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  • I've seen a lot of crazy things in my life.

  • Like people that play gun game and only knife across the map.

  • Tomahawks and stupid Nubes I've never seen zombies on so so just face it.

  • We're already doomed.

  • So he's on what Issa soul world coming to.

  • I've got a spacesuit on a feel like balls, but that doesn't scare zombies.

  • No, not It'll still want my brain.

  • So shoot their face killings on these on somebody's on, just face it.

  • We're already doomed.

  • Cem Bey's on Booth.

  • What is this old world coming to?

  • Yes, lonely up here, but it's pretty.

  • I can jump 20 feet in the air, thankful that my friends are with me because there's some bees everywhere.

  • So these on just face it, we're already doomed.

  • It's, um, these on what is this old world coming?

  • Thio?

  • There's freaking zombies over.

I've seen a lot of crazy things in my life.

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  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary