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Hey, dudes, I'm highlight.
And today, on highly cooking's Christmas around the world, Siris, we are celebrating Columbia and I'm gonna show you a recipe for Bunuel.
Oh, snobby Daniels.
The recipe comes from Christina.
They're like savory Donuts.
I I love them so much.
I'm so glad that she shared the trophy with me.
And now I could share it with you to make the bone willows batter and this bull.
I've got some corn starch.
I think in Europe it's called cornflower.
It's this.
It's not cornmeal.
It's not pulling toe.
It's really, really fine, almost like talcum powder texture.
I've got some of that, and I've got a little bit of tapioca starch or many ock or yuca.
It goes by a lot of different names, so that's what you're looking for.
It's got a very similar texture to the corn starch.
It looks about the same like baby powder.
So got those in there along with some baking powder and sugar and salt.
Gonna add some milk and egg that I'll beat up together.
Okay, I'm actually not gonna add that just yet.
For the cheese part.
We'll add that first.
That was Kissel Costinha.
I think is the Colombian cheese that's used.
I cannot get that here.
So Christina suggested that kiss like with you, huh?
Which is, like a Mexican cheese would be a good substitute.
So I've got a block of that here.
Sometimes you can get cotija cheese that's already graded, and it kind of looks like that Parmesan Dr Parmesan, like in a little green canister.
Um, you can use that.
It's got a nice find, Dexter, but it's gonna be a little bit drier than the stuff that comes in a block.
So I'm gonna use the block of cheese and just I'm grading it just on the really fine holes of a microplane Coty has similar to Ah, really dry feta.
Very salty, dense kind of cheese.
So you could maybe use a fed it also, if you can't find this, So add this to my dry stuff.
They're so unusual because they're not sweet, but they're usually served with the custard called Mattia or with a like a hot chocolate.
So, um yeah, but I just got I don't even need anything within except some drinks.
They're really good drinking snacks, guys.
And then you just wanna get your hands in there and start mixing this together.
Gosh, it sounds weird.
It's like squeaky.
If there's any bigger lumps of cheese, just kind of squished.
Those with your hands eventually won a former really smooth dough.
Rather should take off your rings for you.
Get any further along.
I'm gonna make a little well, dump that and get it started with a fork and then next up with your hands and the finished product.
If you ever had the Brazilian cheese bread upon the castle, that's like baked, and it's made out of tapioca starch and cheese.
This is really similar in flavor, but of course it's fried.
So maybe it's a tiny bit more delicious.
A bit more milk hips.
See what that does?
It's all in experiment, guys.
Okay, that's better.
It's almost feel like Clay kind of feels cool to your hands.
So now we'll just start pinching off balls, um, a little bit smaller than an egg, and you like a golf ball or something, maybe even a little bit smaller than that.
You want to make sure that when you're cooking them, the inside gets cooked through without the outside's getting too dark Cup your hands really tight around it to try to get it was round of a ball as you can and compress it.
Think that once your balls or roll, do you want to heat up about 2 to 3 inches of oil?
Thio About 3 25 It's a little bit low fry, like four at a time or something.
We'll sink and then we'll start to float and then they'll start to get really nice and brown.
Okay, so my Ben Willis already there Nice and golden brown.
If you notice that your body will start to crack open, that means that your oil is probably too hot.
So, you know, just to keep it as keep it low, even a little bit below 3 25 is okay, and they took about 10 minutes.
Um, they'll cook faster, hotter, but the know explode and the insides might not be finished.
All of these cool for a moment before I bite into him, but there you go.
I hope you like this Colombian Christmas recipe.
Check out my Web site at highly cooking dot com for this principle recipe and also some other Colin being our species.
Muchas Gracias, Christina, for the recipe.
So good.
And we've really enjoyed it.
And if you're still in the market for Christmas presents for people that you love that need to know how to cook or just, like, chuckle, I have a cookbook that is for sale, that you by people.
It's got drawings in it and recipes.
All right, There you go.
Thank you so much for watching.
I hope everyone has a great holiday season and await.
I gotta taste one.
So outside is really, really crispy.
And the inside is nice and soft, pillowy like, most like way Columbia Badass.
Thank you so much.