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mixed tenses exercises before you were turned These exercises please make sure that you watch the revision video on all the English tenses.
If you haven't done that yet, you can click on this image to go and watch that video.
Also after you've done the exercises, please make sure that you write in the common section How you did right?
Then let's speak it.
Exercise one Ferb to wait for the bus.
Let's begin with the sentence.
I wait for the bus every day.
A sentence in the present Simple tents in the next exercise is I'm going to change the time marker and you need to give me the correct tense to go with that time.
Number one I for the boss yesterday I waited for the bus yesterday Possible number two, maybe I for the bus tomorrow.
Maybe I will wait for the bus tomorrow.
Future simple Number three I for the boss at the moment I am waiting for the bus of the moment.
Present continues Number four I for the bus.
When you called, I was waiting for the bus when you called.
Past continues number five I for the bus again.
This time tomorrow I will be waiting for the bus again this time tomorrow Future continues number six I but the bus Many times in my life I have waited for the bus many times in my life.
Present perfect number seven I for the bus before I took a taxi I had waited for the bus before I took a taxi.
Pulse perfect number eight If the bus doesn't come I for the bus for no reason.
If the bus doesn't come, I will have waited for the bus for no reason.
Future perfect Number nine I for the bus Since nine o'clock I have been waiting for the bus since nine o'clock Present Perfect continues Number time I for the bus for an hour.
When it finally arrived I had to be in waiting for the bus for an hour when it finally arrived past Perfect continues number 11 by 10 o'clock I for the bus for 45 minutes.
By 10 o'clock I will have bean waiting for the bus for 45 minutes.
Future perfect continues.
And finally number 12.
Have you decided to take the train?
No, I take the bus.
No, I am going to take the bus going to future right then let's move on to exercise, too.
Herb to visit London.
She visits London once a year present.
As with the previous exercise, I'm going to change with the time marker and you're going to give me the right tense.
Let's pick it.
Number 30.
She currently London.
She's currently visiting London president continues number 14.
See London several times in the past.
She has visited London several times in the past.
Present perfect number 15 She London since Monday.
She has been visiting London since Monday.
Perfect Continues number 16.
She London three years ago.
She visited London three years ago.
Past simple number 17.
She London.
When she met him, she was visiting London when she met him.
Past continues number 18 She London.
Once before she moved to England, she had visited London once before she moved to England.
Pulse Perfect Number 19 she London.
For a few days.
When she had to return home, she had Bean visiting London for a few days when she had to return home.
Paul's perfect continues Number 20.
She probably London.
Next year, she will probably visit London next year.
Future simple number 21 She London.
This time next year she will be visiting London this time next year.
Future continues Number 22 She London Six times.
By the end of this year she will have visited London six times by the end of this year.
Future perfect.
Number 23 by tomorrow morning She London For five days she will have been visiting London for five days.
Future perfect continues number 24 as she arranged her day trip tomorrow.
She London with a guide.
She is visiting London with a guide.
President continues with a future time mark on Dhe.
Finally number 25.
Has she decided where to go next year?
She London again.
She's going to visit London again.
Going to future the stand of our exercise.
I hope you've enjoyed it.
As you know, What you can do next is to go to our website angling dot com For further exercises, you will find similar exercises to what you've just done in Anglophile 105 Thank you for watching.
I look forward to seeing you in our next video.