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  • Scientists have just grown one of the most sophisticated mini brains in a petri dish!

  • But even crazier, the mini brain attached itself to a spinal cord and muscle tissue

  • that twitched!

  • Granted, this tiny brain was about the size of a lentil, but this still holds incredible

  • promise for the future of how we study our brains.

  • Now, you might be wondering why would we grow brains in the first place.

  • Well in the past, scientists were confined to studying the brain during autopsies, but

  • observing a dead brain could only get us so far.

  • What neuroscientists really want to know is how the human brain and nervous system develop.

  • Yes, we have MRI’s, EEGs and CT scans etc., which capture brain activity and have taught

  • us a lot about what we know today.

  • But this new method brings us one step closer to trying to understand the cause and possibly

  • find treatments for neurological disorders.

  • Officially called, cerebral or brain organoids, these 3D tissues are generated from human

  • stem cells which allow modelling of brain development in vitro.

  • Essentially allowing scientists to monitor brain development in a petri dish.

  • Now, weve been able to grow these organoids for a number of years, but this is the first

  • time that weve been able to attach a spinal cord to the tissue and see muscles contract.

  • So how did they do it?

  • Well, it all begins with stem cells taken from skin samples.

  • The stem cells are placed into 3D culture, where they undergo the initial phases of embryonic

  • development.

  • Next, theyre implanted in droplets of Matrigel, a gel containing proteins that support the

  • cells growth.

  • The droplets were then placed into an orbital shaker to help stimulate the stem cells to

  • transform and grow into the ball-like clusters of neural tissue.

  • This is where researchers had been running into problems.

  • Previously, once the organoid reached a certain size, its center wouldn’t get as many nutrients

  • or oxygen, putting an end to its growth.

  • And This where the new research comes in.

  • The scientists used anair-liquid interface culture”, allowing the tissue access to

  • the nutrient rich-liquid below and the oxygen above.

  • To demonstrate this, they used a tiny slice of organoids on a porous membrane, surrounded

  • by a nutritious solution.

  • This allowed for the mini-brain model to develop in the dish for up to a year, thus producing

  • more sophisticated and mature organoids.

  • The next step was to monitor the neural activity of the mini brain model.

  • In order to do that, the researchers placed a spinal cord and some back muscle from a

  • mouse’s embryo next to the mini brain to observe whether or not its neurons would grow

  • out to connect with them.

  • Over the next 2 to 3 weeks, the neurons did just that and connected with the spinal cord

  • to send out electrical impulses.

  • And guess what happened?!


  • It’s the first time cerebral organoids had demonstrated an ability to control muscle

  • movement.

  • This new discovery also furthers our knowledge into understanding how neurons connect up

  • inside the brain and with the spinal cord.

  • The models can also allow scientists to monitor the progression of certain neurological disorders

  • like schizophrenia and autism, conditions where neuronal connections are believed to

  • be damaged.

  • But growing mini brains hasn’t come without controversy.

  • Some believe that regulations must be drawn in order to address the future implications

  • of this type of research.

  • For example, could these brains develop consciousness?

  • Well, at their current size, no.

  • The mini-brain is still only pea-sized and contains about a couple of million neurons,

  • now I know that sounds small, but it’s actually twice the number of neurons in a cockroach’s

  • brain.

  • Which suffice to say, is still pretty far away from a fully developed human brain that

  • has over 80 BILLION neurons.

  • Which is why the researchers acknowledge that their mini brain is far from reaching consciousness.

  • But what happens when these mini-brains continue to grow in size and complexity, will it become

  • an issue then?

  • It’s a question that some ethicists are pushing to find the answer to especially as

  • the research is moving so quickly.

  • But as research progresses, these miniature brains can start helping us to better understand

  • the fundamental questions about our brains.

  • So what do you think?

  • Should we be growing brains in a petri dish?

  • Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe to Seeker for more science

  • in your day and thanks for watching Seeker.

Scientists have just grown one of the most sophisticated mini brains in a petri dish!

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這個實驗室長大的大腦做了一個肌肉TWITCH,這裡是怎麼做的? (This Lab-Grown Brain Made a Muscle TWITCH, Here’s How)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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