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Are you sad, he said, cause you don't have your own lucky big.
I've got a surprise for you.
Well, come here.
Before we get started with today's lucky big video, I want to recommend one more channel for you guys that I think you might like.
Geek Delightful is a crafting channel, or you'll find tutorials for Let's Acquit things like miniature realistic foods from video games and TV, Siri's et cetera, and all kinds of other D I wise mostly inspired by food.
So if you guys were in the queues up and geeky culture like I am, please go check out her channel geek delightful and subscribe off the link down in the description box and also in the upper right hand corner of this video.
Hey, guys, look into another lucky bag video, too.
They were opening this beast Lucky bag.
It's so heavy, it says for good.
Look big on it.
This is the cap looking bag that I got for my cats.
It was about £5.10 yen, and we got it from a pet store.
I wasn't sure if they were gonna have any lucky bags, but I was really hoping we would because I thought it would be really fun to open this with the cots and get them some new treats and Tories.
And there's a gigantic scratching post in here.
You can see that before opening the bag.
And that is something that I was gonna buy for tomorrow anyways, so I thought this would be a good choice for us to see what that looks like.
It's really big.
More ones.
A present for you, tight present.
Scratch it.
It's gonna pull out tray That also has a scratching area.
And then I guess you can stand it up like this is all scrunched.
I guess he likes it.
Oh, you're happy you got a new scratcher.
No complaints, you know.
Come here.
Hey, the next items a calendar.
The cattle star 2017 calendar For anyone that looks like tomorrow, no, Tomorrow was a pretty unique looking cut.
So I find when I get cat merchandise, there aren't any cuts that look like him.
But, you know, however, is just a regular American short hair.
So which is a very popular breed in Japan, So there's lots that look like her.
Next is a journey nickel jazz.
Oh, no, Come on.
Mystery tale.
Oh, it looks like it's just like a plushy tale that they can play with.
I feel like I really like that.
It is an English playful, tail shaped toy for cat.
Where was that?
In your 20?
Get Omar loves the is.
It's like liquid cat food in little tubes and you squeeze it out and feed it to them like this.
They absolutely love you so much.
I think he can tell what it is already.
That's a hot Children.
She What's next?
What's that Cat race?
Mom, um, it says there's no preservatives or, um, colors or like additives.
That's nice.
Um, it's a soup.
Chicken, pumpkin, carrot and cabbage soup for cuffs.
One more of those.
This one is fish flavored Her.
What's next?
It's a chicken duck.
Catch and scratch.
Oh, I think it's catnap.
Leaving now.
What's that?
You find the continent, you find the cuteness.
Hey, hey, hey.
No, no, no, no.
Noon, huh?
Don't eat your scratcher.
Don't eat your scratcher.
Scratch it.
Scratch it.
Your claws, You know.
Uh huh.
Are you eating it?
Well, tell her to stop.
Don't hit.
So she rude Morrow?
She rude?
You go.
There you go.
You know what's next?
What's next?
What's that, huh?
But this is a refillable one.
I guess the everyone wasn't refillable.
Yeah, but once one refillable, that's nice.
A refillable continent toy.
Luna seems to be very excited about the continent.
They're really cute.
Like the designs of them.
Hey, you know.
Okay, we're gonna put those away right now.
We're gonna put them away, you know?
We're gonna put them away, you know?
No, no, Stop, Stop.
So, child poem Thes air.
New Look, It's like a little pudding for cots.
A chicken pudding.
You like the blocks with enough?
That a good box.
You know what?
You know what's next?
You know what you looking for?
What's that?
That's a new one, Johnny stick.
It looks like it's a chew toy.
That's awesome.
Because both like chewing on things you can see.
Oh, this is great.
I feel like they're really gonna like this.
That's awesome.
And it's made with catnip, so they're definitely gonna like it.
Complete Leader, leader, Leader.
It's next.
Luna, huh?
It is daily dish.
This one also says it has no flavorings or coloring zat ID.
It's cool that they gave lots of like wet foods to try out.
I've heard that it's okay to change up your cat's wet food, but you should stick with the same dry food consistently to not mess up their stomachs.
But with what food?
It's okay to switch it up.
If there is one more of those inside, what have you look cool?
What's odd?
Mark Goudeau broke and foie gra Makoto broke and caviar, foie gras ends, tuna block and tuna block and caviar because thes it is like super fancy cat foods is actual foie gras.
Well, what?
That's crazy.
That's some fancy cat food.
I wonder how much these sell for Really wonder if they're gonna like those mile three things left.
This one is So what is this?
Looks like fish flakes.
Maybe it says plain flavor.
Um, Sesame.
Oh, it's chicken chicken flakes.
It's interesting, child.
Todo these Amaro and Luna's favorite snack averred that lots people buy these as a souvenir for their cats when they come to Japan, because it's something that we don't really have in Canada, anyways, but, yeah.
Liquid cat food in a tube.
They absolutely love it.
He can tell what it is.
What was that child?
You do that child shooter favorite your favorite.
And it looks like there's one more item.
Oh, that's great.
I love anything for their teeth because they both hate having their teeth brushed plaque off dental bites.
Well, they both look excited about them.
You wanna try one?
Uh, grid.
Good Morrow is really picky with treats.
So if you won't be, is that would be awesome.
Luna is not so pick.
Usually anything that smells slightly like cat food Train.
I think he's gonna eat for you.
Are you kissing?
Hey, hey, Don't wreck it.
Don't wreck it tomorrow.
Don't wreck it.
Moving bills it.
Oh, bite me.
Don't play me.
Yeah, This is actually really cool.
It's really good quality.
And you couldn't buy refill sport and take it off with this and it's got this pull out track bottom.
Oh, Luna, you're gonna have it like that.
Or you can keep it inside so they can scratch on the inside as well.
I guess Mara likes it like this, so we'll keep it like this.
Wow, You like it approves this lucky bag?
So that was the 5000 yen cat Lucky bank.
That's my first time ever getting a lucky bag for pets.
I'm really happy with it.
There's lots of different things in here, and it all seems like stuff that they're really gonna like.
The only thing that I'm unsure of is the cat soups is because I've never tried anything like this with them, But it's cool to try something new and see if they like it.
And I'm really happy that lots of the foods had, like, no additives or preservatives or anything that's nice as well.
There you go.
That is what a cat lucky bag looks like.
So if you happen to be in Japan on New Year's Day and you would like to get some souvenirs for your pets, check out some of the big pet stores and you might be able to find a lucky big for your pets.
They had once for doubts as well.
Dogs and cats.
I didn't see any for other animals, like rabbits or birds or anything, but for dogs and cats, there were several options.
They also had ones at the pet clothing store.
I didn't get any because my cats hate anything on their body.
They don't like collars.
They don't like hats.
Middle, like clothes.
So I didn't get one of those over.
It would have been super cute.
But if you have a dog or cat, the lights were enclosed.
Those lucky bags are also available.
Please give this video thumbs up.
If you enjoyed it, it really helps me out a lot.
And I will see you guys soon for never video watching, you know, you know.
Were you doing?