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JEFF DEAN: I'm really excited to be here.
I think it was almost four years ago to the day
that we were about 20 people sitting in a small conference
room in one of the Google buildings.
We've woken up early because we wanted to kind of time
this for an early East Coast launch where
we were turning on the website
and releasing the first version of TensorFlow
as an open source project.
And I'm really, really excited to see what it's become.
It's just remarkable to see the growth and all
the different kinds of ways in which people have used
this system for all kinds of interesting things
around the world.
So one thing that's interesting is the growth
in the use of TensorFlow also kind
of mirrors the growth in interest in machine learning
and machine learning research generally around the world.
So this is a graph showing the number of machine
learning archive papers that have been posted
over the last 10 years or so.
And you can see it's growing quite, quite rapidly, much more
quickly than you might expect.
And that lower red line is kind of the nice doubling
every couple of years growth rate, exponential growth
rate we got used to in computing power, due to Moore's law
for so many years.
That's now kind of slowed down.
But you can see that the machine learning research community
is generating research ideas at faster than that rate, which
is pretty remarkable.
We've replaced computational growth with growth of ideas,
and we'll see those both together will be important.
And really, the excitement about machine learning
is because we can now do things we couldn't do before, right?
As little as five or six years ago, computers really
couldn't see that well.
And starting in about 2012, 2013,
we started to have people use deep neural networks to try
to tackle computer vision problems, image
classification, object detection, things like that.
And so now, using deep learning and deep neural networks,
you can feed in the raw pixels of an image
and fairly reliably get a prediction of what kind
of object is in that image.
Feed in the pixels there.
Red, green, and blue values in a bunch of different
coordinates, and you get out the prediction leopard.
This works for speech as well.
You can feed an audio wave forms,
and by training on lots of audio wave forms and transcripts
of what's being said in those wave forms,
we can actually take a completely new recording
and tell you what is being said amid a transcript.
Bonjour, comment allez-vous?
You can even combine these ideas and have
models that take in pixels, and instead of just predicting
classifications of what are in the object,
it can actually write a short sentence, a short caption,
that a human might write about the image--
a cheetah lying on top of a car.
That's one of my vacation photos, which was kind of cool.
And so just to show the progress in computer vision, in 2011,
Stanford hosts an ImageNet contest every year
to see how well computer vision systems can
predict one of 1,000 categories in a full color image.
And you get about a million images to train on,
and then you get a bunch of test images
your model has never seen before.
And you need to make a prediction.
In 2011, the winning entrant got 26% error, right?
So you can kind of make out what that is.
But it's pretty hard to tell.
We know from human experiment that human error
of a well-trained human, someone who's
practiced at this particular task
and really understands 1,000 categories,
gets about 5% error.
So this is not a trivial task.
And in 2016, the winning entrant got 3% error.
So just look at that tremendous progress
in the ability of computers to resolve and understand
computer imagery and have computer vision
that actually works.
This is remarkably important in the world,
because now we have systems that can perceive
the world around us and we can do all kinds of really
interesting things about.
We've seen similar progress in speech recognition and language
translation and things like that.
So for the rest of the talk, I'd like to kind of structure it
around this nice list of 14 challenges
that the US National Academy of Engineering
put out and felt like these were important things
for the science and engineering communities
to work on for the next 100 years.
They put this out in 2008 and came up
with this list of 14 things after some deliberation.
And I think you'll agree that these
are sort of pretty good large challenging problems,
that if we actually make progress
on them, that we'll actually have
a lot of progress in the world.
We'll be healthier.
We'll be able to learn things better.
We'll be able to develop better medicines.
We'll have all kinds of interesting energy solutions.
So I'm going to talk about a few of these.
And the first one I'll talk about
is restoring and improving urban infrastructure.
So we're on the cusp of the sort of widespread commercialization
of a really interesting new technology that's
going to really change how we think about transportation.
And that is autonomous vehicles.
And this is a problem that has been worked on
for quite a while, but it's now starting
to look like it's actually completely
possible and commercially viable to produce these things.
And a lot of the reason is that we now
have computer vision and machine learning techniques
that can take in sort of raw forms of data
that the sensors on these cars collect.
So they have the spinning LIDARs on the top that
give them 3D point cloud data.
They have cameras in lots of different directions.
They have radar in the front bumper and the rear bumper.
And they can really take all this raw information in,
and with a deep neural network, fuse
it all together to build a high level understanding of what
is going on around the car.
Or is it another car to my side, there's a pedestrian
up here to the left, there's a light post over there.
I don't really need to worry about that moving.
And really help to understand the environment in which
they're operating and then what actions can
they take in the world that are both legal, safe,
obey all the traffic laws, and get them from A to B.
And this is not some distant far-off dream.
Alphabet's Waymo subsidiary has actually
been running tests in Phoenix, Arizona.
Normally when they run tests, they
have a safety driver in the front seat,
ready to take over if the car does
something kind of unexpected.
But for the last year or so, they've
been running tests in Phoenix with real passengers
in the backseat and no safety drivers in the front seat,
running around suburban Phoenix.
So suburban Phoenix is a slightly easier training ground
than, say, downtown Manhattan or San Francisco.
But it's still something that is like not really far off.
It's something that's actually happening.
And this is really possible because
of things like machine learning and the use
of TensorFlow in these systems.
Another one that I'm really, really excited
about is advance health informatics.
This is a really broad area, and I
think there's lots and lots of ways
that machine learning and the use of health data
can be used to make better health care
decisions for people.
So I'll talk about one of them.
And really, I think the potential here
is that we can use machine learning
to bring the wisdom of experts through a machine learning
model anywhere in the world.
And that's really a huge, huge opportunity.
So let's look at this through one problem
we've been working on for a while, which
is diabetic retinopathy.
So diabetic retinopathy is the fastest growing cause
of preventable blindness in the world.
And screening every year, if you're at risk for this,
and if you have diabetes or early sort of symptoms that
make it likely you might develop diabetes, you should really get
screened every year.
So there's 400 million people around the world that
should be screened every year.
But the screening is really specialized.
Doctors can't do it.
You really need ophthalmologist level of training
in order to do this effectively.
And the impact of the shortage is significant.
So in India, for example, there's
a shortage of 127,000 eye doctors
to do this sort of screening.
And as a result, 45% of patients who
are diagnosed to this disease actually
have suffered either full or partial vision loss
before they're actually diagnosed and then treated.
And this is completely tragic because this disease,
if you catch it in time, is completely treatable.
There's a very simple 99% effective treatment
that we just need to make sure that the right people get
treated at the right time.
So what can you do?
So, it turns out diabetic retinopathy screening is also
a computer vision problem, and the progress
we've made on general computer vision problems
where you want to take a picture and tell if that's
a leopard or an aircraft carrier or a car
actually also works for diabetic retinopathy.
So you can take a retinal image, which
is what the screening camera, sort of the raw data that
comes off the screening camera, and try
to feed that into a model that predicts 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
That's how these things are graded,
1 being no diabetic retinopathy, 5 being proliferative,
and the other numbers being in between.
So it turns out you can get a collection of data
of retinal images and have ophthalmologists label them.
Turns out if you ask two ophthalmologists
to label the same image, they agree
with each other 60% of the time on the number 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
But perhaps slightly scarier if you
ask the same ophthalmologist to grade the same image
a few hours apart, they agree with themselves 65%
of the time.
But you can fix this by actually getting each image labeled
by a lot of ophthalmologists, so you'll
get it labeled by seven ophthalmologists.
If five of them say it's a 2, and two of them say it's a 3,
it's probably more like a 2 than a 3.
Eventually, you have a nice, high quality
data set you can train on.
Like many machine learning problems,
high quality data is the right raw ingredient.
But then you can apply, basically,
an off-the-shelf computer vision model trained on this data set.
And now you can get a model that is
on par or perhaps slightly better than the average board
certified ophthalmologist in the US, which is pretty amazing.
It turns out you can actually do better than that.
And if you get the data labeled by retinal specialists, people
who have more training in retinal disease
and change the protocol by which you label things,
you get three retinal specialists
to look at an image, discuss it amongst themselves,
and come up with what's called a sort of coordinated assessment
and one number.
Then you can train a model and now
be on par with retinal specialists, which
is kind of the gold standard of care in this area.
And that's something you can now take and distribute widely
around the world.
So one issue particularly with health care kinds of problems
is you want explainable models.
You want to be able to explain to a clinician
why is this person, why do we think this person has
moderate diabetic retinopathy.
So you can take a retinal image like this,
and one of the things that really helps
is if you can show in the model's assessment
why this is a 2 and not a 3.
And by highlighting parts of the input data,
you can actually make this more understandable for clinicians
and enable them to really sort of get behind the assessment
that the model is making.
And we've seen this in other areas as well.
There's been a lot of work on explainability,
so I think the notion that deep neural networks are
sort of complete black boxes is a bit overdone.
There's actually a bunch of good techniques
that are being developed and more
all the time that will improve this.
So a bunch of advances depend on being able to understand text.
And we've had a lot of really good improvements
in the last few years on language understanding.
So this is a bit of a story of research
and how research builds on other research.
So in 2017, a collection of Google researchers and interns
came up with a new kind of model for text called the Transformer
So unlike recurrent models where you
have kind of a sequential process where
you absorb one word or one token at a time
and update some internal state and then go on
to the next token, the Transformer model
enables you to process a whole bunch of text, all at once
in parallel, making it much more computationally efficient,
and then to use attention on previous texts
to really focus on if I'm trying to predict what
the next word is, what are other parts of the context
to the left that are relevant to predicting that?
So that paper was quite successful
and showed really good results on language translation tasks
with a lot less compute.
So the blue score there and the first two columns
for English to German and English to French, higher
is better.
And then the compute cost of these models
shows that this is getting sort of state of the art
results at that time, with 10 to 100x less compute
than other approaches.
Then in 2018, another team of Google researchers
built on the idea of Transformers.
So everything you see there in a blue oval
is a Transformer module, and they
came up with this approach called Bidirectional Encoding
Representations from Transformers, or BERT.
It's a little bit shorter and more catchy.
So BERT has this really nice property
that, in addition to using context to the left,
it uses context all around the language, sort
of the surrounding text, in order
to make predictions about text.
And the way it works is you start
with a self-supervised objective.
So the one really nice thing about this
is there's lots and lots of text in the world.
So if you can figure out a way to use that text
to train a model to be able to understand text better,
that would be great.
So we're going to take this text,
and in the BERT training objective,
to make it self-supervised, we're going to drop about 15%
of the words.
And this is actually pretty hard,
but the model is then going to try to fill in the blanks,
Try to predict what are the missing
words that were dropped.
And because we actually have the original words,
we now know if the model is correct in its guesses
about what goes in the box.
And by processing trillions of words of text like this,
you actually get a very good understanding
of contextual cues in language and how
to actually fill in the blanks in a really intelligent way.
And so that's essentially the training objective for BERT.
You take text, you drop 15% of it,
and then you try to predict those missing words.
And one key thing that works really well is that step one.
You can pre-train a model on lots and lots of text,
using this fill-in-the-blank self-supervised objective
And then step two, you can then take a language task
you really care about.
Like maybe you want to predict, is this a five-star review
or a one-star review for some hotel,
but you don't have very much labeled
text for that actual task.
You might have 10,000 reviews and know
the star count of each review.
But you can then finetune the model,
starting with the model trained in step one
on trillions of words of text and now use
your paltry 10,000 examples for the text task
you really care about.
And that works extremely well.
So in particular, BERT gave state-of-the-art results across
a broad range of different text understanding benchmarks
in this GLUE benchmark suite, which was pretty cool.
And people have been using BERT now
in this way to improve all kinds of different things
all across the language understanding and NLP space.
So one of the grand challenges was engineer the tools
of scientific discovery.
And I think it's pretty clear machine learning is actually
going to be an important component of making advances
in a lot of these other grand challenge areas,
things like autonomous vehicles or other kinds of things.
And it's been really satisfying to see what we'd hoped
would happen when we released TensorFlow as an open source
project has actually kind of come to pass,
as we were hoping, in that lots of people
would sort of pick up TensorFlow,
use it for all kinds of things.
People would improve the core system.
They would use it for tasks we would never imagine.
And that's been quite satisfying.
So people have done all kinds of things.
Some of these are uses inside of Google.
Some are outside in academic institutions.
Some are scientists working on conserving whales
or understanding ancient scripts,
many kinds of things, which is pretty neat.
The breadth of uses is really amazing.
These are the 20 winners of the AI Impact Challenge,
where people could submit proposals
for how they might use machine learning
and AI to really tackle a local challenge they
saw in their communities.
And they have all kinds of things,
ranging from trying to predict better ambulance dispatching
to identifying sort of illegal logging using
speech recognition or audio processing.
Pretty neat.
And many of them are using TensorFlow.
So one of the things we're pretty excited about
is AutoML, which is this idea of automating
some of the process by which machine
learning experts sit down and sort of make decisions to solve
machine learning problems.
So currently, you have a machine learning expert sit down,
they take data, they have computation.
They run a bunch of experiments.
They kind of stir it all together.
And eventually, you get a solution
to a problem you actually care about.
One of the things we'd like to be able to do,
though, is see if we could eliminate a lot of the need
for the human machine learning expert to run these experiments
and instead, automate the experimental process by which
a machine learning expert comes by a high quality
solution for a problem you care about.
So lots and lots of organizations
around the world have machine learning problems,
but many, many of them don't even
realize they have a machine learning problem,
let alone have people in their organization
that can tackle the problem.
So one of the earliest pieces of work
our researchers did in the space was something called
neural architecture search.
So when you sit down and design a neural network
to tackle a particular task, you make
a lot of decisions about shapes of this or that,
and should it be used 3 by 3 filters at layer 17 or 5
by 5, all kinds of things like this.
It turns out you can automate this process
by having a model generating model
and train the model generating model based on feedback
about how well the models that it generates
work on the problem you care about.
So the way this will work, we're going
to generate a bunch of models.
Those are just descriptions of different neural network
We're going to train each of those for a few hours,
and then we're going to see how well they work.
And then use the accuracy of those models
as a reinforcement learning signal for the model generating
model, to steer it away from models
that didn't work very well and towards models
that worked better.
And we're going to repeat many, many times.
And over time, we're going to get better and better
by steering the search to the parts of the space of models
that worked well.
And so it comes up with models that look a little strange,
A human probably would not sit down and wire up
a sort of machine learning, computer vision model exactly
that way.
But they're pretty effective.
So if you look at this graph, this
shows kind of the best human machine learning experts,
computer vision experts, machine learning researchers
in the world, producing a whole bunch of different kinds
of models in the last four or five years,
things like ResNet 50, DenseNet-201,
Inception-ResNet, all kinds of things.
That black dotted line is kind of the frontier
of human machine learning expert model
quality on the y-axis and computational cost
on the x-axis.
So what you see is as you go out the x-axis,
you tend to get more accuracy because you're applying
more computational cost.
But what you see is the blue dotted line
is AutoML-based solutions, systems where we've
done this automated experimentation instead
of pre-designing any particular architecture.
And you see that it's better both at the high end, where
you care about the most accurate model you can get,
regardless of computational cost,
but it's also accurate at the low end, where
you care about a really lightweight model that
might run on a phone or something like that.
And in 2019, we've actually been able to improve that
This is a set of models called Efficient Net
and it has a very kind of a slider
about you can trade off computational cost
and accuracy.
But they're all way better than human sort
of guided experimentation on the black dotted line there.
And this is true for image recognition, for [INAUDIBLE]..
It's true for object detection.
So the red line there is AutoML.
The other things are not.
It's true for language translation.
So the black line there is various kinds of Transformers.
The red line is we gave the basic components
of Transformers to an AutoML system
and allowed it to fiddle with it and come up
with something better.
It's true for computer vision models
used in autonomous vehicles.
So this was a collaboration between Waymo and Google
We were able to come up with models that were significantly
lower latency for the same quality,
or they could trade it off and get significantly lower error
rate at the same latency.
It actually works for tabular data.
So if you have lots of customer records,
and you want to predict which customers
are going to be spending $1,000 with your business next month,
you can use AutoML to come up with a high quality
model for that kind of problem.
So what do we want?
I think we want the following properties
in a machine learning model.
So one is we tend to train separate models
for each different problem we care about.
And I think this is a bit misguided.
Like, really, we want one model that does a lot of things
so that it can build on the knowledge in how it does
thousands or millions of different things,
so that when the million and first thing comes along,
it can actually use its expertise from all
the other things it knows how to do to know how to get
into a good state for the new problem
with relatively little data and relatively
little computational cost.
So these are some nice properties.
I have kind of a cartoon diagram of something
I think might make sense.
So imagine we have a model like this where it's very sparsely
activated, so different pieces of the model
have different kinds of expertise.
And they're called upon when it makes sense,
but they're mostly idle, so it's relatively computationally
[INAUDIBLE] power efficient.
But it can do many things.
And now, each component here is some piece
of machine learning model with different kinds of state,
parameters in the model, and different operations.
And a new task comes along.
Now you can imagine something like neural architecture search
becoming-- squint at it just right
and now turn it into neural pathway search.
We're going to look for components
that are really good for this new task we care about,
and maybe we'll search and find that this path
through the model actually gets us
into a pretty good state for this new task.
Because maybe it goes through components
that are trained on related tasks already.
And now maybe we want that model to be
more accurate for the purple task,
so we can add a bit more computational capacity,
add a new component, start to use
that component for this new task, continue training it,
and now, that new component can also
be used for solving other related tasks.
And each component itself might be
running some sort of interesting architectural search inside it.
So I think something like that is the direction we should
be exploring as a community.
It's not what we're doing today, but I
think it could be a pretty interesting direction.
OK, and finally, I'd like to touch on thoughtful use of AI
in society.
As we've seen more and more uses of machine learning
in our products and around the world,
it's really, really important to be
thinking carefully about how we want
to apply these technologies.
Like any technology, these systems
can be used for amazing things or things
we might find a little detrimental in various ways.
And so we've come up with a set of principles by which we think
about applying sort of machine learning and AI
to our products.
And we've made these public about a year and a half
ago as a way of sort of sharing our thought process
with the rest of the world.
And I particularly like these.
I'll point out many of these are sort of areas of research
that are not fully understood yet,
but we aim to apply the best in the state of the art methods,
for example, for reducing bias in machine learning models,
but also continue to do research and advance the state
of the art in these areas.
And so this is just kind of a taste of different kinds
of work we're doing in this area--
how do we do machine learning with more privacy,
using things like federated learning?
How do we make models more interpretable
so that a clinician can understand
the predictions it's making on diabetic retinopathy
sort of examples?
How do we make machine learning more fair?
OK, and with that, I hope I've convinced
you that deep neural nets and machine learning--
you're already here, so maybe you're
already convinced of this-- but are
helping make sort of significant advances
in a lot of hard computer science problems, computer
vision, speech recognition, language understanding.
General use of machine learning is going
to push the world forward.
So thank you very much, and I appreciate you all being here.
MEGAN KACHOLIA: Hey, everyone.
Good morning.
Just want to say, first of all, welcome.
Today, I want to talk a little bit
about TensorFlow 2.0 and some of the new updates
that we have that are going to make your experience
with TensorFlow even better.
But before I dive into a lot of those details,
I want to start off by thanking you, everyone here, everyone
on the livestream, everyone who's
been contributing to TensorFlow, all of you who
make up the community.
TensorFlow was open source to help accelerate the AI
field for everyone.
You've used it in your experiments.
You've deployed in your businesses.
You've made some amazing different applications
that we're so excited to showcase and talk about, some
that we get to see a bit here today,
which is one of my favorite parts about conferences
like this.
And you've done so much more.
And all of this has helped make TensorFlow what it is today.
It's the most popular ML ecosystem in the world.
And honestly, that would not happen
without the community being excited and embracing and using
this and giving back.
So on behalf of the entire TensorFlow team,
I really just first want to say thank you
because it's so amazing to see how TensorFlow is used.
That's one of the greatest things
I get to see about my job, is the applications
and the way folks are using TensorFlow.
I want to take a step back and talk a little bit about some
of the different user groups and how we see
them making use of TensorFlow.
TensorFlow was being used across a wide range of experiments
and applications.
So here, calling out researchers, data scientists
and developers, and there's other groups kind of in-between
as well.
Researchers use it because it's flexible.
It's flexible enough to experiment with and push
the state-of-the-art deep learning.
You heard this even just a few minutes ago,
with folks from Twitter talking about how they're
able to use TensorFlow and expand on top of it
in order to do some of the amazing things
that they want to make use of on their own platform.
And at Google, we see examples of this when researchers
are creating advanced models like Excel NAT
and some of the other things that Jeff
referenced in his talk earlier.
Taking a step forward, looking at data scientists,
data scientists and enterprise engineers
have said they rely on TensorFlow
for performance and scale in training and production
That's one of the big things about TensorFlow
that we've always emphasized and looked at from the beginning.
How can we make sure this can scale to large production use
For example, Quantify and BlackRock
use TensorFlow to test and deploy
BERT in real world NLP instances,
such as text tokenization, as well as classification.
Hopping one step forward, looking a bit at application
developers, application developers
use TensorFlow because it's easy to learn ML on the platforms
that they care about.
Arduino wants to make ML simple on microcontrollers,
so they rely on TensorFlow pre-trained models
and TensorFlow Lite Micro for deployment.
Each of these groups is a critical part
of the TensorFlow ecosystem.
And this is why we really wanted to make sure that TensorFlow
2.0 works for everyone.
We announced the alpha at our Dev Summit earlier this year.
And over the past few months, the team
has been working very hard to incorporate early feedback.
Again, thank you to the community
for giving us that early feedback,
so we can make sure we're developing something
that works well for you.
And we've been working to resolve bugs and issues
and things like that.
And just last month in September,
we were excited to announce the final general release
for TensorFlow 2.0.
You might be familiar with TensorFlow's architecture,
which has always supported the ML lifecycle from training
through deployment.
Again, one of the things we've emphasized
since the beginning when TensorFlow was initially open
sourced a few years ago.
But I want to emphasize how TensorFlow 2.0 makes
this workflow even easier and more intuitive.
First, we invested in Keras, an easy-to-use package
in TensorFlow, making it the default high level API.
Many developers love Keras because it's
easy to use and understand.
Again, you heard this already mentioned a little bit earlier,
and hopefully, we'll hear more about it
throughout the next few days.
By tightly integrating Keras into 2.0,
we can make Keras work even better with primitives
like TF data.
We can do performance optimizations behind the scenes
and run distributed training.
Again, we really wanted 2.0 to focus on usability.
How can we make it easier for developers?
How can we make it easier for users to get what they need out
of TensorFlow?
For instance, Lose It, a customized weight loss app,
said they use tf.keras for designing their network.
By leveraging [INAUDIBLE] strategy distribution in 2.0,
they were able to utilize the full power of their GPUs.
It's feedback like this that we love to hear,
and again, it's very important for us
to know how the community is making use of things, how
the community is using 2.0, the things they want to see,
so that we can make sure we're developing the right framework
and also make sure you can contribute back.
When you need a bit more control to create advanced algorithms,
2.0 comes fully loaded with eager execution,
making it familiar for Python developers.
This is especially useful when you're stepping through, doing
debugging, making sure you can really understand step
by step what's happening.
This also means there's less coding
required when training your model,
all without having to use
Again, usability is a focus.
To demonstrate the power of training models with 2.0,
I'll show you how you can train a state-of-the-art NLP model
in 10 lines of code, using the Transformers NLP library
by Hugging Face-- again, a community contribution.
This popular package hosts some of the most advanced NLP
models available today, like BERT, GPT, Transformer-XL,
XLNet, and now supports TensorFlow 2.0.
So let's take a look.
Here, kind of just looking through the code,
you can see how you can use 2.0 to train
Hugging Face's DistilBERT model for text classification.
You can see just simply load the tokenizer, model,
and the data set.
Then prepare the data set and use tf.keras compile and fit
And with a few lines of code, I can now train my model.
And with just a few more lines, we
can use the train model for tasks
such as text classification using eager execution.
Again, it's examples like this where
we can see how the community takes something and is
able to do something very exciting and amazing by making
use of the platform and the ecosystem
that TensorFlow is providing.
But building and training a model
is only one part of TensorFlow 2.0.
You need the performance to match.
That's why we worked hard to continue to improve performance
with TensorFlow 2.0.
It delivers up to 3x faster training performance
using mixed precision on NVIDIA Volta and Turing GPUs
in a few lines of code with models like ResNet-50 and BERT.
As we continue to double down on 2.0 in the future,
performance will remain a focus with more models
and with hardware accelerators.
For example, in 2.1, so the next upcoming TensorFlow release,
you can expect TPU and TPU pod support, along
with mixed precision for GPUs.
So performance is something that we're
keeping a focus on as well, while also making
sure usability really stands to the forefront.
But there's a lot more to the ecosystem.
So beyond model building and performance,
there are many other pieces that help round
out the TensorFlow ecosystem.
Add-ons and extensions are a very important piece here,
which is why we wanted to make sure that they're also
compatible with TensorFlow 2.0.
So you can use popular libraries,
like some other ones called out here,
whether it's TensorFlow Probability, TF Agents, or TF
We've also introduced a host of new libraries
to help researchers and ML practitioners
in more useful ways.
So for example, neural structure learning
helps to train neural networks with structured signals.
And the new Fairness Indicators add-on
enables regular computation and visualization
of fairness metrics.
And these are just the types of things
that you can see kind of as part of the TensorFlow
ecosystem, these add-ons that, again, can help you make
sure you're able to do the things you
need to do not with your models, but kind of beyond just that.
Another valuable aspect of the TensorFlow ecosystem
is being able to analyze your ML experiments in detail.
So this is showing TensorBoard.
TensorBoard is TensorFlow's visualization toolkit,
which is what helps you accomplish this.
It's a popular tool among researchers
and ML practitioners for tracking metrics,
visualizing model graphs and parameters, and much more.
It's very interesting that we've seen users enjoy TensorBoard
so much, they'll even take screenshots
of their experiments and then use those screenshots
to be able to share with others what
they're doing with TensorFlow.
This type of sharing and collaboration in the ML
community is something we really want
to encourage with TensorFlow.
Again, there's so much that can happen
by enabling the community to do good things.
That's why I'm excited to share the preview of,
a new, free, managed TensorBoard experience that lets you upload
and share your ML experiment results with anyone.
You'll now be able to host and track your ML experiments
and share them publicly.
No setup required.
Simply upload your logs, and then share the URL,
so that others can see the experiments
and see the things that you are doing with TensorFlow.
As a preview, we're starting off with the [INAUDIBLE] dashboard,
but over time, we'll be adding a lot more
functionality to make the sharing experience even better.
But if you're not looking to build models from scratch
and want to reduce some computational cost,
TensorFlow was always made pre-trained models
available through TensorFlow Hub.
And today, we're excited to share an improved experience
of TensorFlow Hub that's much more intuitive, where
you can find a comprehensive repository
of pre-trained models in the TensorFlow ecosystem.
This means you can find models like BERT
and others related to image, text, video,
and more that are ready to use with TensorFlow Lite
and TensorFlow.js.
Again, we wanted to make sure the experience here
was vastly improved to make it easier
for you to find what you need in order to more quickly get
to the task at hand.
And since TensorFlow is driven by all of you,
TensorFlow Hub is hosting more pre-trained models
from the community.
You'll be able to find curated models by DeepMind, Google,
Microsoft's AI for Earth, and NVIDIA ready to use today
with many more to come.
We want to make sure that TensorFlow Hub is a great place
to find some of these excellent pre-trained models.
And again, there's so much the community is doing.
We want to be able to showcase those models as well.
TensorFlow 2.0 also highlights TensorFlow's core strengths
and areas of focus, which is being
able to go from model building, experimentation,
through to production, no matter what platform you work on.
You can deploy end-to-end ML pipelines
with TensorFlow Extended or TFX.
You can use your models on mobile and embedded devices
with TensorFlow Lite for on device inference,
and you can train and run models in the browser or Node.js
with TensorFlow.js.
You'll learn more about what's new in TensorFlow
in production during the keynote sessions tomorrow.
You can learn more about these updates
by going to where you'll also
find the latest documentation, examples,
and tutorials for 2.0.
Again, we want to make sure it's easy for the community
to see what's happening, what's new,
and enable you to just do what you need to do with TensorFlow.
We've been thrilled to see the positive response to 2.0,
and we hope you continue to share your feedback.
Thank you, and I hope you enjoy the rest of TF World.
FREDERICK REISS: Hello, everyone.
I'm Fred Reiss.
I work for IBM.
I've been working for IBM since 2006.
And I've been contributing to TensorFlow Core since 2017.
But my primary job at IBM is to serve as tech lead for CODAIT.
That's the Center for Open Source Data and AI
We are an open source lab located in downtown San
Francisco, and we work on open source technologies
that are foundational to AI.
And we have on staff 44 full-time developers
who work only on open source software.
And that's a lot of developers, a lot of open source
Or is it?
Well, if you look across IBM at all of the IBM-ers
who are active contributors to open source, in that they have
committed code to GitHub in the last 30 days,
you'll find that there are almost 1,200 IBM-ers
in that category.
So our 44 developers are actually a very small slice
of a very large pie.
Oh, and those numbers, they don't include Red Hat.
When we closed that acquisition earlier this year,
we more than doubled our number of active contributors
to open source.
So you can see that IBM is really big in open source.
And more and more, the bulk of our contributions in the open
are going towards the foundations of AI.
And when I say AI, I mean AI in production.
I mean AI at scale.
AI at scale is not an algorithm.
It's not a tool.
It's a process.
It's a process that starts with data,
and then that data turns into features.
And those features train models, and those models
get deployed in applications, and those applications
produce more data.
And the whole thing starts all over again.
And at the core of this process is an ecosystem
of open source software.
And at the core of this ecosystem
is TensorFlow, which is why I'm here,
on behalf of IBM open source, to welcome you
to TensorFlow World.
Now throughout this conference, you're
going to see talks that speak to all of the different stages
of this AI lifecycle.
But I think you're going to see a special emphasis
on this part--
moving models into production.
And one of the most important aspects of moving models
into production is that when your model gets deployed
in a real-world application, it's
going to start having effects on the real world.
And it becomes important to ensure
that those effects are positive and that they're
fair to your clients, to your users.
Now, at IBM, here's a hypothetical example
that our researchers put together about a little
over a year ago.
They took some real medical records data,
and they produced a model that predicts which patients
are more likely to get sick and therefore should
get additional screening.
And they showed that if you naively trained this model,
you end up with a model that has significant racial bias,
but that by deploying state-of-the-art techniques
to adjust the data set and the process of making the model,
they could substantially reduce this bias to produce a model
that is much more fair.
You can see a Jupyter Notebook with the entire scenario
from end to end, including code and equations and results,
at the URL down here.
Again, I need to emphasize this was a hypothetical example.
We built a flawed model deliberately,
so we could show how to make it better.
But no patients were harmed in this exercise.
However, last Friday, I sat down with my morning coffee,
and I opened up the "Wall Street Journal."
And I saw this article at the bottom of page three,
describing a scenario eerily similar to our hypothetical.
When your hypothetical starts showing up
as newspapers headlines, that's kind of scary.
And I think it is incumbent upon us as an industry to move
forward the process, the technology of trust in AI,
trust and transparency in AI, which is why IBM and IBM
Research have released our toolkits of state-of-the-art
algorithms in this space as open source under AI Fairness 360,
AI Explainability 360, and Adversarial Robustness 360.
It is also why IBM is working with other members of the Linux
Foundation AI, a trusted AI committee,
to move forward open standards in this area
so that we can all move more quickly to trusted AI.
Now if you'd like to hear more on this topic,
my colleague, Animesh Singh, will
be giving a talk this afternoon at 1:40
on trusted AI for the full 40 minute session.
Also I'd like to give a quick shout out
to my other co-workers from CODAIT
who have come down here to show you cool open source
demos at the IBM booth.
That's booth 201.
Also check out our websites,
On behalf of IBM, I'd like to welcome you
all to TensorFlow World.
Enjoy the conference.
Thank you.
THEODORE SUMME: Hi, I'm Ted Summe from Twitter.
Before I get started with my conversation today,
I want to do a quick plug for Twitter.
What's great about events like this is you
get to hear people like Jeff Dean talk.
And you also get to hear from colleagues and people
in the industry that are facing similar challenges as you
and have conversations around developments in data science
and machine learning.
But what's great is that's actually available
every day on Twitter.
Twitter's phenomenal for conversation on data science
and machine learning.
People like Jeff Dean and other thought leaders
are constantly sharing their thoughts
and their developments.
And you can follow that conversation and engage in it.
And not only that, but you can bring that conversation back
to your workplace and come off looking like a hero--
just something to consider.
So without that shameless plug, my name's Ted Summe.
I lead product for Cortex.
Cortex is Twitter's central machine learning organization.
If you have any questions for me or the team,
feel free to connect with me on Twitter,
and we can follow up later.
So before we get into how we're accelerating ML at Twitter,
let's talk a little bit about how
we're even using ML at Twitter.
Twitter is largely organized against three customer needs,
the first of which is our health initiative.
That might be a little bit confusing to you.
You might think of it as user safety.
But we think about it as improving the health
of conversations on Twitter.
And machine learning is already at use here.
We use it to detect spam.
We can algorithmically and at scale
detect spam and protect our users from it.
Similarly, in the abuse space, we
can proactively flag content as potentially abuse,
toss it up for human reviews, and act on it
before our users even get impacted by it.
A third space where we're using machine learning here
is something called NSFW, Not Safe For Work.
I think you're all familiar with the acronym.
So how can we, at scale, identify this content
and handle it accordingly?
Another use of machine learning in this space.
There's more that we want to do here,
and there's more that we're already doing.
Similarly, the consumer organization-- this
is largely what you think of, the big blue app of Twitter.
And here, the customer job that we're serving
is helping connect our customers with the conversations
on Twitter that they're interested in.
And one of the primary veins in which we do this
is our timeline.
Our timeline today is ranked.
So if you're not familiar, users follow accounts.
Content and tweets associated with those accounts
get funneled into a central feed.
And we rank that based on your past engagement and interest
to make sure we bring forth the most relevant conversations
for you.
Now, there's lots of conversations on Twitter,
and you're not following everyone.
And so there's also a job that we
have to serve about bringing forth all the conversations
that you're not proactively following,
but are still relevant to you.
This has surfaced in our Recommendations product, which
uses machine learning to scan the corpus of content
on Twitter, and identify what conversations would
be most interesting to you, and push it
to you in a notification.
The inverse of that is when you know
what the topics you want to explore are,
but you're looking for the conversations around that.
That's where we use Twitter Search.
This is another surface area in the big blue app
that we're using machine learning.
The third job to be done for our customers
is helping connect brands with their customers.
You might think of this as the ads product.
And this is actually the OG of machine
learning at Twitter, the first team that implemented it.
And here, we use it for what you might expect, ads ranking.
That's kind of like the timeline ranking, but instead of tweets,
it's ads and identifying the most relevant ads
for our users.
And as signals to go into that, we also
do user targeting to understand your past engagement ads,
understand which ads are in your interest space.
And the third-- oh.
Yeah, we're still good.
And the third is brand safety.
You might not think about this when you think about machine
learning and advertising.
But if you're a company like United
and you want to advertise on Twitter,
you want to make sure that your ad never
shows up next to a tweet about a plane crash.
So how do we, at scale, protect our brands
from those off-brand conversations?
We use machine learning for this as well.
So as you can tell, machine learning
is a big part of all of these organizations today.
And where we have shared interests and shared
investment, we want to make sure we have a shared
organization that serves that.
And that's the need for Cortex.
Cortex is Twitter's central machine learning team,
and our purpose is really quite simple--
to enable Twitter with ethical and advanced AI.
And to serve that purpose, we've organized in three ways.
The first is our applied research group.
This group applies the most advanced ML techniques
from industry and research to our most important surface
areas, whether they be new initiatives or existing places.
This team you can kind of think of as like an internal task
force or consultancy that we can redeploy against the company's
top initiatives.
The second is signals.
When using machine learning, having
shared data assets that are broadly useful
can provide us more leverage.
Examples of this would be our language understanding team
that looks at tweets and identifies
named entities inside them.
Those can then be offered up as features for other teams
to consume in their own applications of machine
Similarly, our media understanding team
looks at images and can create a fingerprint of any image.
And therefore, we can identify every use of that image
across the platform.
These are examples of shared signals that we're
producing that can be used for machine learning
at scale inside the company.
And the third organization is our platform team.
And this is really the origins of Cortex.
Here, we provide tools and infrastructure
to accelerate ML development at Twitter,
increase the velocity of our ML practitioners.
And this is really the focus of the conversation today.
When we set out to build this ML platform,
we decided we wanted a shared ML platform across all of Twitter.
And why is that important that it be
shared across all of Twitter?
Well, we want transferability.
We want the great work being done in the ads team
to be, where possible, transferable
to benefit the health initiative where that's relevant.
And similarly, if we have great talent in the consumer team
that's interested in moving to the ads team,
if they're on the same platform, they
can transfer without friction and be able to ramp up quickly.
So we set out with this goal of having a shared ML
platform across all of Twitter.
And when we did that, we looked at a couple product
First, it needs to be scalable.
It needs to be able to operate at Twitter scale.
The second, it needs to be adaptable.
This space is developing quickly so we
need a platform that can evolve with data science and machine
learning developments.
Third is the talent pool.
We want to make sure that we have a development environment
at Twitter that appeals to the ML researchers and engineers
that we're hiring and developing.
Fourth is the ecosystem.
We want to be able to lean on the partners that
are developing industry leading tools
so that we can focus on technologies
that are Twitter specific.
Fourth is documentation.
You ought to understand that.
We want to be able to quickly unblock
our practitioners as they hit issues, which
is inevitable in any platform.
And finally, usability.
We want to remove friction and frustration
from the lives of our team, so that they
can focus on delivering value for our end customers.
So considering these product requirements,
let's see how TensorFlow is done against them.
First is scalability.
We validated this by putting TensorFlow
by way of our implementation we called Deep Bird
against timeline ranking.
So every tweet that's ranked in the timeline today
runs through TensorFlow.
So we can consider that test validated.
Second is adaptability.
The novel architectures that TensorFlow can support,
as well as the custom lost functions, allows
us to react to the latest research
and employ that inside the company.
An example that we published on this
publicly is our use of a SplitNet architecture and ads
So TensorFlow has been very adaptable for us.
Third is the talent pool, and we think about the talent
pool in kind of two types.
There's the ML engineer and the ML researcher.
And as a proxy of these audiences,
we looked at the GitHub data on these.
And clearly, TensorFlow is widely adopted
amongst ML engineers.
And similarly, the archive community
shows strong evidence of wide adoption
in the academic community.
On top of this proxy data, we also
have anecdotal evidence of the speed
of ramp-up for ML researchers and ML
engineers inside the company.
The fourth is the ecosystem.
Whether it's TensorBoard, TF Data Validation, TF Model
Analysis, TF Metastore, TF Hub, TFX Pipelines,
there's a slew of these products out there,
and they're phenomenal.
They allow us to focus on developing tools
and infrastructure that is specific to Twitter's needs
and lead on the great work of others.
So we're really grateful for this,
and TensorFlow does great here.
Fifth being documentation.
Now, this is what you would go to when you go to TensorFlow,
and you see that phenomenal documentation, as well as
great education resources.
But what you might not appreciate
and what we've come to really appreciate
is the value of the user generated content.
What Stack Overflow and other platforms
can provide in terms of user generated
content is almost as valuable as anything
TensorFlow itself can create.
And so TensorFlow, given its widespread adoption,
its great TensorFlow website, has
provided phenomenal documentation
for ML practitioners.
Finally, usability.
And this is why we're really excited about TensorFlow 2.0.
The orientation around the carrier's API
makes it more user friendly.
It also still continues to allow for flexibility
for more advanced users.
The eager execution enables more rapid and intuitive debugging,
and it closes the gap between ML engineers and modelers.
So clearly from this checklist, we're
pretty happy with our engagement with TensorFlow.
And we're excited about continuing
to develop the platform with them
and push the limits on what it can
do, with gratitude to the community
for their participation and involvement in the product
and appreciate their conversation on Twitter, as we
advance it.
So if you have any questions for me, as I said before,
you can connect with me, but I'm not alone here today.
A bunch of my colleagues are here as well.
So if you see them roaming the halls,
feel free to engage with them.
Or as I shared before, you can continue the conversation
on Twitter.
Here are their handles.
Thank you for your time.
CRAIG WILEY: I just want to begin
by saying I've been dabbling in Cloud AI and Cloud Machine
Learning for a while.
And during that time, it never occurred to me
that we'd be able to come out with something like we
did today because this is only possible because Google Cloud
and TensorFlow can collaborate unbelievably
closely together within Google.
So to begin, let's talk a little bit about TensorFlow--
46 million downloads.
TensorFlow has been massive growth the last few years.
It's expanded from the forefront of research, which we've
seen earlier this morning, to businesses taking it
on as a dependency for their business to operate on a day
in, day out basis.
It's a super exciting piece.
As someone who spends most all of their time thinking
about how we can bring AI and machine learning
into businesses, seeing TensorFlow's commitment
and focus on deploying actual ML in production
is super exciting to me.
With this growth, though, comes growing pains.
And part of that is things like support, right?
When my model doesn't do what I expected it to
or my training job fails, what options do I have?
And how well does your boss respond when you say,
hey, yes, I don't know why my model's not training,
but not to worry, I've put a question on Slack.
And hopefully, someone will get back to me.
We understand that businesses who
are taking a bet on TensorFlow as a critical piece
of their hardware architecture or their stack
need more than this.
Second, it can be a challenge to unlock the scale
and performance of cloud.
For those of you who, like me, have gone through this journey
over the last couple of years, for me,
it started on my laptop.
And then eventually, I outgrew my laptop,
and so I had a gaming rig under my desk, right?
With the GPU and eventually, there
were eight gaming rigs under my desk.
And when you opened the door to my office,
the whole floor knew because it sounded like [INAUDIBLE]..
And but now with today's cloud, that
doesn't have to be the case.
You can go from that single instance
all the way up to a massive scale seamlessly.
So with that, today, we bring you TensorFlow Enterprise.
TensorFlow Enterprise is designed to do three things--
one, give you Enterprise grade support; two, cloud scale
performance; and three, managed services
when and where you want them, at the abstraction level
you want them.
Enterprise grade support, what does that mean?
Fundamentally what that means is that as these businesses take
a bet on TensorFlow, many of these businesses
have IT policies or requirements that the software have
a certain longevity before they're willing to commit
to it in production.
And so today, for certain versions of TensorFlow,
when used on Google Cloud, we will extend that one year
of support a full three years.
That means that if you're building models on 1.15 today,
you can know that for the next three years,
you'll get bug fixes and security patches when
and where you need them.
Simple and scalable.
Scaling from an idea on a single node
to production at massive scale can be daunting, right?
Saying to my boss, hey, I took a sample of the data
was something that previously seemed totally reasonable,
but now we're asked to train on the entire corpus of data.
And that can take days, weeks.
We can help with all of that by deploying TensorFlow
on Google Cloud, a network that's been running TensorFlow
successfully for years and has been highly
optimized for this purpose.
So scalable across our world class architecture,
the products are compatibility tested
with the cloud, their performance optimized
for the cloud and for Google's world class infrastructure.
What does this mean?
So if any of you have ever had the opportunity
to use BigQuery, BigQuery is Google Cloud's kind
of massively parallel cloud hosted data warehouse.
And by the way, if you haven't tried using BigQuery,
I highly recommend going out and trying it.
It returns results faster than can be imagined.
That speed in BigQuery, we wanted
to make sure we were taking full advantage of that.
And so recent changes and recent pieces
included in TensorFlow Enterprise
have increased the speed of the connection between the data
warehouse and TensorFlow by three times.
Now, all of sudden, those jobs that were taking days
take hours.
Unity gaming, wonderful customer and partner with us.
You can see the quote here.
Unity leverages these aspects of TensorFlow Enterprise
in their business.
Their monetization products reach more than three billion
three billion devices worldwide.
Game developers rely on a mix of scale and products
to drive installs and revenue and player engagement.
And Unity needs to be able to quickly test, build, scale,
deploy models all at massive scale.
This allows them to serve up the best
results for their developers and their advertisers.
Managed services.
As I said, TensorFlow Enterprise will
be available on Google Cloud and will
be available as part of Google Cloud's AI platform.
It will also be available in VMs if you'd prefer that,
or in containers if you want to run them on Google Cloud
Kubernetes Engine, or using Kubeflow on Kubernetes Engine.
In summary, TensorFlow Enterprise
offers Enterprise grade support--
that continuation, that full three years of support
that IT departments are accustomed to--
cloud scale performance so that you can run at massive scale,
and works seamlessly with our managed services.
And all of this is free and fully included
for all Google Cloud users.
Google Cloud becomes the best place to run TensorFlow.
But there's one last piece, which
is for companies for whom AI is their business--
not companies for whom AI might help
with this part of their business or that or might help
optimize this campaign or this backend system,
but for companies where AI is their business, right?
Where they're training hundreds of thousands
of hours of training a year, petabytes of data, right?
Using cutting edge models to meet their unique requirements,
we are introducing TensorFlow Enterprise
with white-glove support.
This is really for cutting edge AI, right?
Engineering to engineering assistance when needed.
Close collaboration across Google
allows us to fix bugs faster if needed.
One of the great opportunities of working in cloud,
if you ask my kids, they'll tell you
that the reason I work in cloud AI
and in kind of machine learning is in an effort to keep them
ever from learning to drive.
They're eight and 10 years old, so I need people
to kind of hurry along this route, if you will.
But one of the customers and partners we have
is Cruise Automotive.
And you can see here, they're a shining example
of the work we're doing.
On their quest towards self-driving cars,
they've also experienced hiccups and challenges
and scaling problems.
And we've been a critical partner for them
in helping ensure that they can achieve the results they need
to, to solve this kind of generational defining
problem of autonomous vehicles.
You can see not only did we improve
the accuracy of their models, but also reduce training times
from four days down to one day.
This allows them to iterate at speeds previously unthinkable.
So none of this, as I said, would have been possible
without the close collaboration between Google Cloud
and TensorFlow.
I look back on Megan's recent announcement
We will be looking at bringing that type of functionality
into an enterprise environment as well in the coming months.
But we're really, really excited to get TensorFlow Enterprise
into your hands today.
To learn more and get started, you
can go to the link, as well as sessions later today.
And if you are on the cutting edge of AI,
we are accepting applications for the white-glove service
as well.
We're excited to bring this offering to teams.
We're excited to bring this offering to businesses
that want to move into a place where machine learning is
increasingly a part of how they create value.
Thank you very much for your time today
KEMAL EL MOUJAHID: Hi, my name is Kemal.
I'm the product director for TensorFlow.
So earlier, you heard from Jeff and Megan
about the prod direction.
Now, what I'd like to talk about is the most important part
of what we're building, and that's the community.
That's you.
Where's the slide?
Thank you.
So as you've seen in the video, we've
got a great roadshow, 11 events spanning five continents
to connect the community with the TensorFlow team.
I, personally, was very lucky this summer,
because I got to travel to Morocco and Ghana and Shanghai,
amongst other places, just to meet the community,
and to listen to your feedback.
And we heard a lot of great things.
So as we're thinking about, how can we best help the community?
It really came down to three things.
First, we would like to help you to connect with the larger
community, and to share the latest and greatest of what
you've been building.
Then, we also would like you--
we want to help you learn, learn about ML,
learn about TensorFlow.
And then, we want to help you contribute and give back
to the community.
So let's start with Connect.
So why connect?
Well, first the community-- the TensorFlow community
has really grown a lot.
It's huge-- 46 million downloads, 2,100 committers,
again, I know that we've been saying that all along,
but I really want to say a huge thank you
on behalf of the TensorFlow team for making the community what
it is today.
Another aspect of the community that we're very proud of
is that it's truly global.
This is a revised map of our GitHub stars.
And, as you can see, we're covering all time zones
and we keep growing.
So the community is huge.
It's truly global.
And we really want to think about,
how can we bring the community closer together?
And this is really what initiated
the idea of TensorFlow World.
We wanted to create an event for you.
We wanted an event where you could come up and connect
with the rest of the community, and share
what you've been working on.
And this has actually started organically.
Seven months ago, the TensorFlow User Groups started,
and I think now we have close to 50.
The largest one is in Korea.
It has 46,000 members.
We have 50 in China.
So if you're in the audience or in the livestream,
and you're looking to this map, and you're thinking, wait,
I don't see a dot where I live--
and you have a TensorFlow member that you're connecting with,
and you want to start a TensorFlow User Group-- well,
we'd like to help you.
So please go to,
and we'll help you get it started.
So that next year, when we look at this map,
we have dots all over the place.
So what about businesses?
We've talked about developers.
What about businesses?
One thing we heard from businesses
is they have this business problem.
They think ML can help them, but they're not sure how.
And that's a huge missed opportunity
when we look at the staggering $13 trillion
that AI will bring to the global economy over the next decade.
So you have those businesses on one side,
and then you have partners on the other side, who
know about ML, they know how to use TensorFlow,
so how do we connect those two?
Well, this was the inspiration for launching our Trusted
Partner Pilot Program, which helps you, as a business,
connect to a partner who will help you solve your ML problem.
So if you go on, you'll
find more about our Trusted Partner program.
Just a couple of examples of cool things
that they've been working on.
One partner helped a car insurance company
shorten the insurance claim processing time using
image processing techniques.
Another partner helped the global med tech company
by automating the shipping labeling process using
object recognition techniques.
And you'll hear more from these partners later today.
I encourage you to go check out their talks.
Another aspect is that if you're a partner,
and you're interested in getting into this program,
we also would like to hear from you.
So let's talk about Learn.
We've invested a lot in producing quality material
to help you learn about ML and about TensorFlow.
One thing that we did over the summer, which was very exciting
is for the first time, we're a part of the Google Summer
of Code.
We had a lot of interest.
We were able to select 20 very talented students,
and they got to work the whole summer
with amazing mentors on the TensorFlow engineering team.
And they worked on very inspiring projects
going from 2.0 to Swift to JS to TF-Agents.
So we were so excited with the success of this program
that we decided to participate, for the first time,
in a Google Code-in program.
So this is the same program, but for pre-university students
from 13 to 17.
It's a global online contest.
And it introduces teenagers to the world of contributing
to open source development.
So as I mentioned, we've invested a lot this year
on ML education material, but one thing we heard
is that there's a lot of different things.
And what you want is to be guided
through pathways of learning.
So we've worked hard on that, and we've
decided to announce the new Learn ML page
And what this is a learning path curated
for you by the TensorFlow team, and organized by level.
So you have from beginners to advanced.
You can explore books, courses, and videos
to help you improve your knowledge of machine learning,
and use that knowledge and use TensorFlow, to solve
your real-world problem.
And for more exciting news that will
be available on the website, I'd like
to play a brief video by a friend Andrew Ng.
- Hi, everyone.
I'm in New York right now, and wish
I could be there to enjoy the conference.
But I want to share with you some exciting updates. started a partnership
with the TensorFlow team with a goal
of making world-class education available for developers
on the Coursera platform.
Since releasing the Deep Learning Specialization,
I've seen so many of you, hundreds of thousands,
learn the fundamental skills of deep learning.
I'm delighted we've been able to complement that
with the TensorFlow in Practice Specialization
to help developers learn how to build
ML applications for computer vision, NLP,
sequence models, and more.
Today, I want to share with you an exciting new project
that the and TensorFlow teams have
been working on together.
Being able to use your models in a real-world scenario
is when machine learning gets particularly exciting.
So we're producing a new four-course specialization
called TensorFlow Data and Deployment that
will let you take your ML skills to the real world,
deploying models to the web, mobile devices, and more.
It will be available on Coursera in early December.
I'm excited to see what you do with these new resources.
Keep learning.
This is really cool.
Since we started working on these programs,
it's been pretty amazing to see hundreds of thousands of people
take those courses.
And the goal of these educational resources
is to let everyone participate in the ML revolution,
regardless of what your experience with machine
learning is.
And now, Contribute.
So a great way to get involved is to connect with your GDE.
We now have 126 machine learning GDEs globally.
We love our GDEs.
They're amazing.
They do amazing things for the community.
This year alone, they gave over 400 tech talks, 250 workshops.
They wrote 221 articles reaching tens of thousands
of developers.
And one thing that was new this year
is that they helped with doc sprints.
So docs are really important.
They're critical, right?
You really need good quality docs
to work on machine learning, and often the documentation
is not available in people's native languages.
And so this is why when we partnered with our GDEs,
we launched the doc sprints.
Over 9,000 API docs were updated by members of the TensorFlow
community in over 15 countries.
We heard amazing stories of power outage,
and power running out, and people coming back later
to finish a doc sprint, and actually writing
docs on their phones.
So if you've been helping with docs,
thank you, if you're in the room,
if you're over livestream, thank you so much.
If you're interested in helping translate documentation
in your native language, please reach out,
and we'll help you organize a doc sprint.
Another thing that the GDEs help with
is experimenting with the latest features.
So I want to call out Sam Witteveen, an ML
GDE from Singapore, who's already experimenting
with 2.x TPUs, and you can hear him talk later today to hear
about his experience.
So if you want to get involved, please reach out to your GDE
and start working on TensorFlow.
Another really great way to help is to join a SIG.
A SIG is a Special Interest Group,
and it helps you work on the things
that you're the most excited about on TensorFlow.
We have, now, 11 SIGs available.
Addons, IO, and Networking, in particular,
really supported the transition to 2.0
by embracing the parts of contrib
and putting them into 2.0.
And SIG Build ensures that TF runs well everywhere
on any OS, any architecture, and plays well
with the Python library.
And we have many other really exciting SIGs, so I really
encourage you to join one.
Another really great way to contribute
is through competition.
And for those of you who were there
at the Dev Summit back in March, we launched our 2.0 challenge
on DevPost.
And the grand prize was an invitation
to this event, TensorFlow World.
And so we would like to honor our 2.0 Challenge winners,
and I think we are lucky to have two of them in the room--
Victor and Kyle, if you're here.
So Victor worked on Handtrack.js, a library
for prototyping hand gesture in the browser.
And then Kyle worked on a Python 3 package to simulate N-body,
to generate N-body simulations.
So one thing we heard, too, during our travels
is, oh, that hackathon was great, but I totally missed it.
Can we have another one?
Well, yes.
Let's do another one.
So if you go on,
we're launching a new challenge.
You can apply your 2.0 skills and share
the latest and greatest, and win cool prizes.
So we're really excited to see what you're going to build.
Another great community that we're very excited to partner
with is Kaggle.
So we've launched a contest on Kaggle
to challenge you with question answering model based
on Wikipedia articles.
You can put your natural language processing skills
to the test and earn $50,000 in prizes.
It's open for entry until January 22, so best of luck.
So we have a few action items for you,
and they're listed on this slide.
But remember, we created TensorFlow World for you,
to help you connect and share what you've been working on.
So our main action item for you in the next two days
is really to get to know the community better.
And with that, I'd like to thank you,
and I hope you enjoy the rest of TF World.
Thank you.