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  • Hi again, I'm Adam. Welcome back to Today's lesson is about movies.


  • Now, as far as I know, everybody loves movies; I love movies, I'm sure you love movies.


  • And there're lots of words that have to do with movies that you might not be familiar with, but they're


  • very good to know if you want to talk about movies with your friends or whoever. So that's


  • what we're going to look at today, talking about movies. I'm going to give you a whole


  • bunch of vocabulary, I'm sure some of them are not so new, some of them will be very new.


  • We have some slang and some idioms that come from movies. A lot of good stuff.


  • Let's get started.


  • We're going to start with this word: "genre". Can you say that? "Genre". A lot of people


  • have a problem with this "g". So the way I explain it always is to say this word: "measure",


  • like measure a weight or measure volume of something. Everybody knows this word,

    就像measure a weight或measure volume of something的measure,大家都知道這個字。

  • everybody knows this letter. "Measure", "je", it's between a "g" and a "j" and an "s"; it's a bit of a mixture.


  • This sound: "measure", is the same as this "g", "genre". If you're French: "je".


  • "Je t'adore" or: "Je t'amore". Good stuff. Right? So "genre", what is a "genre"?

    想想"Je t'adore"或"Je t'amore"。讚吧?所以,類型,什麼是「類型」?

  • "Genre" is the type of movie we're talking about. Now, you know drama, you know comedy,


  • you know action, you know sci-fi, science-fiction, documentary, etcetera.


  • Have you ever heard of a "chick flick"? You're thinking: "Chick flick, never heard of that

    你聽過chick flick嗎?你會想說「chick flick,從來沒聽過,

  • before. What is a 'chick flick'?" Well, first, what is a "chick"? A "chick" is a woman or a girl,

    所以chick flick是啥?」好,首先什麼是chick?chick指的是女人或者女生,

  • but don't say this to a woman or a girl. And if you are a woman or a girl, I apologize.


  • I don't call women "chicks", but it happens. "Chicks", women. "Flick" is slang for movie.


  • A "chick flick" is a girl movie or woman movie. Right? What it means is a

    "chick flick"就是指女生愛看的言情片,表示會有

  • love story or a romance, something that makes you cry. It makes you cry because you're so


  • sad at the end, it makes you cry because you're so happy at the end; it's a very emotional movie.


  • Usually, women go to see these movies. Men, not so much, they don't like them so much.


  • Men go to see the "bromance". What is a "bromance"? A "bromance" is a romance involving bros,


  • brothers, two guys who might be a little bit too close to each other. They're not gay,


  • they're just two good friends. Right? Two dudes hanging out and spending too much time


  • together, we call that a "bromance". That's what the guys go to see.


  • Chick flick, that's what the girls go to see.

    言情片,chick flick,女生看的。

  • Another one is a "romcom", a romantic comedy shortened; squeezed together: "romcom".


  • So there you have three new genres to think about.


  • Now, here are a couple idioms that come straight from the movies. "Cut to the chase."

    現在,現在有幾個慣用語完全就是從電影情節轉化出來的,比如"Cut to the chase."

  • Now, first: what is "the chase"? Many action movies, most action movies at some point in the movie

    什麼是"Cut to the chase."?很多動作片,絕大多數,在劇情都會有

  • have a car chase or somebody chasing somebody like cops and robbers. Catch Me If You Can,


  • everybody's chasing Leonardo DiCaprio. So "the chase" is usually the most exciting part


  • of the movie. So when someone says: "Cut to the chase", means: get to the point, get to

    所以當有人說"Cut to the chase.",表示「快講重點」,快告訴我們精華,

  • the exciting part, get to what you need to say. Don't waste time. "Cut" means in the


  • movie you cut to the chase. Right? To the point.


  • Another expression is: "That's a wrap." In the old days, when they actually used to have

    另一種用法是"That's a wrap.",很久很久以前,就是人們還真的在用

  • film in like the big rolls of film, when they finished a scene or when they finished the movie,


  • they would wrap the entire reel (r-e-e-l), they would wrap it, package it, and ship it to...


  • Do whatever they do with movies. So "That's a wrap", means finished, we're finished,

    就做那些他們會對電影做的事。所以,"That's a wrap"表示,結束啦!殺青!

  • we're done, let's move on to the next thing. So there you have two new idioms to worry about.


  • This is just an abbreviation for "miscellaneous", means just generally words that I thought


  • about for movies. "A-lister". An "A-lister" is a very top level celebrity; actor, actress,


  • musician, etcetera. "A-lister", they're on the best list; they get into all the bars,


  • all the clubs, they make the most movies... Sorry. They make the most money. Everybody


  • wants to be around them. A "B-lister", a "C-lister", a "D-lister", they're like down there.


  • Maybe they'll get invited to like a puppy show or something like that.


  • "Cameo", so then you have all these A-listers doing "cameo" appearances in different movies.


  • Right? A "cameo" is a very short appearance in a movie. So, for example: if you have...


  • If I'm making a movie and I want just a little bit of excitement, I ask Brad Pitt to come


  • in and just be in my movie for five minutes. Those five minutes are called a "cameo".


  • And he will help me, I will have a very famous movie. I can say: "Brad Pitt is in it." Everybody's happy.


  • A "blockbuster". A "blockbuster" is a very successful movie, a very high budget... Or


  • actually not always successful, but high budget for sure. They usually come in the summer


  • and in the Christmas season. Superman or any of the action movies, any movie with big name actors;


  • all the A-listers, lots of budget, lots of effects, lots of chases, lots of everything.


  • The idea is that they're supposed to make a lot of money. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.


  • The "box office" is where you buy your tickets to go into the movie. It's a box, it's an office,

    "box office"是我們買票的地方,他身兼「盒子」與「辦公室」

  • you give money, you get a ticket, you go into the theatre. But when we talk


  • about how much money a movie makes, we talk about the success it has or had at the "box office".

    電影到底賺到多少錢時,我們是在討論他有多成功、在「box office (票房)」的表現如何。

  • If a movie "smashed" the "box office", means it was a smash, it was a hit;

    如果一部電影"smashed" the "box office",表示它席捲票房,它是個強打,

  • it made a lot of money. Okay.


  • The "cast". The "cast" is all the actors and actresses in a movie. Very straightforward.

    cast,cast(卡司) 就是演出電影的男女演員,很直接。

  • A "premiere". A "premiere" is the first night when a movie is starting to show. Usually,

    premiere,premiere(首映) 指的是電影第一次上映的晚上,通常

  • before it opens to the public in many theatres, it will have only a few theatres where people


  • can go see it first; very limited showing of the movie, this is called a "premiere".


  • The next night, it opens everywhere for everyone.


  • A "debut" is also a first. A "debut" is when an actor or an actress makes his or her first appearance.

    debut也有第一次的意味,debut(處女作) 表示一個男星或女星在電影裡初試啼聲,

  • This is the first time you will see them acting in a big movie. It is the actor or actress' debut.


  • "Debut". Okay? When we're talking about the cast, you'll have all these famous actors


  • and this movie will debut this new actor or actress.


  • Quite often, students ask me: "What is the difference between a director and a producer?"


  • A lot of people don't know what a director does, what a producer does. A "director" directs.

    很多人都不知道director在幹嘛、producer又在幹嘛。director(導演) 負責指導。

  • He tells the actors and actresses: "Stand here. Stand there. Do like this. Do like that.


  • Look sad like this. Look sad like that. Look happy." Whatever. He tells everybody what


  • to do on the set, he controls the movie making. The "producer" produces. He or she will say:

    該做的是,他掌握電影長什麼樣子。而producer(製片) 負責影片製作,他或她會說:

  • "What do you need? You need a car? Here's a car." I'm going to have a really cool chase in my movie,


  • okay? I want a Lamborghini chasing a Ferrari. What do I do? I'm the director,


  • I say: "I want a Lamborghini chasing a Ferrari." The producer, he goes and brings me a Lamborghini


  • and a Ferrari. But he brings me a red Ferrari and I say: "No, no, no, no." Red is like angry


  • and violent. I want a happy Ferrari, it's a happy chase. "Give me a purple Ferrari."


  • So the producer goes and brings me a purple Ferrari. Another way to think of the producer


  • is the money. He or she will bring the money, get you... The director everything he or she


  • needs, make the movie.


  • "Sequel" and "prequel". So, for example: there's a movie that's very popular, the movie The Hangover -

    "sequel" 和 "prequel",舉個例子,有一部電影超紅,《醉後大丈夫》

  • I'm not sure if any of you have seen it - it did so well that the producers decided:


  • "Hey, let's do another one. Make more money." So the second story, the second


  • chapter in the story is called the "sequel". Okay? Now, everybody knows Star Wars I think.


  • Star Wars had the three original movies, then they went to the "prequel". What they did,


  • they went backwards. So the three stories are original stories, and then they gave you


  • three stories that happened before these stories. And I think next year or the year after that,


  • they will make the "sequels", the next three stories. So "sequel" comes after; "prequel"


  • comes before. I probably should have written them like that, but I think you get it.


  • Last one: "epic". When a movie is very long, and very big, and very broad story, we call


  • it an "epic". That's usually what it means when we're talking about movies. But people


  • use this word in everyday life, and then like something happened like a big story, a new


  • story and somebody says: "Man, that was epic." That was huge, that was so big that


  • it takes a lot to take in. But it comes from movies. You have "epic" novels like War and Peace,


  • you have "epic" movies like Lord of the Rings, for example.


  • Okay, hopefully you can start talking about all your favourite movies with all your friends in English.


  • And, of course, you can practice all these... All this new vocabulary at,


  • there's a quiz there. And, of course, leave comments and questions,


  • and I'll get back to you. See you soon.


Hi again, I'm Adam. Welcome back to Today's lesson is about movies.


Subtitles and vocabulary

A2 電影 法拉利 追逐 製片 故事 女生

電影相關英語詞彙大全(中英字幕) (Vocabulary - Talking about MOVIES in English)

  • 13868 1389
    林寶珍 posted on 2014/02/25
Video vocabulary



US /ˈmuvi/

UK /ˈmu:vi/

  • noun
  • Motion picture; film

US /ˈmʌni/

UK /'mʌnɪ/

  • noun
  • Coins or notes we use to pay for things

US /ˈfɪnɪʃ/

UK /ˈfɪnɪʃ/

  • verb
  • To use or consume all of something
  • To reach the end; to complete something
  • To put a final surface (e.g. paint) on something
  • noun
  • End of something; completion
  • Final coat (of paint) applied to a surface

US /bɑ:ks/

UK /bɒks/

  • noun
  • A marked area of a baseball field
  • A container with four straight sides and a lid
  • Area of seating in a theater separated from others
  • A 4 sided container or shape printed on a page
  • Entire amount of something inside a container
  • verb
  • To strike someone on the side of the head
  • To pack an object in a six-sided container
  • To fight with gloved hands as a sport

US /ˈhæpi/

UK /ˈhæpi/

  • adjecitve
  • Feeling pleasure or joy; glad

US /ˈwʊmən/

UK /ˈwʊmən/

  • noun
  • Adult female human being

US /bɪɡ/

UK /bɪɡ/

  • adjecitve
  • Popular
  • Serious
  • Large

US /gɜ:rl/

UK /gɜ:l/

  • noun
  • A female child; a young woman

US /tɔk/

UK /tɔ:k/

  • noun
  • Style of speaking
  • Discussion between two countries
  • Giving information in front of people; lecture
  • Saying things or ideas to someone with words
  • verb
  • To make a formal speech about something
  • To say things or ideas to someone with words

US /lɑt/

UK /lɒt/

  • noun
  • What happens to a person in life from chance; fate
  • A group of people seen together
  • Item for sale at an auction
  • Small area of land used for a purpose e.g. parking

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