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What you are about to watch may make you question everything you thought you knew.
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Hey, was it you guys?
Welcome back.
Now, you might have noticed a few changes around here.
We got a new intro in your background, Same shirt.
But the main thing that is going to change with these conspiracy videos is I'm going to go even darker.
So if you are triggered by suicide or murder or possible abuse of Children in Hollywood, then you might want to leave this.
Now, today we're gonna talk about a lot of different theories, some involving the secrets about some involving a possible World War three.
And we're even gonna talk to the stall in Riverdale, Madeline bench about some of the very disturbing Riverdale conspiracy theories.
All right, you guys, let's get it.
That's right.
We're starting with apple conspiracies.
And you might have noticed another little thing.
I added, before every conspiracy, From now on, I'm gonna put a little believability scale.
One Illuminati sign means the shit stupid, but five illuminati signs means this isn't even a theory.
This is effect.
And that's exactly what this 1st 1 is.
So we have been talking about Apple purposely slowing down our phones every time they have a new one coming out forever.
And then recently we learned that it's true they attacked by its Apple, admits to slowing down older iPhones.
So Apple says it slows down the processors on older iPhones to prevent battery issues that could cause the phones to suddenly shut down or restart.
Now, over the years, there's been tons of studies about this.
Every time a new iPhone comes out, the Google search results for why is my iPhone slowing down skyrocket?
Well, people started going from theorizing to actually pursuing lawsuits against Apple.
Because of all these lawsuits, Apple finally admitted what we knew as lithium batteries age, they get weaker.
So we had to slow the phone tow, avoid the phones crashing to compensate for the naturally deteriorating battery.
Or, in other words, we purposely slow down your phones, you fucking idiots.
And the only reason they admitted this was because they were getting sued and it makes you wonder, What else are they hiding?
I mean, think about it.
Apple owns us.
They have our private photos are voice memos are fingerprints are face scans, and they claim that they keep it all private.
But they also claimed that they didn't slow down her phone.
So life imitating art, we've seen it over and over.
Donald Trump ing the president on The Simpsons and then Donald Trump being president, real life, a statue in the 16 hundreds.
And then Lindsay Lohan passed out in 2007 Outside Club.
And then, of course, a crazy one.
Walter White on breaking bad.
And then, right after the show premiered, there was a real Walter Way who got caught building a massive meth empire in Alabama.
And then sometimes there's ones that are too dark to even think about.
But I said we were gonna go there.
So let's go.
Back In 2008 a woman in Jody areas murdered her ex boyfriend, Travis.
Travis Alexander never had a chance, and she did this by stabbing him 29 times, slitting his throat and then shooting him in that now the craziest part about this murder.
She was taking pictures while she was doing it.
Now Alexander was in the shopper, and Jody walked into the bathroom holding a digital camera.
Well, then she opened up the shower door and started taking pictures.
Now, she said, it was just for fun.
I was like, I just have no idea If I saw this thing in accounting Client wants to look good and this is the darkest part.
Here is the picture she took right as she pulled out the knife.
And this is the last picture of him alive.
That picture is so terrifying to me.
The look on his face, the subtlety of a fear confusion.
It's just off the one that you should be yesterday looking right at you.
Well, the next picture after that is him on the floor after he has just now you're probably wondering, Shane, what does this have to do with life imitating art?
Well, when all of these pictures came out, people started noticing that it looked familiar.
Now, I'm sure you guys remember the famous scene from the movie site where the main character got stabbed to death shop.
Well, then people started taking the famous shots from that scene, putting them next to the last pictures of Travis, and they are eerily identical, and I don't think it was premeditated.
I don't think Jodi went into that saying, Oh, I want to remake Psycho.
I think the universe has a way of conducting things.
Like they say directors have a vision.
Well, what if Alfred Hitchcock did have a vision, and in his vision, he saw this scene happening, so he recreated it in his movie.
But what that vision was of Travis.
What if the universe put that in his head?
What if that's what happened with The Simpsons or with breaking bad?
It makes you think, What if everything is planned out and everything is connected?
And what if we can look at heart and try to predict what's gonna happen in future?
I mean, if there's a movie called World War three, Life will definitely imitate that, and probably soon.
Now we've talked about news channels faking things.
For a long time, they've been caught setting up a crime scene and filming in front of it, even though it didn't exist.
As many as four bodies may be buried here.
It can get really fucked up really fast.
On June 4th, CNN got accused of staging an anti Isis protest in London.
Now this is a behind the scenes clips and it's insane.
So first you see them setting up the shot of the protest.
Then you see the producers putting all of the protesters in their place.
And then you see the producers laying down flowers in front of the protesters, feed putting flowers in their hands and then moments later, you see what it looks like on the actual news.
What I want to show you now of you is is a wonderful scene.
There are flowers on the street here, ladies with hashtag turns.
Yeah, they literally act like, Oh, here we are.
We just caught a protest.
We saw them placing people.
We saw them handing them signs, putting flowers of their feet.
Now, of course, CNN came out and said, No, no, no, it was not fake.
We just set up a shot.
We had some of the protesters from over there come over here and maybe that's true.
But it's hard to believe the new Sometimes when they do things like this.
Good morning.
Well, obviously we're getting a nice break from the rain, but not the flooding.
This is essentially now part of the Passaic River in this neighborhood.
Yeah, she was in a fucking canoe just to scare everybody.
Oh, my God!
The water so high we're in canoes.
But one of my favorite moments of the news getting caught faking.
Something happened with Nancy Grace.
Now this clip, Nancy Grace is doing a satellite interview with another reporter.
Kinda looks similar, right?
I want you to pay attention to the red truck and the bus Red truck, red truck, bus bus.
Nancy Grace and the woman she's having a satellite interview with is in the same parking lot.
You see this red SUV drive behind Ashleigh Banfield and then immediately behind Nancy Grace.
And not just the same parking lot, three parking spots away from each other.
Why did they do a satellite interview?
Why are they faking that?
I mean, that one's insane.
But the biggest scandal of all time when it comes to faking the news, is this clip.
Back in 1990 a CNN reporter named Charles Jacko was covering the Persian Gulf War.
Now he supposedly in Saudi Arabia, outside of a hotel.
Well, then, an angry staff member of CNN leaked this clip years later.
I know you're thinking, Well, maybe they're just having fun.
But then he starts playing with what looks to be a prop of a missile.
This is a scut.
Now when you detect this, you can tell it's been launched.
Thank you.
I know.
Like what?
Well, then he starts playing with his emergency mask.
Let me just size my mask and fit it for a second, just like I always do.
It seems kind of like a set, right?
There's no wind.
When the camera pans over, you see some would.
It almost looks like a fake wall.
Well, but then you see what it looks like when he's reporting live.
No regulations were allowed to show you where the missiles might be going.
Wow, that's different.
He's panicking.
Holding his ear piece will remember earlier in the clip when he was asking whether or not should test out that face mask.
You're about to find out why, uh, CD if you need to take cover.
I noticed that you've got your gas mask in your hands If you need to put it on Cruise, do so Take cover.
I mean, come off now, you're probably wondering, what did that man say when this clip started to go while he sent an email to the person that posted the clip and he said this our coverage was on the roof of the hotel.
The plywood background was erected as a guard against the sand and wind storms, and the clowning around in the video is just that.
We use black humor to deflect attention of covering Scud missile assaults.
And then he showed some pictures of what the actual hotel in Saudi Arabia looks like and it looks pretty similar.
You have blue walls, you have the palm trees.
You can even see the plywood that they set up to guard from the winds.
And as much as I hate to say this because you know how much I love a conspiracy, I believe I mean all the proof is there It was years ago.
Why would he still lie about it?
But, man Oh, that clip was weird.
Side note.
That's something I want to start incorporating more into these videos.
If I find out that a theory I've talked about has been debunked, I wanna bring it up because I think people should be looking deeper and deeper into them and not just thinking everything is true because some of these theories end up being bullshit.
I almost look stupid.
I know what you're thinking.
How are their conspiracy theories about wildfires?
I have the same question.
Then I fell down the hole on the Internet and oh my God.
So as you already know, there have been so many fires spreading through California the last few months, and some of the footage is insane.
Right off the freeway, an entire mountain filled with flames, celebrities, houses getting evacuated.
Thank God for this event this morning, cause I got up at 5 30 and everyone came to the house on Dhe.
They're like, we need to leave and the fires were incredibly spread out.
But some of the footage of the aftermath a lot of people.
So the recent California fires air very strange and suspects in drone footage of the aftermath.
We see houses completely obliterated and turned to ash, while the surrounding landscapes and trees are totally fine.
That's right.
If you look at some of this footage, all of the houses are completely leveled, but then all the trees in the neighborhood are fine.
You'll notice here that stores and restaurants are wiped out while other things air still in perfect shape.
Well, that I looked into it.
A couple scientists came out and said, Well, the trees air wetter than usual.
So that's why they're not that flammable.
But then I did a quick Google, and I found a lot of videos of neighborhood trees burning down to nothing.
Now, one of the craziest clips I think I've ever seen is a clip of a tree that a guy found that was burning from the inside out.
A haunting but mesmerizing scene from the wildfires in Sonoma County.
A man came across this tree burning from the inside out.
Now, that situation doesn't happen in a forest fire.
The only time trees really burn like that is when they're struck by lightning.
I know that was intense, but this is what the trees look like right after.
Yeah, they look exactly like the tree that supposedly caught fire during one of the wildfires.
So you're probably thinking, Shane, where is this going?
One word.
Lasers laser.
Okay, hear me out.
I know this sounds crazy, and I 100% thought it was bullshit until I really started looking Now, the theory is that the government might have been testing out some direct weapons.
Now these weapons would be in the form of lasers, and the damage they would cause would be, Hey, worse than any fire.
Imagine if the government did figure out how to do laser weapons kind of damage they could do to their enemies.
His Eliza of the power of one.
Ah one.
What Laser comm.
Light a match.
Imagine them the power of a 500 trillion.
What blazer?
That's exactly what they've built here at the National Ignition Facility in California.
Yeah, that's right.
They literally were building the giant laser in California.
Now this is the craziest part in a movie back in the eighties called Robocop.
This happened Top story.
Santa Barbara 10,000 acres of wooded residential land were scorched in an instant when a laser cannon aboard the Strategic Defense peace platform literally laser weapons hit the same exact locations that the California wildfires are.
And here's something that's even crazier.
When a fire burns down a house, it's still leave some of the house.
Yeah, it's black, and yeah, it's all fucked up.
But there's a little bit of structure still there.
But when you look at the aftermath of these California wildfires, there is nothing.
Not just houses have been leveled down to the ground, but even cars, glass and metal have been melted.
So how could glass and metal in these cars be melted?
How could these houses be leveled down to nothing?
Lasers now remember earlier when I showed you that clip of the tree that was burning from the inside out?
Now, supposedly that happened from the wildfires, but it looked more like it happened from getting struck by lightning.
And what did that clip look like?
There's even tons of clips of people saying that their own house lit on fire, but nothing around.
There was no other fire around us.
It just cut some of the shrub, I guess.
Embers, I'm not sure.
And to this day we still don't know the true reason why all of these fires so far apart from each other happened.
Yeah, they're saying the high winds and the dry land.
But these specific fires were some of the biggest fires in history, and this is the final thing I heard that made me think Maybe this isn't complete bullshit.
Now, Trump is all about winning.
If we go into a war he wants to conquer.
I'm really good at where I love war in a certain way.
If we have a big weapon, he probably wants to make it bigger where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters.
Okay, So if he found out that the government did have the capability of laser weapons and he knew that North Korea is really wanting us dead right now, then why wouldn't he want to do a test and see how the lasers worked?
I want to be unpredictable.
But obviously he can't test it on another country because then that would start a war.
And what place in his own country does he hate more than anywhere else?
Los Angeles.
Some celebs are just not a fan of the Donald.
He despises the people in Hollywood.
He despises celebrities because they all talk shit about him.
Loves tweeting about KFC, a beautiful chocolate cake, and put them all together.
And this is what you get.
So why wouldn't he press that button and say you know what?
Fuck it.
Let's blow up L.
It's lasers because if you remember, some of the most affected people buy these fires were celebrities.
Comedian Chelsea Handler tweeted just evacuated my house.
It's like Donald Trump is setting the world on fire.
So not only to Trump get a test out these laser weapons, but you got to get some revenge on some of his Hollywood.
I'm about to rock this place down.
Now, listen, I know that all sounds very crazy, but let's not forget about life imitating art.
10,000 acres of wooded residential land were scorched in an instant when a laser cannon misfired today during routine startup tests.
So there has been some pretty dark rumors about some people in charge over at Nickelodeon for a while, and recently a threat on Twitter started to go viral.
Now, besides the fact that there are some pretty sexual and creepy images in some of these Nickelodeon shows, Theo, there's also some very creepy jokes that probably shouldn't be in the kitchen.
One time my brother found a vacuum cleaner and I charge basement.
You took it home, and now he keeps it in his room.
You should call the church and tell me has it?
Oh, they wouldn't want.
Yeah, she's referring to a young boy using a vacuum to suck his dick on a kid show.
Now they also call out that the word hob knocker is used in iCarly.
Oh, yeah, you guys remember Wade Collins that I'm not too tall not got from America sings Well, here is the definition of hot When a guy hits you in the face with his Penis, one might call him Obnoxious Carly anyway.
And then the thread goes on to show some more creepy visuals.
I mean, this one is way.
Get to finish.
Dang, dude, that's a soft footage.
That's what I said.
Really nice Right now, if you're a fan of some of these shows, you might remember that there's a lot of feet involved and iCarly.
You see one of the characters getting her foot rub and victorious.
You see Arianna Grande a literally trying to suck her own toes, and they're so many creepy foot moments in these shows.
I mean, going to score ketchup on them.
Miranda Cosgrove steering at them, two young girls putting their feet up to the camera.
There's even a behind the scenes picture of Arianna standing next to a foot pointing at it and then on the official salmon cat Twitter.
It said this salmon cat tomorrow, right on the bottom of your foot.
Take a pic and use hashtag salmon cat Saturday we'll retweet and follow until our fingers get sore.
And a lot of kids did.
All of these Children wrote on their feet, took pictures of them and posted them on Twitter.
And then, of course, there's other moments in the show that look even more graphic.
And then this Give up the juice.
I think the foot thing is, what weird's me out the most?
Because foot fetishes are a huge deal and having kids show their feet and talk about it.
That much is fucking weird.
And then, of course, there's little things like if you look in the background of the episodes, you might see a hidden Penis on a wall.
I mean, it's not that big of a surprise that kid's TV shows might do something evil stuff.
I mean, the fact that Disney approved 1/4 ride that looked like this, it just proves that there might be some evil people in charge off kids entertainment.
And maybe they're trying to get in the minds of kids, make them evil.
I mean, think about it was the biggest kids entertainer right now.
And would you say he's doing some pretty evil stuff?
All right, so this is something new I wanted to start doing with these videos with some of our conspiracies about TV shows and movies.
I want to start interviewing people that are, actually.
So today we're gonna be talking about some pretty disturbing Riverdale conspiracies with the star herself.
Okay, great.
My hair looks like shit.
Let's do it.
Okay, guys, I'm here with Natalie from river before we get to the conspiracies, because there's a lot of them about the show.
I want to know about your life, because overnight you kind of skyrocketing, right?
Yeah, probably.
I'd say a little over here had 44 then I'm like, for something for Milly.
Did the TV network make you do any training classes like this get ready for Yeah.
Yeah, We had to do media training, which was, like, intensive.
Like this is so weird way.
Until I had to get a car without flashing.
It was like a fairy like you cover yourself of the door of the car, and then you get out with the office.
It legs That, like you're like, isn't like open.
Essentially, there's a class for that.
Yeah, You passed to do it until you wait to get out of a car without facts.
It is surprisingly dark for a teen show.
Yeah, but some of the conspiracy theories about the show go even darker than murder.
I don't know what your conspiracy theories are.
So now I'm, like, nervous your character, Cheryl Blossom.
Brother Jason, I waited in the first season.
That's kind of the whole process is.
But there are a lot of theories that when Jason might have been more than brothers Uh, yeah, that theory has been developed by myself.
Well, have you seen all of the proof?
So a video made by youtuber named Smurf vlogs started going viral, and some of the evidence is pretty crazy.
Okay, So the first time that we see your guys characters is in a car Song says, Tell me I'm your baby.
Tell me you'll never leave me.
Tell me that you kiss me.
Are you scared, Jason?
It's just a creepy song.
That's why we played it.
But you guys are driving in the car together.
For the first time, Jason and Cheryl Blossom drove out to Sweetwater River for an early morning boat ride.
I know.
Do you want to know why?
Yes, I can give you.
Is it gonna be interesting for your video?
If I tell you why you want to keep legislating?
Well, there's a lot more than that.
Give me the rest of it.
You call him your soul.
You guys share a milkshake together, and there's just a lot of creepy imagery of us looking at each other.
Essentially, you love each other, but way more than I've ever loved.
And it definitely from an ounce of respect it feels repeat, insisting way.
Well, we kind of got into a little bit more in the second season that it's more so about that.
Cheryl's actually abused by her parents, so he's kind of like her saving grace.
So it's more about fact that she's never been loved by anybody else, including her parents.
But I get that it looks like that, and ultimately it was created to, like, look weird.
So you don't think it's ever gonna come back?
I think anything's possible in Riverdale is definitely that sound.
Bite the news A lot like you.
Literally anything.
The last time I saw Jason, I was wearing this dress.
I talked about a lot of movie posters looking very similar TV.
Yes, I'm not the same thing.
It's the same exact way poster.
I was like, It looks like it follows and I'll be honest.
Our director, Lee Krieger, showed us a really of all these moods that life in different movies and eight follows.
One of the biggest moods that he was obsessed with so could have just been inspired by that it follows was kind of one of the inspirations for the five of Riverdale so that there is right.
So that poster is inspired by totally I would say so.
Yeah, OK, there's another thing that people have been sending me about Riverdale and I got confused even reading it myself.
Okay, so it says when I realized that Polly and Jason are in the same class, but Cheryl is Jason's twin sister, and Cheryl isn't the same classes Betty.
But Polly is older than Betty Interest.
What is that?
Is that like a thing?
Anything's possible.
Never know, Larry.
Hopefully you enjoyed the return of my conspiracy theory videos.
I'm really excited to go deeper and darker.
If you want that, please give me a thumbs up.
Also, make sure to subscribe and hit the notification past so you don't miss.
Also, go talk about some of these theories in the comments.
What do you believe?
What don't you believe and what keeps you up at night?
All right, you guys, I'm gonna go.
Thank you so much for such an amazing 2017.
And I can't wait to keep falling down dark holes with you this year.
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More conspiracy theory videos at your own risk, of course.