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  • Hi.

  • Welcome to show me the curry dot com.

  • I'm Hippo.

  • I'm a new job.

  • And today we're gonna show you how to make Bosa or they'll say licks Anonymous for South Indian food.

  • Absolutely yummy.

  • This delicious p, or sometimes some people like itself to this delicious rice and dahl crap.

  • This is It is it is.

  • And there's so many different ways to eat it.

  • There's so many different recipes out there, definitely.

  • But this one works and really get for us, and this is probably a crispy version.

  • So if you're looking for a nice crispy dosa, then stay tuned for this.

  • So here the ingredients that we're gonna use today we have two cups of long grain rice.

  • Now, if you have Buzz Nathi, which is also long grain rice, you can use that, but it's not necessary.

  • Any type of regular long grain rice will do.

  • We have two cups of that.

  • This is 1/2 a cup of horny boiled rice.

  • Now boiled rice is different from raw rice.

  • It's available in two varieties, so this pony brand of rice is parboiled, and it somehow changes its texture a little bit when it's parboiled So that's what we're using here.

  • It's half cup.

  • We have one cup of what?

  • Adult, we have two tablespoons of Jenna Belle and we have one teaspoon of Mickey or fenugreek seats.

  • So again, this is another one of those recipe that needs to be made in steps.

  • So you need a little bit of preplanning for him.

  • But you know, very easy to do.

  • You combine the rise, we washed it and we soaked it overnight.

  • And over here we took the rest of the three ingredients that maybe the do dolls again washed it separately and sew them.

  • So this is all together the dollars and maybe together and the rights together, both them washed and soaked with ample water overnight.

  • So we're gonna have a good Linda.

  • The key ingredients to making those those are.

  • You can also use a blender like this or, if you have a stone, even better.

  • So we're gonna start off by grinding the dolls and the baby, and we're gonna have just a little bit of water at a time.

  • It's important not to dump in a bunch of water at the beginning.

  • Otherwise, it's very hard to grind, so we added as we need it, we're gonna start off with 1/2 a cup of water and then add as needed.

  • Can we used one and 1/4 cups off water to grind the doll?

  • And it is absolutely smooth.

  • Should not be able to feel it should be a smooth face and you should not be able to feel any of the dog.

  • So when you're taking out the ground up belle paste into another bowl, we're gonna leave just a little bit.

  • Maybe about half a cup toe, one cup of the paste in our blender because we're gonna grind the rice next.

  • And it's really starting to grind rice by itself.

  • So a little bit of that and it will help the grinder move better.

  • Oh, can you write going?

  • So now we're gonna add in the rice and do the same thing, will keep adding little bit water, water at the time, and we grind the game to smooth beast.

  • So our rice is again ground really well, and we're gonna pour it into the dollar mixture and combine it.

  • So we ended up using one cup of water to grind the rice and the rice, though it's a very smooth paste.

  • It still will have a little bit of grit in there.

  • And that's perfectly fine.

  • That's what's gonna make the crisp.

  • We're gonna add some salt to this now we're using on iodized salt.

  • So any ideas?

  • So what do you mean?

  • He was approximately de ce one and 1/2 actually.

  • Really?

  • Esther taste.

  • But you can always adjust it later on, so it makes it grow.

  • And really, we've taken it out into this glass bowl, so you couldn't see it.

  • But we're gonna end up transferring it into a big pot because this is gonna be fermenting for about 24 hours and it'll grow and grow.

  • And keep it in here.

  • It'll be out.

  • Yes, big enough.

  • So we're using an ID I solved for this life.

  • You are using iodized salt, which is fine.

  • You just will need to salt it later after the fermentation.

  • Because I think the idea does something and it reduces the he doesn't let the informant as well.

  • So if you're using iodized, sold later, if you're using non idolize, you consult now.

  • So typically, batters like this take at least overnight for the fermentation to happen and it to become nice and bubbly and frothy.

  • But depending on what part of the world you're in.

  • If you're in a very tropical place and it's really warm all the time, it will be very soon.

  • But for us, it usually takes 24 hours before we get a nice, really nice fermentation.

  • So that time a fermentation will depend on your climate.

  • But at least you want overnight, and if longer is needed, then that's OK to leave it out longer, right?

  • I think there's a lot of different tricks people keep using saying, mentioning to us, and I think the same process.

  • I was like, Hey, you know, people put it in blankets in a laundry room, and the last time I made it, I keep it in my car, which is parked outside.

  • So I put in a man.

  • Well, I didn't like that.

  • I was done.

  • I was ready for my dinner right?

  • The other thing you could do is you can keep it in your oven.

  • It has to be tightly covered because you don't want it to form a skin on top, so cover it and you can keep it in your oven with your oven light on.

  • You don't even have to turn the oven on or anything, but just the heat from the lamp will keep it in a nice, warm place so any one of those tricks will work.

  • But we're gonna keep this in, and we will see you tomorrow with those about a fermented.

  • So it's been about 24 hours 23 24 hours and we're back with her.

  • Those had better.

  • Let's have a look.

  • Whoa!

  • That looks so good.

  • Yes, Risen.

  • Definitely.

  • And, uh, let's see.

  • Wow, look at the fermentation.

  • Beautiful.

  • So I'm gonna give it one more mix.

  • Genitals?

  • Yes, I hate to do it, but you know, it's got to be done and the little deflate because there's no escaping, and that's okay, but it is well fermented, so shouldn't have any problems.

  • Beautiful.

  • You can also give it a taste test at this point and make sure the salt is okay.

  • So this recipe of ours has Jenna Belle in it.

  • And what genital does is it makes it those are really crispy.

  • But the other thing that Jenna Belle does, it makes it a little heavier.

  • So to counter that, we're gonna have just a pinch of baking soda.

  • Now, you don't want to add your baking soda into the entire mix because you're gonna take a little bit at a time, just a few scoops here and we're gonna take just a pinch.

  • And when we say pinch, it really is a pinch a pinch baking soda And just add that in there and that little pinch will do wonders for this.

  • Just makes that through well, and do this just before you're going to make it.

  • So mix it through and we're ready now.

  • Those eyes ready, it's hot.

  • It's a cast iron one, so it needs a little time to get heated up.

  • It's really nice and hot, and we're gonna go ahead and make those says We're gonna take a few drops of oil and just rub it on.

  • If you Sprinkle a few drops of water over this, it'll just temperate.

  • In case that that was to just pull it down slightly and runs, all the wet spots have kind of dried out, can Sprinkle a little bit of oil, and once you see brown patches coming through, he can loosen the edges, and there's no need to flip it over, and it's ready to serve.

  • Another option is also to Sprinkle some dry chutney powder, and we have some potatoes stuffing.

  • So are those has.

  • Already we've made one masala dosa just to show you different variations, But you can have a plane, you can have a drink masala, and the video for the masala stuffing is in another video.

  • So I looked it up on our website, but let's give the dose of the shot, right?

  • So, of course you can have it with me.

  • You can have it somber Jack Mean powder speak.

  • So we're having this with some coconut chutney and some dry took me powder.

  • Both of those recipes are also available on our website.

  • Show me to curry dot com.

  • So look those up.

  • Jen Crowe.

  • Somber, You guess?

  • And so we've got this whole plate.

  • Everything you can find us speak work right here in the booth, but we just want to mention this is one recipe for dosa.

  • It's not the only recipe.

  • There's different types of those azar's crispy ones.

  • They're soft ones.

  • There's all different makes and models, so try this one out, see how you like it.

  • And, you know, hopefully later on, we'll have another one for another variation, Right?

  • So enjoy a though, says with masala without and join us again, another sort of show me the card dot com adding a pinch of spice to your life, okay?


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酥脆的豆沙食譜 - 咖喱秀給我看 (Crispy Dosa Recipe | Show Me The Curry)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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