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  • Hello, everyone.

  • Welcome back to my kitchen.

  • This is Beth, and I am going to be preparing my Lingling pot stickers the way that I prepare them with our local peuple style.

  • Of course.

  • You know, this could be a meal in itself.

  • I just take, like, the easy way around instead of like preparing the chow mein.

  • Sometimes I will buy the ah frozen chow mein and added to that.

  • But these air, so super simple to prepare.

  • So let's go ahead and try them.

  • So you put in a tablespoon of oil.

  • I went a little overboard because it's a pot of oil.

  • But, um, you want to go ahead and make sure that the entire pan is completely covered, even the covered, and then you go ahead and place here stickers.

  • You want to make sure that they don't touch.

  • And I've already got a couple of water ready because we're going to add water to this.

  • Do you buy a big old value their costumes for, I think $11.

  • Hold on my water to it.

  • So you're gonna get kind of crazy here.

  • I'm gonna cover it.

  • All right?

  • We're gonna go ahead.

  • We're gonna cover that.

  • And we're gonna cook it for medium high for eight minutes and see how it's like automatically came to a boil because it was so hot.

  • So usually wait till it's hot.

  • I mean, till it's boiling.

  • Thio put the eight minutes in there, but it just caught it right up to temperature.

  • So we're all good.

  • But now you just uncover it and you let it boil down until all the water is gone and the bottoms are slightly brown colored sea where they fell over onto one another.

  • So I'm just gonna kinda move it just a tad.

  • Um, don't move the dumplings around, though.

  • Most of 1,000,000,000 won.

  • So I just I just went against the instructions now, didn't I?

  • All right, so it looks like the water is about gone.

  • The oil still yet in there, the bottoms are very brown.

  • So I'm gonna just tell her all my chow mein is MD microwave as we speak defrosting right there.

  • Ready to put these beauties on?

  • So there you go, my ling Ling pot stickers and how I prepare them just over that simple chow mein.

  • And in less than 20 minutes, you have it prepared Perfect for a poo poo slash appetizer to go with a cold one.

Hello, everyone.

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玲玲鍋貼 ~ 一道超快的開胃菜,可以一起吃 (Ling Ling Potstickers ~ A auper fast pupu/appetizer to throw together)

  • 5 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary