENUSAUR!!
(no dialogue)
(no dialogue)
(Both) OH-ho ho ho
(Sharla first)
(Sharla) Dammit! We were close with the gengar
We found it finally~
It's called, Cafe "The Bread Blue"
I'll put the address down below so you guys can give that to the taxi driver
(Sharla speaking)
(Sharla reading labels) Soy bean powder... (then she speaks next in Japanese)
(Sharla) Choco-chip bread...
(Sharla basically says this is this one? In Japanese)
Ah scone~
Cranberry scone...
(Sharla) Ah.
(Keyboard-san first)
(no dialogue just baked goods~~)
Oh muffin!
(Sharla) Sweet potato
(Sharla) We went a little overboard, it came to like $45
44,500 won which is about $45
But we got a lot of stuff; we're going to give some to his family, too
and I wanted to try a bunch of it, cuz
I won't get another chance to come here most likely, at least for awhile
(Sharla) They gave us a free melon pan
It's got like melon creme inside
And then I got the carrot cake! I love carrot cake and it's so hard to find it in Japan so I'm having like a withdrawal
And Keyboard-san got this pizza roll
The pizza bread's really good, I definitely recommend that you get the pizza bread
We got the chocolate latte
I'm pretty sure it's just like, a hot chocolate. I don't think there's any coffee in it.
It's really good~
We just finished eating and we're trying to figure out if we should go shopping or go home.
It's already 7 o'clock, so we could just go home and chill.
Or we might go to Adidas 'cause there's an Adidas close by.
(no dialogue)
We ended up just coming home; we didn't go to Adidas.
It was too cold and I really didn't want to walk there (laughs)
It was like 600 meters away
which isn't far but when it's like -12 outside
and you don't have a scarf and earmuffs
it's really freaking cold
so we're just going to chill inside tonight
probably watch a movie on TV or something
so i'm going to say goodnight here; Thanks for watching guys
Please let me know if you like this video leave a thumbs up or down and I'll see you soon, bye!