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  • Smalling, remanded by Rocked Up in Shiran said Hi with a mad little cred.

  • He thought he could win.

  • But at the bar in the mountains, he'll cry.

  • That's it.

  • That's the run.

  • But as I made short work of my 100 mile ride from Muscat, Chris had found his way back onto the open road.

  • Yeah, I'm on a bike.

  • What do you mean?

  • You want a bike?

  • What bike?

  • You, Cadi?

  • 12 9 You want?

  • Yeah.

  • You better stand on a body.

  • That bike is basically a personal teleportation device.

  • Thankfully, so is she.

  • Let's get a move on.

  • Would talk a little bit.

  • Open road, come on.

  • Foot down.

  • Approaching the mountains from opposite sides.

  • We're entering the final stage of the race with no way of telling who was in front.

  • It was just one road up to the finish line, and it was a good thing this is about to get fun.

  • Wow.

  • Now this is a proper road.

  • Look at it.

  • Fantastic.

  • I would talk left, right, So good.

  • It's just old line.

  • Perfect.

  • I know this is a car show, so you probably want the sheer on to win.

  • But if it doesn't I mean, when?

  • When it doesn't.

  • Don't blame the car.

  • Flynn Harris.

  • I don't know.

  • I'm hunting in damn catching him.

  • Or maybe he's catching me.

  • I don't see that Big gold gati in my mirror.

  • I got it.

  • Come on, please let me be ahead of him.

  • Yeah, Force.

  • Come on, Mr Way have to win this.

  • This is it.

  • Okay, thanks.

  • Money.

  • Where is he?

  • That's it.

  • That's the spot.

  • He's small, but he's not that small.

  • I don't see him.

  • I think we have a winner.

  • Oh, yes, That's what I'm talking about.

  • Look at that view.

  • Harris is gonna be so mad.

  • I can't wait to see the look on his little bald face.

  • There you go.

  • I have a year old No one.

  • I think we've got this, boys.

  • I think we got all come.

  • Welcome to a mom friend Slough, Bill, But even force of my line.

  • What was your line?

  • It's like you're always stuck in second gear, which looking at now wasn't very funny, was it?

  • I was stuck in top gear, my friend.

  • Yes, Well done.

  • Well done.

Smalling, remanded by Rocked Up in Shiran said Hi with a mad little cred.

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