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Hey, everyone, welcome to the Monthly Review, the monthly show on language learning where you discover new learning strategies, motivational tips, study tools and resource is, by the way, all the lessons and bonuses you're about to see can be downloaded for free on our website.
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Okay, today's topic is how to improve your language and speak more through preparation.
Do you think it's possible to speak more of your target language by preparing lines ahead of time Today, you're going to learn one why you should prepare for conversations ahead of time and to how you can prepare for conversations in your target language.
If you've always wanted to speak more of your target language but didn't know how, this tactic will give you more to talk about.
But first, listen up.
Here are this months.
New lessons and resource is first, the national holidays.
Cici want to know more about national holidays in the country you love.
This conversation sheet sheet teaches you all the words and phrases you'll need to talk about these holidays.
Second, do you know the seven tested ways to learn language fast.
With this e book, you'll learn how to speak better.
Remember more words and improve fast.
Download it for free right now.
Third, do you have allergies and want to be able to read food packaging?
Check out the most useful words and phrases you should know when reading food packaging from nutritional value Toe allergies forth.
I want to be able to talk about the world around you.
Then this next one minute lesson is for you.
You'll learn common geography, vocabulary fast and fifth.
Wanna play video games and your target language?
No problem.
You'll learn the basic video game words and phrases with this one minute lesson.
To get your free resource is click the link in the description below.
Right now, they're yours to keep forever.
Okay, let's jump into today's topic how to improve your language and speak more through preparation.
Okay, let's get into Part one.
Why you should prepare for conversations ahead of time.
If you're a beginner, you can probably relate to this.
When it comes to speaking, you tend to run out of things to say, and that's because you don't know enough of the language to express yourself, and that's where preparation comes in.
You may think that the conversations we have in our daily lives or spontaneous that you can't prepare for them your right to an extent.
But imagine meeting someone for the first time.
Both of you will go through some common questions and phrases like, What's your name?
My name is where you from, and how long have you been studying the language?
As a language learner, you'll have these kinds of conversations with almost every native you meet guaranteed.
They'll always ask you about how long and how you've been learning.
And even with your friends, some conversations start the same way.
For example, you say things like hate.
How are you?
How are things?
How was your weekend?
My weekend was good.
And you, let's say you went to a restaurant this weekend, man.
Now you want to talk about it well.
That allows you to prepare and learn some phrases.
Like I went to a restaurant.
The restaurant had delicious food.
The point is, some questions and phrases come up often and conversations so it makes total sense to master them ahead of time.
And you can always plan ahead and prepare for things you want to talk about.
When it comes time to speak, you know what to say, how to respond, and you don't run out of talking points as quickly.
So how do you prepare?
Let's jump into Part two.
The first thing you can do to prepare is check out our 25 questions You need to know lesson series.
This series is specifically designed to help you with the first time conversations you'll have with native speakers.
You'll learn the 25 most common questions and answer is used in conversations.
Just listen to the lessons.
Repeat outloud.
Then what would you learn to use?
Thes will serve as talking points so you can keep your conversations going.
Number to print out the curriculum for this lesson series so you can review all of the lessons at once.
The curriculum gives you the lines and vocabulary used in all lessons up front, so you can use this to review key questions and responses.
This will allow you to control conversations and ask questions instead of just having the native speaker asked you all the questions.
In other words, you'll sound like a fluid, confident and experienced.
Speaker number three.
Check out our principal conversation.
Cheat sheets.
This is another free resource that gives you lines and words for all kinds of topics.
For example, talking about hobbies, your family and much more.
Number four.
Ask yourself, What do you want to talk about?
Come up with some topics and for each topic right out potential questions and phrases that would come up in a conversation.
For example, if you want to talk about restaurants, you can have lines like my favorite restaurant is.
My favorite food is what's your favorite restaurant and then run these lines through a translation app.
It won't be perfect, but it'll give you lines to use that you can correct later.
Number five.
Look for lessons that are related to your topics with our lesson library on our site.
We have hundreds of lessons that teach you conversations.
So if you're looking for lessons related to restaurants and food, you'll get all kinds of conversations that you could use for yourself and number six.
If you're a premium plus user, get in touch with your teacher via my teacher and try a conversation with them.
They'll help you every step of the way, correct your writing and give you the lines to use in a conversation.
That way you can prepare ahead of time.
And when it comes time to speak, you'll know what to say.
All right, everyone, here's a challenge for you.
Yes, everyone watching this record.
A 32nd toe, one minute video or audio?
Tell us what's your language?
Learning goal for 2020.
If you do, you'll win a one month premium plus subscription to submit, click on the link in the description, sign up for your free lifetime account, then fill out the form attached the audio or video file and press submit.
We may feature you in next month's episode, so a lot of learners will see you and your progress, and we'll hopefully get inspired to improve and master the language.
To submit a recording, click the link in the description and follow the instructions on the page.
So thank you for watching this episode of monthly review.
Next time we'll talk about how to start conversations.
Talking points for language learners.
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And if you're ready to finally learn language the fast, fun and easy way.
And start speaking from your very first lesson, get our complete learning program.
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See you next time.