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It seems odd at first to imagine that we might get angry, even maddened, by a partner because
想像起來似乎很怪: 我們在跟伴侶對話的過程中惱怒、生氣
they were, in the course of a discussion, proving to be too reasonable and too logical.
We are used to thinking highly of reason and logic. We are not normally enemies of evidence
我們習慣推崇理智及邏輯 我們通常不會與證據及理性作對
and rationality. How then could these ingredients become problematic in the course of love?
But from close up, considered with sufficient imagination, our suspicion can make a lot
但仔細一想,再加上足夠的想像, 我們的懷疑似乎合理許多
of sense. When we are in difficulties what we may primarily be seeking from our partners
is a sense that they understand what we are going through. We are not looking for answers
(the problems may be too large for there to be any obvious ones) so much as comfort, reassurance
我們不是尋求理性的答案 (問題可能大到並非顯而易見)
and fellow-feeling. In the circumstances, the deployment of an overly logical stance
may come across not as an act of kindness, but as a species of disguised impatience.
在這些情況下,過於理性的態度 將不會被視為友善,而是包裝後的不耐
Let’s imagine someone who comes to their partner complaining of vertigo. The fear of
heights is usually manifestly unreasonable: the balcony obviously isn’t about to collapse,
懼高通常沒有明確的原因: 陽台並未即將塌陷、
there’s a strong iron balustrade between us and the abyss, the building has been repeatedly
鐵製的欄杆防止我們墜落、 建築結構已被專家反覆測試
tested by experts. We may know all this intellectually, but it does nothing to reduce our sickening
我們理智上理解前面所述, 但這並無法減緩我們的噁心及焦慮
anxiety in practice. If a partner were to patiently begin to explain the laws of physics
若伴侶開始解釋物理原則, 我們不會感激
to us, we wouldn’t be grateful: we would simply feel they were misunderstanding us. Much that troubles us has a structure akin
to vertigo; our worry isn’t exactly reasonable but we’re unsettled all the same. We can,
for example, continue to feel guilty about letting down our parents, no matter how nice
我們的擔憂不見得「合理」, 但我們依然被困擾
to them we’ve actually been. Or we can feel very worried about money even if we’re objectively
我們可能持續因讓父母失望而感到罪惡, 不論實際上我們對父母有多好
economically quite safe. We can feel horrified by our own appearance even though no one else
我們可能擔心錢不夠, 即使客觀來說我們經濟無虞
judges our face or body harshly. Or we can be certain that we’re failures who’ve
我們可能害怕自己不夠好看, 即使沒有人嚴格看待自己的外表
messed up everything we’ve ever done – even if, in objective terms, we seem to be doing
我們可能覺得自己是搞砸一切的魯蛇, 即使實際上我們似乎做得挺不賴
pretty well. We can obsess that we’ve forgotten to pack something even though we’ve taken
我們可能一心想著打包時遺漏了什麼, 即使我們已經十分留意
a lot of care and can, in any case, buy almost everything at the other end. Or we may feel
that our life will fall apart if we have to make a short speech even though thousands
of people make quite bad speeches every day and their lives continue as normal. When we
即使每天有數千人進行失敗的演講, 而他們依然生活如昔
recount our worries to our partner, we may receive a set of precisely delivered, unimpassioned
當我們將擔憂告訴伴侶時, 我們可能會獲得精確、不參雜感情、具邏輯的答案-
logical answers – we have been good to our parents, we have packed enough toothpaste
etc. – answers that are both entirely true and yet unhelpful as well, and so in their
這些答案雖符合事實,但卻也毫無幫助 因此也莫名地使我們憤怒
own way enraging. It feels as if the excessive logic of the other has led them to look down
on our concerns. Because, reasonably speaking, we shouldn’t have our fears or worries,
the implication is that no sane person would have them; our partners make us feel a bit
mad. The one putting forward the ‘logical’ point of view shouldn’t be surprised by
其實「有邏輯」的一方 不該為我們不愉快的反應感到奇怪
the angry response they receive. They are forgetting how weird and beyond the ordinary
他們忘記人類情緒是多麼無常, 包括他們自己
rules of reason all human minds can be, their own included. The logic they are applying
is really a species of brute common-sense that refuses the insights of psychology. Of
我們的心靈當然易受幻影、錯覺、 心理投射、神經質影響
course our minds are prey to fantasms, illusions, projections and neurotic terrors. Of course
we’re afraid of many things that don’t exist in the so-called real world. But such
但這些狀況並沒那麼「不理智」, 也值得以深度邏輯,加上情緒複雜性的考量
phenomena are not so much ‘illogical’ as deserving of the application of a deeper
我們對於自己外表是否有魅力的標準, 與我們實際看起來如何無關
logic based on a sympathy for the complexities of emotional life. Our sense of whether we’re
而可「邏輯 」地追溯至童年及重要他人對待我們的方式
attractive or not isn’t about what we actually look like, it follows a so-called logic that
害怕公開演講則是和 害怕與他人競爭、面對他人嫉妒情緒有關
goes back to childhood and how loved we were made to feel by those we depended on. The
fear of public speaking is bound up with long-buried and tortuous emotions of shame and a fear
around competing and dealing with another’s envy.
An excessively logical approach to fears discounts
their origins and concentrates instead on why we shouldn’t have them: which is maddening
when we are in pain. It’s not that we actually want our partner to stop being reasonable;
我們希望他們進入我們「奇怪」的情緒, 正如他們也有自己奇怪的情緒一樣
we want them to apply their intelligence to the task of reassurance. We want them to enter
into the weirder bits of our own experience by remembering their own. We want to be understood
for being the mad animals we all are, and then comforted and consoled that it will (probably)
all be OK anyway. Then again, it could be that the application of excessive logic isn’t
an accident or form of stupidity. It may just be an act of revenge. Perhaps the partner
或許伴侶給予簡短理性的回答, 是因為他們先前的同理及同情白費了
is giving brief logical answers to our worries because their efforts to be more sympathetic
towards us in the past have gone nowhere. Perhaps we have neglected their needs. If
如果兩人都適度並有深度地具有邏輯理性-- 也就是說真正意識到情緒複雜性
two people were being properly ‘logical’ in the deepest sense of the word – that
而不是環繞著「你為什麼在我痛苦的時候這麼理性?」 的話題爭吵
is, truly alive to all the complexities of emotional functioning – rather than squabbling
被「邏輯理性」對待的一方應該溫和地轉換方式並問: 「我是不是傷害或忽略你了?」
around the question of ‘Why are you being so rational when I’m in pain?’, the person
on the receiving end of superficial logic should gently change the subject and ask:
‘Is it possible I’ve hurt or been neglecting you?’ That would be real logic.
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