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goes nto.
Actually, the hotel with shining was based on years.
Johnny waiting your whole life.
Are you ready?
I'm so ready Story.
Stanley Hotel.
Is that it?
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
What is that little room next to it?
Oh, my God.
We both have them.
You guys ready?
Oh, my God.
Are you fucking with this eyes?
It's so cold in here.
My heart feels like it's down.
Okay, Can I just say something?
And you're gonna think I'm a dramatic, but, you know, cameras.
My camera has been fine, focusing this whole day.
The second we got to this hotel, it stops fucking focusing.
Every second literally just stopped again.
And she said another one of the ghost.
His name is Eddie.
He messes electronics a lot.
And he had a good time rates of Technically, they say that when ghosts around Elektronik start to fail or mess up, why are you opening the window way?
Turn the light off.
Let me turn on the night.
You just go right for a change.
Do you think there's a corpse in a Well, wait, I'm actually wait.
I need to go with you.
I'm scared.
This is actually for years.
What trivial should she tripped over back?
We're fine.
Oh, no, I haven't seen the bathroom.
No, no, no.
What ISS people have died in here?
No, I'm not cowering.
Look, it's not focusing.
It literally won't focus.
That is so nuts.
Okay, honestly, we got a brand new camera for this, and it's been doing amazing until now.
Just wait.
Oh, my God.
Shut up.
What I get on the roof, don't you?
What are you close it.
Now you're getting scared.
I mean, this hotel room by itself.
It's scary.
It's not focusing on anything.
Did you say your camera's not focusing?
Know all of our cameras are cameras not even focusing on the iPhone.
No, it's not.
Humor doesn't focus.
That camera is okay.
So, a skeptic.
What do you say about that suit?
Well, maybe Ryan sort of opened.
Oh, my God.
I'm sorry.
I don't know, E.
I don't know.
It was really loud, though.
I don't know if he was probably outside.
I don't know.
Oh, my God.
That's got the fuck out of me.
Have you been taking pictures?
I'm taking videos.
You could watch them.
Why would they do that?
Mom, She was over here.
The heart is broken.
Just take any pictures.
You okay?
Let's turn out the lights off and she's gonna take some pictures with flash suit.
Oh, that That wasn't you.
Okay, let's review them.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God.
What is that?
I'm gonna putt.
Um What is that behind her?
Well, that wasn't you.
What do you mean?
Because if you watch in the very beginning, in the booth at the very beginning, ready?
Theo was a purple one.
That's fucking weird that I'm a king of has out.
Wait, guys, come here.
Anyone's wondering what the temperature is?
Oh, that is weird.
That's weird.
I'm not gonna lie.
That's weird.
Mom, get in here.
How would that just be?
Oh, well, that it's not focusing on that.
I gotta focus on this room.
Does not like this camera.
I hate to break it to you guys with pictures, but the blank ones like it didn't just like not because the blank under black Well, this is the room that has the maid in it who like cleans up and fold your clothes.
Yeah, Let's just, like, make a mess Way.
Just Wilson cleans it up.
You explore the hotel.
Look obnoxious.
Are these the keys for the other room?
Let's go up for 18.
This feels okay.
I know you're gonna think I'm being dramatic, but does your heart feel like it's racing a little bit?
Where are we?
On the fourth floor right now?
This is the floor.
Especially here.
Kids laughing stains in the ground that you can't see the light, but you can see it with Wait.
What is this?
When she Why would they do that?
Why's it so shocking so intensely?
I hate this room.
Look up for 18.
The presence of Children have been reported laughing and playing just outside the doors of the room.
Even Stephen King himself had a brush with the spear of a little boy in the room.
He reported hearing what seemed like a boy calling out for his nanny.
Okay, so I'm gonna record some audio.
Is there somebody in this room?
We're listening.
Is there somebody in this room?
You hear that?
I go back a little bit like a little laugh.
There is like, Yeah, little Children's laugh.
That is weird.
I just heard a kid laughing way.
Is there somebody in this room?
Is there somebody in this room?
You know that again and see I happen to real life.
I heard it the first time.
Yeah, but even if it's not on here, he could have still been responding to this.
That's true.
All right, here's the Grand Stairway.
Well, you take some pictures in here.
Sure does not feel great.
Let's turn on the night.
We should put our flashlights.
That's right.
Communicates with losses.
You could use your head.
You might So wait, what is?
Maybe try to decorate for Christmas, but it is scary.
And then there's Lucy, the homeless girl.
She's the one that communicates with flashlights.
That one.
It's going more out of focus, and it's ever been Why are all these chairs so scary?
Why wait?
People, groups.
We're getting kicked out.
The demon needs her.
Okay, so I think we should go back to our room and see if Mrs Wilson folded our stuff.
And then after that, let's see.
Do you think that you're in my life.
I'm not hungry.
All right.
Let's see if anything's been messed with in a room.
Underwear still on the bed.
Restaurants only.
Room service, Which we do way.
We were literally just talking about room service.
What is this?
This would be the cheese plate while you was out following a champagne house hopping country.
So you guys don't have to pay for you.
I was being nice dress.
Thank you very much.
I really didn't pay for this week.
That's weird, right?
I was literally just talking about room service.
And then they showed up.
Like that guy from that He died six years.
What if they're just trying to poison us?
All right, well, let's fucking pop some champagne.
Last night on earth, I'm supposed to be a fun birthday.
Call him dead.
All right, guys.
Sorry I'm filming on my phone because this was unexpected.
We went to a restaurant down the street.
It's called Uncle Pat's, and we're talking to pass the guy who owns the place about how we're ghost hunting, and he's like, Oh, that's kind of funny because there's actually a ghost in our back room kind of thought.
Who's bullshitting?
I'm like, Oh, maybe he's kidding.
No, He said that the previous owner in 1970 something, hung himself in that back room and then he's like, You go back there if you want.
So we come back here.
He left his comeback and then Morgan pulls out her Snapchat.
That's where he hung himself.
Chain chain.
Come on.
Right there.
It is so cold in here.
I want to stand over there.
It literally feels like I'm having serious underneath there, which makes sense because he was hate.
That's what the other girl said.
OK, sorry.
Another side know we're coming back from dinner, were in the hotel, and I'm like, let me just take a couple pictures around the place.
So in this picture of Ryland, nothing on the carpet, right?
Nothing near it.
And then in this one, you can see in the corner pulls him into it.
I mean, that looks like a worm.
I mean, yeah, it's clear.
We know your photos, and it's here, and it's like, no on the ground here either.
Which is where I was standing, right.
It's gonna be a weird night.
Okay, So we're back in the room after dinner, and we're gonna set up all of the nine time ghost activity.
Oh, my God.
If something moves in front of this laser in the middle of the night, I'm gonna flaking breakdown If something passes that light turned on it.
Okay, so walk in front.
So here's what I think we should do.
Technically, ghost time is around 3 a.m. So maybe what we should do is set an alarm, and then we'll wake up and see what's going on at ghost time.
All right.
Just a guy, a boyfriend and his sister.
This is the light.
That skin should have pride.
See, Years of three.
Okay, so it's two in the morning today.
Same nightmare.
And my heart is beating so hard that I thought I was gonna fucking die.
This room is so loud that it literally feels like being in a like the wind is moving in the hole.
Listen, she got literally 1000 degrees in here like we're on fire.
I have to be.
But if I put my feet on the ground, it's over.
Fuck, It was me.
She way like an hour until it's three.
We're not, uh how have you been sleeping in here?
I honestly feel fine.
Or you are you serious?
But literally.
Sounds like there's someone walking back and forth from my I mean, yes, it's loud, but I don't feel like it's an evil spirit.
We thought it would be a good time.
Check out the musical.
Oh, my God.
Fucking Skeeter.
Really good.
Thank you.
What the fuck is this?
What is that?
You see if there's any order, aren't you?
You're about to kill your mom.
Why is your closet light on?
I don't know.
I don't think I left home.
Wait, Did you really not leave it on?
Have you heard anything?
It's been incredibly peaceful and nice.
It's comfy in here.
All right.
It's the next morning.
That is.
That was my heart.
The worst sleep I've ever had in my entire life.
It was so loud all night.
My heart was racing all night.
It's suddenly somebody was running around the room for eight hours.
I didn't get really hot and really cold really hot again.
And it was just awful.
They're Bed's comfy but it was loud.
It was very loud.
How's your E?
I did hear kids, but But I think there were babies next.
I'm not sure.
So here's the thing.
We didn't see any ghosts, but we did have a lot of really crazy experiences and things that I can't explain.
I mean, first of all, when we got to the room, all of our cameras were out of focus.
Well, that it's not focusing on that.
I gotta focus on on this camera.
Has never had a problem with this room does not like this camera.
Also, all of Morgan's pictures had weird objects behind her and the 666 temperature.
How do you explain that?
That was very that was a coincidence or weird.
That number's just then, of course, the Polaroid not developing.
Then there was an orbit of Snapchat with Ryland.
Then there was orbs all over Ryland when we would take pictures from hotel.
Then, of course, the sounds of little kids laughing when we were in her room.
Our then, of course, just for a little extra fund, we saw a Snapchat filter over a face where somebody hung themselves.
I'd say that We didn't have, like, a crazy visual encounter.
We didn't see somebody right around the room.
But I do genuinely feel like this hotel's committed this room, especially.
It's haunted.
Hey, and I never ever want to come back.
The vibes are genuinely creepy.
Well, maybe the ghost will follow Morgan home and hang out with Angie.
All right, let's get the hell out of here.
So we're back.
You're Alan's house, and, uh, we leave to go to L.
In the morning.
I'm kind of sad about it.
Even though the Stanley Hotel thing was supposed to be scary and, you know, like, haunted experience, it actually ended up being more of a bonding experience.
I love his family, and I hung out with them a lot of times before it is This time felt so much different, so we might not have seen ghosts.
Right now, I got possessed.
That's really cool.
And to Roland's family, if you're watching this, thank you for accepting me and letting me into your home and letting me be a part of your family.
Oh, and also Ryland.
Sister Morgan has a channel, and you should check it up She definitely is one of my favorite people.
I'm just really excited that we've gotten symbols.
All right, you guys.
Good luck sleeping tonight.
Hopefully, the ghosts are what?
I think the ghost followed me home.