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So today is a special day.
Today is Nascar's first English lesson in Michelle's.
They never do that again.
Oh, in two months time around May we're going to the UK to London to fill, not ski the movie.
I'm not even joking.
We set a target on Patriarch a target.
I didn't think we would hear that We hit it.
And now we have to make nasty.
The movie, which is gonna be a kind of documentary on one of the things that he needs to be better out before we go, is speaking English because he's English isn't so good.
Just a low level.
To be fair to all the English he knows comes from punk rock music.
Yeah, he's never had a formal English lesson.
You did learn English school, Roy.
Johnny, what kind of English High court?
My name is not Skip.
This is This is this is it Nazis?
First English lesson on, Given that he lives in the middle of nowhere, we're gonna use on online cheater.
I only see him once a month, so it's not practical for me to do.
And even then we kind of talk in 1/2 English half Japanese hybrid language.
There's meant that he's English.
Never got better.
We're gonna use an online tutor.
We collaborated with the online tutoring website.
I talky they're funding his English lessons on, but they're also giving $10 vouchers to anyone watching this video that wants to use I talking to find a tutor if you're learning the language.
So how was your English lesson?
Good teacher.
Good teacher Charlie, Mr.
Charlie's nice guy basically locked him in a room with a laptop and let's get on with it.
Let's see how his English lesson went to have a go.
Can I call you Jetski?
My name is not ski.
I hear that you are going to England soon.
You need to probably get a taxi.
Get duck.
So I think it would be good in we role play may being the taxi driver.
Are you there?
You are the person who needs a taxi.
So I'm a taxi man.
I'm sitting in my car waiting.
Oh, I might write.
Yeah, I can light it.
I will.
I needed to ride long London.
You need a ride to London.
I need right to London.
Have you got any bags?
Any backs?
Yeah, Uh, big bags.
I'll get out and put them in the boot.
So whereabouts in London.
Where Big Ben along.
Do you want to go to Big Island Breeze?
Not the hotel.
You don't want to go to your hotel.
You want to go straight to Big Ben, stop.
You've got let's bag.
I want going.
I want going to tried.
Um, I want to go to cried.
Yeah, I came.
All right.
That's gonna cost You were coming from Heathrow.
So that's, um that's about an hour, maybe more.
You're right with that.
It's going to cost you your cost.
It will be expensive.
Expensive on.
Maybe tampons.
Well, that's that's gonna be at least £100.
100 points?
Yeah, expensive.
But please way are now going to do word association.
Judicious word institution.
So I will say a word.
And then you need to think off a word that is similar to it or whatever comes to mind.
Let's see how your mind works, right?
Coffee, too.
I think off the Queens Kings.
Buckingham Palace.
Stone hedge.
Don't hear.
Hey, a funeral.
What's cleaning the living dead?
Living dead living deaths.
I get some zombies.
Cross cross across like a Christian.
Cross close yet?
Are zombies religious origin?
It makes you think Cross?
Why do you think cross from the zombie Zombie Zombie Strong course.
Something strong, strong.
So they are religious.
Okay, so I'd like to introduce you to some British slang.
Your introduced black.
It's like informal language.
So if I said to you, chin wag chin, have a chin wag.
Let's have a tune.
Wine, that means What do you mean chamber to?
Let's have a chin wag chin.
China Luck.
Luck luck China Woman her No, she chin like cheese to talk.
She's the chain chain.
It's working.
Lucky to you.
Oh, that's the dog's bollocks.
That's a part.
That duck's box.
What do you think that means?
Brooks rocks, rocks so open, You know, for a starting daddy.
Daddy, Daddy Brooks Is Daddy good?
Yeah, it's a nasty word.
It's endorsing, but no sooner Don't Do you mean by dirty bad?
So to say, that's the dog's bollocks means that is really, really good.
Thio a positive thing.
It boosted signal.
Yeah, Nevermind boat.
If I said to you that I waas gob smacks, I want gobsmacked.
What does that mean?
No, God go to so Mark Gob goddess Mark Smack, smack surprised or shocked?
I was gobsmacked.
Yeah, right.
It's it's demeaning that God is the mouth go people's mouth and then smacks It's like hit hit.
So it's like your mountain gob smacked Corpsman, huh?
So I just taught you on the docks.
Bought it on dhe.
Can you try?
Can you try to put some of them in a sentence?
I've broken my shoes.
I was Goths, Mark, Just go back.
When I broke my teachers, I asked Shop assistant.
Do you have ducks box?
All right.
So escape.
Thank you very much for that lesson.
I hope you enjoyed it.
I would like to end by practicing some ways to say good bye in English.
What do you think is a good way?
Saying good bye bye?
So we've been meeting.
Go by way often.
Say yeah, cheers for that Big, is that Thanks for meeting or whatever like that.
So cheers for that.
T sing jazz for that's speak to spoon.
Speak to you soon.
She spoke to you soon.
All right.
On the last one.
The last one I want to teach you is See you later, mate.
See you let the mitt.
See you later, mate.
See you tonight.
Right, mate, I can't wait.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
And, uh, I'll speak to you.
Say goodbye.
Way to say no.
No Says bye bye.
Good to see you.
No, no, no, no.
See, Red sealed letter.
May Bye.