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  • NICK: Hi, everyone.

  • My name is Nick.

  • I am a engineer on the TensorBoard team.

  • And I'm here today to talk about TensorBoard and Summaries.

  • So first off, just an outline of what I'll be talking about.

  • First, I'll give an overview of TensorBoard, what it is

  • and how it works, just mostly sort of as background.

  • Then I'll talk for a bit about the tf.summary APIs.

  • In particular, how they've evolved from TF 1.x to TF 2.0.

  • And then finally, I'll talk a little bit

  • about the summary data format, log directories, event files,

  • some best practices and tips.

  • So let's go ahead and get started.

  • So TensorBoard-- hopefully, most of you

  • have heard of TensorBoard.

  • If you haven't, it's the visualization toolkit

  • for TensorFlow.

  • That's a picture of the web UI on the right.

  • Typically, you run this from the command line as the TensorBoard

  • command.

  • It prints out a URL.

  • You view it in your browser.

  • And from there on, you have a bunch of different controls

  • and visualizations.

  • And the sort of key selling point of TensorBoard

  • is that it provides cool visualizations out of the box,

  • without a lot of extra work.

  • you basically can just run it on your data

  • and get a bunch of different kinds of tools

  • and different sort of analyses you can do.

  • So let's dive into the parts of TensorBoard

  • from the user perspective a little bit.

  • First off, there's multiple dashboards.

  • So we have this sort of tabs setup

  • with dashboards across the top.

  • In the screenshot, it shows the scalers dashboard, which

  • is kind of the default one.

  • But there's also dashboards for images, histogram, graphs,

  • a whole bunch more are being added every month almost.

  • And one thing that many of the dashboards have in common

  • is this ability to sort of slice and dice

  • your data by run and by tag.

  • And a run, you can think of that as a sign

  • of a run of your TensorFlow program,

  • or your TensorFlow job.

  • And a tag corresponds to a specific named metric,

  • or a piece of summary data.

  • So here, the runs, we have a train

  • and evolve run on the lower left corner in the run selector.

  • And then we have different tags, including the cross [INAUDIBLE]

  • tag is the one being visualized.

  • And one more thing I'll mention is that one thing a lot

  • of TensorBoard emphasizes is seeing how

  • your data changes over time.

  • So most of the data takes the form of a time series.

  • And in this case, with the scalers dashboard,

  • the time series is sort of as a step count across the x-axis.

  • So we might ask, what's going on behind the scenes

  • to make this all come together?

  • And so here is our architecture diagram for TensorBoard.

  • We'll start over on the left with your TensorFlow job.

  • It writes data to disk using the tf.summary API.

  • And we'll talk both about the summary API and the event file

  • format a little more later.

  • Then the center component is TensorBoard itself.

  • We have a background thread that loads event file data.

  • And because the event file data itself

  • isn't efficient for querying, we construct a subsample

  • of the data and memory that we can query more efficiently.

  • And then the rest so TensorBoard is a web server that

  • has a plugin architecture.

  • So each dashboard on the frontend--

  • as a backend, it has a specific plugin

  • backend So for example, the scalers dashboard talks

  • to a scalers backend, images to an image backend.

  • And this allows the backends to do pre-processing or otherwise

  • structure the data in an appropriate way

  • for the frontend to display.

  • And then each plugin has a frontend dashboard component,

  • which are all compiled together by TensorBoard

  • and served as a single page and index.html.

  • And that page communicates back and forth through the backends

  • through standard HTTP requests.

  • And then finally, hopefully, we have our happy user

  • on the other end seeing their data,

  • analyzing it, getting useful insights.

  • And I'll talk a little more about just some details

  • about the frontend.

  • The front end is built on the Polymer web component

  • framework, where you define custom elements.

  • So the entirety of TensorBoard is one large custom element,

  • tf-tensorboard.

  • But that's just the top.

  • From there on, each plugin front end is--

  • each dashboard is its own frontend component.

  • For example, there's a tf-scaler dashboard.

  • And then all the way down to shared components

  • for more basic UI elements.

  • So we can think of this as a button, or a selector,

  • or a card element, or a collapsible pane.

  • And these components are shared across many of the dashboards.

  • And that's one of the key ways in which TensorBoard

  • achieves what is hopefully a somewhat uniform look

  • and feel from dashboard to dashboard.

  • The actual logic for these components

  • is implemented in JavaScript.

  • Some of that's actually TypeScript

  • that we compile to JavaScript.

  • Especially the more complicated visualizations,

  • TypeScript helps build them up as libraries

  • without having to worry about some of the pitfalls

  • you might get writing them in pure JavaScript.

  • And then the actual visualizations

  • are a mix of different implementations.

  • Many of them use Plottable, which

  • is a wrapper library over the D3, the standard JavaScript

  • visualization library.

  • Some of them use native D3.

  • And then for some of the more complex visualizations,

  • there are libraries that do some of the heavy lifting.

  • So the graph visualization, for example,

  • uses a directed graph library to do layout.

  • The projector uses a WebGL wrapper library

  • to do the 3D visualizations.

  • And the recently introduced What-If Tool plugin

  • uses the facets library from [INAUDIBLE] folks.

  • So we bring a whole bunch of different visualization

  • technologies together under one TensorBoard umbrella

  • is how you can think about the frontend.

  • So now that we have a overview of TensorBoard itself,

  • I'll talk about how your data actually gets to TensorBoard.

  • So how do you unlock all of this functionality?

  • And the spoiler announcement to that is the tf.summary API.

  • So to summarize the summary API, you

  • can think of it as structured logging for your model.

  • The goal is really to make it easy to instrument your model

  • code.

  • So to allow you to log metrics, weights,

  • details about predictions, input data, performance metrics,

  • pretty much anything that you might want to instrument.

  • And you can log these all, save them

  • to disk for later analysis.

  • And you won't necessarily always be calling the summary API

  • directly.

  • Some frameworks call the summary API for you.

  • So for examples, estimator has the summary saver hook.

  • Keras has a TensorBoard callback,

  • which takes care of some of the nitty gritty.

  • But underlying that is still the summary API.

  • So most data gets to TensorBoard in this way.

  • There are some exceptions.

  • Some dashboards have different data flows.

  • The debugger is a good example of this.

  • The debugger dashboard integrates with tfdbg.

  • It has a separate back channel that it uses

  • to communicate information.

  • It doesn't use the summary API.

  • But many of the commonly used dashboards do.

  • And so the summary API actually has sort of--

  • there's several variations.

  • And when talking about the variations,

  • it's useful to think of the API as having two basic halves.

  • On one half we have the instrumentation surface.

  • So these logging these are like logging

  • ops that you place in your model code.

  • They're pretty familiar to people

  • who have used the summary API, things like scaler, histogram,

  • image.

  • And then the other half of the summary API

  • is about writing that log data to disk.

  • And creating a specially formatted log

  • file which TensorBoard can read and extract the data from.

  • And so, just to give a sense of how those relate

  • to the different versions, there's

  • four variations of the summary API from TF 1.x to 2.0.

  • And the two key dimensions on which they vary

  • are the instrumentation side and the writing side.

  • And we'll go into this in more detail.

  • But first off, let's start with the most familiar summary

  • API from TF 1.x.

  • So just as a review-- again, if you've

  • used the summary API before, this will look familiar.

  • But this is kind of a code sample

  • of using the summary API 1.x.

  • The instrumentation ops, like scaler, actually output summary

  • protos directly.

  • And then those are merged together

  • by a merge all op that generates a combined proto output.

  • The combined output, you can fetch using session dot run.

  • And then, that output, you can write to a File Writer

  • for a particular log directory using

  • this add summary call that takes the summary proto itself

  • and also a step.

  • So this is, in a nutshell, the flow

  • for TF 1.x summary writing.

  • There's some limitations to this, which

  • I'll describe in two parts.

  • The first set of limitations has to do with the kinds of data

  • types that we can support.

  • So in TF 1.x, there's a fixed set of data types.

  • And adding new ones is a little involved.

  • It requires changes to TensorFlow in terms of you

  • would need a new proto definition field.

  • You'd need a new op definition, a new kernel, and a new Python

  • API symbol.

  • And this is a barrier to sensibility

  • for adding new data types to support new TensorBoard

  • plugins.

  • It's led people to do creative workarounds.

  • For example, like rendering a matplotlib plot

  • in your training code.

  • And then logging it as an image summary.

  • And the prompt here is, what if we instead

  • had a single op or a set of ops that could

  • generalize across data formats?

  • And this brings us to our first variation.

  • Which is the TensorBoard summary API,

  • where we try and make this extensible to new data types.

  • And the TensorBoard API, the mechanism

  • here is that we use the tensor itself as a generic data

  • container.

  • Which can correspond to--

  • for example, we can represent a histogram, an image,

  • scaler itself.

  • We can represent these all in certain formats as tensors.

  • And what this lets us do is use a shared tensor summary API

  • with some metadata that we can use

  • to describe the tensor format for our one place

  • to send summary data.

  • So TensorBoard.summary, the principle it takes

  • is actually that you can reimplement the tf.summary ops

  • and APIs as Python logic to call TensorFlow

  • ops for pre-processing and then a call to tensor summary.

  • And this is a win in the sense that you no longer need

  • individual C++ kernels and proto fields for each individual data

  • type.

  • So the TensorBoard plugins today actually do this.

  • They have for a while.

  • They have their own summary ops defined in TensorBoard.

  • And the result of this has been that for a new TensorBoard

  • plugins, where this is the only option,

  • there's been quite a bit of uptake.

  • For example, the pr_curve plugin has a pr_curve summary.

  • And that's the main route people use.

  • But for existing data types, there

  • isn't really much reason to stop using tf.summary.

  • And so, for those, it makes sense.

  • That's been what people have used.

  • But then tf.summary, it still has some other limitations.

  • And so that's what we're going to look at next.

  • So the second set of limitations in tf.summary

  • is around this requirement that the summary data

  • flows through the graph itself.

  • So merge_all uses the hidden graph collection essentially

  • to achieve the effect to the user

  • as though your summary ops have side effects of writing data.

  • Kind of like a conventional-- the way

  • you use a standard logging API.

  • But because it's using a graph collection,

  • it's not really safe for use inside control flow

  • and functions.

  • And also, with eager execution, it's very cumbersome to use.

  • You would have to keep track of outputs

  • by hand or in some way wait to send them to the writer.

  • And these limitations also apply to TensorBoard.summary ops

  • themselves.

  • Because they don't really change anything about the writing

  • structure.

  • And these limitations have sort of led to the prompt of,

  • what about if summary recording was an actual side

  • effect of op execution?

  • And so this brings us to tf.contrib summary,

  • which has new writing logic that achieves this.

  • And so here's a code sample for tf.contrib summary,

  • which looks pretty different from the original TF summary.

  • It works with eager execution.

  • But the change we have to make is now

  • we create a writer upfront via create_file_writer.

  • It's still tied to a specific log directory, which

  • we'll talk more about later.

  • You set the writer as the default writer in the context.

  • You enable summary recording.

  • And then the individual instrumentation ops

  • will actually write directly to the writer when they run.

  • So this gives you standard usage pattern of a logging

  • API that you would expect.

  • And it's compatible with eager execution

  • and also with graph execution.

  • So some details to how this works with contrib summaries.

  • The writer is backed in the TensorFlow runtime by a C++

  • resource called SummaryWriterInterface.

  • That essentially encapsulates the actual writing logic.

  • Which makes it possible in principle

  • to have different implementations of this.

  • The default writer, as conceived of by the Python code that's

  • executing, is just a handle to that resource

  • stored in the context.

  • And then instrumentation ops, like scaler and image,

  • now are stateful ops.

  • They have side effects.

  • And they achieve this by taking the default writer handle

  • as input along with the data they're supposed to write.

  • And then the actual op kernel implements the writing using

  • the C++ resource object.

  • And with this model, the Python writer objects

  • mostly manage this state.

  • They don't quite completely align because the C++ resource

  • could actually be shared across Python objects.

  • Which is a little bit different still

  • from the TensorFlow 2.0 paradigm,

  • where we want our Python state to reflect runtime state

  • 1 to 1.

  • And this was just one example of a few things

  • that we're changing with TF 2.0.

  • And with TF 2.0, we had this opportunity

  • to stitch some of these features together and make

  • one unified new tf.summary API.

  • And so here we are completing our filling

  • out of the space of possibilities

  • where we have the tf.summary API bringing together features

  • from really all three of the existing APIs in 2.0.

  • So TF summary and TF 2.0, it really represents,

  • like I said, this unification of the three different APIs.

  • The instrumentation ops are actually

  • provided by TensorBoard.

  • And they use this generic Tensor data format.

  • That's the same format as SensorBoard.summary.

  • Which lets them extend to multiple different kinds

  • of data types.

  • We borrowed the implementation of the writing logic

  • from tf.contrib summary and some of the APIs.

  • But with slightly adjusted semantics in some

  • places, mostly just so that we align with the state

  • management in TF 2.0.

  • And then there's actually a not trivial amount

  • of just glue and circular import fixes

  • to get the two halves of both TensorBoard

  • and the original TF summary writing

  • API to talk to each other.

  • And I'll go into a little bit more detail about that.

  • So the dependency structure for tf.summary and TF 2.0

  • is a little bit complicated.

  • The actual Python module contains API symbols

  • from both TensorBoard and TensorFlow fused together.

  • But because the TensorBoard symbols also

  • depend on TensorFlow, this creates

  • this complicated dependency relationship.

  • And the way we linearize this dependency relationship

  • is that tf.summary in the original TensorFlow code

  • exposes the writing APIs, like create_file_writer

  • and the actual underlying writing logic.

  • Then we have what I call a shim module in TensorFlow,

  • that merges those symbols via wildcard import

  • with the regular imports of the instrumentation APIs,

  • like scaler and image that are now defined in TensorBoard.

  • And this produces the combined namespace.

  • But now it's a TensorBoard module.

  • So then TensorFlow, in it's top level where

  • it's assembling the API together,

  • imports the TensorBoard module and sets that as the new

  • tf.summary.

  • And this does mean that the API service depends directly

  • on TensorBoard.

  • But TensorFlow already has a pip dependency on TensorBoard.

  • So this isn't really a change in that respect.

  • But the API surface is now being constructed

  • through multiple components, where the summary component is

  • provided by TensorBoard.

  • And what that gives us is a single module that

  • combines both sets of symbols.

  • So that the delta for users is smaller.

  • But we can have the code live in the appropriate places for now.

  • And so these are some code samples for the TF 2.0 summary

  • API.

  • The first one shows it under eager execution.

  • It should look fairly similar to contrib.

  • You create the writer upfront, set it as default.

  • You can call the instrumentation ops directly.

  • So you no longer need to enable summary writing, which makes

  • it a little more streamlined.

  • And I should say that the ops, they

  • write when executed in theory.

  • But there's actually some buffering in the writer.

  • So usually you want to make sure to flush the writer

  • to ensure the data is actually written to disk.

  • And this example shows an explicit flush.

  • In eager, it will do flushing for you

  • when you exit the as default context.

  • But it's good if you care about making sure--

  • like, for example, after every iteration of the loop, that you

  • have data persisted to disk, it's good to flush the writer.

  • And then this is an example with the at tf.function decorator.

  • Again, you create the writer up front.

  • One important thing to note here is that the writer,

  • you have to maintain a reference to it

  • as long as you have a function that uses the writer.

  • And this has to do with the difference between when

  • the function is traced and executed.

  • It's a limitation that hopefully we

  • can improve this a little bit.

  • But for now, at least, that's one caveat.

  • So the best way to handle that is you

  • set the writer as default in the function itself.

  • And then call instrumentation ops that you need.

  • And these write, again, when executed,

  • meaning when the function is actually called.

  • So we can see that's happening down with the my_func call.

  • And then you can flush the writer again.

  • And then, here we have an example

  • with legacy graph execution, since there are still

  • folks who use the 2.0.

  • This is a little bit more verbose.

  • But again, you create the writer.

  • You set it as default. You've constructed your graph.

  • And then, in this case, you need to explicitly initialize

  • the writer if you're running init op.

  • We have sign of a compatibility shim

  • that lets you run all of the v2 summary ops.

  • So that you don't have to keep track of them manually.

  • And then, again, flushing the writer.

  • So this is how you would use it in legacy graph execution.

  • So how do you get to TF 2.0?

  • The contrib summary API is close enough to the 2.0 summary API

  • that we do--

  • actually, mostly, we auto-migrate this in the TF

  • upgrade v2 migration script.

  • But tf.summary in 1.0 is sufficiently

  • different on the writing side that we can't really

  • do a safe auto-migration.

  • So here is the three bullet version

  • of how to migrate by hand.

  • The first thing is that the writer now needs to be present,

  • created, and set via as default before using the summary ops.

  • And this is a limitation that it's a little bit tricky.

  • We're hoping to relax this a little bit.

  • So it's possible to set a writer later.

  • But for now, you want to have the default writer already

  • present.

  • Otherwise, the summary ops basically just become no ops

  • if there's no writer, since they have no where to write to.

  • Then each op takes its own step argument now.

  • This is because since there's no later step where

  • you add the summary to the writer, that's

  • where the step was previously provided.

  • And there's also no global step in TF 2.0.

  • So there isn't really a good default variable to use.

  • So for now, steps are being passed explicitly.

  • And I'll talk about this a little more later

  • on the next slide.

  • And then the function signatures for the instrumentation ops,

  • like scaler and image, have change slightly.

  • The most obvious thing being that they no longer

  • return an output.

  • Because they write via side effect.

  • But also there's slight differences

  • in the keyword arguments that won't affect most people.

  • But it's something good to know about.

  • And these details will all be in the external migration guide

  • soon.

  • And so the other changes--

  • and this and some of the other stuff I was mentioning.

  • One change is with graph writing.

  • Since there's no default global graph in 2.0,

  • there's no direct instrumentation op

  • to write the graph.

  • Instead, the approach here is there's

  • a set of tracing style APIs to enable and disable tracing.

  • And what those do is they record the graphs of executing TF

  • functions.

  • So functions that execute well, the tracing

  • is enabled to the summary writer.

  • And this better reflects the TF 2.0 understanding

  • of graphs as something that are associated with functions

  • as they execute.

  • Then this is what I was alluding to.

  • It's still a little bit tricky to use default writers

  • with graph mode since it's not always the case

  • that you know which writer you want to use

  • as you're assembling the graph.

  • So we're working on making that a little bit

  • more user friendly.

  • And setting the step for each op is also definitely boilerplate.

  • So that's another area where we're

  • working to make it possible to set the step, maybe in one

  • place, or somehow in the context to avoid the need to pass it

  • into ops individually.

  • And then, the event file binary representation has changed.

  • This only affects you.

  • This doesn't affect TensorBoard in that TensorBoard already

  • supports this format.

  • But if you were parsing event files in any manual way,

  • you might notice this change.

  • And I'll talk a little bit more about that change

  • in the next section.

  • And finally, as mentioned, the writers now have a one to one

  • mapping to the underlying resource and event file.

  • So there's no more sharing of writer resources.

  • OK.

  • And then the last section will be about the summary data

  • format.

  • So this is log directories, event files,

  • how your data is actually persisted.

  • So first off, what is a log directory?

  • The TensorBoard command expects a required dash dash logdir

  • flag.

  • In fact, your first introduction to TensorBoard

  • may have been trying to run it.

  • And then it spits out an error that you

  • didn't pass the logdir flag.

  • So the log directory flag is the location

  • that TensorBoard expects to read data from.

  • And this is often the primary output directory

  • for a TensorFlow program.

  • Frameworks, again, like Estimator and Keras

  • have different knobs for where output goes.

  • But often, people will put it all under one root directory.

  • And that's often what people use is the log directory.

  • But TensorBoard has this flexible interpretation

  • where really all it cares about is that it's a directory

  • tree containing summary data.

  • And when I say directory tree, I really do mean a tree.

  • Because the data can be arbitrarily deep.

  • TensorBoard will traverse the entire tree

  • looking for summary data.

  • And you might think, that could sort of be a problem sometimes,

  • especially if there's hundreds, thousands of event files.

  • And it's true.

  • Yeah, log directories can be pretty large.

  • And so TensorBoard tries to take advantage

  • of structure in the log directory

  • by mapping sub directories of the logdir

  • to this notion of runs, which we talked

  • about a little bit in the early section

  • about the TensorBoard UI.

  • So again, these are runs.

  • Like, a run of a program, they're

  • not individual calls.

  • And when TensorBaord loads a run, the definition it uses

  • is that it's any directory in the logdir that has

  • at least one event file in it.

  • And in this case, we mean only direct children.

  • So the directory has to contain an actual event file.

  • And an event file is just defined

  • as a file that has the name, has the string

  • tfevents in the name.

  • Which is just the standard naming convention

  • used by summary writers.

  • So as an example of this, we have this log directory

  • structure which has a root directory logs.

  • It has two experiment sub directories in it.

  • The first experiment contains an event file.

  • So that makes that itself a run.

  • It also contains two sub directories, train and eval,

  • with event files.

  • So those two also become runs.

  • Visually, they look like sub runs.

  • But they're all considered independent runs

  • for TensorBoard, at least in the current interpretation.

  • And then, in experiment two, that

  • doesn't contain an event file directly.

  • So it's not a run.

  • But it has a train sub directory under it.

  • So TensorBoard looks at this log directory

  • and traverses it and finds four different runs.

  • And this traversal step happens continuously.

  • TensorBoard will pull a log directory for new data.

  • And this is to facilitate using TensorBoard as a way

  • to monitor the progress of a running job,

  • or even potentially a job that hasn't started yet.

  • You might start TensorBoard and your job at the same time.

  • So this directory may not even exist yet.

  • And we may expect that different runs

  • will be created as it proceeds.

  • So we need to continuously check for new directories being

  • created, new data being appended.

  • In the case where you know that your data is not changing,

  • like you're just viewing old data,

  • you can disable this using the reload interval flag.

  • And you can also adjust the interval at which it pulls.

  • So when it's traversing the log directory,

  • it does this in two passes.

  • The first pass is finding new runs.

  • So it searches the directory tree for new directories

  • with TF event files in them.

  • This can be very expensive if your tree is deeply nested,

  • and especially if it's on a remote file system.

  • And especially if the remote file system

  • is on a different continent, which I've seen sometimes.

  • So a key here is that walking the whole directory tree

  • can be pretty slow.

  • We have some optimizations for this.

  • So for example, on Google Cloud Storage,

  • rather than walking each directory individually,

  • we have this iterative globbing approach.

  • Which we basically use to find all directories at a given

  • depth at the same time, which takes advantage of the fact

  • that GCS doesn't actually really have directories.

  • They're sort of an illusion.

  • And there's other file system optimizations like this

  • that we would like to make as well.

  • But that's just one example.

  • And then the second pass, after it's found all the new runs,

  • is that it reads new event file data from each run.

  • And it goes through the runs essentially in series.

  • There is a limiting factor in Python itself

  • for paralyzing this.

  • But again, something that we are interested in working

  • on improving.

  • And then, when you actually have the set

  • of event files for a run, TensorBoard

  • iterates over them, basically, in directory listing order.

  • You might have noticed on the previous slide with the example

  • logdir that the event files all have a fix, prefix,

  • and then a time stamp.

  • And so what this means is that the directory

  • order is essentially creation order of the event files.

  • And so, in each event file, we read records from it

  • sequentially until we get to the end of the file.

  • And then at that point, TensorBoard

  • checks to see if there's a subsequent file already

  • created.

  • If so, it continues to that one.

  • Otherwise, it says, OK, I'm done with this run.

  • And then it goes to the next run.

  • And after it finishes all the runs,

  • it waits for the reload interval.

  • And then it starts the new reload cycle.

  • And this reload resumes the read from the same

  • offset in every file per run that it stopped in.

  • And an important thing to point out here

  • is that TensorBoard won't ever revisit an earlier

  • file within a run.

  • So if it finishes reading a file and continues to a later one,

  • it won't ever go back to check if the previous file contains

  • new data.

  • And this is based on the assumption

  • that the last file is the only active one, the only one being

  • actively written to.

  • And it's important to avoid checking all event files, which

  • can be-- sometimes there's thousands

  • of event files in a single run directory.

  • And so that's a mechanism for avoiding wasted rechecking.

  • But this assumption definitely doesn't always hold.

  • There are cases when a single program

  • is using multiple active writers within a run.

  • And in that case, it can seem like the data is being skipped.

  • Because you proceed to a new file.

  • And then data added to the original file no longer appears

  • in TensorBoard.

  • And luckily, it's fairly straightforward

  • to work around this.

  • You just restart TensorBoard.

  • And it will always pick up all the data that existed

  • at the time that it started.

  • But we're working on a better fix for this.

  • So that we can still detect and read when there is

  • data added to files other than the last one.

  • But this is something that has bitten people before.

  • So just a heads up.

  • And then, so the actual event file format,

  • this is based on TFRecord, which is the standard TensorFlow

  • format.

  • It's the same as TFRecordWriter.

  • And it's a pretty simple format, enough that it fits

  • on the left side of this slide.

  • It's basically just a bunch of binary strings prefixed

  • by their length with CRCs for data integrity.

  • And one particular thing that I'll note

  • is that because there's no specific length

  • for each string, there's no real way to seek ahead in the file.

  • You basically have to read it sequentially.

  • And there's also no built in compression of any kind.

  • And TensorBoard, it's possible in theory

  • to have the whole file be compressed.

  • TensorBoard doesn't support this yet.

  • But it's something that could help save space

  • when there's a lot of redundant strings within the event file.

  • And then each individual record--

  • so TFRecord is the framing structure for the event file.

  • Each individual record is a serialized event protocol

  • buffer.

  • And this simplified schema for the protocol buffer

  • is shown on the left.

  • We have a wall time and a step, which

  • are used to construct the time series.

  • And then we have a few different ways to store data.

  • But the primary one is a summary sub-message.

  • The main exception is graph data get stored in the GraphDef

  • separately.

  • And then we can look at the summary sub-message,

  • which is itself basically a list of value sub-messages.

  • That's where the actual interesting part is.

  • And each one of these contains a tag.

  • Again, from our overview of the UI,

  • that's the name or idea of the summary

  • as shown in TensorBoard.

  • We have metadata, which is used to describe the more

  • generic tensor formats.

  • And then specific type fields, including

  • ones for the original TF 1.x, specific fields for each type.

  • And then the tensor field, which can be used with the new tensor

  • style instrumentation ops to hold general forms of data.

  • And then, in terms of loading the summary data

  • into memory-- so I mentioned this briefly

  • in the architecture stage.

  • But TensorBoard has to load the summary data into memory.

  • Because, like I said, there's no real indexing or random access

  • in the event file.

  • You can think of them like they're just like raw logs.

  • And so TensorBoard loads it into memory

  • and creates its own indexes of data by run, plugin, and tag.

  • Which support the different kinds of visualization queries

  • that plugins need.

  • And TensorBoard also does downsampling in order

  • to avoid running out of memory since the log directory may

  • contain far more data than could reasonably

  • fit in TensorBoard's RAM.

  • And to do the downsampling, it uses

  • a reservoir sampling algorithm.

  • It's essentially just an algorithm for uniform

  • sampling when you don't know the size of your sequence

  • in advance, which is the case when we're consuming data

  • from an active job.

  • And because of this, it has a random aspect which

  • can be surprising to users.

  • Where you might not understand-- like,

  • why is this step being taken and not this one.

  • And there's, like, a gap between steps.

  • This can be tuned with a samples per plugin flag.

  • So that tunes the size of the reservoir.

  • Basically, if you make the reservoir larger

  • than your total number of steps, you'll

  • always see all of your data.

  • So that gives you a certain amount of control

  • over how about sampling works.

  • And just to review some of the section,

  • there's some best practices for-- at least

  • in the current TensorBoard, how to get the best performers.

  • One of the basic ones is just to avoid having enormous log

  • directories, in terms of the number

  • of files, subdirectories, quantity of data.

  • This doesn't actually mean that the overall log

  • directory has to be small.

  • It just means that TensorBoard itself

  • will run better if you can launch it

  • at a directory that just contains relevant data for what

  • you want to examine.

  • So, a hierarchical structure where

  • you can pick sort of a experiment sub-directory,

  • or group a few experiments together

  • works really well here.

  • I mentioned the reload interval.

  • You can set it to 0 to disable reload.

  • So for unchanging data, this helps avoid extra overhead.

  • And that's especially useful on a remote file system case.

  • In that case, it's also useful if you

  • can run TensorBoard close to your data,

  • or download a subset of it that you need so that it doesn't all

  • have to be fetched over the network.

  • And for now, due to the way that superseded event files aren't

  • re-read, it's best to avoid multiple active writers pointed

  • at the same directory.

  • This is something, again, that we're actively

  • working on improving this.

  • But at least for now, that can lead to this appearance

  • that some data gets skipped.

  • And then, in general, stay tuned for logdir performance

  • improvements.

  • We're hoping to make a number of these improvements soon.

  • And that pretty much rounds out the content

  • that I have for today.

  • So I'd like to thank everybody for attending.

  • And if you want to find out more about TensorBoard,

  • we have a new sub site on

  • You can also find us on GitHub.

  • And people interested in contributing

  • are welcome to join the TensorBoard special interest

  • group.

  • Thank you all very much.

  • AUDIENCE: What are the potential uses for the multiple summary

  • writers?

  • NICK: The potential use cases for the multiple summary

  • writers, sometimes this is just a matter of code structure.

  • Or if you're using a library that itself creates a summary

  • writer, it's not always straightforward to ensure

  • that you can use the same writer.

  • So TF 1.x had this File Writer cache, which was--

  • the best practice then was to use this shared cache

  • since we only had one writer per directory.

  • And it was to work around this problem.

  • I think it's better to work around it

  • on the TensorBoard side and have some ideas for how to do that.

  • So hopefully, that part will be out of date soon.

  • Like, within a month or two.

  • AUDIENCE: Are there plans to change the event file format?

  • NICK: Yeah.

  • So I think a lot of this depends on--

  • I think that the event file format

  • itself could be a lot better tailored to what TensorBoard

  • actually needs.

  • And some of the things I mentioned would just be--

  • even if we had an index into the event file,

  • that could potentially help--

  • we could potentially paralyze reads.

  • Or we could sort of scan ahead and do smarter sampling.

  • Like, rather than reading all the data

  • and then down sampling it, we could just

  • pick different offsets and sample from there.

  • We're constrained right now mostly by this being the legacy

  • format.

  • But I think it would be pretty interesting to explore

  • new formats.

  • Particularly when you have different data types mixed in,

  • something sort of columnar could be kind of useful,

  • where you can read only images if you

  • need to read images, or otherwise

  • avoid the phenomenon where-- so, this happens sometimes

  • where one particular event file contains

  • lots and lots of large images or large graph defs.

  • And this blocks the reading of a lot of small scaler data.

  • And that's, obviously, not really--

  • it doesn't really make sense.

  • But again, it's a limitation of having the data only be

  • accessible sequentially.

  • AUDIENCE: Can you talk a little bit more

  • about the graph dashboard?

  • Is graph just another summary?

  • Or how does--

  • NICK: Yeah.

  • So the graph visualization, which was actually

  • originally created by Big Picture,

  • It's a visualization of the actual TensorFlow graph.

  • So like, the computation graph with ops and edges

  • connecting them and sort of the data flow.

  • It's pretty cool.

  • It's really a good way if you want to visually understand

  • what's going on.

  • It works best when the code uses scoping to delineate

  • different parts of the model.

  • If it's just a giant soup of ops,

  • it's a little hard to understand the higher order structure.

  • And there's actually some cool work

  • done for TF 2.0, which isn't in the presentation,

  • about for Keras showing the Keras conceptual graph using

  • Keras layers to give you a better view into the high level

  • structure of the model like you'd

  • expect to see in a diagram written by a human.

  • But the graph dashboard can still

  • be useful for understanding exactly what ops are happening.

  • And sometimes it's useful for debugging cases.

  • If some part of the graph is behaving weirdly,

  • maybe you didn't realize that you actually

  • have an edge between two different ops that

  • was unexpected.

  • AUDIENCE: Are there any plans to add support

  • for basically that sort of higher order structure

  • annotation?

  • So I'm imagining, for instance, like,

  • if you have [INAUDIBLE] having the whole model, and then

  • a block, and then a sub block, and if there's

  • like five layers of structural depth, that would

  • be nice to be able to imitate.

  • NICK: Yeah.

  • I think this is an interesting question.

  • So right now, the main tool you have for that structure

  • is just name scoping.

  • But it only really works if the part of the graph

  • is all been defined in the same place anyway.

  • I think it would be really nice to have the graph visualization

  • support more strategies for human friendly annotation

  • and organization.

  • I think the recent work that we've done on this

  • has been the Keras conceptual graph, which

  • [? Stephan ?] did over there.

  • But I think having that work for not just Keras layers, but more

  • general model decomposition approaches would

  • be really nice.

  • AUDIENCE: Often, I find that the problem isn't

  • that it's not capturing enough.

  • It's actually that it's capturing too much.

  • So for instance, you'll have a convolution.

  • But then there's a bunch of loss and regularization.

  • There winds up being a bunch of tensors that sort of clutter.

  • And so actually, even the ability to filter stuff

  • out of the conceptual graph.

  • NICK: So there id a feature in the graph dashboard

  • where you can remove nodes from the main graph.

  • But I believe it has to be done by hand.

  • It does a certain amount of automatic extraction

  • of things that are sort of less important out of the graph.

  • But maybe that's a place we could look into having either

  • a smarter procedure for doing that,

  • or a way to sort of tag like, hey, this section of--

  • I don't actually want to see any of these.

  • Or this should be factored out in some way.

  • Yeah.

  • Thanks.


NICK: Hi, everyone.

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TensorFlow內部:摘要和TensorBoard (Inside TensorFlow: Summaries and TensorBoard)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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