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What's up guys, hope you're doing well.
And welcome to Ghetto Vocab.
A show where we attempt to define
the latest ghetto phrases
and expressions
based off your suggestions.
The first word is curved.
Like a nice curvy figure. That's what I'm going to say.
Is it another abbreviation?
Does it mean you were rejected?
I turned a curve?
You're going somewhere and you see someone you don't like you're like: ohh curve!
You're out. You're trying to look fresh...
Somebody that is doing things wrong all the time.
...the shower's just not cutting it. So what do you grab? So what do you grab? Some curve.
If you're curved your body's like.
Curved basically means to get rejected.
You like a girl. You ask her out to Chipotle and then you know she's like "no...I have
a boyfriend" and she doesn't.
Have I ever been curved? Oh yeah.
Yes, I've been curved.
I'm a guy, so definitely I've been curved plenty of times.
I smiled at a guy and he didn't smile back.
My cousin suggested that I tell a girl I like her by drawing her a picture.
So he definitely curved me. He did one of these:
Whooo...she throws it. I was like daaaaaaaaang! It was so sad. The curve. But that's never
happened ever again!
How does if feel when you get curved?
It's humiliating.
Not good.
When you're playing Mario and there you are...there's the flag pole...
If you're a dude, you should be used to getting curved.
...and you're like "yes" and then the power goes out.
If you're a female and you're getting curved, you need to seriously re-evaluate your life.
The appropriate time to curve someone is when someone has stank breath.
If you start getting a weird vibe.
She's taken and she wants to play games with you.
When someone comes too strong. You know what I mean?
The breath is too strong.
Maybe the breath is too strong.
When I curve someone I say "no thank you."
Yea umm..I don't...this this..I don't think this is going to work.
Ohh, I'm so sorry I have plans.
So, yeah. You might have to leave.
Maybe some other time I'd like to.
And I didn't buy them their dinner. You know. It was expensive. I just, I had to. I was
like "Ehh, I don't want to buy this cause you got the shrimp scampi. Ahh! And here we
are at Ale House. No one orders that at Ale House."
Have a good day.
Uhh, but you wanted to anyways and we're all eating burgers here. Guess what, you're getting
The next word is turn up.
Turn up!
Turn up?
That's a hard one to define.
You're raising the roof. You're turning things up. It's getting crazy.
Why can't we think of the...
Turn up just means get hype.
I'm so off base on that one.
Get wild.
I thought it was 100% drunk.
On a scale of 1-10, turn up is anywhere between 8-10 section.
Oh, get riled up! Get riled up.
The appropriate time to turn up.
Anytime is an appropriate time to turn up.
I'll tell ya a really appropriate time...
When you're out with your girlfriends having a good time ole time...
Right before child birth.
...but you need to make sure you stay close because if you're getting too turned up then
that attracts a whole bunch of guys over and then they try to grind on you.
Ohhh, when should you not turn up? Church?
No, cause people get turned up at church. Funerals!
In the grocery store.
If you're walking by the casket...
During a test!
...and then you just start breaking it down and then you start Dougieing.
Yoga class.
When you're being handcuffed by the police officer, do not turn up.
Do not get turnt up.
The last time I turned up...
I was at my buddies at a bar.
...probably during the Super Bowl and I was eating Mexican food.
I don't get turnt.
...and I was so turned up I was lifting up girls, putting them on my shoulder.
The last time I was turned up was three weeks ago.
...and I grabbed one that was a little bit heavy and I made her drop.
I don't want to talk about it.
When I turn up, I tend to dance a lot.
I'm all about that left shark.
You feel it the next day.
What kind of dancing are you doing?
I'm turned up over this shark.
The last word is basic.
I think basic means you're nothing.
Somebody who's not taking care of themselves.
Something that is regular.
Basic is just anyone or anything that is unsophisticated or unrefined.
Ok. Kinda close.
In pop culture, it's associated with white girls who drink Starbucks.
Someone or something who is basic?
If your favorite album is the U2 album that came on your iPhone, you are basic.
French vanilla ice cream.
Anyone who takes Iggy Azalea serious.
Regular vanilla ice cream is good. French vanilla that is garbage.
How can someone tell if their basic?
If you keep getting curved, most likely you're basic.
I would imagine most people who are basic have no clue that they're basic.
If on your iPod who have Miley Cyrus...
A basic person is a white person cause they have no culture.
Ohhhhh! Burn!
...followed by John Mayer...
Hahaha oh my God!
It's true though, right?
...followed by Owl City.
That's racist! That's racist man.
I feel like people don't know that they're basic until it's too late. It's like obesity.
It just happens slowly over time.
Is there a cure?
Yeah, self-respect.
There's scholars trying to figure that out right now.
There's absolutely no cure for being basic.
1 out of 16 basic people stay that way their whole lives.
Be yourself. Embrace the things that make you unique...that make you you!
That's all we have for this week.
Did we mess up?
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and which words you'd like to see
on the next episode.
New videos every Sunday.
No Jugamos Juegos.
Throw me the alley.
Did you see that?
You got the chocolate people over here. That's not a reference.
I fee like turn up is one of those words...
You got the strawberry people over here. Again, not a reference.
My example of someone basic:
Yes Jesus!
Thank you for my life and my blessings every day.
Scooter Magruder.
They're doing their own thing. They're living life and you're basic french vanilla.
And stop.
I'm a grown man.