Jim Jim Headquarters Headquarters High School High School Higher Higher History History Holiday Holiday Homework Homework Housewife Housewife Improvement improvement Income income increase increase Industry, industry inform, inform Information information, information technology information technology instruction, instruction Interview, Interview, Investigation, Investigation, Investment Investment Investor Investor Invoice invoice job, job join Join journalist, journalist, Judge, judge, keyboard, keyboard knowledge, knowledge laboratory laboratory Language language Leapt up leapt up Lawyer, lawyer lead lead learn Learn lecture, lecture Lend Lend Lesson lesson Library, library Listen, listen Literature, literature loss loss Mail carrier mail carrier manage Manage Manager Manager Marta Martha Market Market Marketing, marketing, mathematics, mathematics, mechanical pencil, mechanical pencil meeting, meeting memorize memorize Middle school, middle school monitor monitor Music music Notebook Notebook Nurse nurse Objective Objective Occupation, Occupation Offer Offer Office Office office Worker Office Worker order Order Organize Organize Output output over time over time Paintbrush, paintbrush paper, paper paperclip paperclip part time job, part time job payment payment 10 pen pencil, pencil Philosophy, philosophy photographer, photographer, Physical education, physical education, physics, physics Pilot Pilot Plagiarism Plagiarism The actor Process of drawing up plans or layouts for some project or enterprise The actor process of drawing up plans or layouts for some project or enterprise Podium podium Police officer, police officer, politician, politician Politics, Politics Portfolio Portfolio Presentation Presentation President, President, president, president, principle Principle Printer, printer product product production production, professional athlete, professional Athlete, Professor, professor profit Profit Project Project Projector, projector Promotion, promotion, Psychology, Psychology Purchase Purchase Qualification Qualification Question Question Quiz, quiz Read, Read.