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>> ALEX: Yes!
[Intro Music]
>> ALEX: Hey guys, salut!
This is Alex and today I'm in my kitchen.
I’m cooking something really delicious for you guys but I'm not going to cook that alone
because I am joined by 2 amazing friends coming all the way from California: The VagaBrothers!
Come on in.
>> MARKO & ALEX A.: Hey!
>> ALEX: They came up with a challenge.
>> MARKO: So we travel all the time and we often couch surf.
When we do, we want to make a dish to say thank you to our host.
>> ALEX A.: But it has to be 3 things: Fast, Shareable and we have to be able to make it
with ingredients in our world.
>> ALEX: Hmm, okay.
So I think I have the perfect idea for you guys.
Lets cook.
>>MARKO: Okay Alex, so what dish do you got in mind?
>> ALEX: It’s a quiche but not a quiche Lorraine, like the french traditional one.
>>MARKO: The classic one, yeah -
>>ALEX: It is a Parisian Quiche.
>>MARKO: Nice!
Good twist.
>>ALEX: Number 1: The dough: 2 cups of flour, and 1 cup of softened butter.
10 seconds in the microwave, nothing more.
[Microwave beep]
>>ALEX: Good.
Then a good pinch of salt.
>>ALEX: A good trick of mine is to add some flavours to the crust: Nutmeg goes in.
A few turns of pepper.
[ERROR MESSAGE - Make sure to add 1 egg]
>>MARKO: I wanna get these hands dirty, let’s go!
>>ALEX: Mix it, exactement (exactly).
You just take it in your hands and bread crumbs is the texture you are looking for.
>>MARKO: Why is it that you want to rub it the least, mix it the least?
>>ALEX: Because basically, the less you mix it, the more crumbly it will be at the end.
>>ALEX: I will just add a dash of milk in it, and now try to form it into a ball.
[Music stops abruptly...
Laughter ensues.]
>>ALEX A.: Nice.
>>ALEX: I don’t know if the word nice applies exactly in this situation but -
>>ALEX A.: Nobody said it would be pretty.
>>ALEX: It’s not pretty but it will taste good.
[Music: (movie magic)]
>>ALEX: If you guys don’t have the time to make the dough yourself like we are doing
at the moment -
>>MARKO: - Ah ha, moi!
>>ALEX: You can buy it at your store.
You can buy some puff pastry.
You can buy some short crust pastry, that’s perfectly fine with me.
>>Marko: I think I prefer the slow way.
>>ALEX A.: Yeah, but when we’re traveling, I prefer the fast way.
>>ALEX: Yeah, maybe, maybe.
You decide.
>>ALEX: If you don’t want your pie to stick to the pie dish, grease it with some good
old butter.
>> MARKO: Spain’s all about olive oil, but France is about butter.
No doubt about it.
>>ALEX: You said it.
>>ALEX: If you use a rolling pin, then slowly, slowly just roll it around it.
Then we might, my friend, be able to lift it.
>>MARKO: Voila!
>>ALEX: Reverse operation … and then just press it down.
You can do it like a puzzle.
Take those parts and…. put them there.
>>ALEX: The dough is ready but we need to pop this in the fridge while we take on the
other ingredients.
See you in a minute.
>>ALEX A.: Numero Deux: Les ingrédients!
>>ALEX A: So then why is this a “Parisian Quiche”?
>>ALEX: I call it a parisian quiche because I’m using some parisian inspired ingredients.
Like the mushrooms: Les champignons paris.
Also the asparagus which we can find in the region and also some ham.Very famous ham in
Paris: Le Jambon de Paris.
>>ALEX A: I have no idea what “Le Jambon de Paris” is but it looks amazing and I’m
starting to get hungry.
>>ALEX: Just don’t bother.
[laughs] It tastes good!
>>ALEX A.: [laughs] It tastes good!
Don’t ask questions.
Just eat.
>>ALEX: The asparagus.
Carful with your fingers.
Always like this.
Never like this.
>>MARKO: Because like that -
>>MARKO: You’ll lose a finger.
>>ALEX: Exactly.
>>ALEX A.: Interesting fact I just found out: Not everybodies pee smells after eating asparagus.
Does yours?
>>ALEX: Yeah… just a bit.
>>ALEX A.: Yeah, mine does too.
But it’s a DNA thing.
>>ALEX: It’s a DNA thing?
>>ALEX A.: Yeah.
So some people -
>>MARKO: It’s called PNA. [laughter] DNA of your pee.
>>ALEX: Chop the mushrooms.
[chopping sounds] Place a frying pan over medium heat.
Add in some olive oil.
>>ALEX: Cook the asparagus and the mushrooms for about 10 minutes.
>>MARKO: Numero trois: La crème.
>>MARKO: Custard for all you common folks out there.
>> MARKO: So when I think of custard, I think of a sweet dessert.
What sort of custard are we making right now?
>>ALEX: Yeah, this is not exactly…
This is a savoury custard.
This is supposed to fill all the gaps in between.
>>ALEX: 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of cream, 3 eggs, a bit of pepper and a pinch of salt.
>>MARKO: That’s creamy!
>>ALEX: I always have a problem with the crème fraîche, or with the double cream...
How do you call it?
In the US?
>>MARKO: What?
>>ALEX: Double cream
>>MARKO: We call it french cream.
[laughs] I’m just joking!
>>ALEX: Fourth: Le Coup de grâce.
>>ALEX A.: uh… je ne parle pas français…. so what does le coup de grâce mean?
>>ALEX: Okay, so basically it means that everything is nearly ready and we just need to finish
>>ALEX: You see, the dough is ready.It just came out of the fridge.
>>ALEX: The custard, ready as well.
And the fillings are just drying a bit in the frying pan, which is good because it means
that they won’t be watery at the end.
>>ALEX: We need to gather them up.
>>ALEX: Some breadcrumbs on the crust, just to ensure that the fillings won’t bring
out some water and make the dough go soft instead of crispy and nice.
>>ALEX A: In it goes.
>>ALEX: Put some ham on top.
>>ALEX: So now pour in the custard as gentle as you can.
>>ALEX A: The final touch… cheese.
>>ALEX: *cheesy cheese*
>>ALEX: Okay, so guys it’s time to put it in the oven.
I told you 180 C or 360 F, on the lowest position that you can find in your oven.
[transitional music]
>>ALEX: So what can the viewers expect from you channel?
>>MARKO: Well, whenever we travel, we try to do something that’s not in the guide
book and we usually do that by meeting with locals and having them show us around their
>>MARKO: So like in Paris, we went with you, and saw a local version of the city.
>>ALEX A.: We’re super into traditions, cultures, history, but also fun stuff.
Adrenaline sports, nightlife.
Its fun, it’s engaging and we try to do all of that in 8 minutes.
>>MARKO: Just like your channel, it’s about having the right recipe.
Nice balance of ingredients.
>>ALEX: Guys, check them out in the link below or at the end of the video.
[Oven timer rings]
>>ALEX: Look’s good, my friends.
[General sounds of appreciation for the beloved quiche]
[Sounds of angels singing]
>>ALEX: We got this crumbly...looks like a biscuit.
>>MARKO: Yeah, and it’s not perfect.
It’s got its flaws but that’s what make’s it homemade.
>>ALEX: I just cut it, but at home, you’d be better off to stick it in the fridge for
like 1 hour, 2 hours maybe, just so it can set up.
Here, we don’t have the time.
We want to eat it right away.
>>ALEX: The quiche is right here.
I want you to taste it and tell me what you feel.
>>ALEX A.: I feel hungry.
>>MARKO: Oh!
The ham, the mushrooms, the custard (the sauce).
>>ALEX A.: Dude, the crust… buttery, crispy, soft on the inside, crunchy on the outside.
>>MARKO: (singing) That is the tastiest quiche… super good.
>>ALEX: So thank you guys for watching.
It’s been a pleasure to work with those fellas.
Check out their youtube channel.
It’s amazing and you will find some great tips about traveling.
>>ALEX: If you like this video, then thumbs-up like it.
If you want to share it with your friends then go for it.
Don’t be too selfish.
And also if you want to comment, please share you favourite filling for this pie.
>>ALEX: Salut, guys!
>>MARKO: Ciao!
>>ALEX A.: *muffled mouthful goodbye*
[Ending credits music]