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  • The modern age is inherently anthropocentric in outlook,

  • fromanthroposGreek for human, that is it places human beings and their Experience and concerns at the center of the hierarchy.

  • Above the claims of nature, animals, Gods or the universe more broadly.

  • We are now in every way, in our own eyes the center of the show.

  • But, it was not always like this,

  • traditionally, religions declined to give human beings a central place in the cosmos,

  • the ancient Greeks pictured their gods living on the summit of Mount Olympus and looking down upon humans with a mixture of amusement and pity.

  • Zen Buddhism Interpreted nature with all its diverse flora and fauna as far more important than, any one kind of upright ape of questionable merit.

  • And Judaism and Christianity,

  • presented the world Theocentrically, with human life as a small, and in many ways not very impressive,

  • fragment in a much larger scheme, known only to the infinitely superior mind of God.

  • With the decline of religion, we have come to embrace the philosophy of anthropocentrism,

  • We have identified ourselves as the most important things that exist.

  • It's a move that can be cast as one of Liberation,

  • the stories on which God focused societies were founded have been displaced,

  • by more visceral tales of human heroism in business in science or in the arts.

  • But this liberation has brought an unexpected kind of suffering in its wake,

  • a vicious sense of our own lack of importance as compared with that of mightier other humans,

  • a feeling that we don't matter really, when we actually should.

  • All this is unleashed a torrent of envy and inadequacy.

  • Theocentric or biocentric societies,

  • cast all our eyes upwards and reminded us that we were, everyone of us in the wider scheme,

  • ultimately puny and forgettable propositions.

  • But in our times there is now no established point of reference beyond us that can matter,

  • what happens to us here and now is framed as overwhelmingly important.

  • It's all there is and so everything that goes wrong, everything that frustrates or disappoints us, fills the horizon of our being,

  • the idea of something bigger, older,

  • mightier, wiser and nobler than us to which we owe love and obedience has been stripped of its power to console us.

  • But tough it can seem as if there is nothing left to awe, or relativize us.

  • There is, what puts us in our place and reduces us in size, needn't be, as religions presumed gods alone.

  • It might be the site of the stars at night, spread out in a mantle of Darkness,

  • unaccountably many unimaginably distant and themselves constituting only an infinitesimal fraction of the cosmos.

  • From their perspective, all human differences fade all our conflicts and competitions feel less urgent or significant.

  • We are as nothing.

  • Or, we might remember that we're not at the center of things on a more domestic scale when we meet a small animal,

  • for example, a duck or a hedgehog its life goes on utterly oblivious to ours.

  • It feels not the slightest curiosity about who we are from its point of view,

  • we are absorbed into the immense blankness of incomprehensible things.

  • A duck will take a piece of bread as gladly from a criminal, as from a high court judge,

  • from a billionaire, as from a bankrupt felon,

  • our Individuality is suspended and that can be an enormous relief.

  • Nowadays, the sense that we are small and relatively unimportant in the universe is disorganized and fragmented,

  • religions used to organize it, interpret it, ensure our regular contact with it, and gave it its proper status.

  • They do continue to be opportunities to meet with this feeling, but they are haphazard.

  • We should take care to take them when we can,

  • whenever we feel overwhelmed, or punishingly self-absorbed,

  • when there's a chance of a walk in the wilderness a look at the stars or a few moments with an animal.

  • We should be keen to get back in touch with that all-important feeling that we are not,

  • Thankfully, the center of the show.

  • OurWho Am I” journal is designed to help us create a psychological portrait of who we are,

  • with the use of some far more unusual, entertaining and playful prompts along with bespoke psychological exercises to help develop our self understanding.

  • Follow the link on screen now to find out more.

The modern age is inherently anthropocentric in outlook,

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為什麼我們不是節目的中心? (Why We're Not the Centre of the Show)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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