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  • stay tuned for a super delicious Brussels sprouts recipe.

  • Basie style.

  • Hey, guys, I know a lot of you been patiently patiently waiting for a recipe video.

  • So here it iss Yeah.

  • Today we're making a brussel sprouts, and I mean, look at these cute little guys.

  • They look like they were little cabbage is, In fact, they have the same kind of flavor as cabbage as well.

  • I used to go to the grocery store a lot of times and see these all the time and just pass them by because, really, it's, you know, hard to think of what you want to do with this.

  • A lot of times, people roast them in the oven with bare minimum spices and flavors, and it still tastes really good.

  • But today we're gonna show you a recipe that's spicing it up a little bit.

  • It's got a variety of spices in there that's gonna flavor these things up, and it's gonna be probably the best Brussels sprouts you have ever eaten.

  • And let me tell you, I am not usually offender Brussels sprouts, but I like these Brussels sprouts, so they're good.

  • So today we're using £1 of Brussels sprouts and we've washed them.

  • They're really fresh and nice, but just shaken up all the excess water.

  • And first, we're gonna be trimming off the edges and slicing them really, really thin.

  • Yeah.

  • So now we finished slicing them.

  • Here they are.

  • We have met a really big bolt because we're gonna be mixing some spices.

  • So here's some of the spices were using today we're just gonna mix them up in a little bowl here that we have.

  • We've got one tablespoon of coriander powder, one and 1/2 teaspoons of cumin powder.

  • Got 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric.

  • Is that half a teaspoon of dried mango powder?

  • Now, if you don't have this, this actually provides a little bit of taking us to the recipe.

  • But if you don't have this, you can always squeeze a little bit of lime or lemon juice.

  • At the end, we got 1/2 teaspoon of red chili powder.

  • Now this is gonna be to taste.

  • My red chili powder is super spicy.

  • That's why I only have a little bit.

  • But you can adjusted accordingly and we've got one and 1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan salt again.

  • You could use regular salt.

  • And of course, this is to taste as well.

  • Like my foot a little bit salty, but you can definitely cut down on it and add later if you need to.

  • So what we're gonna do is just mix this up into a little spice.

  • Clint, make sure it's evenly mixed together and any lumps are broken up.

  • And once it looks nicely incorporated, we're gonna Sprinkle the spice mixture over are finally slice brussel sprouts.

  • Now, you wanna keep mixing while you're doing this so that it gets coated evenly.

  • You don't have lumps of spices anywhere.

  • Once you got out of season again, toss evenly cooked Brussels sprouts and now we're ready to cook these.

  • So we're gonna be using a wide, flat pan because this has more surface area, and this means that it's going to give us more space for the Brussels sprouts toe get crispy, which we like.

  • But any pan will work, though, So first we're going to be adding two tablespoons of G or hide butter, and to that we're gonna be adding one tablespoon of butter.

  • Now the G is gonna have a higher smoking point.

  • That's why we put that in the pan first so that our butter doesn't burn.

  • But the butter does give a really nice flavor to the Brussels sprouts.

  • And once you're G and butter has heated up for adding 1/8 teaspoon of acid batuta working, he was about two tablespoons of crushed peanuts and two tablespoons of sesame seeds, and we're going to roast these until they get lightly brown or the sesame seeds start popping.

  • Inter flame is on medium heat.

  • You don't want it too high because you don't want this mixture to burn, so you're going to constantly keep mixing it around so it doesn't burn.

  • And once it turns a golden brown, we're gonna add in our Brussels sprouts.

  • And now we're gonna continue mixing it.

  • Make sure all the Brussels sprouts are coated in the oil mixture, so we're still on medium flame, and finally, we're gonna cover it and let it cook and be sure to stir occasionally so it doesn't burn.

  • So it's been about five minutes.

  • We're going to continue stirring guests so it doesn't burn.

  • Right now.

  • It's getting a nice caramelization, which is perfect, and the cover goes back on.

  • Let it cook further.

  • So are Brussels.

  • Sprouts have been cooking for about 10 minutes now, and we stirred them ones in between.

  • And now pretty much they're cooked.

  • See, they're browning nicely and their tender and cooked.

  • But because we want them a little bit crispy, we're gonna give it one more stir and keep the little, spread them out as much as we can and let them brown a little bit.

  • And Crispin up just a little bit more.

  • And they'll be right.

  • So Russell's brought, sir looking beautiful there nicely caramelized and little bit crispy on the edges.

  • So we switched a stove off and our final step, and this is absolutely optional.

  • This is hemp parts, and this packs a bunch of protein, especially for vegetarians and vegans.

  • Ah, a lot of protein in here and we're not really supposed to cook these because they kind of lose their nutritional value.

  • But as an optional last step, feel free to Sprinkle these over the top and just toss it.

  • And these are ready.

  • Tiu beautiful.

  • So there you have it are Brussels sprouts are ready, and let's taste them to see how they take.

  • Yeah, it's my fork.

  • Mmm.

  • Wow, I can't even I said, this blood said again, I don't like Brussels trials, but he is.

  • These were good.

  • These these, These are so yummy.

  • I can't tell you there's so much texture.

  • Usually, people associate Brussels sprouts with cabbage.

  • Cabbage tends to be mushy and you know it's cabbage.

  • But these have this incredible texture, the combination of the sesame seeds combination of the peanut crushed peanuts and the hemp seeds that we added at the very end.

  • All of that gives us really nutty and delicious texture, and you guys are gonna love these.

  • So for those of you guys who are not on the ketogenic diet, you could easily modify this rusty by cutting down on the amount of butter and gable use for this rusty.

  • And also, if you're vegan, it's a very simple modification.

  • Instead of using butter and G for this recipe, just change it out to cut oil or possibly coconut oil.

  • And it's just gonna be fabulous either way and be completely begin.

  • So the android, this rusty video and want to see more from us.

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  • Hit that bell bottoms so you'll be notified every time we post a new video.

  • And don't forget to leave a comment.

  • Give us suggestions.

  • Tell us how you like it.

  • If you try, it would love to see what your reaction to this recipe is.

  • Because we're pretty sure you're gonna love it.

  • Yes, so thanks so much for watching five finale finished trip.

  • So look.

  • Yeah, Thank you.

stay tuned for a super delicious Brussels sprouts recipe.

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印度素食小菜 - 咖喱秀 (Brussels Sprouts Stirfry Subzi - Indian Vegetarian Side Dish | Show Me The Curry)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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