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Hello, everyone.
This is Beth of cooking and crafting.
Today we are making chocolate Coconut almond cheesecake If you two best for creative cooking and crafty.
First thing we're going to do is we are you need to melt 1/3 cup of butter I have here one and 3/4 cup O ved graham cracker crumbs one.
Um, let's see.
1/3 cup of sugar 1/2 a cup of almonds I toasted and finally ground and my food processor at smell so delicious.
Make sure you always toast your, um whenever you add nuts to something because it always gives it a kn added bumped up flavor.
And But we're gonna have this in.
I'm going to mix us up really well, and I'm gonna press this into my cheesecake pound I preheated my oven to 300 degrees.
So this is going to go into the oven for eight minutes, and then we have to allow it to completely cool.
Before we could move on to our next step.
I have here six tablespoons of butter on dhe, four ounces of something sweet chocolate.
I'm just using, um, more fools.
I'm using the many more for this Yeah, what we're gonna do as we are going to just melt this over the medium low fire here, stirring constantly until it's smooth.
So now we are going to add in two tablespoons off flower as well as 1/2 a cup of granulated sugar And we're gonna once again just er until this is smooth A healthy cheesecake Come bottom chilling in the refrigerator right now.
Now I am going to be adding in two large eggs on DDE.
I'm gonna whisk until combined.
And then we're just gonna pour this into the crust and through that, back into the um I've been here for 15 minutes until it is just barely set.
So in this goals 15 minutes, I have four packages of cream cheese here that is at room temperature.
I am going to beat that with one cup of granulated sugar on DDE, a teaspoon of coconut extract.
And I'm gonna beat that until it is creamy.
I'm gonna add four eggs, one egg at a time, making sure that each one is incorporated before we add in the next day.
Now we add in one cup of sweetened plate coconut.
Now we're gonna add that into the, um, cheesecake right over that coconut.
I mean, that chocolate layer that we had in there, and it's gonna go back into the 300 degree oven for one hour and 10 minutes.
I have a 3.5 outs far of Ghirardelli intense dark chocolate that I'm going to break up into chunks here over medium flow heat.
You can use four ounces off bitter sweet chocolate or any type of chocolate, really, whatever your preference is, but I think it's prettier if it's dark, but we're gonna just heat this up west.
1/4 of a cup of heavy whipping cream.
It's already already melted on dhe.
When everything comes together and it's nice and smooth, we're just gonna pour that right over the top of our cheesecake.
Just make sure that you start constantly until that starts to melt.
We're just gonna go ahead and pour this over.
Being she escaped.
Spread are gonna And for the final touch of this coconut cheese cake, we're going to add some toasted coconut flakes to it and then toasted coconut like clover, chocolate, coconut almond cheesecake.